/\ Items /\

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Note, most items have more than one use. The others are creative uses and most are not exactly... pleasant.

Skill Items

Small Net - Used to gain 1 level in hunting

Large Net - Used to gain max hunting

Stone Dagger - Used to gain 1 level in fighting

Metal Dagger - Used to gain max fighting

Small Branch - Used to gain 1 level in gathering

Large Branch - Used to gain max gathering

Baby Magic Mouse - Used to gain 1 level in foraging

Adult Magic Mouse - Used to gain max foraging

Small Pouch - Used to gain 1 level in healing

Large Pouch - Used to gain max healing

Star Fragment - Used to gain max skills

Healing Items

Lily Roots - Used to heal a fever disease

Scorpion Venom - Used to heal a blood cough disease

Itchy Leg Hair - Used to heal a rotting tooth disease

Golden Herb - Used to instantly heal anything

Color Morph Items

Color Drop - Used to allow a Color Morph to switch colors at will, although they will always have to revert back to their true color [ Bonus Attack of 5-10 ]

Fairy Dust - Used to give Color Morphs magic relating to their true color [ Bonus Attack of 15-20 ]

Rainbow Silk - Used to permanently change true color/pattern or seduce Prism

Chimera Morph Items

Tarantula Meat - Used to awaken a Chimera Morph

Scorpion Tail - Used to awaken a Chimera Morph

Odd Meat - Used to awaken a Chimera Morph

Dragon Scale - Used to awaken a Chimera Morph or instantly seduce a god.

Fresh Venom - Used to possibly increase a Chimera Morph's venom level

Magic Heart - Used to permanently change type of Chimera morph or seduce Chimera

Winged Morph Items

Baby Feathers - Used to gain 1 level in flying

Bird Feathers - Used to gain max flying

Halo's Feathers - Increases flying to 6 or seduce Halo

Plant Morph Items

Flowers - Used to gain 1 defense point and three extra moons of life. 20 can be used to make a flower crown.

Rose of Life - Used to double your lifespan.

Lily of The Valley - Used to become impervious to disease or seduce Poppy

Banshee Morph Items

Air Bubbles - Used to increase lung capacity by 5%

Lizard Lungs - Used to decrease chance of sickness by 5%

Bottled Screams - Used to give screeches an actual attack stat and prevents deafness or seduce Screech

Crystal Morph Items

Shiny Necklace - Used to increase density of Crystal Morph

Iron Stone - Used to sharpen crystals on body to increase attack by 5-10

Black Diamond - Used to max out density of Crystal Morph and give 10-20 bonus attack or seduce Corundum

Cloud Morph

Floaty Rain - Used to prevent Cloud Morph's from getting sick

Snow Sheet - Used to allow Cloud Morphs to choose their weather pattern

Contained Lightning - Used to allow Cloud Morphs to summon lighting once every other moon or seduce Gale

Mermaid Morph

Sentient Bubble - Used to give a water bubble an instant revival

Jellied Water - Used to make bubbles grounded and not float away

Selkie Venom - Used to give Mermaid Morphs a venom level or seduce Siren

Corruption Morph

Slug Mucus - Used to increase the acidity of their acid

Silver Necklace - Used to purge a Corruption Morph and leaks acid comparable to their sins

??? - Not a tangible item. Seems to increase corruption. Will entice Hollow.

Ghost Morph

Shattered Diamond - Used to decrease chances of interacting

Amulet of Silver - Used to make self impervious to disease

Herbal Water - Used to make a Ghost Morph a poltergeist or seduce Wisp

Extra Items

Steel Claws - Used to increase attack by 5-10

Glitter Cage - Used to get a second character, cannot use if you have 2 already

Bright Card - Used to summon an event for everyone to get items

Pineapple - Used to get an 100% kill, at the sacrifice of a 50% hint chance

??? - Used to ask a favor from a god, not a tangible item, instant favor and increases the chance of demigods from kits with that god.

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