Chapter 3

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"Now come on I think we've made them wait long enough." I whispered in his ear he chuckled kissing me one last time before grabbing my hand and leading me out of my room. He walked me down stairs to the living room where everyone was waiting. They all got silent when he walked in and huge grins formed on their faces when they seen he was holding my hand. I instantly regnized them for school. I was actually friends with most of them. But the one who stood out was Clara one of the girls that was on my cheer squad. She was a very close friend and the only one who ever stold up for me when Livy started her crap. I ran over and partically tackled her.

"Levina gease woman what was that for?" She laughed not expecting that. Levina was my real name but everyone calls me by my middle name Violet. It had so long since anyone's called me it I almost forgot.

"You actually call me by my real name. Dork how'd you know?" I asked, I just wanted to fit in so I never told anyone my real name I felt it was to different and unusual. I didn't want to get picked on so I stopped using it.

"So I was right I seen you filling papers out once. I didn't want to be rude so I didn't ask. But I think you should it fits you much better than Violet." She smiled.

"You think so I don't know what it means?" I asked.

"It means lightning bolt. Which I think fits you much better than Violet." Jace Clara's boyfriend replied. He was a bit of a nerd always craving knowledge. He's practically a walking encyclopedia.

"Really how you know?" I asked curiously. When he opened a book showing me Spanish girl names and low and behold there was my name just like he said. With the meaning lightning bolt.

"Well I'll be damned your right like always wait my name's Spanish but I'm not Spanish at all. So why my name Spanish?" I wondered to myself.

"I can find out if you'd like?" He asked.

"That's sweet of you Jace but I couldn't ask you to go out of your way for me." I replied.

"Consider it done. I'll tell you as soon as I find out anything." He smiled hugging us. He was always a big teddy bear from looks alone he was intimidating but he wouldn't hurt a fly we've been friends since elementary. He always acted like a big brother. He even used to help me with my class work when he noticed I was struggling.

"Thank you I can always count on you brother." I replied, he smiled warmly.

"That's what big brothers are for." He joked, when Gabrielle picked me up setting me on his lap.

"So your all members of his pack how come I didn't know you weren't human?" I asked.

"Our alpha asked us not to till you were ready we didn't want to scare you." Jack replied he used to play football with Dylan.

"You guys could never scare me." I assured them.

"So is Levina our new Luna?" Nikki asked excitively she had most of the same classes with me. So we normally sat together.

"Yes everyone Levina is my soulmate which means she's your Luna so be respectful." Gabrielle announced they smiled brightly.

"It's about time." Micky yelled he was involved in alot of the school activities not to mention class president. We laughted.

"Alright we'll talk more later but we're going to have to get ready to meet the alaphs." Gabrielle announced wrapping his arms around me and getting up putting me on my feet they all nodded. We walked out he picked up up putting me on the back of his motorcycle. He put a helmet on my head and put his helmet on climbed on front and touched his bike on it was much louder than I anticipated. I wrapped my arms around him just as he gave it gass and took off the others followed close behind up. I closed my eyes feeling the wind breeze through my hair. The wind felt great on my face. Moments later we stopped I opened my eyes to see us parked in front of a old Victorian manion it was huge.

"I've never seen to the advisors elders senit before but I heard it was big." I muttered to myself he chuckled getting off. The senit is where the most oldest and wisest elder stay and advise the pack, alpha's, and avuate new alphs. They pretty much control everything. He turned his bike off jumped off taking off his helmet and picking me up putting me down and taking off my helmet. He put them on the back of the bike. Then he grabbed me hand and led me to the front door with others trailing close behind him. We walked in making sure everyone was accounted for before closing the door. Noticing the room we pitch black with a light only on us.

"Are you the new alpha the call the demon of the night." A vioce older man asked. We blowed kneeing down.

"Yes that would be me but I'm not so sure where the nick name comes from sir. My form might look like a demons but it is far from it I assure you." Gabrielle answered keeping his head bowed.

"Then what are you?" The man demanded.

"Raijin sir." He replied when someone walked over I glanced over to see an older man an elder lifting Gabrielle's head.

"Show me." He asked his tone was much gentler this time. Gabrielle changed into his Raijin from. He's smiled warmly.

"Is your father an alpha?" He asked.

"How did you know?" Gabrielle muttered stopping.

"Please tell me I don't look like him?" Gabrielle asked, hestintly.

"Spitting image actually. There's no denying it. He's my eldest son which makes me your grandfather. What's your name my boy?" He asked, kneeling down in front of him.

"My adoptive father named my Gabrielle because of my gold hair." Gabrielle answered.

