Year 5: Reunions

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(Y/n) POV

      For the last two months I have been moving from place to place around the world, I'll tell you why. Before I burned down my house after Robert died I looked through his fileing cabinet and took out every unsolved case Robert had left. You see while he raised, Robert had a job at the Ministry of Magic as an Auror. So I thought I would honor my dad by finishing his unsolved cases. There was a catch however, since I am a 15 year old student of Hogwarts, the Ministry didn't take kindly to an underage wizard solving Auror cases faster than they did. Because of this, and the fact that the Ministry is trying cover up the fact that Voldemort is back, have started slandering my name across the media, not to mention Harry and Professor Dumbeldore are recieving the same treatment. I have been approached many times by various agents of The Ministry to fall into line with them. Naturally, because they refuse the truth, I denied to follow their rules and have proceeded to brand me a menace to society. On more than one occasion raids were conducted by the Ministry to try and capture me, only for their plans to fail miserably, I have not killed anyone however, because I know their just doing their jobs. I am able to keep a step ahead of them thanks in part to Huggin being the best lookout I've ever seen. So, that's why I've been moving never staying in one place for more than a day, I also forced myself to break off communications with Harry and the others for fear they may become targets by not only the Ministry but much darker forces. After I finished all of my dad's cases, I was contacted by Sirius Black, who sought to employ my help in the fight against Voldemort. So, in addition to being on the run I also act as active agent to help Sirius and various other people that were fighting against Voldemort and his forces. Right now though, I am sitting next to a fire while Huggin keeps a lookout, I just finished making a stew when Huggin caws to alert me.

(Y/n): I hear them.

Moody: Hello to camp! May we come in?!

(Y/n): Come on in, Moody!

      Professor Moody and several other adults I didn't recognize, but I figured were friendly, walked up to the fire.

(Y/n): Pull up a stump.

Moody: We're not staying.

Tonks: *as she eats the stew* But we could use a refuel, Moody.

(Y/n): Be quick.

Moody: Harry used magic outside of school and in front of a muggle.

(Y/n): Was he under attack?

Moody: *nods* Dementors.

(Y/n): I thought the Ministry controlled them.

Moody: Some of them have been seen venturing away from Azkaban.

(Y/n): You don't think it's Voldemort's doing?

Moody: Entirely possible. Point is Harry was being expelled from Hogwarts, until Dumbeldore intervened and the Ministry allowed Harry a disciplinary hearing.

(Y/n): So get Harry somwhere safe until then.

Moody: You're coming with too.

(Y/n): *sigh* I can't. The Ministry has been hunting me all summer, because they've labeled me a menace, a monster, simply because I refuse to follow their rules.

Moody: We're taking you both somewhere safe until school starts up again, the Ministry may have jurisdiction outside Hogwarts but they have none within. You'll be safe.

(Y/n): *thinks for a moment and sighs* Alright, we'll do things your way, for now.

Moody: Then come on we have a long way to go. Get to your brooms!

(Y/n): No need. I've got a faster way.

     I tell Huggin to fly to the Black residence and grab Mjolnir.

(Y/n): Alright, stay close to me. *everyone does so* Heimdall! Open the Bifrost!

      The Bifrost comes down and teleports me and the adults to Harry's house.

Moody: You don't get the concept of subtlety, do you?

(Y/n): Where's the fun in that?

      We all head inside and Tonks manages to unlock the door to Harry's room and I open it up and Harry has his wand ready, which I can't blame him.

Harry: (Y/n)?

      I don't get to respond before Harry embraces me in a hug, I simply hug back and only pull away when Harry notices the adults.

Harry: Professor Moody? What are you doing here?

Moody: Rescuing you, of course.

(Y/n): Come on, get your things.

      Harry does so but is still very confused on why this is happening. As we exit the house Harry finally gets the run down.

Harry: Where are we going, the letter said that I've been expelled from Hogwarts.

Moody: Well you haven't been, not yet. (Y/n) get ready to port.

(Y/n): Just say the word.

Harry: But the letter-

Kingsley: Dumbeldore has persuaded the Minister against your expulsion pending a proper hearing.

Harry: A hearing?

Tonks: Don't worry Harry, we'll explain everything once we get back to headquarters.

Moody: Shh, not here Nymphadora.

Tonks: *as her hair turns from purple to fiery orange* Don't call me Nymphadora.

Moody: Now, (Y/n).

(Y/n): Hold onto your lunch, Harry. Heimdall! Portal!

     The Bifrost opens again and teleports us all to an empty park. Moody then leads us to Grimmould Place and then taps his staff three times and the building starts to move to reveal a hidden household.

