The Second Task

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(Y/n) POV

After the events at the Yule Ball, Hermione and I spend a lot more time together, today though I am very disappointed in Harry, because he just told Hermione and I that he still has yet to figure out the egg he got from the first task.

(Y/n): Unacceptable!

Hermione: Harry, you told us you figured out the egg weeks ago! The task is two days from now!

Harry: *sarcastic* Really? I had no idea.

(Y/n): No, you don't get to be sarcastic about this! You have to figure this clue out or you'll be completely unprepared for the next task!

Hermione: *calms me down* You are trying to figure this out right?

Harry: What is that supposed to mean?

(Y/n): It means that this Tournament is designed to test in the most brutal way possible to near cruelty.

Hermione: We are just worried about you. You got past the dragon mostly on nerve. I'm not sure it's going to be enough this time.

Cedric: Hey Potter!

Harry talks with Cedric a little bit, while Hermione and I just wander back to the Gryffindor Common room. Later that night, Hermione and I are still up studying and I start to think more about Mjolnir and Roberts words about Thor having him safeguard it, it almost sounded like-

Hermione: *snaps fingers* (Y/n)?

(Y/n): I'm sorry, did you say something?

Hermione: You just seemed distracted is all. Are you alright?

(Y/n): Yeah, it's just Robert has been telling me more about my families history and some of it is kind of hard to process without jumping to the wrong conclusions. *sigh*

Ron then walks in with Harry and Harry clearly has something on his mind.

(Y/n): Harry, what's wrong?

Harry: I figured out the clue, I just can't make any sense of it.

Hermione then says we should all go to the Library and go through it with Harry and try to figure out what he'll need to do. And after several hours of researching-

Hermione: Harry, tell us again.

Harry: *groans* 'Come seek us where our voices sound.'

(Y/n): The Black Lake, that's obvious.

Harry: 'An hour long you'll have to look.'

Hermione: Again, obvious.

(Y/n): Though, potentially problematic.

Harry: 'Potentially problematic'?! When's the last time you held you breath under water for an hour?!

Hermione: Uh...

(Y/n): Last night.

Harry: *groans* Why did I bother?

Hermione: Look, Harry we can do this we just need to think.

Moody: Hate to break up the late night study session. Professor Dumbeldore would like to see you in his office. *Harry starts to stand* Not you Potter, just Weasley and Granger. And (Y/n), Dumbeldore would like to see you in 1 hour in his office as well.

(Y/n): Why?

Moody: Because Dumbeldore said so.

Hermione gives me a kiss on my cheek before she and Ron head to Dumbeldore's office, Harry and I start to put our books away.

Moody: Longbottom!

Neville appears from a couple rows down.

Moody: Why don't you help Mr. Potter put his books away.

Neville agrees and approaches and I am still racking my brain on the whole breathing underwater for an hour.

Neville: You know if your interested in plants, you'd be better off with Goshawk's Guide to Herbology. Do you know there's a wizard in Nepal who's growing gravity resistant trees?

Harry: Neville, no offense, but I don't care about plants, but if there was some sort of Tibetan turnip that can help breath underwater for an hour then, great.

Neville: I don't know about turnip, but you could always use Gilly weed.

(Y/n): Really?

An hour later and I am approaching Dumbeldore's office and I am a little nervous about what he could want from me. I knock on his office door and he allows me entry.

(Y/n): You wanted to see me Professor?

Dumbeldore: Indeed, I need your help in the second task.

(Y/n): You're not going to have me make it more difficult for the champions are you?

Dumbeldore: I need you on lifeguard duty in case one of the Champions are forced to retire from the task tomorrow. And should they fail in the hour we give them rescue their treasures at your discretion.

(Y/n): Wow. Uh, I mean I can do it, but why?

Dumbeldore: I'm sure you've been sensing a sinister presence here at Hogwarts?

(Y/n): Finally, I thought I was the only one who noticed, but they wouldn't try anything here would they?

Dumbeldore: No, but, you can't be too careful. *hands (Y/n) some amulets* These have been tailored so you can see through the eyes of each champion and judge when you need to pull them from the task.

(Y/n): Understood. Goodnight, Professor.

I head back to the Gryffindor Common room and get some stuff ready for tomorrow and then along with Harry try to get some sleep.

