Voldemort Returns

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(Y/n) POV

     I am with Ron and Hermione in the stands, when the Hufflepuff band starting playing. Then from under the stands Amos Diggory, Cedric's dad, rushes out and proudly presents his son. Cedric is followed by Fleur, then Krum and finally Harry. The day before the third task I told Harry to use the amulet should anything happen out there. Harry sees me in the crowd I nod at him, to which he nods back and heads to his designated start point. Dumbeldore then gets everyone to quiet down.

Dumbeldore: *loud speaker* Sonorus! Earlier today, Professor Moody placed the Triwizard Cup deep within the maze! Only he knows it's exact position. Now as Mr. Diggory, *crowd cheers* and Mr. Potter, *cheers* are tied for first position. They will be the first to enter the maze. Followed by Mr. Krum *cheers* an Ms. Delacour. *cheers* First contestant to touch the cup will be the winner! *normal voice* Champions gather around, quickly!

      Dumbeldore proceeds to give the Champions a word of caution, I think. He then tells the Champions to get ready.

Dumbeldore: On the count of 3. 1-


     Mr. Filch once again messes up the cannon and fires prematurely, nonetheless, Harry and Cedric enter the maze. Harry looks at me again and I give him a thumbs up as good luck. After, the entrance to the maze closes behind them, a few minutes go by and Viktor enters the maze, then Fleur not long after. It seems Hermione could sense my anxiety, because she took my hand in hers and intertwined our fingers, I look down and see her reassuring smile.

Hermione: It'll be okay.

(Y/n): I hope so.

Harry POV

      I have been wandering around the maze for some time, and while I sent up red sparks to signal Fleur's defeat, I have found no sign of the Triwizard cup. I ran into Krum who did point his wand at me but I could see his eyes and he was being bewitched. Just a little further on however, and I finally see the Cup and start making my way towards. I come to an intersection and just narrowly avoid a spell from Krum and I hear.

Cedric: Get down! *Harry crouches down* Expelliarmus!

     The spell hits Krum and knocks him out, Cedric the kicks his wand away and is about finish him.

Harry: No, he's bewitched Cedric! He's bewitched!

     Cedric pushes me off him and we start chasing each other through the maze while trying to get past one another. We round a corner and see a clear path to the Cup. As we once again try to get ahead of the other, Cedric gets snagged by the maze itself and becomes trapped. I kept running until I heard Cedric calling out for my help, I stop and look at him and the Cup. I then remember what Dumbeldore said about losing yourself in this maze.

Harry: *aims wand at roots* Reducto!

     I then rush to Cedric and get him out of the branches and get him up and we're both breathing heavily.

Cedric: Thanks.

Harry: Don't mention it.

Cedric: You know, for a moment there, I thought you were gonna let it get me.

Harry: For a moment so did I.

Cedric: Some game, huh?

Harry: Some game.

     Just then the maze started to violently close behind us and run to the Cup and we both hesitate to grab it.

Cedric: Go on take it! You saved me, take it!

Harry: Together! 1, 2, 3!

      We both grab the Cup but are suddenly pulled from the maze and we land somewhere else. We both try to recover...

Cedric: You ok?

Harry: Yeah. You?

     We both get up and I look at the place and I can't believe it we are in the graveyard from my dream.

Harry: I think I've seen this place before.

     As Cedric identifies the Cup as a portkey, I hear a door open and a shadowy figure appears and immediately my scar starts to burn and grab mu head in pain. Cedric tries to help, as soon as he sees the figure, I can see that it is Wormtail and he's holding something in one of his arms.

Harry: Cedric, get back to the Cup!

Cedric: *points wand at Wormtail* Who are you?! What do you want?!

????: Kill the spare.

Wormtail: Avada Kadavra!

Harry: *as Cedric gets hit* NO! Cedric!

     Wormtail then uses the Imerious curse to force me up and the grave stone statue of the Grim Reaper physically restrains me. I grab the amulet (Y/n) gave me and try to call for his help while fighting through the pain of my scar. Wormtail then drops the thing he was carrying, which was Voldemort in his deformed state, into a large cauldron.

Wormtail: *lifts a bone from the grave* Bone of the father unwillingly given.

     Wormtail drops the bone into the cauldron, he then puts away his wand and pulls out a knife.

