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(Y/n) Person POV

The Enchantress has been driven away and while I have smoothed things over with Ron and Harry, Hermione is still not feeling right. Both Hermione and I agreed to give each other some space to think about our relationship, I have been helping Harry and apparently on the same night of the Christmas party, Harry overheard Draco and Snape talking privately about Draco being given a job by Voldemort and Snape taking a Unbreakable Vow to help and protect Draco. This does not sound good at all and doesn't bode well for the school. But for now though, Christmas break is here and I am packing on the day we all are to go home for the holidays, when I hear a portal open behind me and I look to see Freyja come through the portal.

(Y/n): Lady Freyja? What brings you away from Asgard?

Freyja: You, (Y/n). *sigh* Odin has fallen into the Odinsleep and Asgard will be under siege by the dark forces soon enough. Before he fell asleep he asked me to bring you to Asgard, to help defend it in it's time of need.

(Y/n): *thinks for a moment* Can I have a moment to say goodbye?

Freyja: Of course, you know how to get to Asgard. I shall see you on the battlefield.

Freyja goes back through the portal and closes it, I take a deep breath and go to break the news, Harry and Ron understood and wished me safe travels, I then go to the girls dorm and knock.

Hermione: Who is it?

(Y/n): It's me. I just need to say something.

Hermione: *after a few seconds* Come in.

I open the door and walk in and see Hermione sitting on her bed facing away from me.

Hermione: What do you want?

(Y/n): I've been called to aid Asgard. Odin has fallen into the Odinsleep, once a year Odin must rest for seven days to regain his strength so that Asgard can live. But his absence leaves Asgard vulnerable to attack from dark forces.

Hermione: Okay.

(Y/n): *sigh* I'd rather go with your blessing.

Hermione remains silent and I take it for what it is, I pull out a present from my trunk and set it next to Hermione.

(Y/n): Happy Christmas, Hermione.

I walk out and head down to the courtyard, I look back at the school and see Hermione in the Gryffindor tower window, I simply smile and lift Mjolnir in the air as the Bifrost teleports me to Asgard.

Hermione POV

The Bifrost takes (Y/n) away and I sit back down on my bed and can't stop some tears from falling. I then get on the train and head home with (Y/n)'s present still unopened.

(Y/n) POV

I arrive in Asgard and almost immediately am told that Asgard is already under siege from the Trolls of Vanaheim, I jump from the walls to meet the army head on and start demolishing the troll horde. The Asgardian army soon join in and from the looks of the horde this is going to be a very long battle.

Hermione POV

I am delighted to be home and my parents and I are having a good Christmas together, but every now and then my mind wanders to (Y/n). I am sitting in my room looking at (Y/n)'s still unopened present, thinking about how can (Y/n) and I bounce back after what he did.

*knock* *knock*

Hermione: *sniffles* Yes.

I look up and my dad walks in and he must've seen my reddened eyes, because he sat on the edge of the bed and told me to start talking. I explain what happened with (Y/n) and the Enchantress mind controlling him.

Dad: So, where does that leave you two?

Hermione: *sniffles* I don't know. I know it wasn't his fault but I can't shake the feeling that if (Y/n) could be manipulated into liking someone... I don't know if I can ever trust him again.

Dad: Of course you can, that's how relationships work there will be roadworks along the way, but instead of letting them trip you up, use them to try and strengthen you and (Y/n)'s bond. There were times while I was dating your mother that I thought we were not going to be able to work things out, but I then kept reminding myself, that no matter what, I would follow her to the end of time.

Dad and I take a second and chuckle at the corny line, but I feel it makes sense.

Dad: Do you still love him?

Hermione: He's the one.

Dad: Then that's good enough for me. Don't tell your mom I said that.

Hermione: *giggles* Thanks dad.

I give my dad a hug and he leaves after he tells me tea is ready. I look back down and open (Y/n)'s present and see a golden chained bracelet with a hanging heart as well as a solid piece of gold to hold it the ends of the chains.

I see something is engraved on the solid band and it reads, "I love you, Little Otter." I wrap the bracelet around my wrist and shed a few happy tears and look up and say...

Hermione: I love you too, (Y/n).

