Maryse Gets A New Beginning.

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For the next few weeks, Maryse started her divorce proceedings with Mike and I stayed out in the hall with Monroe. She enjoyed spending time with me. It was when the judgment was passed down that Maryse' mom Sophia watched over Monroe as I attended the final hearing. I sat directly behind Maryse. The judge came in and sat down before we sat down. "Now, I understand it that there's been an agreement reached between Miss Ouellet and Mister Mizanin?"
"Yes, your honor." Maryse' lawyer said standing up. "The agreement is that they split the marital assets 50/50. And they'll be spitting holidays with their daughter Monroe. And She'll spend the summers with her mother while spending the school year with her father. When she reaches the schooling age."
"Anything else?" We all looked at Mike and his lawyer.
"No, your honor." His lawyer said.
"Okay. Now as I understand it. Miss Ouellet, you're staying with a friend of you and Mr. Mizanin's?"
"Yes, I am." She grinned.
"Would you mind standing up sir?" She asked me. I stood up and clasped my hands in front of me.
"My name is Daniel Boyce, your honor," I said before she could ask.
"Now you have a home outside of Rigby, Idaho."
"Yes, ma'am."
"Is it big enough to accommodate Miss Ouellet and her daughter?"
"Yes, your honor." I pulled an architects plan from my back pocket and handed it to the bailiff. Who handed it to the judge.
"It's quite impressive Mr. Boyce." The judge said as she folded the plans and handed them back to the bailiff who then handed them to me. I put the plans back in my pocket and she continued. "Will Miss Ouellet's daughter have her own room?"
"Yes her room is eighty square feet in every way. The ceiling is forty feet high. I'm already getting it prepped for Monroe."
"Well, it sounds like you've thought ahead. So once the parties sign the papers. It will be officially done." She hit the gavel and Maryse and Mike along with their lawyers stood up as the judge left the room. Once she left the room. Mike and Maryse' lawyer left us three alone.
"Well, Maryse. I'm happy that we could come to an agreement."
"As am I." Maryse smiled as I stepped up to her right side.
"Hey, you take care of her."
"I plan to." I smiled. Maryse slid into my side. "So are you going to be okay on your own?"
"Yeah. As long as Maryse is happy. I'll be fine." He extended his hand and I took it and pulled him into a bro hug as Maryse smiled.
"Okay, boys." She smiled. I giggled as did Mike as she hugged him and kissed his cheek. "Now just because we're divorced, Mike. Doesn't mean that we don't want you to be a part of our lives or help out when we can."
"It's impressive how she went right into saying we instead of her." I smiled.
"Well, we are going to be living together Daniel."
"Fair enough." I giggled at Maryse' response. We said our final goodbye's and we headed to our home as Mike headed to Austin, Texas. Since we had some time to spare in terms of time off. Maryse and I decided to have Monroe come with us for the next week or two. Mike agreed and we took Monroe to my home and the crew I had hired to prep her room just finished preparing her room. They were leaving as we were arriving. Maryse and I covered her eyes as I unlocked the front door and walked to her room. Once Maryse opened the door to her room. She was so happy that she started garbling and clapping along with cheering, 'Momma, momma.' Which to me meant that she liked it. Maryse put her on the floor and she crawled to a big set of plastic legos and started to put them together in unique ways. I wrapped my arm around Maryse' shoulders and she leaned into me as we watched Monroe play around her new room. "You know, I got to admit that they did a good job. They mixed a playroom with a regular bedroom for her."
"Yeah." Maryse smiled as she saw how happy Monroe was. "You know we need to go on that date."
"Yeah. Why don't we wait until Mike picks her up and we'll go."
"Actually I was thinking that since my mother is going to be here tomorrow afternoon. That we could go out tomorrow night."
"That works." I smiled as I looked to Maryse and kissed her forehead. Maryse and I spent most of the afternoon and evening playing with Monroe. And while she got Monroe fed and ready for bed. I looked through the attic and found my old black acoustic guitar. Dusted it, cleaned it and tuned it. And once I set up a tall guitar stand in the corner of the closet in Monroe's room. I headed to the bathroom where Maryse was bathing Monroe.
