The Yule Ball

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(Y/n) POV

The Golden Quartet is sitting in the Great Hall for lunch and mail, I am eating a side of pork when the Patill twins walk by and say hello to Harry. Harry then sees Cho, who Harry has had a crush on her since the start of the year, whatever that means. Then Hermione slams the Daily Prophet on the table in frustration;

Hermione: Look at this! I can't believe it, she's done it again. "Ms. Granger, a plain but ambitious girl, seems to be acquiring a taste for famous wizards. Her latest prey, sources report, is none other than the Bulgarian bon-bon, Viktor Krum and maybe the Thunderer, (Y/n) (L/n). No word yet on how Harry Potter is taking this latest emotional blow."

(Y/n): Wow, I knew she was a bad reporter, but geez.

Nigel: Parcel for you, Mr. Weasley.

Ron: Ah, thank you, Nigel.

Hermione gets Ron's attention and Ron realizes Nigel is still hanging around.

Ron: *whisper* Not now, Nigel. Later. *Nigel leaves*

(Y/n): What was that about?

Ron: *sigh* I told him I would get him Harry's autograph.

(Y/n): Gotcha.

Ron: *opens parcel* Oh look, mum sent me something.

Ron then pulls out what looks like an old time dress, like really old. I just burst with laughter as Hermione tries to contain herself.

Ron: Mum sent me a dress?

Harry: Well, it does match your eyes. Is there a bonnet?

(Y/n): Yes there is! HAHAHAHA!

Ron: Nose down, guys. Ginny these must be for you.

Ginny: I'm not wearing that it's ghastly.

Hermione: They're not for Ginny. They're for you. *crowd laughs* Dress robes.

Ron: Dress robes? For what?

Timeskip An Hour Later

Every Gryffindor is in a room with girls on one side and boys on the other, Filch is trying to get a huge phonograph while McGonagall addresses the crowd.

McGonagall: The Yule Ball has been a tradition of the Triwizard Tournament, since it's inception. On Christmas Eve night, we and our guests gather in the Great Hall for a night of well mannered frivolity.

(Y/n): Frivo- what?

McGonagall: As representatives of the host school, I expect each and every on of you to put your best foot forward. And I mean this literally because The Yule Ball is first and foremost, a dance.

This got mixed reactions from everyone in the room, I wasn't complaining, I'm not afraid of dancing but I just don't how to dance is my only issue. McGonagall then raises her voice.

McGonagall: Silence! The house of Godric Gryffindor has commanded the respect of the wizarding world for nearly 10 centuries. I will not have you in the course of a single evening besmirching that name by behaving like a babbling, bumbling band of baboons. Now to dance is to let the body breath. Inside every girl a secret swan slumbers, longing to burst forth and take flight.

Ron: Something's about to burst out but I don't think it's a swan. *chuckling*

I throw a book at Ron and nail him in the head for being disrespectful.

McGonagall: Inside every boy, a lordly lion prepared to prance. Mr. Weasley.

Ron: Yes?

McGonagall: Will you join me, please?

(Y/n): *whispers* Uh-oh busted. Heh.

McGonagall leads Ron to the floor to demonstrate how to dance, and when Harry leaned to Fred and George, I could barely contain my laughter.

Harry: *whispers* Oi! You're never gonna let him forget this are you?

Fred/George: Never.

McGonagall: Everyone come together! Boys! On your feet!

I finally stifle my laughter and lean to Neville.

(Y/n): You feeling brave, Neville?

Neville: I am if you are.

(Y/n): Alright, let's do this.

Neville and both get and while Neville is a little slow to pick a girl to dance with, I went for only one girl in the crowd and extend my hand.

(Y/n): Ms. Granger. May I have this dance?

Hermione: *giggles as she blushes* Of course, you may.

As she takes my hand and as I place my hand on her waist, I tell her.

(Y/n): Keep in mind, I've never done this before.

Hermione: It's alright. Just follow the rhythm, like so. 1, 2, 3. 1, 2, 3.

She continues setting the beat until I start to get it and as I take the lead in the dance, Hermione has a big smile on her face. I then think, 'why not?'

(Y/n): So, Hermione. Um, would you care to be my partner to the Ball?

Hermione: *giggles* Of course. I'd love to go with you.

(Y/n): Great!

As the music ends I spin Hermione in circle and I bow to end the dance. But oh boy, do I have my work cut out for me, because Ron and Harry are pathetic when it comes to talking to girls. Over the course of the next few weeks, Robert sent me something to wear for the ball but it wasn't what I was expecting, anyways, one day Ron, Harry and Hermione are studying by the lake while I was working out by myself. Viktor Krum passes by doing his own workout with a crowd of girls following him, he does throw a flirty look Hermione's way but for some reason she responded with calling me out.

Hermione: Hey, (Y/n)! Wanna try out that new training you wanted to try?!

(Y/n): Uh, yeah, if you're up for it!

Hermione: Then come on, let's try it!

I get into position and psych myself up, when a boulder the size of hatchback hits me. I quickly recover and lift the boulder and see Hermione giggling.

