Chapter 5

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"This is my mate and shes anything but timid or gentle. Don't let her appearance deceive you she's quite strong." Gabrielle replied.

"Oh really can I test that theory?" He asked, and even before Gabrielle could turn around to look at me I had a huge grin plastered on my face. He laughed when he seen my expression on my face.

"You don't know how much you just made her day. Alright my love I'll let you do this since he asked you. Just please for me go easy on him? I know how crazy you get when you excited." Gabrielle asked, me I nodded he walked in between us.

"Now this is just a dual. So when I say stop. Knock it the fuck off. Is that understood?" He announced, he shifted into a big warrior running at me. I just stood there till he was praticially on to of me. When I shot him with my lighting he instantly dropped to the ground.

"Babe I thought I told you to go easy on him." Gabrielle shook his head. As the man groaned shifting back in to his human form.

"You okay Dale?" He asked, the man lifted his head.

"Ya I'll be fine that just really fucking hurt. That really caught me off guard could of at least warned me she was a lightening beast. That's just Savage not to mention cruel alpha." The man said, chuckling trying to get up.

"I thought it would be fun if I didn't. I was right quite amusing." He snickered. 

"Savage." The male groaned they laughed. I laughed walking over and picking him up effortlessly as though he were a new born pup.

"Sorry about that didn't mean to electrocute you that much I'm still learning to control how much power I put behind it. You okay brother can you stand?" I asked putting him gently on his feet without letting go so he wouldn't fall. He smiled warmly when I  called him brother.

"It's nothing sister just wasn't expecting it." He assured me hugging me as I helped him catch his balance. I let go when he was able to get stable footing.

"You've mad an excellent choice my boy she'll make an excellent alpha, mate and hopefully soon a great wife and mother." A much older large male rogue warrior said, smiling lovingly, and proudly walked out of the crowd. I recognized him as Fang, the most powerful, intelligent, feared, and most ruthless rogue. He was knew to terrorize his enemies and a heartless killing machine. He was known to have destroyed town, cities, even some counties, and releasing hell on earth causing humans to make hunters to get rid of the threat. The rogues. He was on the brink of cause a great warrior among man and nonhumans. When he suddenly disappeared and has been seen or heard from since.

"I plan to father. Dad I'd like you to meet the man who took me in, took me under his wing, taught me everything I know, how to be an alpha, and raised me into the man I am today. He's the one who saved me from my adoptive father. He saved me from a life of abuse, violence, and drugs. He saved me from my drunken drugged out adoptive father when he attacked me with a knife when I was only three. He took me somewhere safe took care of me and nursed my wounds. He gave me a real home and family. His wife showed me how to love and affection kindness. I never knew kindness till they took me in. He's also the one who gave me my name. " Gabriel said.

"And I wouldn't have it any other way. Best decision I ever made. Was taking you home with me." Fang smiled warmly, hugging him tightly and affectionately.  They laughed patting each others backs.

"Move aside momma missed her baby boy." A very energetic beautiful red haired woman said, running over and practically tackling Gabriel pushing fang away.

"Easy love one of these days your going to sufficate our boy." Fang laughed. She nuzzled Gabriel lovingly kissing him all over his face.

"I missed you so much. You know how much I worry when your away." She said, completely ignoring Fang. She looked so relieved when she seen him her eyes started swelling with tears.

"Sorry about that she gets like this every time he comes back. Shes been like this ever since we lost our biological son. The reason I went on a rampage with because I lost my biological son. Which is the only thing they never mentioned in the text books.  He was murdered infront of us. When a pack decided to raid our village in search of rogues. He was only three. But no matter how many people I took down I was not able to find the pack that murdered my son. After we had lost our will to go on that is till I seen Gabriel running into the woods trying to get away from a drunken man with a knife. He was not only covered in bruises but also wounds from the knife. I couldn't help but skoop him into my arms and took him home with me. At first it was quite difficult because he hated being even touch he always flinched every time we tried even just hugging him from the injuries. He also was very small and malnourished when he came to us. He also wouldn't speak or sleep unless we were with him. If he did he'd have terrifing nightmares that he would wake up screaming. He was scared to be alone even for a minute." Fang informed his dad.

"I can't thank you enough for all you've done for my son." His dad smiled.

"He gave meaning to our lives again. I was ready to give up when he came to us. I love him like he's my very own." Fang assured him.

"Okay mom you can let go." Gabriel said, we all laughed, as Fang had to pry her off him. 

"Gabriel finally found his soulmate." Fang informed her and her eyes lit up.

"Really I can't wait to meet her where is she?" She demanded excitedly.

"That would be me. I'm Levina." I  replied, she looked at me her eyes widened as a huge smile creeped acrossed her face. She ran over to me practically tackling me tightly hugging me kissing me all over my face. I chuckled as Fang tried prying her off me.

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