"Hey, babe." Maryse smiled as she momentarily looked at me. "Uncle Dan's here sweetie." I kneeled by Maryse and helped her wash Monroe's hair. I held her up as Maryse shampooed her hair and rinsed it. Once she was done. She dried her daughter off and it was really fun seeing how much Monroe made Maryse smile. Once she put on a fresh diaper and a pajama onesie on Monroe. She and I walked her to her room and put her to bed. I grabbed my guitar and made sure it was tuned perfectly.
"Well, here goes nothing." I smiled as Monroe started to settle down. I started playing 'Almost Home' by Craig Morgan on the guitar and even sung the words perfectly. She slowly fell asleep and once she was out. I finished the song and put the guitar back before joining Maryse by her bedside.
"How come you never told me you could play the guitar?" Maryse asked.
"How come you never asked?" I responded.
"Well, Monroe loved it. Usually, I have to fight her to get her to go to sleep and you play your guitar and sing a song and wham she's out."
"I would say it's a gift but a miracle would seem more relevant." I smiled as I moved the teddy bear I had gotten for her closer to her. She instinctively snagged it gently and held it close. "Goodnight little one." I leaned over and stroked her head and pulled back as Maryse leaned over and kissed her daughter on the forehead.
"Now, you be a good girl and stay asleep until morning." Maryse smiled as I turned on the nightlight then we left Monroe's room.
"You know what Maryse?"
"I know it's presumptuous but. Maybe tomorrow you and I can move your stuff into the master bedroom." She looked at me for a moment. "I mean. It's still too soon to do anything too rash like get married or even contemplate a family of our own. But at least you won't have to worry about sleeping alone in your bed."
"That actually sounds wonderful." She smiled.
"Well, in the morning or while your with Monroe. I'll start moving your stuff into the master bedroom."
"Sounds good babe." She hugged me and before she could pull away, I slid my right hand behind her head and my left hand behind her back and brought her in for a kiss. She was surprised for a moment then just melted into it. I pulled away after a moment or so and she leaned her head so our foreheads touched. "You're a spectacular kisser."
"Your no slouch yourself you know." I grinned as she giggled.
"I can't believe that Ashley got to kiss you all that time. When you two split up. I worried about you for so long. But you just put on a brave face and just ignored your way through the pain of the breakup. Not to say that I wasn't relieved that I didn't have any competition from the Punk Rock Princess herself."
"But you were married or engaged as I recall. So it would have been hard to explain to Mike why you were with me for a month."
"Well, Ashley was a good woman. But I think my heart always belonged to someone else."
"You think?" She crossed her arms.
"Okay, I know that my heart belonged to someone else." I smiled. "And I hope in time. She'll be more than happy to be married to the Hellion from Hell's Playground."
"I would love to. But not for a few months." I nodded at Maryse' statement as I wrapped my arms around her waist and she wrapped her arms around my neck.
"Well, for what it's worth. I think that You and Monroe are the highlight of my life. And yes I know she already has a dad. I just hope that she'll see me as a good stepdad or a cool one instead of the person in the shadows."
"She will."
"Come on, let's get some sleep."
"Agreed." Maryse and I headed to the master bedroom and she and I slid into bed after changing into some sleepwear.
I took off my glasses and put them on the bedside table and once I switched off the overhead light. Maryse and I snuggled closer together. "Goodnight, Maryse." I kissed her forehead.
"Goodnight, Daniel." She smiled as she kissed my cheek.

Early the next morning...
Maryse and I woke up at exactly the same time and as she dealt with Monroe I started to move her clothes and personal effects to the master bedroom. After I re-arranged some closet and dresser space for her clothes and was very careful with every dress, shirt, blouse, etc that I hung up and put in the dresser. After I was done I went to the bathroom and splashed cold water over my face to wake me up a little more and to stop fantasizing about Maryse in the panties and bra I came across while putting them in the dresser. Once I was done clearing my head or cooling it rather. I went downstairs to see Maryse gently rocking Monroe in her arms sitting in a rocking recliner.