(Y/n): Sneak attack, huh?

Hermione: You keep saying to be prepared and your opponent may not wait for you!

(Y/n): Alright. *smashes rock into powder* Bring it on, Hermione!

Hermione proceeds to use her wand to throw boulders the size of lorries at me and I activate my powers and punch or deflect them until I can reach Hermione's position and this goes on for an hour until Hermione finally gets tired and I lift the last boulder and throw it in the lake. By this point Viktor had already left and Hermione just had a smirk on her face as I approached.

(Y/n): I thought you hated my showing off?

Hermione: Well, hindsight is 20-20.

(Y/n): *realization* You were trying to tell Viktor off.

Hermione: You cannot prove that.

(Y/n): HAHAHA! You bad girl.

I finish my workout and Hermione and the others finished studying and went back to the Common room because I told them I was gonna practice my lightning and didn't want to blind them by accident.

Hermione POV

Ron, Harry and I make it back to the Common Room and I go to my dorm and watch (Y/n) practice his lightning at the lake. Dark clouds begin to gather in the sky above him and then he casts the biggest lightning bolt he can cast and tries to keep it up for as long as he can. I blush as he nearly constantly works to get stronger and test his limits, then I hear-

Ginny: You know some people might call that stalking.

Hermione: *blushes harder* I-I don't-

Ginny: Relax, I get it you really like him, but you don't want to ruin things between you two. Won't know what's going to happen unless you ask, because he certainly isn't smart enough to take the initiative. Like my brother.

I couldn't think of a response because I do like him in a more than a friends kind of way, especially after we almost kissed in the library. Ginny then pipes up again.

Ginny: Honestly, I am very happy for you two. You each are opposites in several ways but also similar in a few. I like the idea of you two together, but he's not gonna be available forever. So, I would at least try before it's too late.

I think about what Ginny said and realize she may be right, I look back out to see (Y/n) still casting the same lightning bolt when he started. Well, I guess there's only one thing to do.

(Y/n) POV

A week before the Yule Ball and I have my outfit ready for the dance and I learned Viktor tried asking Hermione to the dance but she kindly rejected his invite because she was going with me. The Golden Quartet are in the Great Hall doing a written essay test for Potions class, I thought this was going to be harder.

Ron: This is mad. At this rate, we'll be the only ones in our year without dates.

Snape pushes Ron's head back to the test in front of him.

Ron: Well, us and Neville.

Harry: Yeah, but, then again, he can take himself. *both boys chuckle*

(Y/n): It may interest you to know that Neville is already taking someone.

Ron: *groans* Now I'm really depressed.

Fred, or George I can never keep them straight, gives Ron a note telling him to get a move on and get a date. When Ron asks who he's going with, Fred throws a paper ball at Angelina and asks her to the ball, she responded with yes and Ron was even more bummed out.

Ron: Oi, Hermione. Your a girl.

Hermione: Brilliant deduction, Ronald.

Ron: Come with one of us. *gets hit with a book* Come on. It's one thing for a bloke to show up alone. For a girl, it's just sad.

(Y/n): *groans and rubs the bridge of my nose* Oh my gods.

Hermione: I won't be going alone, because, believe it or not, someone's asked me.

Hermione angrily gets up and turns in her book and test and comes back and says.

Hermione: *whispers* And I said yes!

Hermione gathers her things and leaves the Hall, Ron has a freaked out look because of Hermione's outburst and I can't really blame her.

Ron: Bloody hell. She's lying, right?

(Y/n): No, because I'm the one who asked her. Jerk.

I get up and also turn in my finished test and book and gather my things and leave the Great Hall. After the whole day training before the Yule Ball is held I have returned to the Gryffindor Common Room and join Hermione and Harry on the couch with a pot of tea ready. Suddenly, Ron was walked in by several other Gryffindor's including Ginny and the three of us get up and asked-

Harry: What happened to you?

Ginny: He just asked Fleur Delacour out.

(Y/n): No.

Hermione: What?

Harry: What did she say?

Hermione: Well, no, obviously.

Ron shakes his head no.

Hermione: *gasp* She said yes? *while covering her mouth*

Ron: Don't be silly. There she was, walking by. You know how I like it when they walk. I couldn't help it. It just sort of slipped out.

Ginny: Actually, he sort of screamed at her. It was quite frightening.

Harry: And what did you do then?

Ron: What else? I ran for it. I'm not cut out for this, Harry.

(Y/n): Look, uh, maybe it isn't so bad. That was just your nerves talking, I'm sure she'll understand.

Patill twins: Hi, Harry.

Ron: She's probably never gonna talk to me again.

(Y/n): You'll live. Eternal embarrassment, but you'll live.

A few minutes later Harry came back and told Ron that the Patill twins agreed to go with them to the ball. This ought to be interesting.

Timeskip Christmas Eve Night

I am getting the last of my outfit fastened and ready for the dance and for some reason I really, really didn't want to mess this up for Hermione tonight. I then hear a knock on the door.

(Y/n): What?!

Harry: Just checking to see if your ready, yet?

(Y/n): Almost, are you guys going, now?!

