/\ Information /\

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Welcome to Lightning Strikes Twice


/\ Territory /\

This command game takes place in a location that is accessible through Westburrow Woods, called the Electric Wastelands. Thunderstorms rule these barren plains, making it so that you should never go out alone. But that isn't new for anyone. After all, they've been living here for years.

They are a generation that never saw Earth, and Earth is nothing more than a nursery tale told to kits to remind them that they weren't always the top of the food chain. Normal cats are completely gone, completely filling the Storm group with morphs

Names are two separate parts. Example: Falling Night.

/\ Westburrow Woods Locations /\

Siren's Wrath - A river that comes from a large waterfall high above in the mountain tops. However, it is very dangerous. The water is sentient and more than willing and wanting to drag cats and other creatures down into its waters and never release them.

Destination Zero - A massive stone arch that looms over the woods. However, reaching the top isn't that difficult. Gravity seems to be in a constant flux at this arch, so if you stay still for long enough, you'll get there eventually.

The Cracking Lands - The edge of the woods seems to be crumbling away, leaving tons of floating islands. Some can be reached, some cannot without the help of wings.

Halo's Cloud Valley - Several large clumps of clouds that are rather close to the ground and are solid, but soft to the touch.

Portal to Home - There are holes in the cliff, and you aren't returning from them. However, the Storm has worked around this. Their portal home is scarred with hundreds of claw marks, and must be added to as you enter and exit the hole.

Corundum's Armory - Trees. The tops cannot be seen, and the bases are massive. Holes are very visible, as well as the giant tarantulas living in them.

Chimera's Guardian - At first, it seems like normal land. It is not. It is a giant bear with land on its back that is stuck in a ravine. AVOID AT ALL COSTS.

Hollow's Punishment - It's a giant pit of quicksand. It teleports people once they are not visible. We're not sure where it can teleport to, so it's best to avoid it.

/\ Electric Wastelands Locations /\

Gale's Fury - A large area of the plains that was once a large mountain. It is now leveled and covered in black scorch marks that never fade, as lightning constantly rains down on the area.

The Edge - The cliffside that is the entirety of the south side of their territory. Cats used to fall off of it, but now it's required that any patrols that go there must have a Wings morph with them that is fully trained.

Poppy's Garden - One of the only trees in the Electric Wastelands, and easily the grandest in all of Wonderland. A large, redwood sized willow tree stands near the endless cliff wall to the west that stretches up endlessly that also contains the portal that leads to Westburrow Woods. The tree is surrounded by a giant, lush garden, along with an impressive hanging garden from the long branches. Truly, an enchanting place.

Prism's Pillar - A large pillar of quartz that the camp the Storm live in was built around. It always seems to be glowing, making it possible to see at all hours of the day, though this makes the dens have to be built to be able to block out the light.

Screech's Wind Tunnel - The hole at the far end of the cliff, far away from Poppy's Garden. Don't go in. You may not come out. You will lose your hearing.

Mist's Veil - A large cloud of fog that is to the North. Not much is known about it other than they never come back, physically or spiritually.

The Storm Legacy - A large mountain with a trail that spirals up to the top. Leaders must go here when they rank up to add themselves to the Storm Legacy.

/\ Passive Creatures of the Wastelands /\


Chipmunks - They seem typical. Like a normal chipmunk. However, they are not. They can occasionally change size. They can't hurt you, but sometimes, they can't be killed.

Squirrels - They have an entire society. In the trees. Don't try to specifically only hunt them. Don't anger the squirrel army.

Fish - They float around in their own little bubbles. Some of them can float away, but most are able to be hunted.

Lizards - They're okay, if you're fast. They can shoot little sparks at you from their mouths, so stay behind them and out of their view.

Frogs - Oh look, the frogs are also floating. No water, just floating frogs. Except around the stone arch place.


Fairies - Small, mini two-leg like creatures with glittery wings. They seem to avoid us and can't be hunted, so just let them exist.

Guinea Pigs - Although they are able to be hunted, they are not safe to eat. It's better to just let the poisonous fur balls exist in peace.

Unicorns - They look like horses with something on their head. They also have some odd affects like freezing trees and more.