Wormtail: Flesh of the servant willingy sacrificed. *yells as he cuts his hand off*

     Wormtail then cleans off the knife and comes up to me and proceeds to use the knife to draw blood from me.

Wormtail: And blood of the enemy forcibly taken.

As I yelled in pain I used (Y/n)'s amulet with everything I had. The cauldron started to react to the objects it was given and it then burns up completely. I can then only watch as Voldemort begins to retake his former form. (Y/n), please help.

(Y/n) POV

     As we wait on word about Harry or Cedric, I start to feel the power of an amulet calling for my aid. I can then feel the pain of the person wielding said amulet and I realize Harry must be in real trouble. I let go of Hermione's hand and hop down to Dumbeldore and pull him aside.

Dumbeldore: (Y/n), what is it?

(Y/n): Harry's in trouble, like real trouble. I need to find him.

Dumbeldore: How do you know this?

(Y/n): I gave Harry an amulet that would allow him to call for my aid if he really needed. Now can you locate him?

Hermione: Locate who? *clearly worried*

(Y/n): Harry's in trouble, I need to find him.

Hermione: *grows concerned* You don't think...?

(Y/n): Yeah, I think the bad guys have already made their move and captured Harry.

Dumbeldore: The trace doesn't show him on the grounds anymore. Here, I'll give you a mental image of his location.

     Dumbeldore then uses his wand to pull a memory from himself and passes it to me.

(Y/n): I see it and I know the place.

Hermione: I'll go with you.

(Y/n): No, stay here. This will be far too dangerous for you to tag along.

Hermione: *starts to tear up* But, (Y/n)-

(Y/n): Listen, I know what you are capable of but the place I'm going, I just can't let you come along. Please, just do me this one thing? Stay here and stay safe, I'll be back. I promise.

Hermione: You'd better come back, do you understand?

(Y/n): Yes Ma'am.

     I kissed Hermione's forehead and backed up a bit.

Dumbeldore: How will you even get there?

     I simply smirked and thought of the place I wanted to go and disaparrated.

Harry POV

     Voldemort has just called several Death Eaters to the graveyard and greets them.

Voldemort: Welcome, my friends. 13 years it's been and yet, you stand before me as if it were only yesterday. I confess myself, disappointed. Not one of you tried to find me, Crabbe! Macnair! Goyle! Not even you, Lucius.

Lucius: My lord, had I detected an6 signs or whisper of your whereabouts-

Voldemort: There were signs, my slippery friend. And more than whispers.

Lucius: I assure you I have never renounced the old ways.

     Voldemort then turns to Wormtail and gave him a new hand in thanks for his servitude. He then walks to Cedric's body.

Voldemort: Aww, tsk, tsk, such a handsome boy.

Harry: Don't touch him!

Voldemort: *notices Harry* Ah Harry, I'd almost forgotten you were here. Standing over the bones of my father. I'd introduce you but word has it you're almost as famous as me these days. The Boy Who Lived. How lies have fed your legend. Shall I reveal what really happened that night 13 years ago? How I truly lost my powers? It was love, you see when dear sweet Lily Potter gave her life for her only son, she provided the uliltimate protection. I could not touch him. It was old magic, something I should've forseen, but no matter. Things have changed. *rushes Harry* I can touch you, now.

     He touches my scar and I immediately scream in pain, as I continue to scream Voldemort yells with for reasons unknown to me. The pain subsides when he stops touching me.

Voldemort: Amazing, what a few drops of blood will do, eh Harry? *releases me* Pick up your wand, Harry Potter!

     I am slow to get to my feet and grab my wand.

Voldemort: You've been taught how to duel, I presume? First we bow to one another. *I don't bow* Come on now, Harry, the niceties must be observed. Dumbeldore wouldn't want you to forget your manners now would he? I said, bow.

     Voldemort forces me to bow with the Imperious curse and then proceeds to thrash me around and even when I did try to throw a spell he just reflected it back. I am now on my back with Voldemort looming over me.

Voldemort: I am going to kill you, Harry and without Dumbeldore to protect you, who will save you now?

*Thunder Rumbles*

      I see dark clouds gathering in the skies and this catches Voldemort's attention. Lightning starts cracking accross the dark skies and I grow relieved smile. A big lightning bolt strikes Voldemort from the sky as (Y/n) lands next to me and helps me up.

