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(Y/n) POV

Hermione, Ron and I are waiting on Harry to join us in our first trip to Hogsmeade, as Professor McGonagall explains the terms of our visit.

McGonagall: Now remember, these visits to Hogsmeade village are a privilege. Should your behavior reflect poorly on the school in any way, that privilege shall not be extended again.

We come to find out that Harry couldn't get his permission form signed and cannot go to Hogsmeade with us.

Harry: *disheartened* It's alright. You guys have fun.

(Y/n): Are you sure, I can stay and keep you company.

Harry: I'll be okay, go have fun.

(Y/n): Don't get into trouble while we're gone.

Harry: *chuckles* No promises.

I give Harry a hug and join the rest of the students, I try to get into one carriage with Ron but am stopped.

Ron: Whoa, big guy. This the bachelor's carriage, yours is back there.

(Y/n): What are you talking about?

Ron: Go on.

His carriage takes off and I am still clueless as to what he was trying to do, so I walk to the last carriage and join Hermione for the trip.

(Y/n): Well, what do you want to do first when we get there?

Hermione: Well we can get some snacks and then see what we can see.

(Y/n): I would've thought you had the whole trip planned out, not that I'm complaining.

Hermione: Yeah well, let's just say your rubbing off on me.

(Y/n): What's that supposed to mean?

Hermione: You're headstrong, reckless and don't always think things through.

(Y/n): *embarrassed* Sorry, I didn't know that was a problem.

Hermione: Oh, no, no, no. That's not what I meant, sometimes I'm so meticulous and organized that I forget what fun surprises are and you certainly deliver on that front.

10 minutes later, we arrive in Hogsmeade and I point out a small food shop and head inside, I got Hermione a couple of pumpkin pasties, and I got myself a leg of lamb as well as water for the both of us since we were going to be doing a bit of wandering around, Hermione just giggles as I devour the lamb meat.

Hermione: *giggles* Must you eat so much?

(Y/n): What? I have 275 lbs. of muscle to feed, don't judge me.

Hermione: *laughs*

I point out an accessories shop, we head in and immediately Hermione finds something to bring back for Harry since he missed today, she also got a bracelet for me and I couldn't help but turn a little red when she put it on my wrist.

I also ended up getting her a hairpin and she was ecstatic when she put it in her hair.

We left the shop and found a bookstore that Hermione was interested in, I follow her in and while we did see several interesting books, Hermione was really interested to see one about Norse Mythology and bought it. I could've just told you, oh well. A while later and some more wandering around town we stopped to rest a little at an ice cream parlor and talk a little bit.

(Y/n): So, tell me about this camping trip you went on.

Hermione: Oh it was great. My parents and I camped in the woods, it was so nice to be away from the noises and sounds of the city and just relax in the warmth of the sun. I was, however, a little sad you couldn't come.

(Y/n): Yeah, I really wanted to go, I really did. But dad was adamant about prioritizing training and mastering my abilities over fun. I'm sorry.

Hermione: *grabs my hand* It's not your fault. I'm glad your getting stronger.

(Y/n): Strange thing is, I was having a sparring match with him before meeting up with you in The Leaky Cauldron and he got me into a simple hold and surprisingly he nearly matched my godlike strength.

Hermione: Hmm, that is very interesting. But that's a question for another day, we should find Ron and get ready to head back.

(Y/n): Yeah.

Hermione: Hey, *squeezes my hand* you'll find the answers your looking for. I know you will, in the meantime, you can still just be the best man you can be. Stay true to who you are not who you're supposed to be.

(Y/n): *smiles* Thanks Hermione, truly. I don't know what I would do without you.

Hermione blushes a little and we head to the candy shop and found Ron.

Ron: How was your date, guys?

Hermione: Ronald!

(Y/n): I still have no idea what you're talking about, Ron.

Ron only laughed as Hermione smacked him in the back of the head, I actually pulled Hermione away from hurting Ron any further. We load up into the carriages and head back to Hogwarts, Hermione and I find Harry in the Great Hall for dinner and I present his lightning bolt necklace, Harry was grateful but still bummed out about not being able to go with us. We eat dinner to which I ate an entire side of beef, after a hearty belch from me, we all head to the dormitory.