Pegasi - Horses with giant wings. Just make sure you're not under them when they land!

Alicorns - They seem to be a mix of unicorns and pegasi.

/\ Aggressive Creatures of the Wastelands /\

Small Dragons - Cat-sized scaly creatures with big wings and lots of fire. Hard to injure, unless a crystal mutation, easier to just hide and rebuild. Attack is typically 50-60. Defense is 60-70.

Goblins - Green, small two-legs that seem to carry around sharp sticks. Attack is typically 30-40. Defense is 20-30.

Giant Tarantulas - Spiders that are way too large. RUN unless you cannot be poisoned. Attack is level 10 venom. Defense is 20-30.

Giant Scorpions - Scorpions that are way too large. Armored beasts more ferocious than the tarantulas that own the trees. RUN unless you cannot be poisoned. Attack is level 10 venom. Defense is 40-50.

Giant Slugs - Slow. Easy to Strike. Hard to Escape. They try to drag their attackers down with them. Attack is 10-20. Defense is 60.

/\ Seasons and Effects /\

There is one season. This is Electric Storm. It can rain, it can be overcast, it can be perfectly sunny, it can snow, and it can hail. But the lightning never stops.

/\ Ranks and Society /\

The Eyes - The Leaders and the Storm Legacy. Whether siblings, or mates, they hold absolute power. However, this hasn't been an issue it seems. After all, the Storm is the top of the food chain, is it not?

The Gales - The mates and children of the Storm Legacy. They hold no power, however, depending on what occurs with the current Eyes, they are the next to rank up. If they become ineligible, they will be ranked down.

The Clouds - The two priests of the Storm. They are expected to ensure that the gods do not get restless and inform us if one does, so that we can prepare for their demands.

The Rains - The healers of the Storm. There are no real restrictions on them, however, if it is between their kits and the Storm's health, they will be requested to entrust their kits to someone else to raise.

The Hails - The warriors of the Storm. While they are expected to master hunting and fighting first, they are more than welcome to learn the others and help out when the Rains get swamped.

The Dusts - The apprentices of the Storm. From ages 7-18.

The Snows - Queens or Nursery Dads. Unless they are permanently injured and/or unwilling to learn how to heal, they will leave once the kits are absent.

The Sleets - Kits!~

Don't get trigger happy.

But I know that even this won't get rid of all crime. Fully aware of that and the typical players I have. As long as you don't get too carried away or do anything too devastating, you should be fine. I know crime is inevitable.

Revolution and stuff of that type will not fly. This isn't me saying I don't enjoy revolution. However, it would simply not work in this world. It would weaken the group so much that they would struggle to fight back.


/\ Updates and Moons /\

Updates will probably be every day to every other day. This isn't something set in stone, cause that'd be like a chore to me of sorts. However, this is the schedule I hope to keep with what I have planned.

/\ Energy and All About It /\

You've got four energy. It's used on commands, which typically cost one energy. But we'll get to that in a few.

Some things can lower your energy. Injuries, sickness, hunger, being tired, and stuff of that realm. It'll be listed on your profile and their descriptions lower down in the information.

/\ Hunting, Prey, and Hunger /\

Obviously, to survive, you need to eat. Food isn't dropped at your paws, so you have to hunt for it.

In the case that you don't have food for the day, whether the group shares and is low on food, or you didn't hunt for yourself, there is an effect.

The first day, you're just hungry. You lose no energy for this. The second day, you're very hungry, and lose one energy. The third day, you are starving, and lose two energy because of that. Four days without eating..? Well, you die.

Hunting Chart

Lv. 0 - 0 prey

Lv. 1 - 1-2 prey

Lv. 2 - 1-3 prey

Lv. 3 - 2-3 prey

Lv. 4 - 2-4 prey

Lv. 5 - 3-5 prey

/hunt alone (1)

/hunt with... (1)

To level up, there is no training command. It depends on how many times you hunt. This is collectively, the number doesn't reset every time.