(Y/n): Looks like I got here just in time.

Harry: A couple of minutes ago wouldn't have been bad either.

(Y/n): What are you gonna do?

(Y/n) POV

     I turn around and see Voldemort regenerating, I look around and see the Death Eaters are closing in. I then see Cedric's body and the Triwizard Cup.

(Y/n): Harry, I'll distract these guys. You need to get back to the Cup and tell everyone what you've seen tonight.

Harry: But (Y/n), I can't leave you here.

(Y/n): I'll be right behind you just get you and Cedric back to the school. Go now!

     I block an incoming spell and then proceed to engage the Death Eaters. As I take them out I send out sparks of lightning from my body to strike others that I can't see. I can see that Harry and Voldemort are in a spell beam struggle. I try to reach Harry but I get hit with a killing curse, but I braced myself and pushed through the beam and broke the wand of the caster, as well as his hand. I then see Harry get away with Cedric's body but as I'm distracted, Voldemort hits me with another killing curse, I did brace for this but then the last of the Death Eaters also cast the killing curse. I try to endure but my body simply can't take the pain anymore.

(Y/n): *strained* I'm sorry, Hermione. I love you.

      My body and willpower finally give out and my body is sent flying. As I lay there unable to move and darkness taking me, Voldemort stands over me and asks.

Voldemort: Foolish child, why throw away your life for another?

(Y/n): *struggles* So that my friends can be safe. That's... all that... matters. *exhales*

      My vision finally fades and all turns to nothingness and my last thought was all of my friends being happy.

3rd Person POV

      Robert is in the kitchen when he starts to feel a pain in his chest and the house starts to shake. He rushes down to the basement and opens the vault and see Mjolnir shaking from it's pedestal.

Robert: Is it time?

      Robert then hears Odin's voice in the air reciting-

Odin: Whosoever holds this hammer. *Mjolnir shakes more* If he be worthy, *the pedestal starts to break* shall possess the power of Thor.

     Mjolnir then finally breaks free and smashes through the roof and through the sky. Robert drops to his knees and says with a smile.

Robert: Well done, boy. Thee have earned it.

      Back in the graveyard Voldemort is discussing his plans from now on, Wormtail then hears a booming sound and can barely see a small object flying through the air.

Wormtail: Master. *points to object*

     Voldemort turns around and sees the object flying towards him, he casts a spell at it but the spell simply bounces off it as the object careens towards their position.


The object then gets close to (Y/n)'s body and (Y/n) catches Mjolnir in his hand as a massive lightning bolt rains down to him. Voldemort can barely see what's happening, but the lightning is equipping the newly revitalized (Y/n) with new armor.

Wormtail: What is this?!

      Voldemort simply readies another spell, but then gets nailed in the head by Mjolnir with a loud metallic ping. Voldemort then gets hit again as Mjolnir returns to (Y/n)'s hand.

      Voldemort recovers and angrily fires a spell, but (Y/n) flies up and starts creating a big tornado.

     As (Y/n) puts more power into the tornado, the Death Eaters were akready being swept away and now Voldemort was forced off the ground. As Voldemort rises closer to (Y/n), Voldemort tries a spell, but (Y/n) swings Mjolnir and deflects it. Voldemort tries again with the same result. (Y/n) is then seen flying hammer first towards Voldemort and he tries one last ditch attempt but the spell ends up just hitting Mjolnir. (Y/n) then collides with Voldemort and causes an explosion in midair. The tornado disappates as Voldemort falls to the ground. (Y/n) then simply raises Mjolnir and shouts.

(Y/n): Heimdall! Portal!

(A/N): End music here.

     Low and behold the mythical Bifrost Bridge opens and teleports (Y/n) away from the graveyard.

     Back at Hogwarts everyone is crying or mourning the loss of Cedric Diggory. Hermione, however, was crying for a different reason, Harry had said that Voldemort has returned and (Y/n) stayed behind to cover his escape. She was now heartbroken over the potential loss of her best friend and love. As Dumbeldore tried to get people to disperse, a low rumbling was then heard from the sky. Dumbeldore moves everyone as the rumbling gets louder and rainbow lights start appearing in the sky. He gets the people out of the way just in time for a huge beam of light to hit the ground. The light is only there for a few seconds and when it disappears it reveals a large man in fantastic armor wielding a mighty hammer.

