Chapter Three: Family

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I sat in the guild at the bar. My mind was flooded with questions I knew where going to be unanswered unless I accepted my mate. I wish to know who she is and why they chose her.

"You're gonna give yourself a headache thinking that hard Laxus." Lucy giggled.

"Yeah. Just...curious I guess." I whispered.

I stopped thinking for a split second, long enough for Maco to burst through the doors. In his arms was a girl, her hood pulled up so where I couldn't see her face, but her arm was bandaged, and her collar. Blood poured from her mouth, and her stomach contracted as she breathed. She seemed beat up pretty badly. Haha.

Elf-Man walked in holding a bloody dog that whimpered, and Mira snuggled a bloody exceed. Ha weaklings. I scoffed and went back to my drink, although I couldn't stop looking at the passed out girl in Maco's arms.

He, Elf-Man, and Mira rushed into the infirmary and about an hour later they all came back out. Lucy was the first to ask the question I had been dying to ask.

"Who is that, Mira?" She asked.

"It's some wizard that Romeo found in the streets of Magnolia. She was busted up pretty badly." Mira whispered sadly.

"Serves her right for being weak." I scoffed.

"She's more a real man than you, Laxus." Elf-man sighed.

I growled and breathed through my nose. I'm not gonna lose it today. I just turned up my music and listened to it, ignoring the world.


I tossed and turned. The nightmare became worse and worse.

Land of Nightmares~~

Michael roared loudly in pain as the last shot of magic took him. The light in his eyes flickered as they looked directly at me, seeing past my tears and into my soul.

"Michael!!! No!!!" I screamed.

The blood poured from his wound in his stomach. The ice lance had pierced a vital organ and I ran to his side. Our attacker, smiled as he watched and released the lance. It exited my brother's chest and he screamed in agony.

This sound, tore my soul into shreds. I ran faster as Michael dropped to the ground. I caught him, setting his head in my lap, rubbing his hand to calm him down, and I cried.

"No! Please don't leave me, I can't make it in this world alone!" I cried.

" Fairy Tail. Tell them about me...let them know...I was Gramps you..." Michael's words trailed off as the blood kept spilling, and his eyes flickered again.

"" that was the last thing I heard from my other brother as the light died inside him.

His flame went out and that was it. I shook his body.

"Bubby wake up! Let's go home, please!" Over and over again I begged him to come home, and not to leave, that is until I realized he was dead.

I hunched over his now lifeless body and cried. Our attacker walked up to me and he smiled.

"Flame boy didn't put up much of a fight with that weak fire of his. Now it your turn, no magic." He called me no magic like it was supposed to be an insult.

"No!!!" I screamed.

My body surrounded itself in white flame and my (H/c) hair went silver. My eyes turned gold, and a long yellow lightning bolt tattoo lined my right eye. I screamed and whirled around. I didn't mean to kill him! I just screamed at him and a white ball of flames, covered in a bit of yellow lightning shot from my mouth, slamming into my attack and burning him to ash.

Just before it hit my attacker the dream flashed and it was my mother. Bruised, bloodied, and hurt. She looked into my eyes with her beautiful gold ones and whispered one word that made me shiver.


The ball hit her and everything went white.


I jolted away and screamed bloody murder.

Tears ran down my soft pale face and stung my skin. I furiously wiped them away and Nikki ran through the door.

"Y/n! You idiot what did you do!?" She yelled.

I fell off the bed and hugged her tight as Cujo walked in, licking mt face. Three people walked in. A taller woman with silver hair, a shorter man with the same silver hair, and a pretty big guy with blond hair and a scar in the shape of a lightning bolt across his right eye.

"I see you're awake." The small man smiled.

I stared in silence, squeezing Nikki closer.

"C-can't...breathe!!" Nikki wheezed.

I let her go.


"What was that scream?" The silver haired woman asked.

"It was nothing...just a bad dream." I mumbled.

The blond laughed and the girl slapped him. I tried to stand up but as I did I fell back down, yelling in pain. Looking down, I realized my ankle was swollen to an unnatural size and was purple. The woman dropped and she looked down at it.

"I'm going to have to put you're ankle back in place. This is going to hurt; a lot." Before I could protest she used both hands to grab my leg and foot, and she yanked then pushed making a loud sickening crack and I let out a blood curdling scream. The pain over whelmed me as I tried to, once again, out run the darkness.

The woman helped me into the bed and she shoved two pills down my throat making me drowsy. I pushed her hand away and accidentally swallowed. The darkness caught up to me, and this time I passed out for longer than I needed.

Darkness took me, once again.

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