Switching Gears At Fastlane.

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Over the next few weeks during the summit as I had called it before to Mike's face. Things were not going well. In fact I had to go into the room to seperate them.
While at work, I was supposedly to go after the IC belt which Rollins was wearing as Champion and our match was to culminate in a major victory for me at Fastlane. Seth was taking some time off from the ring to pursue an acting career but would drop in from time to time. So the storyline was already planned.
But at home. Ha. It was interesting. The last meeting between Maryse and Mike was heated to say the least and not in a good way. Because I had found out that Mike was planning on focusing on an acting career or a commentators chair. I forget which he decided on.

I was in the room on the last meeting since it had become customary for them to argue to the point where they nearly punched or fought with more than just words. Anyway, Mike snapped to his feet near the fifteen minute mark of the meeting. "Don't you tell me what's indelicate or not. I mean you slept with Daniel two years ago when you were both drunk off your ass while I was filming the Marine 5." I hung my head as Mike noticed what he said. "Oh, my." I stood up and walked over to him.
"We, apologized for that. I... apologized for that!" Maryse could tell I was about to break Mike in half for mentioning a drunken mistake we did as Mike pointed out two years ago while he was away filming the Marine 5. She tried to calm me down. Only to get a very fiery glare from me. She kept her left hand on my forearm. "I have tried to forget that night and you of all people know that we have apologized and begged and scrapped for your forgiveness for a month. And just as it was almost forgotten by me." I laughed a bit. "YOU BRING IT UP!!!" Mike slunk back into his chair scared to death of me. I stormed out of the room leaving Mike and Maryse looking at the door then each other.
"Mike. I'm sorry but. I just don't think we can work it out." Maryse picked up her jacket and put it on. Then picked up her purse and after one more glance at the scared look on Mike's face. "I'll contact an attorney and I hope that we can come to an agreement that we both can agree on and that would be beneficial to Monroe." He nodded still sporting the scared look on his face.

Maryse found me standing in the center of a snow drift that a snow plow made. She climbed up close to me. "Sorry, I shouldn't have snapped back there." I said looking in her direction as she approached me from the right side.
"No. It's alright. He shouldn't have brought it up. Which just only proves that we can't work this out. So. After Fastlane. I'm filing for divorce."
"No. I don't want to be responsible for breaking you up." I seethed.
"Daniel." She slid her hands on both sides of my face and guided my gaze to her face. "Your not the cause of us breaking up. You tried to help us patch things up. Is it your fault that we couldn't?" I shook my head. "No it isn't. It's ours. Me and Mike's. And I do know that things like marriages don't work out sometimes. And this was just one of the ones that don't work out. But I am not going to blame you for breaking me and Mike up. Even if my mother will probably leap at the chance to. But I'm not going to blame you." She smiled and pulled me in for a nice hug. "You are not going to be blamed for this Daniel." She smiled.
I pulled away and smiled. "Thank you. For that pep talk." She grinned in response. "So...Should we head home?" She nodded. "Okay." I opened the passenger side door to the newly restored and rebuilt Chrysler Imperial I've had since I first started working for WWE. Maryse smiled as she got in and buckled up.
"I still can't believe you still have this thing." She smiled.
"Well, nothing beats a classic." I smiled as I gently closed the door. Mike came out and I looked at him with disdain.
"Daniel. I'm sorry for bringing that night between you and Maryse up. And I'm sure she's told you." I nodded. "Well, it looks like she's finally trading up." He smiled.
"Don't." I snapped at him.
"You're making it sound like she's trading in cars or homes. You were with her for a long time. You have a daughter with her. Just because there's a distinct possibility that she'll be looking for someone new does not mean that you can lessen her time with you by making it sound she's trading in a car for a newer model." He looked to the ground. "Don't make it sound like she didn't care about you or enjoy the time she had with you. You understand?" He nodded. "Good." I walked around the car to the driver's side.
"Hey, Daniel." I looked at him as I had one leg in the car. "You're going to kill it as Intercontinental Champion. Good luck." He smiled.
"Thank you. And don't I always." I got in and started the car and drove to my home with Maryse leaning into my right shoulder. She gently sobbed here and there and when we got to my home. We immediately packed and took a taxi to the airport to catch a flight to Fastlane.

When we arrived in the city that was housing Fastlane which it was late in the evening of Saturday and yes the same Saturday that the disastrous meeting took place. We headed to the hotel and just settled in. Not leaving the room until we were either hungry or needed to stretch our legs.
"Daniel." She said as we got back to the hotel from a nice walk and a filling dinner.
"Hmm." I looked to Maryse as she wore the jacket I gave her.
"I just want to thank you for helping us try and patch things up and for giving me a place to stay." She smiled.
"No problem. You're a friend. I would never leave you out in the cold."
"I just have a lot to think over. So I'm hoping you will be patient with me during the impending divorce."
"Hey, Maryse." She looked me in the eyes. "You can stay at my home as long as you need. And I'll always be here when you need me." I smiled and pulled her in for a comforting hug.