Timeskip The Next Morning

The next day and I am walking with Harry and Neville to the docks, and Neville hands over some Gilly weed to Harry.

Harry: You sure this is going to work?

Neville: Absolutely.

Harry: For an hour?

Neville: Most likely.

Harry: 'Most likely'?

Neville: Well, there is some debate among herbologists about fresh water vs salt water.

(Y/n): Oh my gods.

Harry: You're telling me this now? You must be joking?!

Neville: I was just trying to help.

Harry: Well, that makes you a right sight better than Ron and Hermione. Where are they anyway?

Neville: You seem a little tense, Harry.

Harry: *sarcastic* Do I?

We board the boats and they take us to the platforms, I tell Harry I'm going to be watching from the top platform.

Dumbeldore: *over speaker* Welcome to the second task. Last night, something was stolen from each of our champions. A treasure of sorts. These four treasures, one for each champion, now lie on the bottom of the Black Lake. In order to win, each champion need only find their treasure and return to the surface. But they will have one hour to do so and one hour only. Champions, you may start at the sound of the cannon.


The first three champions dive in while Harry is pushed in while I suspect the Gilly weed is starting to take effect. This is confirmed when he jumps out of the water and does a backflip, heh, showoff. I take off my cloak and holster my wand, because I won't be able to cast lightning while underwater, and activate the amulets Dumbeldore gave and keep an eye on the champions and their progress. Cedric and Fleur are both using the bubblehead charm, while Krum is using a transfiguration spell to transform his head into that of a shark. 20 minutes in and Fleur is attacked by Grindylows and Dumbeldore calls it.

Dumbeldore: The Beauxbatons champion, Ms. Delacour, has unfortunately been forced to retire.

I then dive into the water, find Fleur and cast a shockwave spell to make the Grindylows go away, I then grab Fleur and shoot to the surface and get her to the platform. Fleur is a little delirious from the attack and tells me she needs to get back down there, and I ask why.

Fleur: Please, my sister is down there.

(Y/n): Down there? *realization* Oh, of course. That's why Ron and Hermione are missing from the crowd. Don't worry, Ms. Delacour, I won't let her be stuck down there.

This did little to comfort her, I check on the other Champions and both Cedric and Krum have their treasures and are making their way back to the surface. Harry is checking around for any sign of Fleur and decides to save Fleur's sister as well as Ron.

(Y/n): Good on you, Harry.

Cedric is the first back to the surface and I help get him and Cho to the platform, Krum came up with Hermione and I get them both to shore. I get a towel for Hermione before going back to check on Harry, and he is under attack by Grindylows and what's worse is that his Gilly weed is wearing off. Harry pushes his two charges to the surface. Ron and Fleur's sister hit the surface just as the hour runs out, I quickly swim out, retrieve them and drag them to the platform and Fleur is relieved, I am about to turn back and get Harry, since the hour is up, when he uses an ascension spell to fly himself out of the water. I catch him just as the judges get down to the bottom of the platform.

(Y/n): Get Harry some towels, NOW!

The Gryffindor's do so and I check his wounds and he just has some abrasions but he'll live. Fleur then approaches and says to Harry.

Fleur: You saved her, even though she was not yours to save. My little sister. Thank you! *kisses Harry's cheeks* *turns to Ron* And you, you helped.

Ron: Uh, yeah, a little bit. *receives same thanks* Merci.

Fleur: *to me* And you, you helped everyone today and gave me hope when I was worried about my sister, thank you. *kisses my cheeks*

(Y/n): I'm just here to help.

Fleur: No, you're more than that. You're a hero.

(Y/n): *blushes in embarrassment* Thank you.

Ron: Ha, way to go, hero!

Hermione: Are all of you ok?!

(Y/n): Yeah, we're good.

Dumbeldore: *over speakers* ATTENTION! The winner is, Mr. Diggory, for his expert use of the bubblehead charm. I would've liked to see Mr. Potter to finish first, for saving not only Mr. Weasley but the others as well. We've agreed to award him, second place!

(Y/n): YES! Way to go Harry! HAHAHA!

Dumbeldore: For outstanding moral fiber!