Lv. 0 - 1 hunt

Lv. 1 - 5 hunts

Lv. 2 - 10 hunts

Lv. 3 - 15 hunts

Lv. 4 - 20 hunts

Lv. 5 - Skill is capped

/\ Foraging, Herbs, and Healing /\

Injury and sickness is inevitable in this new world. Our immune systems aren't used to this place and the creatures here are dangerous. That's where herbs come into play. We seem to have been gifted by a few cats with healing knowledge. Truly, a blessing.

Foraging Chart

Lv. 0 - 0 herbs

Lv. 1 - 1-2 herbs

Lv. 2 - 1-3 herbs

Lv. 3 - 2-4 herbs

Lv. 4 - 3-5 herbs

Lv. 5 - 3-6 herbs

/forage alone (1)

/forage with... (1)

To level up, there is no training command. It depends on how many times you forage. This is collectively, the number doesn't reset every time.

Lv. 0 - 1 forage

Lv. 1 - 5 forages

Lv. 2 - 10 forages

Lv. 3 - 15 forages

Lv. 4 - 20 forages

Lv. 5 - Skill is capped

However, foraging for herbs is only half of the way to healing someone. You still have to actively try to help them, if you have the ability to.

Healing Chart

Lv. 0 - Nothing

Lv. 1 - Illness requiring 1-3 herbs

Lv. 2 - Illness requiring 4-6 herbs

Lv. 3 - Illness requiring 7 herbs

Lv. 4 - Illness requiring 8-9 herbs

Lv. 5 - Illness requiring 10 herbs or a special herb

/heal ... (1)

To level up, there is no training command. It depends on how many times you heal a cat. This is collectively, the number doesn't reset every time.

Lv. 0 - 1 heal

Lv. 1 - 5 heals

Lv. 2 - 10 heals

Lv. 3 - 15 heals

Lv. 4 - 20 heals

Lv. 5 - Skill is capped

/\ Injuries and Illnesses /\

These are some examples of the many things that can plague us...

Minor injuries and sickness that take no energy:

Cough, sprains, cracked paws

Moderate Injuries and illnesses that take 1 energy:

Whitecough, slight injuries, magical fleas and ticks

Severe Injuries and illnesses that take 2 energy:

Wondercough, moderate injuries, food poisoning, Brain Melt

Life threatening that take 3 energy:

Severe injuries, Dissolving Lungs, Goblin Rage

/\ Gathering, Sticks, and Building /\

Sticks are essential, as they help protect from the lightning storm constantly raging. Each cat has their own den once they rank up from being a kit, which costs 5 sticks for a basic den, and 10 for a light blocking den. The Nursery and Herb Storage Dens also must be built, with 25 for a basic den or 50 for a strong den.

Gathering Chart

Lv. 0 - 0 sticks

Lv. 1 - 1-2 sticks

Lv. 2 - 2-4 sticks

Lv. 3 - 3-6 sticks

Lv. 4 - 4-8 sticks

Lv. 5 - 5-10 sticks

/gather alone (1)

/gather with... (1)

To level up, there is no training command. It depends on how many times you gather sticks. This is collectively, the number doesn't reset every time.

Lv. 0 - 1 gather

Lv. 1 - 5 gathers

Lv. 2 - 10 gathers

Lv. 3 - 15 gathers

Lv. 4 - 20 gathers

Lv. 5 - Skill is capped

/\ Attacks and Patrolling /\

As stated earlier, there are aggressive creatures in the forest. They will attack, but this can be avoided, by patrolling. However, that won't always keep them away. And so, you have the ability to fight.

Fighting Chart

Lv. 0 - 0 attack/defense

Lv. 1 - 10-20 attack/defense

Lv. 2 - 10-30 attack/defense

Lv. 3 - 20-30 attack/defense

Lv. 4 - 20-40 attack/defense

Lv. 5 - 30-50 attack/defense

Lv. 6 - 40-50 attack/defense

Lv. 7 - 40-60 attack/defense

Lv. 8 - 50-70 attack/defense

/patrol with... (1)

/hunt {creature} with... (1)

To level up, there is no training command. It depends on how many times you patrol. This is collectively, the number doesn't reset every time.