Ron: Honeyduke's Sweet Shop is brilliant. But nothing beats Zonko's Joke Shop.

(Y/n): Hermione and I never did get to see the Shrieking Shack, though.

Ron: It's supposed to be the most haunted building-

Harry: In Britain, I know.

As we climb the stairs we see a crowd gathered around the Fat Lady portrait.

Hermione: What's going on?

Ron: Probably Neville's forgotten the password again.

Neville: Hey!

(Y/n): No, something's not right.

I gently push past everyone as Ginny tells the others that the Fat Lady isn't even in the painting. I get there and see the painting had what looked loke claw marks. Dumbeldore then appears and looks over the painting as I turn around and look at the various paintings.

Dumbeldore: Mr. Filch. Round up the ghosts. Have them search every painting in the castle to find the Fat Lady.

(Y/n): No need. She's there. *points to a painting*

As the students rush upstairs, I simply fly up as Dumbeldore shows up.

Dumbeldore: My dear lady, who did this to you?

Fat Lady: Oh, eyes like the devil, he's got, and a soul as dark as his name. It's him, headmaster. The one they all talk about. He's here somewhere in the castle. Sirius Black! Ahh!

Dumbeldore: Secure the castle, Mr. Filch. Everyone else head to the Great Hall.

I turn around and rush back to the Gryffindor painting and rip it open and head to the dorm room, I start to get my armor and hammer on when I hear.

Hermione: What do you think you're doing?

(Y/n): If Sirius Black is still in the castle, I will not allow him to put my home in harms way.

Hermione: Let me come with you.

(Y/n): No, I'm not gonna let you go up against a serial killer. Stay with the others and comfort the younger students.

Against Professor Dumbeldore's protests I started searching the castle with Filch as we scoured the Owlery and the Astronomy tower, I even went off by myself and checked Hagrid's Hut and the outskirts of the forbidden forest for clues. I return to the Great Hall and Dumbeldore addresses me.

Dumbeldore: Well?

(Y/n): I couldn't find any sign of him. No blood, no boot prints, nothing.

Dumbeldore: I knew he wouldn't linger, he's too smart for that. Thank you for your assistance, (Y/n), now get some rest.

(Y/n): Ok, Professor. Good night.

I find an open sleeping bag and lay down in my armor stick a knife under my pillow just in case.

Hermione: Did you find anything?

(Y/n): Hermione? What you doing still up?

Hermione: I was worried about you, so I waited until you got back.

(Y/n): *sigh* I couldn't find any signs of him anywhere, he clearly knows more about the castle than we do and maybe even more than teachers do. Let's get some sleep.

Hermione lays down on her sleeping bag and I just lay on top of mine still dressed in my armor, as I start to fall asleep I felt Hermione take my hand in her sleep. I can only smile as I fall asleep as well.

Timeskip Sometime in the Fall

We all are in Defense Against the Dark Arts waiting for Professor Lupin, when the door suddenly opens up and Professor Snape walks in. He uses his wand to close the window shudders and pulls down a screen.

Snape: Turn to page 394.

I look at Hermione and we both have a confused look on our faces but turn to the specified page.

Harry: Professor? Where's Professor Lupin?

Snape: That's not really your concern is it, Mr. Potter. Suffice it to say your professor finds himself incapable of teaching at the present time. Turn to page 394.

Snape turns on the projector and then in frustration waves his wand and turns Ron's book to the specified page.

Ron: Werewolves?!

Hermione: But sir, we just started learning about red caps and hinkypunks. We're not meant to start that for weeks.

Snape: Quiet. Now, which one of you can tell me the difference between an Animagus and a werewolf? *Hermione raises her hand* No one? How disappointing.

Hermione: Please, sir. An Animagus is a wizard who elects to turn into an animal. A werewolf has no choice. With each full moon, he transforms and no longer remembers who he is. He'd kill his best friend. Furthermore, the werewolf only responds to the call if it's own kind.

