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(Y/n) POV

After Harry declared that he was going to kill Sirius Black after finding out Sirius betrayed his parents to Voldemort, I decided to push myself harder to hopefully be strong enough so Harry won't have to make that choice of whether or not to kill Sirius. I am practicing my combat skills in the common room by myself when I hear...

Hermione: Ahem.

(Y/n): Oh, Hermione. What's up?

Hermione: How's training going?

(Y/n): Alright, it's a little hard to do on your own.

Hermione: Do you... *blushes* think you could teach me a little bit.

(Y/n): Wait, what?

Hermione: I mean not to the extent you know, but you know, the basics.

(Y/n): Well, I mean, I could teach you a few things but it requires a lot of dedication.

Hermione: I think I can take it.

(Y/n): Okay, um, take a stance. Put your best foot forward.

Hermione takes a stance and I help position herself further and then take my stance.

(Y/n): Okay, raise your hands. Like this.

Hermione does so and I move her hands a little more to a proper defensive position, then I go back to my stance and tell her.

(Y/n): Now, I'm gonna try to hit you, and you simply try to either block or dodge. Can you do that?

Hermione: Won't know until we try.

(Y/n): Alright, I'll start out slow.

I throw a punch and she does dodges to the right, but I then hit her arm with my right and she fell, but I grab her arm before she hit the ground and get her back on her feet.

(Y/n): It's alright, this takes practice.

Hermione: Come on, try again.

(Y/n): Are you sure?

Hermione: Again.

(Y/n): Alright.

For an hour Hermione practiced with me and she is getting dodging pretty well as well as disabling counters. Then Harry arrives and asks if I can accompany him to Lupin's office and I agree and we arrive in Lupin's office.

Lupin: Harry, (Y/n). Good, you came. Now are you sure you want to do this, this is very advanced magic. Well beyond your standard wizard.

Harry: I'm sure.

(Y/n): *slams his fists together* Bring it on.

Lupin: Very well, now the spell I'm going to try and teach you both is called the Patronus Charm, have you ever heard of it.

Harry: *shakes his head no*

(Y/n): I've heard of it but I've never really seen it in action.

Lupin: Well, to recap, the Patronus is a kind of positive force, and for the wizard who can conjure one, it can act as a shield. Force the dementor to feed on the spell rather than on him. Now, in order for this to work you have to use a positive memory, use the most powerful and happiest memory you can think of. Now, without your wands, close your eyes and think of the happiest memory you can muster.

I closed my eyes and search through my memories, there's the times I spent with Robert, the time Harry and I picked wands for the first time, ultimately I land on the memory of Hermione when she was there for me when I was unsure and scared of my powers how she never gave up on me.

Lupin: Do you have a memory?

Harry/(Y/n): Yes.

Lupin: Good. Now, focus on it and enunciate. Expecto Patronum.

Harry/(Y/n): Expecto Patronum.

Lupin: Very good. Now, Harry you first. Are you ready?

Harry gets his wand ready and Lupin and I stand ready behind the chest, Lupin opens it and I open it and let the boggart out.

Harry: Expecto Patronum. Expecto- Expec-

Harry passes out for a few seconds, after Lupin puts the boggart away, and get Harry up.

(Y/n): Come on, up you get.

Lupin: Here eat this. *hands Harry chocolate*

Harry: That's one nasty dementor.

(Y/n): Oh that wasn't a dementor, that was a boggart. The real thing would've been worse, a lot worse.

Lupin: As a matter of interest what were you thinking? *relights candles*

Harry: The first time I rode a broom.

(Y/n): Hahaha, sorry to say, buddy, but that's not nearly good enough.

Lupin: Are there any other memories you could choose?

Harry: There is another. It's not happy, but it is. It's the happiest I ever felt.

Lupin: Is it strong?

Harry: *nods*

(Y/n): Alright, let's give it a try.

Lupin: You ready?

Harry: Just do it.

Once again I position myself behind the chest and when Lupin unlocks it, I pull it open it and the boggart reappears.

Harry: Expecto Patronum. *doesn't work* Expecto Patronum!

The spell finally works and a bright light bursts from Harry's wand and slowly forces the boggart back into the chest. I force the chest shut and laugh in victory.

(Y/n): Hahaha! Well done, Harry!

Lupin: Yes, well done indeed!

Harry: I think I've had enough for one day.

Lupin: Yes, here eat this, it helps it really helps. You would've given your father a run for his money and that is saying something.

Harry: I was thinking of him and mum. There were just standing there, talking to me. Just talking. But it's the best I have.

Lupin: Very good. Now, (Y/n), would you care to give the charm a try?

