Slughorn's Memory

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(Y/n) POV

     Hermione and I return to Hogwarts arm in arm, as we join Harry he tells us that the Burrow was set ablaze over Christmas. I guess even the bad guys don't take Christmas off, that's crazy, who doesn't like Christmas? Hermione grabbed a copy of the Daily Prophet from an unsuspecting student and the front page has an article about the Burrow fire.

Hermione: It's easy for them to get you. You're bloody lucky you weren't killed. You have to realize who you are, Harry.

Harry: *annoyed* I know who I am Hermione, all right?

(Y/n): *clears throat*

Harry: Sorry.

     Just then a Ravenclaw named Maria Tamworth, joined us and asked if Ron and Harry were okay. Maria is a grade younger than us and it was obvious to Hermione early on that she may have a crush on Ron, which was news to me. She's a bright girl who has a natural affinity for magic, she has dark blonde hair and stormy blue eyes as well as a slightly pale complextion.

Maria: Harry, are you and Ron okay?

Harry: Yeah, we're okay. No one was hurt.

Maria: *relieved sigh* Thank goodness.

     Just then we come upon Ron retelling what happened at the Burrow to Lavender as well as some other Gryffindors. Lavender then kisses his cheek as we watch and Maria gains a disgusted look and says..

Maria: Excuse me, I need to go and vomit.

      I almost had the nerve to punch Ron right there but Hermione holds me back, anyways Harry is then called to Dumbeldore's office and asked me to accompany him. I kiss Hermione and follow Harry to Dumbeldore's office, there Dumbeldore explains what's been going on and that Harry has been trying to get to know Slughorn really well. Now we are going to find out why, Dumbeldore pulled out the pensieve and poured a vial of liquid that contained a memory for us to see.

(A/N): The memory is what's important here.

      Harry and I pull away as the memory fades and Dumbeldore explains.

Dumbeldore: Confused? I would be surprised if you weren't.

Harry: I don't understand. What is this supposed to mean?

Dumbeldore: It's the most imporyant memory I have. It is also a lie.

(Y/n): You mean to say, that Slughorn tampered with his own memory? Why?

Dumbeldore: Perhaps he feels ashamed of it.

Harry: Why?

Dumbeldore: Why, indeed? I asked you, Harry, to get to know Professor Slughorn, and you have done so. Now, I want you to persuade him to divulge his true memory any way you can.

(Y/n): *cracks knuckles*

Dumbeldore: Not like that, Mr. (L/n).

(Y/n): Oh.

Harry: To be truthful, sir. I don't know him that well.

     Dumbeldore then dips his hand in the pensieve and tells us.

Dumbeldore: This memory is everything. Without it we are blind. Without it, we leave the fate of our world to chance. We don't have a choice. You must not fail.

      Harry and I leave and Harry asks...

Harry: Do you think you'd be able to get through to him?

(Y/n): I don't think so, my warrior appearance and demeanor may give him the wrong vibe and if Slughorn is afraid he may lock himself up at my mere presence.

Harry: Alright, but try and help come up with ways I can get through to him.

(Y/n): We could always just get him drunk?

Harry: We need to persuade him to give it up, remember.

(Y/n): Oh fine.

     Harry chuckles at my disappointment and we actually part ways and while Harry goes to talk to Professor Slughorn, I went back to the Common Room and started trying to remember anything about Slughorn's early life that could help us. Hermione walks in and grows a smile as she sees me but then notices me pacing and thinking and asks.

Hermione: (Y/n), what's wrong?

(Y/n): Just thinking.

     I sigh and tell her what Harry and I have been up to and Hermione starts helping as best as she can. But we couldn't come up with anything for hours, Hermione actually ended up falling asleep while laying on my chest. I simply smile and I gently pick her up bridal style and take Hermione to her bed and set her down, but Hermione instinctivly wrapped her arms around my neck, but I was forced to gently pry her arms off and I kiss her cheek. I leave the dorm room and Harry walks up the stairs and I ask.

(Y/n): Any luck?

Harry: No, I think we need to come up with something else.

(Y/n): Well, let's sleep on it and try again tomorrow.

Harry: Yeah.

     We walk into our dorm and see Ron sitting in front of the window lopking outside, there are also crumbs all over Harry's bed.

Ron: It's beautiful, isn't it? The moon.

Harry: Divine. Had ourselves a little late-night snack, did we?

Ron: It was just sitting on your bed, the box. I thought I'd just try one.

Harry: Or 20.

