The First Task

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3rd Person POV

Dumbeldore is in his office after being told that Harry must compete in the Triwizard Tournament.

McGonagall: This can't go on Albus. First the Dark Mark, now this.

Dumbeldore: What do you-

Suddenly, (Y/n) bursts through the door and Dumbeldore could see outside that the storm was getting worse.

Moody: (Y/n)-

(Y/n): No, you don't get to talk! What the hell happened out there?! How did Harry's name get picked from the Goblet of Fire?!

Dumbeldore: First, I need you to calm down.

(Y/n): How can I calm down when my friends life is at stake?!

Dumbeldore: What do you suggest we do then?

(Y/n): Pull Harry out of the Tournament! Don't let him compete!

Dumbeldore: Barty said the rules are clear, besides the Goblet has now constituted a binding magical contract. Harry doesn't have a choice.

(Y/n): Then end the Tournament all together.

Dumbeldore: The Ministry won't allow it.

(Y/n): To Hel with the Ministry and their rules! Since when did you ever accommodate the Ministry?!

McGonagall: I agree with Mr. (L/n), Professor.

Snape: Headmaster, I too think these events are beyond mere coincidence.

(Y/n): Clearly. Professor, whoever did this is no friend of the school.

Snape: However, if we are to truly discover the intentions of the enemy, perhaps we should, for the time being, let them unfold.

McGonagall: What? Do nothing?! Offer him up as bait?!

(Y/n): Absolutely not! I will not allow my friend to be set up like a pig for slaughter for this damn Tournament!

Dumbeldore: I agree, with Severus.

(Y/n): How can you say that, Dumbeldore?! Harry is nowhere near ready for something like this!

Dumbeldore: I don't know what else we can do.

(Y/n); Let me take Harry's place then.

McGonagall: But why trade one 14 year old boy for another?

(Y/n): Because I can actually easily trounce anything the Tournament decides to throw at me.

Snape: You would willingly risk your own life to protect Potter?

(Y/n): So that my friends can live, every time. Please, Dumbeldore, let me take Harry's place in the Tournament.

Dumbeldore: I wish I could. As I stated earlier, the Goblet has constituted a binding magical contract, Harry must compete.

(Y/n): *eyes widen in disbelief then turns to anger* I expected better out of you.

Before anyone can respond, (Y/n) storms out of the office, punching out a piece of the wall along the way. McGonagall starts after him, but Dumbeldore stops her.

Dumbeldore: Let him go, Minerva.

Snape: Headmaster?

Dumbeldore: He needs time. I understand his frustration better than he already knows. We are taking a huge risk with Harry being in the tournament. And I would gladly take (Y/n)'s offer to replace him with (Y/n), after all (Y/n) is more powerful than everyone at this school put together. Alastor, keep an eye on Harry?

Moody: I can do that.

Dumbeldore: Don't let him know though, he must be anxious enough as it is, knowing what lies ahead. Then again, we all are.

Dumbeldore the sees a massive lightning bolt hit the middle of the courtyard and just barely sees (Y/n) in the middle of said lightning bolt, yelling to the sky.

Meanwhile Hermione is with Harry in the Common Room when (Y/n) finally walks with lightning sparking off his body.

Hermione: (Y/n)?

(Y/n) then suddenly grabs a chair and throws it into the wall and shatters it into dust.

Hermione: (Y/n) (L/n)!

Harry: What happened?

(Y/n): I just spent the last hour arguing with Dumbeldore to pull you out of the Tournament! I even offered to take your place in the Tournament!

Harry: Why?

(Y/n): Because I can handle whatever the Tournament throws my way, I don't want to see you die out there! *voice starts to break* It's maddening that I can't help you this time.

Hermione: Then we know what have to do.

(Y/n): What are you talking about, Hermione?

Hermione: We prepare him as best we can, the only way we know how.

Harry: Anything you guys can do to help would be greatly appreciated.