(Y/n): Sure thing, Professor.

Lupin and Harry get behind the chest, I get my wand ready and focus on the memory I chose, Lupin then unlocks and opens the chest. The boggart/dementor comes back out and I push past my initial fear.


The spell casts a very bright light and easily pushes back the boggart, it wasn't a perfect Patronus but it was certainly powerful. The boggart is locked back into the chest and Lupin is impressed.

Lupin: Very well done, Mr. (L/n)! If I may, what memory did you choose?

(Y/n): Well, the one when Hermione helped me through a difficult portion of my life last year. She was there for me and understood me when everyone else only saw a monster at first.

Lupin: Yes, love can be a very powerful motivator.

(Y/n): Love?

Harry simply rolls his eyes and smiles as we walk out of Lupin's, and I still am unsure if love is what I'm feeling for Hermione, oh well.

Timeskip A Week Later

The Golden Quartet heard Hagrid had a hearing about Buckbeak's supposed attack on Draco and we are heading to see him. However, the mood frosty all around.

Hermione: Beautiful day, isn't it?

Ron: Oh sure, unless you're being ripped to pieces.

Harry: Ripped to pieces?

Hermione: Ronald has lost his rat.

Ron: I didn't lose him! Your cat killed him.

Hermione: Rubbish.

Ron: Guys, you've seen how that bloodthirsty beast of hers is always lurking about. Now, Scabbers is gone.

Hermione: Well maybe you should learn to take better care of your pets!

Ron: Your cat killed him!

Hermione: Did not.

Ron: Did.

Hermione: Didn't.

(Y/n): Children, knock it off before I put you both in timeout.

Hermione: You wouldn't.

(Y/n): Watch me.

A little bit later and we find Hagrid at the Black Lake, I joined him in the water as he skipped rocks across the lake's surface.

Hermione: So, how did it go Hagrid?

Hagrid: Well, first off. The committee members took turns to talk about why we were there.

(Y/n): It's just all pomp and circumstance to them, don't worry about it.

Hagrid: Then I got up, did my piece. Told them how Buckbeak was a good Hippogriff, always cleans his feathers. Then Lucius Malfoy, got up and you can imagine what he said. 'Buckbeak is a bloodthirsty beast, who'll kill ya, as soon as look at you'.

Harry: And then?

Hagrid: The he asked for the worst, Malfoy did.

Ron: They're not sacking you?!

Hagrid: No, I'm not sacked. *through tears* Buckbeak's been sentenced to death!

Hagrid throws the last rock hard and burst into tears, I walk up to him and put a hand on his shoulder to try and comfort him.

Timeskip A Few Days Later

Divination Class

Trelawney: Broaden your minds! You must look beyond. The art of crystal gazing is in the clearing of the Inner Eye. Only then can you see. Try again. *focusing on our group* Now, what do we have here?

Hermione: *whispers* Here we go again.

(Y/n): *fake yawns*

Trelawney: My dears since the moment you two arrived in my class, I could sense something in you two.

(Y/n): Oh, do tell. *sarcastically*

Trelawney: *to (Y/n)* Your soul longs for acceptance. After the discovery of your origin you fear you cannot keep your friends safe and you are scared of losing them. One more than the others. Love is something that you are confused about. However, given your history why try if you're only going to strike fear into the heart than love. *moves to Hermione* I sense you do not have the proper spirit for Divination. You may be young in years, but the heart that beats is as shriveled as an old maid's, *(Y/n)'s jaw drops* your soul is as dry as the pages of the books you so desperately cleave.

Very offended, Hermione gets up and knocks the crystal ball off the table and storms out, I recollect my thoughts and quickly follow her down the stairs. I sit next to Hermione as she starts to cry a little, I just pull her into a hug and tell her.

(Y/n): Don't listen to her, she may know how to read tea leaves and crystal balls, but she doesn't know a thing about people. Sure, you may strict and heavily organized at times, but you are a very caring and kind individual.

Hermione: *through shallow tears* Thank you, that was really nice of you.

(Y/n): I meant every word.

Hermione: *wiping away some tears* You might be seen as a monster by some but not me. To me, you are a very good, brave, funny and so very strong person who is not afraid to stand up for what is right. I wouldn't want you any other way.

I take Hermione back to the Gryffindor common room to calm down before getting ready for our next class. No one will ever bring my friends to great harm without having to face my wrath first. That is a promise and I intend to keep it.

(A/N): Hey guys, how you all doing? Good? Awesome, well you guys know the drill by now, if you liked this chapter leave a like and consider following my channel and reading my other content. As always, I hope you all have a wonderful day and I'll see you Thunderers next time. PEACE OUT!!!

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