Draco: *imitates wolf howl*

I flick a paper football at Draco's head which will leave a bruise but not knock him out, darn.

Snape: Thank you, Mr. Malfoy. *to Hermione* That is the second time you have spoken out of turn. Are you incapable of restraining yourself or do you revel in being an insufferable know-it-all?

(Y/n): Counterpoint: Maybe you can't handle a student being smart enough to not be submissive that you can't stand a student being equal?

Snape: That mouth of yours is going to get you into trouble, Mr. (L/n).

(Y/n): Bring it on. I just know I won't have you disrespecting my friends without any consequences I don't care who you are. *lightning crackles across my body*

Snape: 5 points from Gryffindor. On top of that I want two rolls of parchment on the werewolf with a particular emphasis on recognizing it.

Harry: Sir, it's Quidditch tomorrow.

Snape: Then I suggest you take extra care, Mr. Potter. Loss of limb will not excuse. Page 394.

Timeskip Quidditch Match

It was pouring rain on the field but it's Gryffindor vs Hufflepuff.

Seamus: (Y/n), can't you do something about this storm?!

(Y/n): It is raining, Seamus! And it will continue to rain until the rain is done!

Despite the rain, everyone is pumped about the match and I cheer loud as Harry whizzes by going after the snitch. His chase however leads him outside and high above the field. I can sense him up there but I can't tell what's going on, until we all see Harry falling out of the sky. I act quickly and fly to him, catch him but we end up crashing into the ground with only my body to cushion Harry's landing. Dumbeldore is the first on the field and checks on Harry first while McGonagall checked me. Even though I was actually unharmed, I was sent to the hospital wing along with Harry. Madam Pomfrey finishes with me first as soon as Hermione and Ron come into the Infirmary.

Hermione: (Y/n)! *hugs me* Are you alright?!

Ron: He's fine, he's the God of Thunder after all.

(Y/n): Seriously Hermione, I'm okay. No need to worry.

Ron: How's Harry?

(Y/n): Just knocked out from the dementors attacking him. Why did they come onto the grounds, anyway?

Hermione: No one knows. Dumbeldore is not pleased at all though.

The rest of the Gryffindor Quidditch team, as well as Seamus and Neville, arrived and saw to Harry until he woke up.

Ron: He looks a little peaky, don't you think?

Fred: Peaky?

George: He fell over a hundred feet only to be caught by our resident Hero.

Fred: Maybe we should drop you off the Astronomy Tower.

George: And see what you look like.

Harry: Probably a right bit better than he normally does.

(Y/n): Ha, Harry you trouble maker!

Harry slowly sits up a little, and asks how the match went, totally not concerned that he nearly died, again.

Hermione: Um, no one blames you Harry. The dementors aren't supposed to come inside the grounds. Dumbeldore was furious, as soon as you were saved he sent them straight off.

Ron: There's something else you should know. When you fell, your broom, it sorta flew into the Whomping Willow, and well.... *shows the broken broom*

(Y/n): Damn, sorry about that Harry.

Harry: It's alright. Are you okay though, (Y/n). I felt a jerk before I hit the ground.

(Y/n): Yeah, I'm good. No harm done.

Timeskip to Winter brought to you by Hedwig the Snowy Owl

The last call for Hogsmeade is being sounded and Hermione and I load up into a carriage and head into town. We spent the cold, snow covered day checking out Honeyduke's and then we pass by a flower shop and I see a particular flower thought I would never see again.

Hermione: What kind of flower is that?

(Y/n): It's called Pyramidal saxifrage, otherwise known as Bergfrue. My mother used to have a small garden with these flowers, she used to let me play in the dirt while she tended to them.

Hermione: They're really beautiful.

(Y/n): Here. *gives Hermione a few of the blossoms*

Hermione: Aw, you're really sweet sometimes, you know.

(Y/n): I try. You want to see the Shrieking Shack, now?

Hermione: Yes.

We walk to the edge of the fenced off shack and stand there a little hesitant to approach at first.

Hermione: It's said to be the most haunted place in Britain. Did I mention that?

(Y/n): Twice.

Hermione: Sorry.