(Y/n): *deep breath* Ok, Harry, meet me in the courtyard 3 a.m.

Harry: What?!

(Y/n): 3 a.m. Don't be late.

(Y/n) goes to bed, Harry and Hermione soon follow suit. Next morning, 5 minutes past 3 in the morning. Harry finally makes it to the courtyard and sees (Y/n) impatiently waiting. Harry walks up and (Y/n) finally notices.

(Y/n): About time you got here.

Harry: One thing, why are we up this early?

(Y/n): Because I believe if your going to survive this tournament, your body needs to be as strong as your mind. So your going to join me in my exercise routine in the mornings. No exceptions. Now 5 mile run let's go, we're burning daylight.

(Y/n) POV

I pretty much drag Harry through the morning which is what I expected I just hope he can get better before the first task. Later that morning Harry and the other Champions met with Rita Skeeter, reporter for the Daily Prophet, and from what I heard Rita is a terrible person, not caring for the truth just what sounds catchy. One day Harry is practicing his spells against me but he can't hit me to save his life.

(Y/n): Come on, Harry. How are you going to get through this tournament if you can't even hit me with a single spell.

Harry: (Y/n), I am running ragged and I'm tired.

(Y/n): You can sleep properly when you survive this Tournament. Now, again!

Neville: Amazing. Amazing.

Harry: Neville, you're doing it again.

Neville: Sorry.

(Y/n): "Magical plants of the Highland Lochs"?

Neville: Moody gave it to me, that day we had tea.

Neville then waves at Hermione quietly arguing with Ron, ever since Harry's name was picked from the Goblet Ron has been giving Harry the cold shoulder. Hermione then approaches us.

Hermione: *angry sigh* Ronald would like me to tell you that that Seamus told him that Dean was told by Pavarti that Hagrid's looking for you.

Harry: Well you- What?

Hermione: Uh, *Ron tells her again* Seamus told Ron that Dean was told by Pavarti that, please don't ask me to say I again, Hagrid's looking for you.

Harry: Well you can tell Ronald-

(Y/n): Enough! Hermione is not an owl. If you two children can't work through your problems like people, then you don't deserve to be here at Hogwarts. Thank you Hermione for the message, and putting up with these two knuckleheads.

Hermione: Thank you for being grateful, (Y/n).

(Y/n): Alright, Harry, I suppose we can take break until you find out what Hagrid wants. Hermione, would you care for lunch?

Hermione: Yes please.

With that, Hermione and I went to the Great Hall and Hermione and I let out some stress on our lunch.

Hermione: Don't you think you're pushing Harry a little hard?

(Y/n): He can't even hit me with a spell to save his life. Then again, I trained for this I suppose.

Hermione: Harry will get there. You know him, he's there when it really counts.

(Y/n): Yeah, I'm just worried about him. I can train him all day long but it's ultimately up to him to complete the tasks and I can't do a thing about it.

Hermione: *scoots closer and leans her head on my shoulder* It'll be alright, we can do this if we work together.

(Y/n): Ok. Thanks, again.

Hermione: Hey, we're best friends we'll always look out for each other.

(Y/n): Yeah, I promise.

Hermione could hear snickers from various students in the Great Hall and apologized, I told her I didn't mind. The next day I found Harry wandering the halls of the courtyard and by this point nearly everyone was wearing badges celebrating Cedric but saying Harry stinks. And so when I found Harry, he was being berated by nearly everyone in the school.

(Y/n): Hey Harry, so what did Hagrid say last night?

Harry: Come on, let's find Cedric and I'll tell both of you.

We find Cedric and after telling off his cohorts, Harry finally tells us what's going on.

Harry: Dragons. That's the first task. They have one for each of us.

(Y/n): Seriously, dragons?

Harry: Yup. One for each champion.

(Y/n): Oh boy. This just keeps getting better.

Cedric: Listen Harry, about the badges. I've asked them no to wear them.

Harry: Don't worry about it.