"So how's she doing today?" I asked Maryse.
"She's doing just fine. And she's just been fed and burped. So in a few minutes, my mother should be here and if she followed the directions I texted to her. She should be on time."
"I got a better idea." I pulled my phone and called a taxi service and arranged for the driver to be waiting at the gate of Maryse' mother's flight. And also gave them my address and told them that the payment would be given to the driver when he arrived. Not before. Maryse enjoyed watching me deal with the taxi service. Once everything was arranged I hung up and gently kneeled next to Maryse and Monroe. I loved watching her play with Monroe. Maryse handed Monroe to me and I held her gently against my chest and she started to fall asleep.
"What is it with you that makes my little girl fall asleep faster with you than with me or Mike?"
"I'm her cool uncle." I smiled. Maryse kissed Monroe's forehead and my lips.
"Well, you haven't gone for your run yet. So, you go for your run and I'll be here when you get back."
I thought it over as Monroe slept in my arms. "You sure you want me to go out for my run?"
"Daniel. You should know by now from the past few days, trying as they may have been. That I love you. But you should get your run in while you can. Besides once my mother gets here. I have a feeling that she'll be blaming you for everything that went wrong with Mike and I's marriage. So, I'll take Monroe and you get your run and by the time you come back. Mom should be here." She gently took Monroe from me and I smiled.
"You know. I hate it when your right."
"You'll get used to it." She grinned.
"I know I will." I kissed her cheek as I headed to the master bedroom to change into my running gear. Once I was ready. I went downstairs to see Maryse holding a water bottle.
"Be careful. I don't want you to get hurt out there."
"I will. Even if I have to crawl here with a piece of wood sticking out of my leg."
"Not funny." She scolded me.
"It's just a little running trail I take every day."
"I know. But I just want you to be perfect for our date tonight."
"I will be. Come hell or your mother." She lightly slapped my right shoulder.
"Go on."
"Love you."
"Love  you, too."
I gently took the bottle from her and gave her a light kiss on her lips as she held Monroe in her right arm. "And I love  you too little one." I smiled. I headed out for my run and Maryse watched me enter the wooded area behind my home.
"That's your Uncle." She smiled as she looked to a sleeping Monroe."And I hope. One day your stepdad." She kissed Monroe's forehead as she slept.

While out on my run. I thought about what has happened for the past few months. Me being put in charge of watching over Maryse while she and Mike went through a trial separation. I even thought of what I tried to do to make open lines of communication. Then I thought about the meeting the morning of the day before Fastlane that nearly caused me to lose my temper on Mike for bringing up the incident I tried so hard to forget for the past couple years or less. And I do remember me and Maryse begging and apologizing, scrapping for forgiveness. I also thought about what Maryse told me as I was standing on a mountain drift in the parking lot of the hotel the meetings took place in.
I stopped to catch my breath in an area overlooking the river near my home. Not too close but close nonetheless. I thought about the divorce proceedings. I even had a momentary lapse of self-doubt. Thinking that I didn't do everything I could to help her work things out with Mike. But then I remembered what she told me. That no matter what. Or who said anything about it. She would never blame me for her marriage ending. Mike reinforced that before I got in the car after a short conversation with Maryse. More/less in his own way by saying that he hoped that she found someone that made her happy. It may not have been in those words but I'm certain that's what he meant. But when the judge passed down her judgment that once the paperwork was signed it would be all over. I then thought about Monroe and how she'll hate me eventually for not trying my hardest to keep her parents together. In fact, I was almost certain that she would blame me for their break up. But as my mother used to say among other people I grew up with would say, 'We'll cross that bridge when we come to it.'
I must have been so lost in thought that I soon heard, "Hey," I turned to see Maryse. "You okay?" She asked.
"I'm uh, not sure. I stopped to catch my breath and got lost instead in my thoughts."
"Well, I was kind of worried where you were. But once mom came in. I just handed her Monroe and got on a jacket and boots and came looking for you."
