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(Y/n) POV

     A week after the events of the maze and Voldemort's return, everyone is gathered in the Great Hall. Instead of Hogwarts house colored banners, each banner is black because we are all here for Cedric Diggory. I am in my armor and Hermione is holding my hand while trying to hold back tears. Dumbeldore then starts the eulogy.

Dumbeldore: Today, we acknowledge a really terrible loss. Cedric Diggory was, as you all know, excuptionally hard working, infinitely fair-minded, and, most importantly, a fierce, fierce friend. Now, I think, therefore, you have the right to know exactly how he died. You see, Cedric Diggory was murdered by Lord Voldemort. The Ministry of Magic does not wish me to tell you this. But to not do so, I think, would be an insult to his memory. Now the pain, we feel at this dreadful loss reminds me, and reminds us, that while we may come from different places and speak in different toungues our hearts beat as one. In light of recent events the bonds of friendship we've made this year will be more important than ever. Remember that, and Cedric Diggory will not have died in vain. You remember that and we'll celebrate a boy who was kind and honest, brave and true right to the bitter end.

     We all spend the next hour celebrating the life Cedric led and the good he did for others. I remember one time I was having difficulty with my powers and Cedric came up to me and greet me like I was his best friend and told me that the first step to conquering fear is to recognize that the fear is there to begin with. I think he started me on the path to truly start to understand and control my power. I decide to do him honor and go open up a small chest and inside was a little model boat, I then grab a picture of Cedric and head down to the bay. I get there and I see Cedric's dad, Amos, standing at the waters edge, I walk up beside him.

(Y/n): Mr. Diggory?

Amos: Oh, (Y/n), do you need something?

(Y/n): I just wanted to do some last rites in your son's honor, may I have permission to do this?

Amos: Yes, of course.

      Just then, I feel a hand on my right arm and turn to see Hermione, Harry and Ron. I take a deep breath and speak some last rites for Cedric's soul and then I set the boat with Cedric's picture in the water and let it sail. I then pull out my wand and send a spark of fire out and set the boat on fire to again honor Cedric.

(Y/n): If your up there, mom, lead this warrior to Valhalla.

      Amos thanks me for the kind words and the honor I bestowed on his son, Hermione then wraps her arm around mine and we smile at each other before heading back to the school. Later that day saw everyone saying goodbye to one another, it didn't matter where we came from or how we speak, we are all friends in the end. I was approached by both Krum and Fleur and gave me thanks for a friend to them. As the Beauxbatons and Durmstrang's went to go home, I join Hermione, Harry and Ron, as Ron asks.

Ron: Do you think we'll ever have a normal year at Hogwarts?

Harry/Hermione: No.

(Y/n): Not a chance.

Ron: Didn't think so. Oh well, what's life without a few dragons.

(Y/n): Hermione?

Hermione: Everything is going to change, isn't it?

Harry: Yes.

Hermione: Promise you'll write this summer, all of you.

Ron: I won't. You know I won't.

Hermione: Harry will, won't you?

Harry: Yeah, every week.

(Y/n): *chuckles* You'll get no argument from me.

Hermione: Of course not. *kisses (Y/n)'s cheek*

Ron: I'm never gonna get used to that.

     We all start laughing as we watch the pegasus carriage and ship leave for their respective homes. This year has taught me something else, that the worthiness of ordinary people will never cease to amaze me.

Timeskip Kings Cross Station

      Hermione and I say goodbye to each other and she takes off with her parents, after a kiss on my cheek was given. I then waited for Robert to show up, and waited, and waited. Until after three hours, I just decided to fly home myself. I get home and land on the driveway, and I can see the hole in the roof that Mjolnir must've smashed through. I chuckle to myself as I enter the house.

(Y/n): Robert, I was waiting for you at the station but you took too long to get there, so I just flew home!

      I don't hear an answer.

(Y/n): Robert?

      I look around the living room and don't find him...

(Y/n): *loud whistle* Robert!

     I go up to his bedroom and find it empty as well....

(Y/n): Dad?!

      I then head downstairs to the basement and find him on the floor in front of Mjolnir's pedastal.

(Y/n): Dad!

      I rush to him and try and wake him up to no avail, I then check for a pulse and I'm not getting, he's not even breathing.

(Y/n): *voice breaking* Dad? Dad, come on. Wake up.

      I kept trying to wake Robert up in vain, as reality set in I finally let the tears flow. I hold Robert in my arms for what seems like an eternity. I then felt something in his hand, I look and he is holding a letter with my name on it. I open it up and read.

Dear (Y/n),

     If you are reading this that means you have become worthy to wield Mjolnir's mighty power. But you'll also find that I am dead as well, I've been wanting to tell you for a couple of years now, but I could never find a good way or time to bring it up. So, I left this letter for you in case this event ever came to pass. As you may have guessed I am not who I said I was, the real Robert died many years before your parents were killed. When your patents died, I took you under my care and raised you, but to keep you safe I hid my true identity from the nine realms. As you may have guessed by now, I am Thor, the God of Thunder, and when I saved you as a baby I felt like you reminded me of myself when I was a lot younger. Plus I could tell you were a fighter underneath all that and despite your illness, you fought to stay alive. I raised you because I knew you could something far greater than I ever was, over time I grew to really care about you and saw you as my own son. I hope that you can continue being the best you can be and never give up fighting for your friends. I know times will be hard and you may stumble but you already have people that will always be there to help you and you can always find me in you heart, I live within you. Thank you for the many happy years you gave me and I hope I did the same for you.

Love, Robert

     I close the letter and tears continue to flow as I now have to move on without Robert there. Eventually, I stop cryong and start to gather all of Robert's personal items. His training gear, the weapons in the armory, his wand and various other items. I go to the shed and open it up to reveal a ship Robert and I were working on together, it was sail worthy but we never got the chance to try it out.

I carry the ship to the docks of the nearby coast, I then load up Robert and all of his belongings. I the recite some last rites for Robert as I let ship set sail.

(Y/n): May the Valkyries welcome you, and lead you through Odin's great battlefield. May they sing your name with love and fury so that we might hear it rise from the depths of Valhalla. I know you have taken your rightful place at the table of kings. For a great man has fallen, a warrior, a prince, a father, a friend.

      I then take a bow and light an arrow on fire, I aim and fire the burning arrow, it lands and lights the ship on fire. I then sit and watch as the ship burns, and I think on Robert, or Thor's, last words. The only thing I didn't burn with Robert was his winged helmet.

I look at the helmet in my hands and make a decision.

(Y/n): I'll do my best, Dad. The world is about to face a threat they haven't seen in years, I will keep fighting until I can't fight anymore.

      I decide there that I need to stop whatever Voldemort's got planned by any means necessary. I head back to the house and gather my things together, why, because now that have all of Thor's powers it won't be long before any bad guys figure out where I live and put people in danger. I destroy Mjolnir's vault and then cause a rainstorm and let a lightning bolt hit the house and set it on fire. I then open the Bifrost and teleport to the Leaky Cauldron. I just hope I can live up to Thor's reputation as the new God of Thunder.

(A/N): Well, there you have it guys. The Triwizard Tournament has ended and our hero is in for a wild ride, will he be able to live up to his legacy? Find out next time, as the journey continues.

     Hey guys that is the end of movie 4 and boy what a ride this has been. What did you guys think? If you liked this leave a like and consider following my channel. I wish you all a wonderful day and I'll see you all next time. PEACE OUT!!!

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