Harry: Yeah, we'll see you down there?

(Y/n): Yup, if you see Hermione tell her I'll be down momentarily.

Harry: We will.

After a few minutes, I am satisfied with my outfit and head down to the Great Hall, I get there and see Ron head into the Great Hall but Harry is still in the entryway. I walk up to Harry and he turns to me.

Harry: Whoa, mate that's a good look for you.

(Y/n): You don't think it's too much?

Harry: Looks a lot better than most of the other guys here.

(Y/n): Yeah, especially Ron.

Harry and I both laugh at this and then I ask.

(Y/n): Have you seen Hermione, yet?

Harry: No, not yet.

Pavarti: *gasps* She's beautiful.

I turn to see Hermione in a beautiful pink dress that darkens into a almost a dark purple color as it goes to the end of her skirt.

Her hair was also done up beautifully and I could not take my gaze off her, as she approached, I snapped myself back into reality and bow to her and she curtsies in response. I hold out my arm and she wraps hers around mine and we head into the Great Hall and wait for the dance to start and I learned that the champions are the first to dance.

Hermione: You look very handsome tonight, (Y/n). It really suits you.

(Y/n): I thought it might be a bit overkill, but you are easily the most beautiful person here right now. No lie.

Hermione giggles and blushes at the comment, some triumphant music then sounds and the champions, and their dates, come walking down the aisle. Harry is clearly very nervous about this and even when the waltz starts he is still hesitant about the whole dancing thing after a minute or two Professors Dumbeldore and McGonagall take to the floor and I turn to Hermione.

(Y/n): Shall we, Milady?

Hermione: Yes, let's dance.

Hermione and I take to the floor and we start dance with the music, and don't worry I am very careful not to step on any toes. Hermione has a smile on her face the entire night and I'm glad that she's having fun. As the rock band started their part of the dance, we dance till Hermione says she needs a break and I lead her to a table and get us some drinks, she had asked for punch but I was content with a butterbeer cask. I come back and Hermione is talking with several other students from various schools and houses. I hand Hermione her punch and I pour myself a large mug of butterbeer, as Hermione laughed at me drinking the entire mug without coming up for air, Viktor walks up with his date and challenges me to friendly drinking contest.

(Y/n): Hermione, can I be aloud to show this shorty who's boss?

Hermione: I think that would be alright.

Viktor: No pauses-

(Y/n): No spills, let's go!

Viktor and I start drinking but after his 10th mug of butterbeer he couldn't take anymore, especially since I was on my 10th cask and I'm still not feeling anything. Viktor conceded defeat and Hermione and I went back to dancing for the rest of the night, until she told me her feet couldn't take her heels anymore, so I picked her up bridal style and carried her to the steps just outside the Great Hall. I remove her heels and sit next to her.

(Y/n): Did you enjoy yourself, Ms. Granger?

Hermione: It was more fun, because I was with you.

Hermione scoots closer to me and takes my hand in hers and lays her head on my shoulder and I notice she has a big blush on her face.

(Y/n): Are you alright, Hermione?

Hermione: Yes, *as (Y/n) cocks an eyebrow* no. I've been struggling with something this whole year. You are my best friend and I didn't want to ruin that if you didn't feel the same way about me.

(Y/n): *slightly nervous* And how do you feel about me, may I ask?

Hermione: *deep breath* The truth is deep down, I think I felt this way after our second year, I just didn't know what it was until I kissed you last year. I felt really happy and my feelings for you have only gotten stronger as we spent more time together. The truth is, (Y/n), I-I love you, a lot.

My heart starts beating faster as she says all this, I've never felt love for a girl before so, I was unsure of what this was, so I asked.

(Y/n): *tightens their hands embrace* Is this what love feels like?

Hermione turns my head to face hers and she leans in she connects our lips, I guess this is what love is, I returned the kiss and we deepened it until the need for air became too much and we were forced to separate. Hermione still had a huge blush on her face but she was also smiling and I tell her.

(Y/n): I think I've felt the same way for you as well, but I think it started back exactly two years tonight. While I was expelled all that kept me going was the thought of being with you again. And when I came back to Hogwarts I was really happy to see you most of all. After you were petrified I was heart broken and wanted to do everything I could to make this right again.

Hermione: And you did. So what if everyone doesn't see you as a hero, you'll always be my hero.

(Y/n): And now that's all that matters to me. I love you, Hermione Granger.

Hermione: And I love you, (Y/n) (L/n).

Hermione gives me a kiss on my cheek and then I can hear her snoring softly still with a smile on her face. I gently move her head, pick up her heels and carry Hermione back to the girls dorm. I laid her down on her bed and gave her a kiss goodnight. I then go back to my dorm and remove my cape and armor and I too hit the hay for the night, perfectly content with how much I care for Hermione and I won't stop trying to make her happy.

(A/N): Aww, isn't that sweet? *sniffles* I'm not crying, you're crying! Well, there you have it folks, you and Hermione are officially an item. As always, if you enjoyed this chapter leave a like and consider following my channel. I hope you all have a wonderful day and I will see you all next time. PEACE OUT!!!

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