Hermione shivers a little, so I decide to take off my heavy coat and wrap it around her shoulders, she then freaked out a little bit.

Hermione: (Y/n)?! Aren't you gonna be cold?

(Y/n): No. Why?

Hermione: You're wearing a t-shirt!

(Y/n): *cockily* A little cold never bothered me.

Hermione: Ugh, you reckless idiot.

Malfoy: Well, well, if it ain't the oblivious love birds.

I groan as I turn around and see Malfoy and two of his flunkies approaching us, I move Hermione behind me.

(Y/n): Not in the mood Malfoy now get lost.

Malfoy: Oh, not very friendly. Boys, I think it's time to teach the Thunderer how to respect his superiors.

Hermione: *laughs* I hope you don't mean yourself.

Hermione jumped in front of me and took a familiar fighting stance, but I wasn't concerned about that right now.

Malfoy: How dare you talk to me, you filthy little-

I quickly jab his face and send him flying back several feet, Hermione and the other boys are now a little intimidated, I didn't activate my lightning because these guys are chumps.

Malfoy: *as he gets up* Don't just stand there you moron's do something!

Crabbe is up first and I simply block his punch and slap him and knock him out. The other idiot just stands there too scared to do anything, I simply walk up to him and pull his hat over his eyes and trip him as he stumbles around trying to get away. I simply turn to Malfoy, but before I can do anything, he is hit with a snowball. We all look in the direction the snowball came from.

Malfoy: Who's there?!

Then another snowball hit Malfoy in the nose, then another and another. The Crabbe, who had recovered had his pants pulled down and I took the opportunity to kick him in the butt. The other guy, had his hat pulled over his face again, as soon as he pulled it up I simply grab his scarf and spin him around before letting him fall to the groung. By this point Hermione is laughing hysterically, as Malfoy is tripped and falls down, I grab him by his ankles and drag him past the gate to the Shrieking Shack. I let him go and Malfoy runs past his lackeys to get away, I walk back to Hermione laughing and I stick my hand up in the air.

(Y/n): Oh, Harry that was awesome!

Harry removes the invisibility cloak and high fives me and we all laugh for a solid minute about what just happened. We head back to town and find Ron, and afterwards Harry told us how he got here via a map he got from Fred and George.

Ron: Those weasels. They never told me about no Maruader's Map.

Hermione: But he isn't going to keep it, he's going to turn it over to Professor McGonagall. Aren't you?

(Y/n): Oh sure and why not turn over his Invisibility cloak while he's at it?

Hermione: Oh look, Madam Rosemerta. Ron fancies her.

Ron: Do not.

(Y/n): Guys, look. It's the Minister of Magic.

We do indeed see Fudge walk up to Madam Rosemerta and along with Professor McGonagall tell her that Harry Potter may be Sirius Black's target. I was about to say something to Harry but as soon as I look down, he's gone. Typical. I then notice his shoe prints in the snow, we all try to follow but are told off by the shrunken heads and are forced to wait outside. Ron then asks.

Ron: (Y/n), why are you just in a t-shirt?

Hermione: Oh, I almost forgot.

Hermione gave me back my heavy coat and Ron shows us his spoils from Honeyduke's, I then tap Hermione's shoulder and point to Harry's shoe prints moving towards the forest. We follow until, his prints stop at a boulder, Hermione and I approach as we can hear Harry crying. Hermione pulls off the Invisibility Cloak and asks what happened.

Harry: He was their friend and he betrayed them. *my eyes widen is realization* HE WAS THEIR FRIEND! I hope he finds me, cause when he does, I'm gonna be ready. When he does I'm gonna kill him.

Hermione pulls Harry into a hug and I wrap an arm around his shoulder, I understand the pain he's going through to an extent. But revenge will not make things better for anyone, one thing is for sure, Sirius Black had better be ready for a serious beating. Heh.

(A/N): Hey guys, sorry for the wait. Anyways I am back while I rewrite a couple things for one of my other stories. Hope you guys enjoyed smash that like button if you did and consider following my channel. I hope you all have a wonderful day and I'll see you all next time. PEACE OUT!!!

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