Year 1: Diagon Alley

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In the beautiful marketplace called Diagon Alley, there are several students getting supplies for their years of wizarding school. Amongst this crowd is a young boy and his adopted father, this is (Y/n) (L/n), a boy who was brought up learning about the history of magic by his step-father. All (Y/n) knows about himself is that he was born in Norway and his parents are dead and was left with his step-father in the countryside of Wales. Since he could walk he was not only trained about the knowledge of magic but also in the art of combat, for reasons unknown to him. Anyways, he has been accepted to attend the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and is honestly excited to be going.

Robert: Alright son, why don't you head over to Olivander's Wand Shop and I will get your books you'll need this year, huh?

(Y/n): Sure thing, dad. Be back soon.


I head into Ollivander's and there I see a boy in somewhat unkempt clothes, although I can't say much about my current attire. Anyways, the boy notices me and we start to talk.

????: Hello, are you here to get a wand too?

(Y/n): Indeed, I assume you are a first year as well?

Harry: Yeah, *we shake hands* my name is Harry Potter.

(Y/n): Well blow me down and call me a mole rat, your the famous Harry Potter?!

Harry: Yeah, that's been going around quite a bit.

(Y/n): I'll bet! My name is (Y/n) (L/n), if you ever have questions about the history of magic, I'm the student you'll want tot talk to. Now then, why don't we see about some wands, OLLIVANDER!!

The shop owner then appears from his storage area and grins at us.

Ollivander: I wondered when I'd be seeing you Mr. Potter.

Ollivander gets down from his ladder and starts looking around for a wand for Harry.

Ollivander: It seems only yesterday that your mother and father were here buying their first wands, Ah.

He pulls out one and hands it to Harry, at first Harry doesn't know what to do with it and just stands there. I nudge him and say.

(Y/n): Try giving it a wave.

Harry: Oh.

He does so and all the wands on one shelf fall off.

(Y/n): OH!

Ollivander: Apparently not.

He goes and find another for Harry to try, he comes back and hands it to him.

Ollivander: Perhaps...this?

Harry takes it and waves and it shatters a glass flower vase.

Ollivander: Nope, no, definitely not.

Ollivander grabs another and mutters something to himself before he comes back and hands this one to Harry, unlike the others though, this one bonded to him right there.

Ollivander: Curious, definitely curious.

(Y/n): Is that even possible?

Harry: Sorry, but what's curious?

Ollivander: I remember every wand I've ever sold. It so happens that the phoenix, whose tail feather resides in your wand, gave another feather. Just one other. It is curious that you should be destined for this wand, when it's brother gave you that scar.

Harry: And who owned that wand.

(Y/n): No one speaks his name. The wand chooses the wizard, Harry. It's almost never clear why. But I think it is clear that you may do great things one day. He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, did great things, terrible, but great.

Ollivander: Exactly.

Ollivander hands Harry his wand and he and I talk more as Ollivander gets a wand for me.

Ollivander: Try this one, Mr. (L/n).

I take it and almost immediately I bond with and lightning crackles up from my hand through the wand.

Harry: Woah?

(Y/n): Never had that reaction before.

Ollivander: Tell me Mr. (L/n). Are you familiar with Norse Mythology?

(Y/n): It's pretty basic knowledge back in Norway where I used to live. Why do you ask?

Ollivander: There is a legend that someone will rise up alongside another with the power of thunder and help defeat an evil that will threaten the wizarding and muggle world. I believe we can also expect great things from you.

Harry and I then end up outside the wand shop and I spot my dad conversing with a very large man holding a owl in a bird cage. The big man notices us, as Harry and I walk towards them.

Hagrid: Ah, Harry. I want you to meet someone I used to go to school with. This is Robert (L/n).

(Y/n): Hey dad, look who I ran into. This is Harry Potter. This is his first year as well.

Robert: Mr. Potter, a true pleasure, I met your parents when I was at Hogwarts, I was sorry to hear of their passing. I hope my boy was nice to you?

Harry: He was, he helped me find a wand, and shed some light on my history.

Robert: Always a bit of an genius when it comes to history, he rarely misses a thing.

(Y/n): Come on dad, you're embarrassing me.

Hagrid: Well, sorry to cut this short, Robert, but young Harry and I have a some more things to find. Oh and Harry, happy birthday. *hands Harry the owl*

Harry: Wow!

(Y/n): That's cool, I've got a raven myself. Well Harry, it was nice meeting you, I'll see you on the train, friend.

Harry: See you later!

With that we go our separate ways, dad and I get my robes tailored, I am not a giant by any means, but I was still taller than most kids my age. Later on we head to the train station, and I give my dad one last hug goodbye.

Robert: Alright, you study hard and stay out of trouble, and remember strength not only comes from within but the friends you surround yourself with, respect and honor.

(Y/n): Respect and Honor. Take care dad, love ya.

Robert: Love you too, son.

I head through the wall and onto Platform 9 3/4 and stand there amazed at the train itself. I am knocked out of my trance, when I bump into someone and hear them fall. I look down and I see a first year girl with bushy, curly brown hair.

(Y/n): Oh my goodness, I am so sorry, I should've been paying more attention. You're not hurt are you, Ms.?

Hermione: Granger, Hermione Granger, and I will be alright thank you for asking.

I help her up and pick up her books, I notice she has a lot of books. I put her belongings back on her cart.

Hermione: Thank you, are you a new student, you look a bit older than a first year?

(Y/n): Yeah, I get that a lot. It is indeed my first time to Hogwarts and yes I am the same age as you.

Hermione: Well it was nice to meet you, I hope we end up in the same school houses.

(Y/n): That would be nice. *train horn sounds* Well we better get on. Maybe I'll see you on the train, hopefully.

Hermione: Yeah, sure. *blushes a little*

I wave and head onto the train and try to find a seat, this is going to be a good year, I know it.

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