First Day Classes

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(Y/n) POV

I wake up fairly early the next morning and do some quick pushups and situps, some might find this weird, but Robert had me doing this since day 1. Anyways exercise done I get into my uniform and see that Ron and Harry are both asleep. I head downstairs and see Hermione also up and ready to go.

(Y/n): Good morning, Hermione!

Hermione: Good Morning, (Y/n). Must you be so loud.

(Y/n): It's the start of a new adventure, why wouldn't I be excited. Also, I wanted to familiarize myself with the school layout, think you can help me?

Hermione: Of course, let's see.. we have quite a few classes together so this will be easy, follow me.

(Y/n): As you wish.

Hermione and I make it to our first class and, of course, we have arrived first. Hermione then looks around confused.

Hermione: Don't you think it's odd that the students are here before the teacher?

I look around and see a cat sitting on the teachers desk, then realize something.

(Y/n): Oh, the teacher is here.

Hermione: Where?

(Y/n): Professor McGonagall is what's called an Animagis, meaning she can turn herself into an animal. Ain't that right Professor!?

The cat jumps off the desk and transforms into Professor McGonagall and she then walks towards us, I look at Hermione who has a shocked look on her face.

McGonagall: Impressive, Mr. (L/n). not many first years can recognize an Animagis, let alone identify the individual.

(Y/n): Honestly, there are quite a few cats running around here, so lucky guess, I suppose.

McGonagall: Nevertheless, impressive. Seeing as you and Ms. Granger are the first ones here, please pick a seat.

I let Hermione pick hers and I take the one next to her, a few minutes later and more students start filing in and class starts. A while later and still no sign of Ron and Harry, Hermione leans over and whispers.

Hermione: Where are those two?

(Y/n): I don't know, it's not my day to watch them.

Just then the doors fling open and Ron and Harry rush in, clearly out of breath.

Ron: We made it. can you imagine McGonagall's face if we were late.

I was about to say something when Professor McGonagall transforms from cat to human and approaches the shocked boys.

Ron: That was brilliant.

McGonagall: Why thank you for that assessment. Perhaps it'd be better if I transfigured Mr. Potter and you into a watch. That way ne of you might be on time.

Harry: We got lost.

McGonagall: Then perhaps a map? I trust you don't need one to find your seats.

The class ends awhile later and we all head to Potions class, oh boy. As I converse with Harry, Professor Snape walks in.

Snape: There will be no wand waving or silly incantations in this class. As such, I don't expect many of you to enjoy the subtle science and exact art that is potion making. However, for those select few, who possess the predisposition, I can teach you how to bewitch the mind and ensnare the senses. I can tell you how to bottle fame, brew glory and even put a stopper in death. Then again, maybe some of you have come to Hogwarts in possession of abilities so formidable that you feel confident enough to NOT.....PAY.....ATTENTION. *emphasizing Harry*

Hermione nudges Harry making him look up at the teacher.

Snape: Mr. Potter. Tell me, what would I get if I added powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?

Hermione's hand shoots up.

Snape: Don't know? Well, let's try again. Where, Mr. Potter, would you look if I asked you to find me a bezoar?

Hermione's hand shoots up again.

Harry: I don't know sir.

Snape: And what is the difference between Monkshood and Wolfbane?

Before Hermione's hand can go up, I gently grab her hand and keep it on the desk.

Harry: I don't know sir.

Snape: Clearly fame isn't everything is it Mr. Potter?

(Y/n): Professor, * Snape turns to me* don't you think you are being a little harsh on Harry?

Snape: Well then Mr. (L/n) if you think I am being harsh on Mr. Potter perhaps you wouldn't mind answering the questions.

(Y/n): Alright then. Asphodel and Wormwood make a sleeping potion so powerful it's is known as the Draught of the Living Dead. A Bezeor is a stone taken from the stomach of a goat and, fun fact, can save you from most poisons. And as for Monkshood and Wolfsbane they are the same plant which go by the name of Acamite.

Snape: Someone, obviously, has done their research, however speak out of turn in my class again and there will be trouble and as a precaution, 5 points taken from Gryffindor, for Mr. Potter's disregard for learning the material and 10 points for (L/n) speaking when he shouldn't be.

I sigh and rub my eyes knowing that this isn't off to a great start.

Timeskip Great Hall

After class Hermione was none too pleased about Harry and myself.

Hermione: What were you thinking, Harry not knowing the material and you (Y/n) for keeping my hand down yet you spoke out of turn anyway.

(Y/n): Come on Hermione, Snape singled Harry out because he's famous. Besides Harry didn't even know magic even existed until a week ago, you honestly expect him to learn everything he needs to know in that time frame.

