Arrival at Hogwarts

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(Y/n) POV

I am searching for a seat on the train heading towards Hogwarts, but every seat I am finding is full until I come across a half full compartment and see Harry and a red haired boy.

(Y/n): Harry, good to see you my friend!

Harry: Hey (Y/n), looking for a seat?

(Y/n): Actually yes, do you mind?

Harry: Please do.

(Y/n): *to redhead* I'm (Y/n) (L/n), and you are?

Ron: *mouth half full* Ron Weasley, want some?

(Y/n): Bertie Botts Every Flavor Beans? *as I start to eat one*

Ron: They mean every flavor too, there's chocolate and peppermint, but there's also Spinach, Liver, and Tripe. My brother swore he got a boogey-flavored one once. *Harry puts his back*

(Y/n): Ugh!.. I think I found the vomit flavored one!

Harry and Ron start laughing hysterically and I soon join in, until Harry picks up a small candy box.

Harry: These aren't real frogs are they?

Ron: It's just a spell, besides it's the card you want. I've got about 500 meself.

Harry opens the box and the frog starts jumping around.

Ron: Watch it!

All of a sudden it jumps out the window before I can grab and I face plant into the window.

(Y/n): Ow.

Harry: You good?

Ron: Rotten luck, that.

I get back in my seat and rub my nose a little to make the pain go away, Harry then checks out the card he got.

Harry: I've got Dumbeldore!

Ron: I got about six of him.

Harry: *looks back at the card* Hey, he's gone.

Ron: You can't expect him to hang around all day, can you?

Our attention is then turned to the rat happily munching away.

Ron: This is Scabbers by the way, pathetic, isn't he?

Harry: A little.

Ron: Fred gave me a spell to turn him yellow. Wanna see?

Harry/(Y/n): Yeah!

Just before Ron tries the spell, a familiar face appears in the doorway, looks around and asks.

Hermione: Have any of you seen a toad. a boy named Neville has lost one.

I quickly look under the seats as Ron and Harry both say no, I come back and tell her no as well.

Hermione: Oh your performing spells? Let's see them.

Ron: Sunshine, daisies, butter mellow, turn this stupid rat yellow.

It doesn't work and we are all a little disappointed, but Ron just shrugs and continues eating.

Hermione: Are you sure that's a real spell? Well, it's not very good, is it? I've only tried simple ones myself, but they've all worked for me.

(Y/n): Oh yeah, like what?

She pulls out her wand and sits down across from Harry.

Hermione: Oculus Reparo.

I am not too shocked that worked as I've used it plenty of times myself at home. but the other two are shocked at this spell. Hermione finally realizes who she's talking to and gasps.

Hermione: Holy cricket, you're Harry Potter! I'm Hermione Granger, and you are?

Ron: Um, Ron Weasley *mouth half full*

Hermione: Pleasure, and I don't think I ever got your name at the station?

(Y/n): Oh my apologies, I'm (Y/n) (L/n).

Hermione: A true pleasure. I would suggest you three change into your robes, I expect we'll be arriving soon.

She gets up to leave and turns back.

Hermione: You've got dirt on your nose, did you know.

Ron wipes it away as Hermione turns to leave. We change into our robes and sometime later we arrive at the station and disembark. Harry and I hear a loud booming voice call all first years and we head to the docks and sail to the school. As we climb the stairs, we are met by a mature woman, who then introduce herself.

Mcgonagall: Welcome to Hogwarts. Shortly, you'll pass through these doors and join your classmates, but beforehand you must be sorted into your houses. There are four houses of you which that you can be sorted into, Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin.

Professor Mcgonagall walks away, and some kid with platinum blond hair that has been slicked back pipes up.

Malfoy: So, it's true. What everyone is saying on the train, Harry Potter has come to Hogwarts.

Everyone starts to whisper amongst themselves and I already don't like this brat.

Malfoy: I'm Malfoy, Draco Malfoy.

Ron and I both chuckle at his name, but he then stares us down.

Malfoy: Think my names funny, do you. Let's see, red hair and a hand me down robe. You must be a Weasley, you'll soon find that some wizards are better than others. You don't want to go mixing with the wrong sort, I can help you there.

(Y/n): *laughs* All I see is a spoiled brat who thinks he's better than everyone else. You want to prove your better than show through action, not badmouthing everyone around you.

Malfoy: Just who might you be, big, brawny, brainless?

(Y/n): *make eye contact with him* I am (Y/n) (L/n), and you will not pick on my friends unless you want an fight.

Harry: I think I can figure the wrong sort on my own, thanks.

Before Malfoy can respond, Mcgonagall comes back and leads us all into the Great Hall where everyone is waiting. We make it to the front and there is a hat on a stool. Professor Dumbeldore gives us some rules to follow like the forbidden forest and the third floor corridor are off limits. McGonagall then calls out names to be sorted into their houses.

McGonagall: Hermione Granger!

(Y/n): *nudges and whispers* You got this.

Sorting hat: Gryffindor!

McGonagall: Draco Malfoy!

Sorting Hat: Slytherin!

McGonagall: (Y/n) (L/n)!

I start to walk, I don't even make it to the steps when the Hat yells out.

Sorting Hat: Gryffindor!

(Y/n): Uh, Ok then.

I sit down next to Hermione as both Ron and Harry are also sorted into Gryffindor. The rest of the students are sorted and the feast begins. I just start digging in whilst trying to get to know everyone, one boy, Seamus tells us he's half and half, while I was asked by Ron about my parents.

Ron: So, your dad is Robert (L/n). right?

(Y/n): Well, technically he's my step-father, he adopted me when my parents were....

Harry: Were, what?

(Y/n): Nothing, I don't wanna talk about it.

Ron: Sorry.

(Y/n): It's fine. I guess I never really got over it. My real parent were killed, I don't know by who or why, but they sent me to Robert's doorstep when I was 5. I don't even remember their faces.

Hermione and Harry put their hands on my shoulders, we continue eating and then Harry asks Percy.

Harry: Who's that teacher talking to professor Quirll?

Percy: Oh that's Professor Snape, teaches potions, but everyone knows it's the dark arts he fancies. He's been after Quirll's job for years.

Percy then leads all first years to our dorm and we come to the staircases and tells us that the stairs like to change. We then continue until we come to a painting of a lady in a white dress and the painting asks.

Fat Lady: Password?

Percy: Caput Draconis.

The lady opens into a door and we all gather round.

Percy: Boys your rooms will be up the stairs on your left, girls the same on your right. You'll find that all of your belongings have already been brought up.

I get all my stuff set up and organized using a simple spell and get ready for bed, but I then head back downstairs and see Hermione reading a book.

(Y/n): What you reading?

She turns around surprised and closes the book.

Hermione: Just going over some of the material we'll be learning this year. *looks down in embarrassment*

(Y/n): That's nothing to be ashamed about, you like to be prepared not a lot of people have that trait.

Hermione: Tell me about it *groans* I just feel like I'm going to be dispised because I'm an intellectual.

(Y/n): Hey, you got sorted into Gryffindor, that's got to count for something.

Hermione: What do you mean?

(Y/n): The first trait the Gryffindor house is known for is Bravery, if you got sorted into Gryffindor, then maybe there's more to you than meets the eye. Goodnight, Hermione.

Hermione: Goodnight.

With that I finally head to bed and nod off, I then start to wonder about that legend Mr. Ollivander mentioned. Oh well, whatever the case, this year is going to be great.

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