Lv. 0 - 1 patrol

Lv. 1 - 5 patrols

Lv. 2 - 10 patrols

Lv. 3 - 15 patrols

Lv. 4 - 20 patrols

Lv. 5 - Skill is capped for most/25 patrols

Lv. 6 - Skill is capped for even more/30 patrols

Lv. 7 - Skill is capped for almost everyone/35 patrols

Lv. 8 - Skill is capped for everyone, including the tanks

/\ The Art of Skywalking /\

There are gods in this cruel world. However, they are not that pleasant. You can plead and pray to them, but they are not likely to answer your prayers. But every so often, they are willing to talk.

Skywalking Chart

Lv. 0 - Potential to meet no gods

Lv. 1 - Potential to meet Gale and Siren

Lv. 2 - Potential to meet Halo and Screech

Lv. 3 - Potential to meet Wisp and Chimera

Lv. 4 - Potential to meet Poppy and Prism

Lv. 5 - Potential to meet Hollow and Corundum

/walk the skies (0)

To level up, there is no training command. It depends on how many times you skywalk. This is collectively, the number doesn't reset every time.

Lv. 0 - 1 skywalk

Lv. 1 - 2 skywalks

Lv. 2 - 3 skywalks

Lv. 3 - 6 skywalks

Lv. 4 - 10 skywalks

Lv. 5 - Skill is capped

/\ Bonding, Mates, and Breeding /\

It's inevitable, as we need to survive. Kits need to be brought into this terrible landscape if we wish to survive.

Bonding Chart

Lv. 0 - Strangers

Lv. 1 - Acquaintances

Lv. 2 - Friends

Lv. 3 - Best Friends/Crushes

/bond with... (0)

/breed with... (1)(1-5 kits)

If two cats reach level 3 bonds, they can become mates. If they become mates, they can have kits.

/\ Genetics and Mutations /\

Obviously, not everything is gonna go perfect. Everyone's got some bad genes. Not everything is gonna be perfect, in multiple ways.

Guide to chart below

(percentage with no lineage)/(percentage with one lineage)/(percentage with two lineage)

Typical Genetic Conditions



Low Immune System/.8%/15%/7.5%

High Immune System/.8%/15%/7.5%

Missing Limbs/.8%/2%/4%

Extra Limbs/.8%/5%/10%





Wonderland Mutations

Unknown Chances

Rarity Level 1

Chimera Disease

A mutation where the cat gains extra limbs and features of another type of creature that roams the woods.

Rarity Level 2

The Love of the Sea

A cat loses their back legs and gains a tail, gills, and their own little water bubble.

Rarity Level 3

What Lies Within


Rarity Level 4

Of Rain or Shine

A cat is like a living cloud, with its own little weather pattern.

Rarity Level 5

Until Your Lungs Give Out

A mostly internal mutation that increases a cat's lung capacity significantly.

Rarity Level 6

Of All the Rainbows

A color mutation that makes it so unnatural colors and patterns appear.

Rarity Level 7

The Sky is the Limit

A mutation that gives a cat functional wings.

Rarity Level 8

Of What Glitters and Shines

Slowly, a cat becomes a living crystal.

Rarity Level 9

The Garden I Own

The mutations makes it so that flowers and other plants slowly grow from the cat.

Rarity Level 10

Without Ground to Walk On

A cat isn't completely solid.

/\ Mutation Stats /\

A few mutations have special skills, like flying and venom.

Flying Chart

Lv. 0 - 100% injury chance

Lv. 1 - 80% injury chance

Lv. 2 - 60% injury chance

Lv. 3 - 40% injury chance

Lv. 4 - 20% injury chance

Lv. 5 - 1% injury chance

/fly (1)(Every fly has a 50% chance of leveling you up once past Lv. 0)

Venom Chart

Lv. 0 - 0 bonus damage

Lv. 1 - 1-5 bonus damage

Lv. 2 - 6-10 bonus damage

Lv. 3 - 11-15 bonus damage

Lv. 4 - 16-20 bonus damage

Lv. 5 - 21-25 bonus damage

Lv. 6 - 26-30 bonus damage

Lv. 7 - 31-35 bonus damage

Lv. 8 - 36-40 bonus damage

Lv. 9 - 41-45 bonus damage

Lv. 10 - 46-50 bonus damage

/\ Criminal Deeds /\

Oh look, this subject again. I'm actually putting the possible commands here, just so everyone knows what they can and can't do. If it's not on here, you can ask. However, don't expect a yes most of the time. These must be pmed to me.