With that the task ends, I give the amulets back to Dumbeldore and I join Hermione on the boat back to shore, as I sit Hermione sits in front of me and leans her head back and rests it on my chest. Meanwhile Harry is being praised for that moral fiber crack, when we get back I help Hermione out of the boat and offer her a piggyback ride to Hagrid's house as Harry gets stopped by Mr. Barty Crouch. A little while later and the Golden Quartet are walking through the woods back to Hogwarts and Hagrid is reminiscing on the past few years and I'm still carrying Hermione on my back.

Hagrid: I remember when I first met you all. Biggest bunch of misfits I'd ever laid eyes on. Suppose you remind me of meself a little. And here we all are, four years later.

Ron: We're still a bunch of misfits.

Hagrid: Well maybe but, we've all got each other. And Harry, of course. Soon to be the youngest Triwizard Champion there's ever been! Hooray! Hahaha!

Hermione kisses my cheek and we all start to sing the Hogwarts fight song, until suddenly-

Harry: (Y/N)! OVER HERE!

I set Hermione down on the ground and rush to Harry's voice and see him looking over the dead body of Barty Crouch. The others show up and Hagrid then pulls them away as I examine Barty, I then check for a pulse.

Ron: What happened?

Harry: I don't know, I found him like this.

(Y/n): Damn it, he's gone. *thunderclouds start to form* That's it, this ends now.

Hermione: (Y/n), what are you talking about?

(Y/n): Hagrid, get them back to Hogwarts, I need to have a chat with Dumbeldore. Harry come up when you can.

I then take off flying for Dumbeldore's office, I don't even care for formalities at this point, I just smash through the roof of his office and see Dumbeldore and the Minister for Magic talking.

Dumbeldore: (Y/n)?

Moody: Is there something wrong with the door?

(Y/n): Enough! The Triwizard Tournament ends now!

For 30 minutes I continue arguing with both Dumbeldore and Fudge, mainly Fudge, to end the Tournament.

(Y/n): A man has died here, Fudge! And he won't be the last, I can guarantee that! It's time to act!

Fudge: I will not! In times like these, the people look to their leaders for strength!

(Y/n): Then show them some!

Fudge: The Triwizard Tournament will not be cancelled, I will not be seen as a coward!

(Y/n): Oh my Gods! Real leaders do what is right no matter what others think of him.

Fudge: What did you say? What did you say to me, boy?!

Moody: Excuse me, gentlemen. It may interest you to know that this conversation is no longer private.

Moody then uses his wand to open the door to reveal Harry about to knock. I take a deep breath as Fudge greets Harry.

Harry: I can come back later, Professor.

Dumbeldore: Not necessary, Harry, the Minister and I are done and (Y/n) was just leaving.

(Y/n): *growls* Fine.

As I reach the doorway, I place a hand on Harry's shoulder and nod at him, before leaving and heading back to the Gryffindor Common Room. I finally reach the Common Room and Hermione is still up and she sees my worried yet pissed off look and urges me to sit with her.

Hermione: What happened?

(Y/n): I just argued with the Minister of Magic to try and end the Triwizard Tournament. There's something going on here but I can't see it and I fear Harry may be at the center of it.

Hermione: Why would Fudge not cancel the Tournament on account of someone being dead?

(Y/n): I have no idea, Hermione. I try not to understand politics, it's just too muddy. I fear that by the time the enemies motives come to light, it'll be too late.

Hermione: *takes my hand and kisses my cheek* You'll figure it out, I know you will and you will always be the hero to face down whatever the enemy has planned.

Hermione then turns me to face her and kisses me on the lips and then lays me down and snuggles into me. She then starts humming softly and for some reason it managed to calm me down, after a while Harry returned and told me what he saw in the Pensieve and more about the dream he's been having lately. Whatever comes our way, I will put a stop to it if it's the last thing I do.

(A/N): Hey, all you young wizards and witches out there! So, the plot thickens, what kind of foul atrocities are at play and how will this impact our heroes? Tune in next time.

So, as always, if you enjoyed please leave a like and share with a friend if you think they'll like this story too. I hope you all have a wonderful day and I'll see you all next time. PEACE OUT!!!

One more thing, since at the time this is released, Halloween is one week away. So tell me are you dressing up and if so who are you going to be? Have a great day!

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