(Y/n): Come on the others should be waiting.

Harry: Others?

     I lead Harry into the house and we can hear more adult voices quietly arguing. We continue down the hallway and Harry sees Sirius through the doorway and I can tell he wants to see him, but Mrs. Weasley stops us.

Molly: Harry! (Y/n)! It's so good to see you both. Now I know you must be hungry, but I'm afraid it will have to wait until the meeting's over.

Harry: About that-

Molly: Ah, ah, you'll just have to wait. Now go on upstairs both of you.

(Y/n): Come on, Harry. You know not to tell Mrs. Weasley no.

     Harry and I head upstairs and he asks me.

Harry: (Y/n), where have you been? I haven't gotten a single letter from you all summer.

(Y/n): I'll explain when we get upstairs, if Hermione will still talk to me that is.

Harry: What do you mean?

(Y/n): Let's just get this part over with.

      Harry goes to a door and opens it and almost immediately he is nearly tackled into a hug by Hermione herself. As soon as she sees me though, she pulls Harry into the room and shuts the door in my face. I simply sigh and sit on the floor outside the room.

Hermione POV

Harry: Hermione, what was that for?

      I simply scoff and sit on a bed and don't answer his question. Yes, I am more upset and disappointed than angry with (Y/n) for not talking to any of us for two months straight. Ron and Harry greet each other like best friends do and Harry explains to us what happened that got him expelled. Afterwards, I still refused to talk to (Y/n), until Harry asked to at least hear him out. I finally agree, but as soon (Y/n) walks in, I slap him across his face.

(Y/n): I deserve that. *SLAP* I deserve that too. *prepare to kick him* Maybe not down there!

Hermione: *voice breaks a little* Start talking!

(Y/n): First off, I just want to say I'm sorry for not seeing nor talking to you for the whole summer. I'm not making an excuse but, *deep breath* Robert is dead.

Ron: Oh mate.

Harry: How?

(Y/n): Apparently, the man I knew as Robert had been hiding a secret from me, from all the nine realms really. Robert, was actually the God of Thunder himself, Thor.

Hermione: *eyes widen in disbelief* But how?

(Y/n): The real Robert died before my parents were killed. When Thor took me under his care, he changed his name and abandoned his duties as a god. All to keep me safe, but as I kept getting stronger, Thor got weaker, because to give me his power means that Thor slowly lost his life force. When I became worthy of Mjolnir, his life finally ebbed away. I never got say goodbye to him.

     He continued to explain what he's been doing all summer, finishing Thor's unsolved Auror cases, and the Ministry basically, turning (Y/n) into a criminal. My heart breaks at how hard this summer must've been for him, not physically but emotionally, losing his step-dad and everything else.

Hermione: Oh, (Y/n). You could've talked to us.

(Y/n): I couldn't do that without putting all of you in danger. If anyone found out I was talking to someone, you all would've been branded criminals as well or worse they'd torture you just to get at me.

     I look at the other two and they both nod at me, I then take (Y/n)'s hand in mine and tell him.

Hermione: I know there will be risks but, I think I speak for all of us when I say we want to face them with you.

Harry: We've always got each others backs.

Ron: We're friends to the end, mate.

      (Y/n) looks around at the three of us and finally cracks a smile.

(Y/n): Okay then. So what have you all been up to?

     We just break out into laughter and I'm just happy to have my (Y/n) back. After a few minutes, Ginny and the twins join the conversation, soon though Ron gets on the subject of Mjolnir, Thor's enchanted hammer, and mocks the whole worthiness in order to lift it.

Ron: Come on, it's a trick!

(Y/n): Then please by all means.

      (Y/n) sets Mjolnir on a table in the middle of us and Ron tries to lift it, and he's really trying but can't make it budge. Fred, George and Ginny all gave it a try as well to prove (Y/n)'s point. Even Harry gave it a try just for kicks and he couldn't lift it either. The Weasley kids turn their attention to me and I simply answer.

Hermione: Oh no, that's not a question I need answered.

    Laughter once again fills the room and I lean my head on (Y/n)'s shoulder, Fred and George get the stupid idea of trying to eavesdrop on the adult's conversation. Fred lowers a magic ear looking thing that allows us to listen in

Sirius: If anyone has a right to know, it's Harry. If it weren't for Harry we wouldn't know Voldemort was back. He's not a child, Molly.

Molly: He's not an adult, either. He's not James, Sirius.

Sirius: He's not your son.

Molly: He's as good as. Who else has he got?

Sirius: He's got me.

Snape: How touchingly paternal, Black. Perhaps Potter will grow up to be a felon just like his godfather.

Sirius: You stay out of this Severus.