We left Cedric be and while I start thinking about how to beat a dragon, Ron and Harry get into another scrap.

Harry: You're a right foul git, you know that!

Ron: You think so?

Harry: I know so!

Ron: Anything else?

Harry: Yeah, stay away from me.

Ron: Fine.

As Harry walks away Draco decides to open his mouth, for reasons.

Draco: Why so tense Potter?

(Y/n): Oh gods.

Draco: My father and I have a bet you see. I don't think your going to last 10 minutes in this tournament.

(Y/n): You wouldn't last 1 second, Malfoy. Because your a crybaby.

Draco: How dare you!

(Y/n): *activates lightning* Bring it on, coward or do you not remember your second year.

Harry: I don't give a damn what your father thinks, Malfoy! He's vile and cruel, and your pathetic.

Draco: Pathetic?

Before I can react to Malfoy pulling his wand on Harry, Moody transfigured him into a ferret and proceeded to lift Draco up and about like a puppet which, honestly got a laugh out of me.

Moody: I'll teach you to curse someone while their back is turned!

McGonagall: Professor Moody. What are you doing?

Moody: Teaching.

McGonagall: *realization* Is that- Is that a student?!

Moody: Technically it's a ferret.

Moody the proceeds to stuff then ferret down Crabbe's pants, Goyle tries to help but ends up getting bit. Draco crawls out of Crabbe's pants and McGonagall transforms the ferret back into Draco.

Draco: My father will hear about this!

Moody: Is that a threat! *chases Malfoy* I can tell you stories that would curl even your greasy hair, boy! It doesn't end here!

McGonagall: Alastor! We never use transfiguration as a punishment! Surely Dumbeldore told you that?

Moody: He might've mentioned it.

McGonagall: Well you will do well to remember it.

McGonagall shoos everyone away and Moody pulls Harry aside, I go to the library and find Hermione studying, she notices me and smiles.

Hermione: Hey, (Y/n). *notices my slightly worried expression* Is something wrong?

(Y/n): Harry just told me what the first task was and it is not going to be easy.

Hermione: *pulls out chair* Sit. Now what is the first task.

(Y/n): Dragons.

Hermione: *eyes widen* You're kidding.

(Y/n): Nope, the tournament is already starting off strong. I just hope Harry can hold his nerve and find a way through this task. While all we can do is watch and hope.

Hermione: *takes my hand* (Y/n)?

(Y/n): Sorry, all my power and I am reduced to sit on the sidelines and be useless.

Hermione: *holds hand tighter* You are not useless. You are the best man I have ever met, you have never backed down from a challenge and while you may be on the sidelines with the rest of us, this is just another challenge that you can overcome, and I'll be there for you the whole way.

(Y/n): *smiles* Thank you. I don't know what I'd do without you.

Hermione: Sorry, you have some food on your cheek.

Hermione wiped away the food with a handkerchief and made sure nothing else was left. I notice her brown eyes are especially beautiful today, I move a strand of hair out of her face and we look at each other. She starts to lean in as I put a hand on her cheek, her skin is soft and pleasant, our lips almost connect when-

Ginny: Ahem.

Hermione and I quickly pull away and go back to studying with our faces red in embarrassment.

(Y/n): I'm sorry.

Hermione: Me too.

Timeskip Day of the First Task

I am in the champion's tent making sure Harry is ready for his face-off against a fricking dragon.

(Y/n): Alright, Harry. One more time put as much power as you can behind the spell.

Harry: *deep breath* Expelliarmus!

I tank the hit and actually feel the force behind it and I laugh.

(Y/n): Hahaha! Well done, Harry! I could feel the force behind your spell!

????: *quietly* Psst. Psst.

Harry goes to the wall of the tent and we both hear Hermione's voice.

Hermione: Harry? How are you feeling?

Harry: I really don't know how to answer that.

(Y/n): He'll be fine. Just don't lose focus on your objective.

Hermione: After that you just have to-

Harry: Battle a dragon.