/attempt to murder... (1)

Murder Chart

Base Chance - 50%

+20% if apprentices

+40% if your kits

-30% if not your kits

+10% for queens

+20% if mates or family

+5% if best friends/crushes

+5% for each level higher in fighting

-5% for each level lower in fighting

+5% for each level of their injury/sickness

-5% for each level of your injury/sickness

/attempt to poison... (1)

Poison Chart

Base Chance - 20%

+10% for each level in healing

/attempt to attack... (1)

Attack Chart

Base Chance - 50%

5% - Accidentally Kill

25% - Severely Injure

30% - Moderately Injure

40% - Slightly Injure

/ask to be secret mates with... (0)

/breed with secret mate... (1)

/attempt to destroy... (1)

Destruction Chart

Base Chance - 25%

-5% if herbs

+5% chance if sticks

5% - All of It

25% - 3/4 of It

30% - 1/2 of It

40% - 1/4 of It

/escape (1)(You will be considered dead)

/assist with ...'s escape (1)

Escape Chart

Base Chance - 50%

-25% if guarded

-5% for each level of injury

+25% if assisted

-25% if trying to take someone with you by force

/steal {item} from... (0)

Base Chance - 50%

/\ Death /\

Your cat will eventually die. There is a thing called old age, even in this messed up land. So, it's inevitable that you will die. However, if you die, you can just rejoin. You'll have to go through the waiting list, but you'll make it.

/\ Other Admins /\

With how much of a scatterbrain I am and how excited I can get, other admins were a necessity. Please welcome Sunny ( crat__ ) and Talf ( talfli ) to the team. They won't be updating, as this is my personal account, but more of helpers and behind the scenes people that make sure I don't spill all my secrets for the game. If you have any questions and I'm not answering, they might be able to.

/\ Rules /\

Yup. Here they are. Rules. The most necessary yet disliked part of games.

1. Please understand this is a game. A game that uses a lot of random generators and wheels. Nothing is targeted and results are up to luck.

2. If you have any issues, please just pm me. No one else, just me. I'm not looking for drama.

3. Please have fun! I made this game because I thought the premise was fun and enjoyable. If you're not having fun, feel free to tell me and I'll see what I can do.

4. No revolutions. Don't try to start one. Your character will be eaten by a giant tarantula if you do so.

5. You are allowed one cat at the start and one on the waiting list.

6. Please be realistic on the names.

7. Please do more than just focus on the relationships. Cats need to be fed and the border needs to be kept up. Failure to do so will reflect on the kits.

8. Kits born into the game are based on the parents, unless mutations come into play and will be named by the parents. You can suggest names to your parents, but it is their call.


/\ The Gods of Wonderland /\

The Goddess of " Of All the Rainbows"

| | | Prism | | |

" Don't let her colors blind you. " - ???

An iridescent she-cat with large eyes that seem to reflect the odd colored galaxy that looms above the woods.

" What are you, heathen? Such dull colors! How are you even allowed to live?! " - Prism

Prism is not a nice cat in any way. Her words are harsh and often dig into insecurities you didn't know you really had. She finds normal cats disgusting and colorless, an overall waste of her time.

The God of " Chimera Disease "

| | | Chimera | | |

" The dangerous part of his is not the stinger. " - ???

A large, black tom with small, amber eyes, a giant scorpion tail in place of a cat tail, and an extra pair of arms that bear large pincers, ready to cut.

" Well, well, well. What do we have here? A weakling? With no defenses? Pathetic... " - Chimera

Chimera is very rude. He values strength above all, and with that belief comes that his type of mutation is by far the strongest. He pities the normal cats, practically counting the days until they die from these woods.

The God of " The Sky is the Limit "

| | | Halo | | |

" Those wings may look heavenly. They are far from it. " - ???