Hermione looks at this man as he stands and she sees his eyes and realizes who it is.

Hermione: (Y/n)?

Ron: That's who now?!

     Dumbeldore approaches (Y/n) and quietly asks.

Dumbeldore: (Y/n) what happened out there?

(Y/n): Voldemort has returned, that's why they captured Harry. *looks around* Where is Harry?

Dumbeldore: Moody, took him to be treated.

(Y/n) thinks for a moment, and then it hits him, he tells Dumbeldore.

(Y/n): Get to Moody's office, NOW!

      (Y/n) then spins Mjolnir and swings it upwards to launch him into the air with high speed flight. Harry, meanwhile, was finally putting the pieces of why these events haopened the way they did.

Harry: It was you from the beginning. You put my name into the Goblet of fire, you bewitched Krum, and- and-

Moody: You won because I made it so. You were in that graveyard tonoght because it was meant to be so. And now the deed is done. The blood that runs through your veins now run within the Dark Lord. *face kinda starts to distort* Imagine how he'll reward me when he learns i have onve and for all silenced to great Harry Potter!

     Moody prepares his wand when (Y/n) smashes through the wall of the office and before Moody can react throws Mjolnir at him and pins Moody to the wall without his wand.

(Y/n): Harry, behind me!

Harry: (Y/n)?

(Y/n): NOW!

     As Harry does this Dumbeldore, Snape and McGonagall barge in through the door and Dumbeldore orders Snape to use a Veritaserum on Moody. (Y/n) keeps Moody pinned with Mjolnir as Dumbeldore interrogates him.

Dumbeldore: Are you Alastor Moody?

Moody: No.

Dumbeldore: Is he in this room?!

     The imposter then involuntarily looks to the big chest in the corner of the office. Snape opens it and the teachers all see the real Moody in the chest.

Harry: But if that's Moody, then who's-

Snape: *sniffs flask* Polyjuice potion.

Dumbeldore: Now we know who's been stealing from your stores, Severus.

      As he says this the imposter's disguise starts to wear off and he transforms back into his real self. (Y/n) pinned him harder against the wall when the imposter tried to attack Harry.

Dumbeldore: Barty Crouch Jr.

Crouch Jr.: I'll show you mine if you show me yours.

       Crouch shows his dark mark tattoo and Dumbeldore looked at the cut on Harry's arm.

Crouch Jr.: You know what this means don't you? He's back. Lord Voldemort has returned.

Dumbeldore: Minerva, send an owl to Azkaban. I think they'll find they're missing a prisoner.

     (Y/n) finally drops Crouch and walks out with Harry and Dumbeldore. Harry is sent to the hospital wing and Cedric's body was moved there too, to prepare him for burial. (Y/n), suddenly feels a pair of arms wrap around him and he looks down and sees Hermione crying her eyes out. He wraps his arms around her and let's her cry for a few minutes.

(Y/n): I told you I was going to be alright.

Hermione: Sorry, *sniffles* I was so scared. If you died I didn't know what I'd do.

(Y/n): I'm sorry I made you worry.

     The pair stay like this for several minutes until Hermione finally closes the floodgates and pulls herself together and states.

Hermione: Nice hammer.

(Y/n): *laughs* Come on, let's get you to bed.

      (Y/n) makes sure Harry is going to be okay before holstering Mjolnir and picking up Hermione bridal style and carry her back to the Gryffindor common room.

(Y/n) POV

      I carry Hermione to her bed and lay her down, she then surprised me with a kiss on the lips. She stayed like this until she needed air and she smiles at me.

Hermione: I love you, (Y/n), the Thunderer.

(Y/n): I love you too, Hermione.

      I tell her goodnight and head back to my dorm. I hold Mjolnir and both marvel and wonder why it picked now even though I was too late to save Cedric. I guess I'll have to ask Robert when I get home. The return to Hogwarts was bittersweet, Cedric is dead and Voldemort has returned to full strength, there is positive to this though, now that I am worthy of Mjolnir I have the power to properly defend my friends, my family.

(A/N): Whew, that was intense, huh guys? Just one more chapter for this year, but how do you use this charcter without making all the other charcters irrelevant? Thoughts?

      Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed, please leave a like if you did. Have a wonderful day and I'll see you all next time. PEACE OUT!!!

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