Chapter 4

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"Rose?" An man said, standing up. She quickly turned away when Gabrielle raised his hand.

"I know your angery but you should at least listen to what he has to say." Gabrielle urged her she nodded turning to him and walking over to the man. He hugged her kissing her all over her face.

"I've missed you my little turtle dove?" He sobbed. She hugged him holding tear's back in confusion. She looked at me for help I walked over.

"Wait so you didn't disown her?" I asked.

"Of course not she may have been a runt and unable to change but she's my only child. I loved her more then the world she was my everything. I have no idea who told such a thing." He exclaimed wipping his cheeks.

"Wait so that wasn't you papa?" She asked, as tear's seeped from her eyes. Kent another pack member I've known forever who was also a betta walked over.

"No whatever gave you that idea?" He asked.

"Because whoever it sounded exactly like you." Kent replied he looked at him questioningly.

"She told me I'm her mate Kent." He replied and her father smiled brightly at him.

"We got together after Gabrielle found me." She said, he looked at Gabrielle and bowed his head to him. He bowed his head back.

"Thank you. You gave me back my daughter." Her father said.

"Its nothing really it's what I do. I'm a god of thonder why have all that power if I can't use it for good. I'm out to make a difference." Gabrielle answered. Gramps couldn't help but smile at his words. I walked over to Gabrielle hugging him giving him a light peck. He chuckled. When I started feeling light headed. He picked me up.

"You feeling okay? You don't look so good love. Can I set her somewhere I have to check her?" Gabrielle asked, when Roses father motioned him over to a couch where he set me down. He uncovered his gold electric eyes looking into mine. When he placed his hands on both sides of my head shotting lightning at me making my wolf ears and tail pop out and I clentched my fangs groaning when a roar escapd my lips. I covered my mouth.

"She's a newly turned so she can't quite control it yet." Gabrielle said, making me bite down on something so I wouldn't bite my tongue. When my body stifted without warning.

"Damn shes a big one." Gramps said, I closed my eyes whining as lightning tricked off my fur. When Gramps started petting me. I opened my eyes licked him nuzzling his hand.

"Thanks Gramps." Gabrielle smiled.

"No problem champ." He replied as Gabrielle leaned down running his fingers through my fur and kissing my muzzle. I whinned licking him face when he chuckled. When he noticed his father was looking straight at him in disbelief.

"Okay come on love shift back." He pleaded, touch my head sending lightning through my body making it shift back into my human form. He smiled getting up pulling his shirt off revealing engraved markings on his chest, shoulders, and back. He slipped his shirt over my head and pushed my hair back. I touched his markings.

"When did those happen?" Gramps asked.

"When I started shifting I've tried figuring what they came from but no luck." Gabrielle answered.

"Their the markings of a king every king has them. But I want to know why did they appear on you." The younger man with his father awesered.

"Well your guess is as good as mine." Gabrielle smiled.

"I've got class tomorrow. We better get going." He said, hugging Gramps.

"Alright be careful love you champ and stop by when you're free." Gramps replied hugging him back.

"I will love you to Gramps and I will." He replied, stepping back picking me up then Gramps walked us out and to the main door. We walked out over to the bikes. He set me on the back of the motorcycle.

"Love can you hold onto me?" He asked slipping my helmet on. I nodded he put his on and hopped on the back. Turning it on as I wrapped my arms around his waist as he took off. I just listened to the motor as he drove down the street. Moments later we we're back home. We parked he jumped off. When he pulled me off setting me down. When we took off our helmets I wrapped my arms around his neck kissing him. He wrapped his arms around my waist lifting me off the ground.

"Violet?" I heard my old best friend Greg say. I looked over to see him with none other than Livy. Holding his hand when I noticed her looking my mate up and down since he was shirtless. So I showed her my fangs and growling. She hid behind him.

"Eyes to yourself BITCH." I snarled. When my mate kissed me.

"Relax my dear Luna. No ones going to pay attention to a dumb weak mortal." He siad, twirled me around in his arms. When his horns grew out.

"Wait your the alpha they call demon of the night aren't you?" Greg asked.

"Yes but I don't know where the nick name came from I'm not even close to a demon." Gabrielle answered.

"So what then?" He asked.

"Try a god of thonder." He replied bluntly. Grabbing my hand and walking me into the house. But he followed the others in.

"Greg why are following my pack mates?" Gabrielle asked.

"I'm a hunter I just wanted to make sure you got avuated." He replied. Hunter's are humans with special abilities they keep the shifters and nonhumans in line. Their the peace keepers between the mortals and us and they take their job very seriously. They carry special weapons that are only deadly to us not humans.

"Ya just got back from my avuation I'm an alpha Samuals first born. You can talk to my grandfather if you have any farther questions." Gabrielle answered.

"I see thought you looked like him. I still have to look over your pack just to make sure it's safe." He said. Gabrielle sighed.

"Follow me. Its okay it's the rules and I don't want any trouble with the hunters. But just a warning I kinda lied to the alpha's about how many members I have so please don't say anything I don't care if you see because their safety is my main priority." Gabrielle replied when Livy walked in.

"Understood. But why'd you lie to them. Is it ok if she comes she comes from a hunter family." He replied we looked at each other and nodded. When Gabrielle dad randomly walked in.

"Gabrielle may I have a word with you?" He asked walking over with his brother.

"Yes but anything you have to say to me you can just say here their my family so their involved." Gabrielle answered.

"Are you my son?" He asking.

"Yes." Gabrielle answered.

"So you knew then why didn't you tell me it was you?" He asked.

"You didn't want me you asked my mother to terminate me. When you found out she had pragnant then forced her to put me up for adoption. I didn't know what to say to you." Gabrielle answered honestly. When he hugged him suddenly.

