Chapter two: Magnolia

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The sun just began to peek over the horizon as I walked further from town. My cloak like jacket hood was pulled up, the jacket itself was just resting upon my shoulders and I sighed. My arm was wrapped in bandages and so was my collar bone and chest.

I took another beating half way through the night last night. I unlocked Cujo and he followed. I had just passed the outskirts of town and began walking for the trees.

"Nikki! Nikki are you there?" I called out.

A small red and grey exceed popped up and landed on my shoulders, curling under my neck.

"Hey Y/n. Why did you leave?" Nikki asked.

"I just wasn't allowed to leave town anymore but that doesn't matter. I'm leaving for good, maybe I can find a better place to live." I whispered the last part hut a comfortable looking Nikki heard.

"Well, Zapper Brain, where do you suggest we go?" She purred.

"I don't know, I'm just looking for now. Maybe I'll find the...." I paused.

"Train station?"

"Yeah. The...Train Station. Hopefully we can make it placed with out me dying." I grumbled.

I took a few steps in silence. The only thing you could hear was Nikki's purr and Cujo's pant. He licked his lips every so often and I smiled down at him. For this one moment it seemed like I didn't have a single care in the world, but little did I know something big was planned for me.

I looked back up and my stormy grey eyes trailed up the green trees. Listening to the soft music of the whistling leaves, and the crunch of the crisp grass under my feet. I could almost feel it, as if it lived inside me, this peace. As I took another step it was like someone took a red hot brand or iron and slammed it into the right side of my stomach. I dropped my bag and when to my knees sucking in a breath. I tried to hold in my cries of pain but I couldn't. I haven't felt anything that's hurt this bad before. It was excruciating!

I dropped on my left side and began writhing and wriggling. It hurt so bad I couldn't help but cry, something I never did. I rarely showed human emotion because I forgot how to. But sometimes things slipped, like now. I screamed in agony and Nikki flew to my side. Cujo followed her lead and began licking my face to calm me down, but soon enough the burning began to fade and I wobbly stood up. I lifted my shirt to show a black ink tattoo.

It was a dragon, wings splayed and ready for flight, tail curled, and it seemed to be breathing fire. Or is it lightning. I can't tell. Inside the splayed wings that seemed to almost make a closed circle where the letters L.D I'm dancing script. My eyes widened and I yelled. My mate has been chosen.

"NO!!" I screamed.

"What is it, Mc. Zappy brain?" Nikki asked sarcastically but I knew she was really worried.

"Goddess!! My mate has been chosen!! I can't have a mate, I'm the lone wolf!! And besides, who, in their right mind, would love me!?" I screeched.

"A lot of people actually." Nikki said shyly.

"No! Nobody would!" I yelled and stormed off.

The sky darkened and began to swirl. The rain began pouring as I kept running. For what seemed like hours I ran in pure anger, and the storm raged on. Finally, in a patch of forest I didn't recognize, I collapsed. The storm died down but kept raining. I fell to my knees and punched the ground.

No one could love a beast like me.

Not even my brother could love me if he saw me now.

I looked up as a small laugh sounded. A man, if you could call it that, stood there. Tall, scrawny, ugly, and brown hair. He had three others with him each one looking similar to the next. Black hair, gold eyes, thick, and they all wore a purplish coat. Maybe maroon?

"Well what's a pretty girl like yourself doing out here?" He whispered.

"None of your damn business." I shuttered.

I stood and glared, gathering my things.

"Ill be on my way, good day sir." I muttered.

"Leaving? Sssso sssoon?" The
Shortest of them all hissed.

A black shadow in the form of a snake wrapped around my body. I struggled and another yelled.

"Metal Fist knockout!!"

The medium height one jumped, his fist turning to metal and slammed into my lower jaw. I haven't seen magic like this before. My vision blurred as I tried to outrun the darkness but as I fought I watched as Nikki and Cujo ran out of the trees, attacking the four men.

"You fools!! The blood of hearts will take you down and you will pay!!" The lead yelled.

I could only watch in horror as one of the men vanished and appeared behind Nikki, hitting her into the dirt and making a long skid mark. The other two burned Cujo; He was just a walking ball of flame. I screamed.

"Electric Shock!!!" I was furious.

The dark snake coiled around me burst and dropped me. I placed my hands firmly on the ground.

"White lighting Whip Slash!!" A line of lightning formed and I lifted my arms, hitting the men and sending then back into the trees. The tallest of the bunch looked up and his eyes turned blood red.

"BLOOD FIST!!" He screamed.

I tried to moved my body but I couldn't, it seemed glued in place as his fist turned red. It slammed into my stomach and I lurched forward, spitting up blood. I screamed and my fist landed on his jaw, white flame and lightning flickering as he flew back.

I groaned and fell down to my knees next to Nikki and Cujo. I picked Nikki up and helped Cujo up on his feet. We limped off and out of the streets of an unfamiliar town. I wobbled around as I looked down to a now bleeding Nikki. My eyes widened and I cried.

"Can someone help me!?" I yelled.

"Are you a wizard?" A little kid with black hair asked, tugging at my jacket.

I nodded helplessly as he gasped and ran away. I tried to follow but my legs refused, instead they collapsed and I fell.

"Daddy!!! She needs help, now!!!" The little body yelled.

I opened my eyes enough to see a purple haired guy run up to me, along with a white haired guy and girl. I sighed and closed my eyes as I felt myself being picked up and that's it. My senses dulled and the darkness was faster than I. It beat me and won, making me fall into blackness.

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