So now, I will anxiously await (Y/n)'s return so I can kiss him again.

(Y/n) POV

Day 3 of the Odinsleep and I have not stopped fighting for one second because now the walls are being sieged by not just trolls, but giants, Dark elves and demons all seeking to take control of the Nine Realms but with my help the dark forces have not breached the wall. I swing Mjolnir right then punch left and then back to the right, I then get dogpiled by some demons.

(Y/n): I've been on the bottom of the pile before, *throws all demons off* not a fan.

I then swing Mjolnir to my left and then side kick a troll on my right. I start spinning Mjolnir in my hand and take out some dark elves, after which I then throw Mjolnir and it starts flying in a circle around me as I beat down some trolls with my bare hands. I recall Mjolnir as it takes out more dark elves and demons. I then turn around as I swing Mjolnir and take out a hellhound. I then see a large group surround me, so I summon some lightning as I jump up in the air and slam Mjolnir on the ground creating an electical shockwave killing all the enemies surrounding me. I then have to deal with a Frost giant, the giant uses it's icy breath against me and use Mjolnir like a shield by spinning it in front of me so fast that the breath doesn't hurt me. I spin left to get out of the icy breath's path and fly into the giant's jaw taking it's head clean off. I then smack another giant and land on the ground, I then jump above it while it's disoriented and slam Mjolnir on it's head caving in it's skull. After landing, I throw Mjolnir three times at one Frost giant and then avoid it's axe strike and fly above and cave in this one's skull as well. I then hear the roar of several Frost Giants charging towards me, so I spin Mjolnir and then call down a bolt of lightning and slam Mjolnir into the ground causing a massive quake.


I look up and see a massive dragon at least 100 ft long with triple the wingspan as it flies into the sky and then charges at me. I focus my powers and deliver an equally massive lightning bolt that kills the dragon causing it's corpse to skid to a halted crash landing just two feet from me.

Hermione POV

It's been 10 days since (Y/n) told me he was leaving to help in Asgard, I would've thought he returned by now and tried to send a letter or show up at my front door. But his absence is beginning to worry me a little, so against my better judgement I grasp the Thor Amulet and ask for (Y/n)'s help. Within seconds I hear the Bifrost open up in front of my house, some things never change. I rush downstairs and see (Y/n) standing at the bottom of the front steps but hesitating to climb them. I open the front door and walk outside, I could still see the look of guilt in his eyes but it wasn't as bad as when he left.

Hermione: Hello, (Y/n).

(Y/n): Hello, Hermione. Are you okay?

Hermione: *deep breath* I couldn't stay away any longer. I missed you.

(Y/n): *small smile* I missed you.

Hermione: I am with you, no matter what.

(Y/n): No matter what?

Hermione: *sniffles* No matter what.

I couldn't take it any more and rush down the stairs and jump into his arms, not really caring that he was wearing his armor still. He stayed in our embrace for a few minutes, not saying anything just holding each other like our lives depend on it. I then hear him say...

(Y/n): I thought I said those amulets were for emergency use?

I couldn't contain my laughter and wiped away my tears of joy, I then pulled his head to my level and deliver a very long overdue kiss and to my happiness, (Y/n) returned it with just as much passion. We stayed like this until I hear a rumbling and I pull away, (Y/n) has a blush on his face as he says.

(Y/n): Sorry, I haven't eaten in 10 days and I'm starved.

Hermione: *hard laugh* Well then, let's remedy that shall we.

I take (Y/n)'s hand and lead him inside, my parents greet him happily and I tell (Y/n) to go take a shower while dinner is prepared. He kisses my cheek and I then pull him back for a quick kiss on the lips and tell him.

Hermione: I love you, Thunderer.

(Y/n): I love you too, Little Otter.

(A/N): Whew, finally, things are starting to look up for our heroes. Sorry this book has been taking so long to finish but I wanted to make it really good for all of you readers out there. The only reason I'm here today is because of your support and I hope we can continue this journey together for a long time to come. Alright, we're nearing the final act and we all know where this is headed so how will our heroes deal with the aftermath? Tune in next time as the journey continues. PEACE OUT!!!

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