Ron: I can't stop thinking about her, Harry.

Harry: Honestly, I reckon she was starting to annoy you.

Ron: She could never annoy me. I think I'm in love with her.

(Y/n): Oh gods.

      I start to look at the box and the crumbs, I sniff them and smell stormy skies and Hermione's perfume, my eyes widen.

(Y/n): Odin's beard!

Harry: What?

(Y/n): I think these were laced with a love potion.

Harry: Slughorn will have the readily ingredients.

(Y/n): Right. Ron, what's your favorite color?

Ron: Oh well, there are a few that I-

      I hit Ron on the head and knock him out and sling him over my shoulder, I look at Harry who has a deadpanned expression.

Harry: Really?

(Y/n): It was either this or indulging his infatuation.

     Harry simply rolls his eyes and we take Ron to Slughorn's office, by the time we get there Ron was being a little delirious and mumbling about someone named Romilda Vane. Slughorn gets the proper remedy, and Harry apologizes for the way he asked Slughorn for information. Ron drinks the remedy as soon as it's ready, as the potion wears off Ron looks around confused.

Ron: What happened to me?

(Y/n): Love potion.

Slughorn: And a bloody strong one at that.

Ron: I feel really bad.

Slughorn: You need a pick me up my boy. Butterbeer, wine, Dazzling Oak Matured Mead, I had other intentions for this but given the circumstances.

    Slughorn pours us all a glass of mead, Ron and I drink before the others and almost immediately Ron collapses to the floor.

Harry/(Y/n): Ron?!

     Harry and I get down to Ron and I can tell he's been-

(Y/n): Poisoned.

Harry: Huh?

(Y/n): He's been poisoned!

     Harry is quick to act and grabs a Bezoer from Slughorn's reserves and gives it to Ron. For a moment it seemed like we were too late, until Ron started coughing trying to get air back into his lungs. I carry Ron to the Hospital wing and Madam Pomfrey, Hermione and even Maria came.

Maria: Is Ron going to be okay?

Pomfrey: Yes, he just needs rest.

     Soon after Professor's Dumbeldore, McGonagall and Snape joined us in the hospital wing.

Dumbeldore: Quick thinking on your part Harry, using a Bezeor. You should be proud very proud of your students, Horace.

Slughorn: Oh yes, very proud indeed.

McGonagall: I think we can all agree that Potter's actions were heroic. The question remains, why were they necassary?

(Y/n): The Dazzling Oak Mead was laced with poison.

McGonagall: And you know this?..

(Y/n): Because I drank the mead too.

Hermione: What?!

(Y/n): Hermione relax, mortal poisons don't work on me the same as they would any of you.

Pomfrey: Well, just to be safe.

      I end up also swallowing a Bezeor as Dumbeldore checks the Mead bottle.

Dumbeldore: This appears to be a gift Horace. You don't remember who gave it to you?

Slughorn: No.

Dumbeldore: I do smell a hint of licorice and cherry, when not polluted with poison.

Slughorn: Actually, I had intended to give it as a gift myself.

(Y/n): To whom?

Slughorn: To the Headmaster.

Lavender: Where is my Won-Won?

(Y/n): *groans* Odin's beard.

     Long story short Ron was a little delirious but he keot calling out Maria's name, which made Lavender pissed and stormed out, good riddance. Harry, Hermiome and myself leave Maria and Ron alone and Hermione frets about me consuming the poisoned mead. I calm her nerves and before we head back to the Common Room, I stop and Hermione looks back at me a little confused.

Hermione: (Y/n), what's wrong?

(Y/n): Um, do you want, um, I just want to ask-

Hermione: *giggle* Just spit it out.

(Y/n): Do you want to go on a date? We haven't done anything like that in a while.

Hermione: *blushes* Uh, yes, of course.

      Relieved, I fly us to Hogsmeade where we spend the morning in a tea shop for breakfast. We then wandered to various places Hermione wanted to see, we then spent some time on the shore of the lake. When we returned that night, Hermione was exhausted so I carried her through the school and to her bed. I lay her down and as I start to pull away her hand grabs mine, I lean back down and kiss her goodnight and leave. The next morning, Ron is up and about again and joins us and Maria for lunch, Lavender is still livid about the breakup that Ron doesn't remember happening.

Maria: Stop it Ronald, you're making it snow.