"I only did it because they doctors said you didn't have a spirit that you would never shift. You would have died if you stayed with us. So I thought it was best to give you to someone who would give you the best to give you to someone who could give you the best chance at survival. If I would have known you would grow to be this powerful I wouldn't have. I'm sorry don't hate me." His father pleaded burring his face in his shoulder. Gabrielle gently wrapped his strong arms around him.

"It's okay I don't hate you your still my father." Gabrielle assured him. He teared up hiding his face when he noticed Greg.

"Why are there hunters here?" His father asked whipping his face.

"Pack analysis gotta make sure everythings safe." Greg announced. He nodded. When his brother tapped my shoulder making me jump. I didn't even see him walked over.

"Geazze don't do that you scared the living shit out of me." I squealed, making Gabrielle laugh.

"Sorry I didn't mean to I just wanted to introduce myself since your my brothers mate." He informed me chuckling.

"Sorry bro she's still can't operate her hinghtened senses properly yet." Gabrielle giggled.

"It's fine I was the same way we all go through it at one time or another." He replied extending his hand out. I shook it. He had a strong firm grip on my hand.

"I'm Michael." He smiled.

"Levina." I smiled back. He let go.

"So how long has it been since you went through adult hood?" He asked.

"Olny a couple of days ago and I was raised by mortals parent's so I don't really have anybody to teach me any of this growing up so im just slowly learning." I replied bashfully.

"No need to be embrassed sweety we all went through it. It changes your whole life. You have to adjust to alot of things you normally wouldn't. Not to mention the pressure and responsibility it puts you under. We know we've been through it. If you want a teacher I'm sure me or father could step in. We're bother highly qualified for the task." Michael assured me. I looked over and his father smiled.

"I'd appreciate it I can't control my shifting. I'm getting tired of destroying my outfits." I joked making him snicker.

"I can go buy you more." Livy offered.

"Why help me when all you try to ruin my life. First you steal the guy I've been with for six years which by the way I not even mad about. I was just to nieve to see my soulmate was right in front of me the whole time. But I am pretty pissed you photo shopped pic of my face on you. Like we're not even built the same. But everyone thinks it's me like do you even know how humiliating that was and I hate that feeling. I'm a fucking virgin and everyone thinks I'm a fucking whore. I also pissed fact my parents got devorced, dis owned me and kicked me out because of the shit you fucking pulled. They're weren't the best parents I'll admit but they were all I had. Do you have any idea what it's like to wake from a comba homeless. Pretty fucking shity." I growled.

"I'm sorry I know what I did was pretty shitty and after it happened I felt terrible. If it makes you feel better I got diagnosed with cancer soon you were put in the hospital. That's what I get for being such an asswhole. Huh they do say karams a bitch right." She said, which made me feel like the worst person on the planet. I unconsciously walked over and hugged her when I realized I was crying. When I heard her gasp. I looked back to see I had huge firey angel wings. That's when I noticed my hair had changed firey red.

"What the hell." I blurted.

"Wow babe how did you do that?" Gabrielle asked touching my firey wings.

"It doesn't hurt." He smiled.

"Thier Pheonix wings the flames only hurt if they feel threatened. Your her mate so of course she feels safe with you." Gabrielle's father awesered.

"How can I turn into a Pheonix?" I blurted.

"I once read there was such a creature that could change into any creature and use any type of ability any creature has and change its appearance any way it deasires. The original shifters the one who started it all the most powerful beings known in history but no one has ever seen what they actually look like. So we don't really have any imformation. Their so illusive we can never catch one. We call them mimics didn't know they were actually lightning beasts. But then again lightning beasts can change their shape. Their also one of the most intelligent being that ever lived there have only been three recorded records of encounters with their existence. Their said to have went extinct for over a thousand years ago. So if you are one that would be extraordinary." His father exclaimed grabbing my hand.

"Try shifting again will you self to shift it a werewolf. You can do it pumpkin I have faith in you." His father encouraged me I closed my eyes and the next thing I know I'm almost twice his size.

"A warrior well I'll be damned nice choice." I looked down at my white fur. I had a human physique but still had the head of a wolf, had a long fuffy tail, was covered in fur, and unlike some werewolves I could stand up on two legs.

"Now let's get you down to the lab." Gabrielle said.

"Lab?" Livy asked.

"We have highly advanced medicines and technology we might be able to cure." Gabrielle answered walking to the wall pushing open a hidden door opening it to find a a hidden stair case. We climbed down. We enter an underground passage way that led to a huge underground city a golden city. It look as thought we were out side. We were immediately greet by smiling faces.

"Big brother your back I was wondering if you were going to come." A little girl squealed running over he hugged her picking her up. He kissed her head she giggled it was so adorable she was around four had curly red hair, and big emerald green eyes. Absolutely precious.

"How my favorite rugrat." He tickled her.

"So how'd the interview go?" A much older bigger male asked.

"It was an avuation and I passed. But the hunters are here to check over everything make sure it's safe. It protocol so please don't give them any trouble." Gabrielle commanded them.

"As you wish brother no one give them any bull shit got it." The older male yelled they nodded in agreement.

"Good, see brother no worries." He smiled, Gabrielle chuckled.

"Thanks Galith I can always count on you." Gabrielle smiled.

"Now where is the good doctor I need this woman x-rayed and avuation asap." Gabrielle said pulling Livy in front of him. An beautiful older woman walked over to her grabbed her hand.

"I got this one brother." She said, he smiled brightly.

"Relax she's the best healer I know your in good hands." Gabrielle whispered to Livy who was practically trembling as she dragged her off. Then the older man walked over.

"Who's the little lady she seems kinda timid?" He said leaning down to my eye level.

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