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I stood in the blacksmiths beating a blade with ferocity, my long red hair tied back in a plait. I didn't need my knee length hair getting burnt off. Many a sword I crafted that afternoon, my limbs growing weary, but alas the bell for my shift rung meaning it was over. I stopped what I was doing and threw off my apron, then doused the fire with water and left. We lived on the outskirts of Asgard, my father a royal guard and my mother a slepinir breeder.

"Good day?" She asked as I wandered through the door.

"Same as yesterday, beating the hell out of metal." I replied collapsing into a chair.

"Language young lady." She scowled at me.

"Is father on the night shift?" I asked.

"Yes." She nodded. I hung my head. "Gilda what's wrong?" She asked.

"He promised to go with me when I ride Audon." I answered.

"Why can't you go by yourself?" She suggested.

"Because it's no fun riding by yourself, besides the beast is a little bit hard to control" I laughed. The last time I rode him he reared up and threw me off and into the mud during the rain.

"Well we'll be seeing your father soon, there's a banquet at the palace for Odins sons return." She told me. I just sighed I hated banquets."Arvid, Thor will be there." She spoke up. I looked up and smiled.

"I better get cleaned up then!" I exclaimed. I drew myself a warm bath, and pulled on my silver leafed armour, I strapped on my wolf paw paldrons, these were all crafted by my hand, I let my hair hang loose and half tied, I then pushed my silver headband faceplate with the wings into my hair, it sat comfortably and framed my face it pushed my side fringe down over my eye a little more and hid my disfigurement.

"Really Arvid, you're wearing that? Where's your dresses?" She asked.

"I threw them in the forge," I said buckling my belt on.

"They weren't cheap," she said.

"I know but I like to wear armour," I said then placing the clasps onto my armour and my long lilac cape hung from the back.

"You look like you're going into battle." She smiled.

"Well someone has to protect you,"I said to my mother.

"I am proud of you," she said.

"I know," I replied. My mother then walked into her room where she began to get ready, she wore an ocean blue dress and her long black and grey hair was adorned with gold clasps. We took two Slepinirs, hers being white and mine black and galloped to the palace, we tied our horses down and two guards opened the doors and let us in. My mothers was amazed by the splendour  and the elegance of the palace, for me it was normal many times I had been here.

We were greeted by Odins wife first, and while they chatted I gazed around the hall, and it was then our eyes locked, there stood Thor in all his glory leaning causally against a wall, as I was nervous I just offered him a smile.

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