"Hmm. You know. I sometimes find myself wondering if I actually did all I could. Then I would remember. What you told me. That you wouldn't not even for a second..."
"Blame you for my marriage breaking up or going wrong. And I won't." she approached me. "You may have doubts about what you could have done better. Or what you could have done more of. But the bottom line is. Is that Mike and I's marriage was never really destined to last." I looked at her and she smiled. "You know when he brought up that incident between us. It only cemented in a way that even if he said he forgave us or that it was already forgotten. It cemented the fact that he's not as forgiving as he says he is. But I know that. We." She slid her hand in mine. "You and me. We try to be forgiving of others. We may not like to be. But we try. But Mike apparently didn't want to forgive either of us. And even if I did love him. I couldn't be with a man so callous as to bring up something we both tried to forget and as you said, we begged and scrapped for his forgiveness, and apologized for what we did. But it wasn't enough for him apparently. In that moment when he brought it up, you pointed out what we tried to do for him. Or what we tried to do for his forgiveness. It was in that moment that I knew that I was with the wrong guy. Because even if a wife does something wrong like drunkinly sleep with a family friend. If she admits her mistake along with the family friend. They should be given at least a little bit of forgiveness. But I should have known Mike would never afford us that." She looked out to the river. "I knew that when I became pregnant with Monroe that he would be happy. But I don't know how I knew it. But even if he was publicly happy. I knew that he still harbored some anger towards me and you. And his outburst at the last meeting only proved it. Now I have the chance at a new beginning with you. And I'm not going to let it go. Or let it pass by me."
"I wasn't expecting you to." I smiled as she grinned and flipped the collar of her jacket up. "You know. I was quite surprised when you told me that you were jealous of Ashley. But I think you were more surprised when I told you that I was jealous of Mike."
"Yeah. Well, we turned that into sharing night."
"Ho. Did we ever. We exposed our deepest most painfully kept secrets to each other. And to be honest. I don't want us to keep secrets from each other. But the only thing I'll always keep close to my heart is how much I love you and Monroe." She smiled at me and I smiled at her in return.
"Hm, hm. I know you'll never let anything happen to me or Monroe." She slid into my arms. "Just like I won't let anything happen to you."

We talked for a little while longer and started to head back to the house. I held Maryse close to me as we ascended the back porch steps and kicked all the snow off our boots before entering the home. And as if on cue. Sophia tore into me.
"Where in the hell were you leaving my daughter and granddaughter in the house alone while you were out on your 'run'. My daughter shouldn't have left that sweet man for you."
"Mother!" Maryse snapped at Sophia.
"Darling," I said holding up a hand. "For your information Sophia. That sweet man as you so lightly refer to him is still friends with me and Maryse. But if your going to blame me for breaking up their marriage then save your breath. Because if anyone should be blamed for breaking up their marriage. It's time and circumstances. I'm not going to stand by and listen to you blather on about how Mike was such an angel. Or how I was the devil for even being friends with Mike and Maryse. The sad truth is no one. Is perfect. There are no perfect couples. No such thing as perfect marriages. Mike and Maryse' marriage just so happened to have been added to the casualty list. Now. While here you will pay attention to the house rules. There will be no eating outside the living room or dining room or kitchen. There will be no arguing in front of Monroe. And if you blame me for breaking up Maryse' marriage to Mike one more time. Whether it was overt or not is going to be a moot point. I don't need it. Neither does Maryse or little Monroe. I'm a gentleman by nature but even I can go on full sensory or attitude overload. My main focus right now. Is to make sure Maryse has a place to stay and that she and Monroe are happy. Plus this house in case you forgot. Or haven't noticed this place is rather isolated or at least away from prying eyes or anyone who would want to do any harm to Maryse or Monroe." Sophia looked at me wide-eyed. "Now, you are here as a courtesy and I don't want Maryse to be a pariah or outcast in her own family. So as long as you can hold your tongue on certain topics. You will be allowed to stay. And just so I'm clear. If I see even a frown on her face. "I pointed to Maryse. "Or a tear fall down her cheek. You will be vacated from the premises. Do you understand? This isn't your home in Canada. This is my home." Maryse slid behind me and gently hugged my back. "You may rule in Canada. But. I. Rule. HERE!" Sophia shrank from me. "Understand?" She gently nodded. "Good. Now. Me and Maryse are going out. We'll be back before midnight."