Seamus: Eye of rabbit, harp string hum. Turn this water into rum,

Harry: What is he doing?

Ron: Trying to turn the water to rum, actually managed a weak tea yesterday, before-


The spell exploded in Seamus' face and burned me a little, I grunt a little in pain and just rub it off.

Hermione: How did that not hurt you?

(Y/n): Oh it did, I just didn't care.

Harry: Why?

(Y/n): *sigh* Magic wasn't the only thing I have been taught. In addition to magic, Robert trained me in the art of war. Trained my body until I couldn't withstand the pain anymore, and to ignore it and persevere, no matter what.

Ron: Wicked, so your like a ninja or something?

(Y/n): No.

Hermione: Again, why?

(Y/n): I don't know. I asked Robert many times but he was always secretive about it.


Ron: Ah, mail's here.

Just then owls start pouring in and dropping parcels for various students.

Flint: Hey look, Neville's got a rememberall.

Hermione: I've read about those, when the smoke turns red it means you've for gotten something.

Neville: The trouble is, I can't remember what I've forgotten.

Harry then calls the attention of Ron, Hermione, and myself.

Harry: Hey listen to this, Somebody broke into Gringotts. Listen. 'Believed to be the work of Dark wizards or witches. Gringotts goblins acknowledge the breach, but insist nothing was taken. The vault in question, number 713, had been emptied earlier that same day.' That's odd, that's the vault Hagrid and I went to.

I then hear a caw and see my raven, Huginn, and receive a letter from dad.

Dear (Y/n),

I hope your first day is doing good and that your making friends. I grew up with many of the teachers there so don't feel bad if your struggling with any of them, cause I probably had the same issues. Also I am sending this amulet to you, it belonged to your real father and he had it with you when he sent you to me. I love son and hope you have fun. Respect and Honor.

Love, Robert

(Y/n): * quietly* Respect and Honor.

Hermione: What's that mean?

(Y/n): It's a code that Robert has me live by, a code for warriors and men in general, that's how I see it anyways. Give respect and honor to your fellow man and it will be returned to you.

I get up and walk out of the Great Hall, with a sandwich in hand. Who am I? Where did I come from? Why is my true heritage a secret? These are questions that have dogged my footsteps for years, and I fear I may never find the answers.

Timeskip Broomstick Practice

Hooch: Welcome to your first flying lesson. Now step next to you broom, stick your right hand over the broom and say up.

We all shout up, and Harry and myself get ours up immediately, while Ron gets whacked in the nose with his.

Ron: Shut up Harry.

Eventually we all get our brooms and madam Hooch tells us to try to take off, on the count of the whistle, Neville's take off and he can't get down. After a few tense moments, he finally falls off and gets snagged by a lantern. As he falls, I am quick enough to break his fall with my own body, I feel a crack in my ribcage and grunt a little but shake it off before Hooch shows up.

Hooch: You alright boys?

Neville: Yeah, I twisted my hand but (Y/n) broke my fall.

Hooch: Let's see. Oh yes, it will need to be bandaged and you Mr. (L/n)?

(Y/n): I'll be alright.

Hooch walks Neville to the Hospital wing, the Malfoy pipes up with a smirk in his face.

Malfoy: You see his face? I'll bet if he gives this a squeeze, he'll remember to fall on his fat ass.

Harry: Give it here Malfoy!

Malfoy: No, I think I'll leave it for Longbottom to find.

(Y/n): * grab Malfoys arm tightly* T'was not a request.

Malfoy loosens my grip and flies off and I grunt in pain a little, but Harry and I mount our brooms.

Hermione: Guys, no way. You heard what madam Hooch said, besides you two don't know how to fly and your hurt, (Y/n).

(Y/n): Watch me.

We take off and rise up to Malfoy, I go for a grab and miss only for Malfoy to throw the ball. Before I can react, Harry is already after it and catches it, we both descend to the ground and everyone is congratulating Harry, until.

McGonagall: Harry Potter! Follow me.

As I get off my broom, Ron then starts praising me.

Ron: You were brilliant as well (Y/n)!

(Y/n): Just trying to help a friend, that's all.

Then I look at Hermione, who has a annoyed look on her face.

(Y/n): What?

Hermione: You know damn well what. You went after Malfoy completely breaking the rules and you are already injured. Just because you don't care about the pain doesn't mean it isn't there and impeding your abilities. Come on, we're going to the hospital wing, now.

I couldn't really argue because Hermione literally dragged me to the hospital wing to get treated. I have to admit she knows when to stand up to something she knows is wrong. As I'm being treated she stayed with me to make sure I was ok, I smile at her kind gesture and she smiled back at me.

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