Hermione rushes in and hugs Harry, suddenly a flash is heard and we turn to see, sigh, Rita Skeeter.

Rita: Young love, how, stirring.

(Y/n): I'm giving you one chance, leave now.

Rita: Or what?

(Y/n): *activates lightning*

Rita: Hmph, no matter. We've got what we wanted.

The camera flashes a picture of me and I 'accidently' zap the camera and burn it to a crisp. Before Rita can retaliate, Dumbeldore walks in and addresses the champions.

Dumbeldore: Good day, Champions. Gather around. You've waited, you've wondered and now the day has come that only four of you can appreciate- Mr. (L/n)? Ms. Granger? What are you two doing here?

(Y/n): Sorry, we were just leaving.

I pick up Hermione and we leave the tent with her smacking my arm and telling me to put her down. We find Ron in the stands and wait for the first task to get underway. Cedric was first up and he faced off against the Swedish Short-Snout Dragon. Fleur was next and she was up against the Welsh Green. The Viktor Krum was up against the Chinese Fireball. Harry was last and I can only imagine which dragon he'll be up against. As Harry walks out of the tent and the dragon he is against is none other than a Hungarian Horntail, considered by most to be the most dangerous dragon breed of all.

As Harry walks from the cave and into the arena the Horntail attacks and misses Harry with it's tail. Harry tries desperately to get to the egg while avoiding the dragon's tail and fire breath. As the Horntail hits Harry in the back sending flying several feet, Harry works through it and take cover behind a large boulder as the dragon breaths another stream of fire.

Hermione: Your wand, Harry! Your wand!

(Y/n): Keep your nerve!

Harry: Accio Firebolt!

Hmm that might actually work if he can pull it off, Harry stays hidden behind the rock until his broom arrives and he leaps onto his broom and the dragon gives chase and ends up breaking it's chain and Harry is forced to lead it away from the arena. The air is then silent for what seems to be an eternity, I was about to fly up and try to spot Harry until he finally comes over the horizon and back to the arena.

Hermione: Yes! YES!


Hermione jumps into my arms and wraps me in a hug, I excitedly return the hug and we continue cheering for Harry. When we get back to the Common Room all the Gryffindor's are cheering for Harry as I lift him above the crowd.

Fred: Knew you wouldn't die Harry!

George: Lose an arm!

Fred: Or a leg!

George: Packing it all together!

Fred/George: NEVER!

The golden egg got passed around and finally comes back to Harry who gets encouragement to open the egg to find out the secret about the next task. But when he does open it, all we get is a loud screech until Harry closes it.

Ron: What the bloody hell was that?!

Fred: Alright, everyone. Go back to your knitting. This is gonna be uncomfortable enough without all you nosy sods listening in.

Ron and Harry finally work through their problems and are best friends again.

Ron: So, I figure you've be barking mad to put your own name in the Goblet.

Harry: Caught on have you? Took you long enough.

Ron: I wasn't the only one who thought you'd done it. Everyone was saying it behind your back.

(Y/n): Hey!

Harry: Brilliant. Makes me feel loads better.

Ron: Least I warned you about the dragons.

Hagrid: Hagrid warned me about the dragons.

Ron: No, no I did. No, don't you? I told Hermione to tell you the Seamus told that Dean was told by Pavarti that Hagrid was looking for you. Seamus never actually told me anything sit was- It was really me all along. I thought we'd be alright, you know... after you figure that out.

(Y/n): Who could possibly figure that out?

Harry: It's completely mental.

Ron: Heh, isn't it? I suppose I was a bit distraught.

(Y/n): Are you kidding?! You were acting like a teenager!

This got the boys to laugh and I realized what I said and laughed along.

Hermione: Ugh, boys.

(A/N): Whoo! First task complete and we're all friends again! YAY! Anyways, hope you guys enjoyed. Be sure to use your wands on that like button and consider following it helps me out. I wish you all a wonderful day and I'll see you all next time. PEACE OUT!!!

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