"Gabrielle so anglic. Your adupted does you father know your mother did this?" He asked angerly.

"Actually it was his idea he wanted me terminated actually but she didn't so he forced her to putting me up for adoption since she's a rouge." He informed him his grandfather's face filled with discussed.

"How shameful to know my own child gave up his own offspring. I'm sorry if I would have known I would have stopped it or taken you my self. It doesn't matter if your mother's a rouge or not your still his flesh and blood. How old are you champ?" He said, as his experession softened.

"Ninteen." Gabrielle answered.

"That would make you his eldest son making you technically next in line to be next alpha." His grandfather informed.

"I'm already an alpha of the biggest pack in the US." Gabrielle answered he stared at him in disbelief.

"That's your pack I thought that was just a rumor." He blurted.

"No it's real I litterally have a whole town at my desposle but I make most of them stay hidden. My pack is my family their important to me so I keep most of them out of harm's way." Gabrielle informed.

"He's joking right?" He asked.

"My partner doesn't joke about stuff of that nature." I replied, he looked over at me.

"This your Luna?" He asked.

"Yes sir." Gabrielle answered, and he whacked him on the back of the head.

"I'm your grandfather call me Gramps or something not sir. Now let's take a look at you my dear." He said, lifting my head.

"Now what's your name dear?" He asked, smiling warmly.

"Levina Gramps." I replied and he chuckled.

"See she got it right on the first try I like her. Levina now that's a name I haven't heard in a while. Lightning bolt are you a
raiju by any chance?" He asked I nodded he smiled brightly.

"She's a keeper don't hurt her or you'll be answering to me." He said, as Gabrielle turned back into his human form.

"Wasn't planning on it Gramps she's my one and only." He assured him and Gramps patted his back.

"Good now let's go meet the other alpha's now that I've avuated you." Gramps said, we got up and followed him to out of the to a large room full of alpha's, their Luna's, and elders. They all got went scilent when we walked in.

"He passed meet the new apha Gabrielle. He's a god of thonder." Gramps announced, they stared at in disbelief.

"There's no way." A younger alpha said, sitting with an older alpha that I knew right away was Gabrielles father. As soon as Gabrielle seen him his body changed into his Raijin form. He slipped a clothe to hide half his face down to his mouth before his father could see his face. Which Gramps got a kick out of he couldn't stop laughing. Even some of the alpha's were cracking up.

"I couldn't help it I panicked." He said bluntly.

"Guess your aduptive father wasn't that nice?" I asked, he looked at me.

"Hardly neither was my childhood because of him that's why I got the hell out of there when I got the chance. So excuse me if I'm a little gun shy." He replied honestly.

"Well at least he's no longer in the picture but kinda hard to believe your so level headed." Gramps said, the other pack members lost thier shit.

"Him level headed you funny are we talking about the same Gabrielle who has a pack of over a hundred members. Trust me he is anything but that most of the pack is made by rouge's and outcast.  The more special cases like our Luna whos lightning beast. So trust me he's as rough as they come. Not to mention he take the time out of his busy schedule for each and every one of us. Since he's a god of thonder any one he takes under his wings drews of the power he raidates. Take me for instance I was the daughter of a noble but because I was a runt and couldn't shift they through me out. But Gabrielle found me dying from starvation nursed me back to health and took me in now I'm one of his Bettas I'm stronger much bigger and more powerful then an alpha or purebred. Most of us are thanks to him. He's the most respected alapha I've ever know and he knows how to get things done when they need done. We all look up to him like a big brother." Rose vouged for him. Gabrielle just chuckled.

"Sorry about that they're my family so they have a bad habbit of wanting to defend me." Gabrielle smiled proudly at her words hugging her kissing her head.

"Your my big brother that's what I do." She smiled hugging him back.

"Don't worry I admire your moxie. What's your name." Gramps asked, ruffling her hair.

"Rose. I'm technically the Luna's bodyguard since I'm one of the best female warriors." She said, he stared at her in disbelief. Their are different breeds of werewolves. Lycans which look like humans but with supper human strength, speed, hearing, and smell. Then shifters which just shift into an adverage normal sized wolf they were more animal then human not to mention blood thirsty. Then there were they werewolves that look like a gaint wolf with all the supper human qualities of a Lycan but are much stronger and faster. Their weakness is wolves bayne and silver. Last but not least the warrior with the best qualities or a wolf and a human. More in tuned with nature then any other werewolf breed. Are impossible to kill. Are much more intelligent, stronger, and faster. Not to forget their advanced hearing and smell is much more complex then a pure bred werewolves but they were thought to have died out years ago. 

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