Maryse and I walked upstairs. "I paid the driver for you, babe."
"Thank you." I grinned.
"Now, I'll go get ready and you take a shower and by the time you get out. I should be ready and downstairs."
"Your an angel Maryse."
"As are you." She kissed my lips and headed to the master bedroom as I headed to the bathroom for a shower. Once I got cleaned up and went to the master bedroom to get ready for my date with Maryse. I made short work of getting ready. And after adjusting my tie and cuffs and straightening the lapels of the jacket and made sure every part of me and my suit that I was wearing was immaculate. Once I did a once more check in the mirror. I headed downstairs and joined Maryse who was wearing a breathtaking black and red dress.
"Ready?" I asked.
"Yes, I am." We walked over to Monroe who was being held by Sophia. Who didn't attempt to look up at me. "We'll be back sweetie," Maryse told the slightly sad Monroe. "Uncle Dan and I just need to go out for a little bit."
"I trust you found the numbers for emergency services. Plus have our phone numbers in case anything goes wrong."
"Yes, I do," Sophia said.
"Good." I looked to Maryse and saw Monroe reaching out for me. "Oh, you want your uncle to hold you now?" I gently took Monroe into my arms and smiled as she hugged me. "Oooh, bless you little one. Your mother and I love you too." She smiled as she then reached out for Sophia.
"Let's go." Maryse smiled as she blew a kiss to Monroe.

Maryse and I went to a nice restaurant for dinner. Even attended a performance of  Romeo and Juliet at the Civic Auditorium. After the performance, I drove us to the green belt and we just walked along the snake river. "You know. I had fun tonight. And I have you to thank for that." Maryse said.
"No. It was a pleasure to be with you tonight." I told her.
"I nearly forgot what it felt like to have someone show me what a good time was. I mean don't get me wrong, Mike could be romantic and sweet when he wanted to be or felt like it. But with you being so spontaneous with our date. I just think. You get that there is a time to be romantic and sweet..."
"And a time to just fly by the seat of your pants and hope everything goes right the first time around." I finished for her.
"Exactly. This is the first time in a long time that I really felt relaxed in a long time. Your definitely a miracle man."
"One does what one can." I grinned as she nudged me in the side lightly with her elbow.
"Ooohhh, tonight. Is nothing short of perfect. I know where you stand on perfect couples among other things. But this is my definition of perfect. You are quickly becoming Monroe's favorite person. More than anyone has ever done in such a short time. Save for me and Mike." She and I sat down on a clear of snow bench. "You put my mother in her place which I never saw at all. And I'm certain nor will I ever do so again. But. It's how you defended yourself and me to my mother. That is the biggest reason as to why I love you. You did everything you could to help Mike and me. You gave me a place to stay. But I think that it's your dedication and loyalty to friends and loved ones that makes you the perfect guy for any girl to get or have. But I'm betting on the fact that you already belong to someone." I looked at her with a wide grin on my face. "Me." She kissed me and we just looked at the stars and moon for a bit along with the slightly and slowly freezing river.
I looked at my watch and saw that it was eleven o'clock. "Well, we better get back home."
"Right." Maryse smiled as we stood up and walked to the car and once we made it home. I unlocked the door and we both walked in to see Sophia sitting on the couch with Monroe.
"Hey, she didn't want to go to sleep without saying goodnight to her mother and uncle." Maryse took Monroe from Sophia and walked upstairs.
"I'll be up to see her to bed in a moment." I smiled as Maryse nodded.
"Look, Daniel. I was wrong to say all those things about you. You did try your best to help Maryse and Mike patch things up." I looked at Sophia questioningly.
"Okay who are you and what have you done to Sophia?"