     Just then though my cat, Crookshanks, decides to make the ear his personal chew toy. We all tried getting him to stop, but he got away with it.

Hermione: Bad Crookshanks.

     A little while later, Molly calls us all down for dinner, I walk down with my arm wrapped around (Y/n)'s.

Molly: Well, we'll be eating in the kitchen.

     Fred and George suddenly aparrate behind Molly, startling her.

Molly: Oh! Just because you can use magic now does not mean you have to whip your wands out for everything!

(Y/n) POV

      As we eat, Hermione jokes about my eating habits a bit.

Hermione: Still eating too much for your own good I see. *laughs*

(Y/n): When you have 400 lbs of muscle to feed, then you can start complaining about my consumption.

     Hermione laughs some more and she started telling me about her summer, but our conversation stopped when the adults started talking to Harry about his upcoming hearing.

Arthur: This is very, very, peculiar. It seems your hearing at the Ministry is to be before the entire Wizengamot.

Harry: I don't understand, what has the Ministry of Magic got against me?

    The adults hesitate, so I simply grabbed a copy of the Daily Prophet from Lupin and showed Harry the front page. Sirius and Lupin gave me concerned looks.

(Y/n): What? Best to tell him now so he's has some idea of what he's in for.

Sirius: Fudge has been attacking Dumbeldore and (Y/n) as well.

Lupin: Fudge has been using all his power including his influence at the Daily Prophet to smear anyone who claims the Dark Lord has returned.

Harry: Why?

Lupin: The Minister thinks Dumbeldore's after his job.

Harry: But that's insane. No one in their right mind could believe that Dumbeldore-

(Y/n): But that's just it, Harry. Fudge is not in his right mind.

Hermione: What are you talking about, (Y/n)?

(Y/n): His mind has been twisted by fear. And anyone who is afraid will do unrational things. Why do you think I'm on the run? I have been branded a criminal simply because The Ministry fears my mighty power and feel like I will do anything I like simply because I have more power than anyone on the planet.

Lupin: Exactly, Fear makes people do irrational things. The last time Voldemort gained power he nearly destroyed everything we hold most dear. Now that he has returned, the Ministry will do anything to avoid facing that terrifying truth.

Sirius: We believe Voldemort is trying to build up his army again. Actually, (Y/n) helped us confirm this a couple weeks ago. Fourteen years ago he had huge numbers at his command and not just witches and wizards but all manner of dark creatures. He's been recruiting heavily and while we do have you and (Y/n), we've been trying to do the same. But gathering followers isn't the only thing he's interested in.

Moody: Sirius?

(Y/n): He's right. Over the course of my various missions for the Order one thing is abudantly clear, Voldemort is searching for something. Something he didn't have last time.

Hermione: A weapon maybe?

(Y/n): I couldn't tell you, all I know is he wants something for whatever he has planned.

Molly: Alright, that's enough! He's just a boy. You might as well induct him into the order.

Harry: Good! If Voldemort's building up an army then I want to fight!

      After a bit more squabbling, dinner finally finished and everyone else got ready for bed. I meanwhile just looked out the windows, in my pajamas, so I could check if anyone might be watching. A little while later and everyone has fallen asleep, so you can imagine my surprise when I felt a tap on my shoulder and turn around with Mjolnir in hand. I look and see Hermione, and I take a breath and calm down.

(Y/n): Sorry.

Hermione: *takes my hand* Hey, it's okay. Your safe. We're safe. It's time to rest.

(Y/n): I just can't help but feel something even more sinister than Voldemort is waiting to strike from the shadows. I don't think I'll be able to rest.

      Hermione then turns my face to hers and she pulls me down to her level and kisses me, I do return the kiss but I still feel a bit tense. Hermione then decides to be a little bit more forceful and almost drags me to her bed and forces me to lay down. She then crawls almost on top of me and snuggles into my body and starts humming. When she does this, it seems my worries kind of go away and I almost immediately fall asleep. I then hear her in my sleep.

Hermione: I love you, (Y/n).

(Y/n): I love you too, Hermione.

      Well, I guess I can relax a bit when I'm with Hermione, but one things for sure, Voldemort will do anything to destroy everything. One thing is also clear, I will always be the first one to face anything Voldemort has in store for us. And I most certainly won't let harm come to my friends.

(A/N): Oh man, bad shit is already happening and school isn't even in session. What could be this sinister presence the reader has started sensing? What are it's intentions? Find out as the adventure continues.

     Hey guys, as usual thank you all so much for reading this. If you enjoyed leave a like and consider following my channel. I hope you all have a great day and I'll see you all next time. PEACE OUT!!!

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