A small, cream tom cat with ginger speckled paws and muzzle that sports big, cream wings that look like a pair of wings that an angel would have.

" The ground? That's where you want me to be? Do you have no manners? You have no right to ask me to stoop to your level! " - Halo

Halo is very egotistical. He believes himself to be a god above all the others, saying his wings are even more proof than he needs. Not only does he find mortals repulsive, but cats that are grounded as well? That is simply a sin in his eyes.

The God of " The Garden I Own "

| | | Poppy | | |

" Maybe, if he was covered in thorns, you would see. " - ???

A tom cat with soft green eyes that is covered in hundreds of forget-me-nots.

" Ah, mortals. What do you want? Time? The ability to save the injured? To steal from me? All of the above? Why am I not shocked? " - Poppy

Poppy is very territorial. He believes that all of nature is his and that messing with it is stealing from him. He really hates healers, calling them saviors of the useless and often releases his aggression on them when they take too much.

The God of " Until Your Lungs Give Out "

| | | Screech | | |

" Those eyes... they aren't lying... " - ???

A large, white tom with wispy fur and empty eye sockets.

" Well, you can't hear me anyway. Don't know why you try. You're never getting that hearing back. " - Screech

Screech is often compared to being soulless and anything of that nature. He's silent most of the time, until he unleashes his ear breaking screams. He seems to enjoy the fact that his victims never hear again.

The Goddess of " What Glitters and Shines "

| | | Corundum | | |

" She doesn't know what mercy is. " - ???

A large, formerly dark ginger she-cat with green eyes that is now covered in thick, sharpened layers of ruby.

" Oh? Still made of flesh? A shame really, but still good snacks for my pets. " - Corundum

Destruction and desolation is where this she-cat reigns. She is merciless, going to do the most damage in every way possible in every encounter. She's likely to fly off the handle and cause issues, especially with the giant tarantulas and giant scorpions.

The God of " Of Rain or Shine "

| | | Gale | | |

" I pity those that fell for this monster. " - ???

A tall, fluffy bright white tom cat with amber eyes.

" I could literally zap you right here, but it's funnier to watch you make a fool of yourself. " - Gale

Gale is the representation of the winds, and he doesn't fail in upholding their carelessness about others. He'll do quite a bit to get his way, even threatening to turn the weather for the worse at other's detriments. Pass is to compliment Gale in an odd way. Pranks are also very common, but they are not in good nature.

The Goddess of " The Love of The Sea "

| | | Siren | | |

" No need to drag you in, when the river does it for her. " - ???

A slim and short-furred white she-cat with two lanky front legs and an aquamarine and teal scaled tail.

" ...Leave me alone, I'm busy and you're not worth my time. " - Siren

Siren is quite relaxed and is very go-with-the-"flow", adapting to her environment instead of trying to take control of it. She doesn't like butting her nose into things and would rather spend her days lazing away than doing something she doesn't have to. It's not as if she is an idiot though, she just doesn't want to "waste" her energy committing to something, especially if it would concern her effort to help mortals, who she'd think to have no reason to do with her.

The Goddess of " What Lies Within "

| | | Hollow | | |

" Something is... very wrong with her. " - ???

A tiny, ebony black she-cat with black eyes that seem to glow with an unnatural eyes. Black acid seems to drip from her eyes and mouth, dissolving anything it touches.

" Ha.. haha. You really think you matter? Have these woods already gotten you? Or are you just stupid?" - Hollow

Hallow is living acid. She will try to tear you apart, leaving no time for wounds to heal or you to get back on your feet. Whether verbal, emotional, or pyshical, her goal is to make you absolutely dissolve into dust.

The Goddess of " Without Ground to Walk On "

| | | Wisp | | |

" She may not touch the ground, but she'll shatter it. " - ???

A russian blue she-cat with blue eyes that seems transparent.

" Are you even alive? You look more dead than I do! " - Wisp

Wisp is a beat around the bush type of god. She'll dodge most encounters, not wanting to even try to interact with anyone. However, if forced to interact, she gets rather aggressive, trying to lash out despite her very small chance of actually hitting.

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