"Please listen to me. You were right. There's no such thing as perfect couples or marriages. Not even people are perfect. My daughter is happy to be staying here as is Monroe. I'm sorry if I made you feel like you were the reason for their breakup. It's time and circumstances as you said."
"Well, it's surprising to hear you say that really. Just be careful as to what you say. I more than anyone knows the strength one word has. And I don't like being blamed for something I had no hand or part in. But I don't appreciate being belittled for helping friends least of all. If I can't be there for Maryse and Monroe. Then I may as well just give up on life in general. Your daughter. Is the reason why I'm still here. The reason why I'm still in the business we're in. When I shattered my right knee. Everyone else just called or texted. Mike and Maryse actually went out of their way to visit me while I was laid up due to injury. I owe Maryse so much. Mike too but I'm sure I'll pay him back someday in someway. But, Maryse. Is the most caring girl or woman sorry." Sophia laughed a bit. "I've ever met. And I'm hoping that with her staying here. And having me at arms reach will make her feel safe."
"Well, by the way Monroe reached out to you before you and Maryse went out. And by the way Maryse smiles at you and hugs you. I'd say you make them both feel safe." I smiled at Sophia's statement. "Now, you and I may not have gotten off on the right foot. But I'm sure we'll repair that damage eventually."
"Very true. Listen. Umm. If you and the Ouellet family have nothing to do for the Fourth Of July or Memorial Day. I think it would mean a lot to Maryse if you guys came here and stayed for those weekends or holidays."
"I think that would be great."
"Okay. Just let me know and I'll have everything arranged either here or at a nice hotel in Idaho Falls."
"By the way, Daniel. Maryse told me about the incident two years ago. And I know that you two made a mistake and you asked for Mike's forgiveness. But I think you and Maryse did all you could to repent or try and make up for your shortcomings."
"Of course she would tell her mother. Mother's can keep secrets others can't." I smiled. "So your not mad or angry at us or me. For..."
"Daniel. I myself know that it's hard to stay in a big home alone either with children or not. She called you to come and stay with her so she wouldn't be lonely. You were more than accommodating to her needs. For company. What ended up happening was an accident. And she knew that and so do I." She grinned. "She also told me that Mike brought it up at the last meeting you set up for her and Mike to work things out. That was in poor taste on his part. So I should have been more sensitive to how you felt but me being so used to seeing Mike instead of you."
"I get it. You were so used to the angel Mike was. That you used that as fuel whenever you had to deal with me."
Sophia smiled and laughed, "Maryse is right. You are a wonder. Well, I'm sure I've bent your ear enough. Go and make sure Monroe's asleep." I nodded and walked upstairs to Monroe's bedroom.

"Sorry, I'm late." Maryse smiled at me. "What?"
"I overheard your conversation with mom. It seems that she's softening and warming up to you." She smiled. I approached her and looked in the crib. Monroe was still awake. So I took out the guitar and re-tuned it. Then played and sang 'Blues Man' by George Jones. Maryse sat on the floor next to the chair I was sitting in and draped her left arm over my right thigh and put her right hand on top of her left and laid her head against her hand pillow and listened to the music. I could see Monroe through the bars of the crib slowly yawning and drifting off to sleep. By the time the song ended. Monroe was asleep and so was Maryse. I smiled as I put the guitar next to the closet door and bent down and picked Maryse up bridal style. I was about to turn on the nightlight.
'Don't worry about that. I'll do it. You just take Maryse to bed.' Sophia smiled as I looked at the doorway and found her. 'Go on.' I walked by her and carried Maryse to the master bedroom as Sophia turned on the nightlight and turned off the main light and went to bed herself.

I gently stripped the dress off of Maryse and slipped on a nice satin pair of pajamas I had put in the dresser for her. After I put her to bed. I gently and carefully folded the dress and put it on the dresser. Then started to get ready for bed myself. Once I was in bed. I took off my glasses, put them on the bedside table, kissed Maryse on the forehead as she smiled in her sleep. Then turned off the overhead lights and fell asleep. But not before saying, 'Goodnight, Maryse. Love you."

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