     We all notice the snowflakes and wipe them off as Maria explains for the hundredth time it feels how Ron broke up with Lavender. Hermione then points out Katie to Harry, who after having recovered from touching the necklace, can't remember anything about how she got or who might've cursed her. Harry goes to try and talk to her, while I sit and talk with Hermione for a solid minute until Hermione looks behind me and I turn around and see Harry trying to go after Draco.

(Y/n): Oh, that's not going to end well. Stay here.

      I grab Mjolnir and try to catch uo with Harry, his trail leads me to a boy's lavatry, I stop when I hear the sound of spells being fired. I rush in and see Harry hiding behind a pillar, Draco pops out further away sees me and fires a spell which just disperses against my body.

Harry: Sectumsempra!

     Harry you did not, I see Draco drop to the floor and blood starts pouring from his body.

(Y/n): Harry, go back to the dormitory, now.

Harry: But-

(Y/n): NOW!

      Harry finally does so and leaves, I start using a spell to close up Draco's wounds when Snape shows up and tells me to leave as well. I head back to the dormitory and first things first I smack Harry behind the head for the use of a spell he's never used before. Hermione then calms me down and the Golden Quartet plus Ginny sit and listen to what happened between Harry and Draco. Ginny then sits next to Harry...

Ginny: You have to get rid of it. Follow me.

     Ginny leads Harry out leaving Hermione, Ron and myself in the Common Room, Hermione then goes upstairs and comes back with a kettle and uses her wand to levitate the kettle now filled with water over the fire place. As I sit on the couch thinking, Hermione taps my shoulder and hands me a mug of hot chocolate.

(Y/n): Oh, thanks. *takes a sip* *deep sigh*

      Hermione sits next to me with her cup and we drink and sit quietly for several minutes.

Hermione: Hey, it's going to be okay. I know it.

(Y/n): Yeah, you're right.

      Soon after, Harry came back with a plan to finally get Slughorn to give up his true memory Dumbeldore needs from him. He drinks the vial of Liquid Luck and we ask.

(Y/n): Well?

Hermione: How do you feel?

Harry: Excellent. Really excellent. I think I'll go see Hagrid now.

(Y/n): Wait what?

Hermione: Harry, we have a plan, we need to persuade Professor Slughorn to give up his memory.

Harry: I just feel that Hagrid's is the place to be tonight.

       Harry walks out leaving us all bewildered.

(Y/n): Am I the only one who's confused?

Hermione: For once, no.

Ron: Good, I thought it was just me.

       A couple hours later and Harry messaged me that he finally has the proper memory and is taking it to Dumbeldore. I meet them both in Dumbeldore's office and the three of us see what Slughorn's been hiding.

Harry: Professor?

      Dumeldore ignores us and sits down in disbelief.

(Y/n): This is far worse than we first imagined.

Harry: You mean he succeeded in making a Horcrux?

Dumbeldore: Oh, he succeeded alright and not just once.

(Y/n): That's why I wasn't able to defeat him in our last battle, not permanently anyway.

Harry: What do these Horcruxes look like?

(Y/n): They could be anything, even the most common place of objects.

Dumbeldore: Like a ring, *pulls out a book* or a book.

Harry: Tom Riddle's Diary.

Dumbeldore: Is a Horcrux, yes. Four years ago when you two saved Ginny Weasely and this school in the Chamber of Secrets, I knew this was a different kind of magic, but until tonight, I had no idea how powerful.

(Y/n): And the ring?

Dumbeldore: It belonged to Tom Riddle's mother. Very difficult to find, even more difficult to destroy.

      I touch the ring and feel a dark energy around the ring I then take it and set it on the ground, I ready Mjolnir and slam it on the ring pretty hard, but to my surprise the ring was unscathed.

(Y/n): Odin's Beard! Not even Mjolnir can break it.

Harry: But, if one could find all these Horcruxes and destroy them-

Dumbeldore: One destroys Voldemort.

(Y/n): First thing we have to do is find them. How?

Harry: They could be anywhere.

Dumbeldore: True, but magic, especially dark magic, leaves traces.

Harry: So that's where you've been going, when you leave the castle?

Dumbeldore: Yes, and I believe I have found another. This time, though, I cannot hope to destroy it alone. Once again, I must ask too much of both of you.

(A/N): Dun, dun, dun. Voldemort's secret revealed and not even Mjolnir can destroy these Horcruxes, this just made things a lot more difficult. Let's just hope our heroes are up to the task. Tune in next time for the finale of year six. I hope to see everyone there or I will ground you for a month. No pressure. PEACE OUT!!!

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