The next afternoon,
When we arrived at the arena, Lexi, Mercedes, nearly all the girls ran to Maryse. "Oh, my god we just heard," Lexi said.
"Yeah," Mercedes added. "It's just awful." Maryse looked at me.
"Don't look at me I didn't tell them," I said.
"Bo told us. Because Mike called him not long after the meeting Daniel's been setting up between you and Mike." Natalya said.
'Gives a whole new meaning to the phrase bad news travels fast.' I groaned.
"Well, thank you, girls, for your concern. But I'm going to be okay." Maryse smiled as she leaned into me. We soon headed to the locker room and changed for my match against Seth later on in the night. Once we were ready for the match we just sat on the sofa of the locker room and waited for a tech to come get us. "I'm so happy that your here." She smiled.
"It's a pleasure." I wrapped my arm around her shoulder and she leaned into my left shoulder
"Do you think I'll be able to find anyone to make me happy?"
"I'd like to think so." She cuddled closer and when she was feeling comfortable or starting to a tech knocked on the door. "God, yes?!" I growled.
"Your up lover boy." The Tech said.
"Do you get the feeling news of your impending divorce wasn't the only thing Mike told Bo about?"
"You don't think?"
"Well, unless the tech did it as a joke. Or someone suddenly got loose lips."
"Well, whether he did or not. It was a couple years ago." She smiled as she stood up and helped me to my feet. "So it's a moot point."
"I guess your rigiht."
"You guess?" She asked folding her arms in front of her. I smiled.
"Okay, okay. You are right." I smiled and giggled as did she. "Geez. Your a hard one to deal with."
"Good. Mike would say that too."
"Well, I'm not Mike."
"No. Your not." She hugged me before we opened the door and headed to the gorilla.
"Can I ask you something?" The tech looked at me. "Why did you call me lover boy?"
"Because you are dominantly with Maryse now." He said.
"Just as long as it was meant as a joke if anything else." I told him.
"Come on Daniel. Your match is up next."
"Coming Maryse." I said as we made our way to the gorilla. Seth was already in the ring.
"Well, your finally regaining the title that you and my soon to be ex made famous. The Intercontinental Championship." She fixed my jacket lapels as I did the same for her. "Ready?"
"Hooo, I hope I am. But before we go out there. I have something to tell you when this match is over."
"I'll remind you to tell me when we're in catering with your new title." She smiled and I did the same in return. When my music hit we both went out together instead of one at a time.

It was barely forty minutes into the match and Seth and I were nearly spent as we went at each other hard the entire match. When he performed his second Rip Cord Knee Strike. It looked like the title was going to slip away from me. But I kicked out at the count of two and a half. Maryse was relieved but also worried at the same. When I kicked out she smiled as there was still hope. So I crawled over to the corner and leaned against the bottom turnbuckle. "You okay, Daniel?"
"Oh yeah. Having a little tea party." I giggled making her laugh. I pulled myself to my feet as Maryse backed away from the corner a bit as I tried to decide which finisher I wanted to use. I decided to rotate my right arm a bit and lashed it out giving the crowd the signal that it was lights out for Seth. When Seth got up I ran at him and did a Discus Clothesline that nearly made him land on his head. I pinned him for the three count and smiled as Maryse ran to the time keeper and gently took the title from him and got in the ring. I barely got to my feet when Maryse handed the IC title to me. Seth got up as Maryse got behind me and placed her hands gently on my shoulders. Seth smiled and extended his hand. I took it aand shook his hand and he raised my free hand as Maryse held up my other that was holding the title.
"Good job man." He smiled. "It looks like you've come full circle when it comes the IC title."
"Thank you Seth." He smiled as he left the ring and I stood on the second turnbuckle nearest the camera and I turned to Maryse. I dropped down and walked behind her and lifted her onto my right shoulder and handed her the title. She raised it high above our heads. After a moment or two more. I gently lowered her onto her feet. Then we both made our way to the back and I was congratulated by the entire Raw locker room. After the congratulations Maryse and I headed to catering. I gently placed the title on the table we were sitting at and got myself a cup of sweet tea.
"Now, you had something to tell me." Maryse smiled.
"I do. Thank you for reminding me." I took a sip of the sweet tea. "I know that this may sound weird. It's especially weird for me."
"Maryse. You and I have been friends for a long time. And even though I was happy for you and Mike when you got married. I just...ha." I sighed as I was quickly losing my train of thought and my nerve. "I guess I got jealous after a time of how Mike was so lucky to have found someone who would be with him no matter what. And someone who loved him." I said. She smiled as she was beating me to my point. "Don't get me wrong I was happy for the both of you. But when you were pregnant with Monroe. I really buried my emotions and feelings because I always believed that it was poor if not bad form to break up a family. And I was just afraid of what your reaction would be if I told you how I really felt about you." I slammed the sweet tea and just stared off in the distance. Then just got up and headed to the locker room. Completely spacing the fact I forgot the IC belt.
"Daniel." Maryse stood up but I was already halfway down the hall towards the locker room. She smiled and looked at the IC belt. She picked it up and carried it over her shoulder as she walked to our locker room. I was sitting in the shower area and kept my head down. Then I heard Maryse' voice, "Daniel. Daniel." She came into the dark shower area. "Dan...there you are." She slid into the stall and sat next to me. "Hey, I already knew about your feelings for me." I snapped my head up.
"You did?"
"Of course. Ashley told me before she left the company. And since it's sharing time." She gently nudged me. Making us laugh and smile. "I was kinda jealous of Ashley. Because let's face it. When we chose romances. We both struck out. It just took mine to die out or run it's course longer."
"So are you telling me that you were hoping that your marriage would go down in flames?"
"No. But it happens."
"One thing though. Why on earth would you be jealous of Ashley?"
"I was jealous because she got to spend time with a guy that even though he acted tough. I knew he was a softy at heart." I smiled. "Now why were you jealous of Mike."
"I learned a lot of times in my life that the girl or. Woman. I wanted. Didn't want a glasses wearing, husky kid like me. They wanted the fit, rude as all hell asshole types." I explained and Maryse leaned into me. "So I was jealous of Mike because even though he wasn't an asshole or rude. He still got the girl I wanted. So the irony if not stereo type continued."
"Well, it won't be for much longer."
"I'm sorry if I brought up anything."
"Hey," She slid under my left arm. "Your fine. In fact I think that once the divorce is finalized. We should go on a date. Not as friends. Not as acquaintences. But as possible boyfriend and girlfriend."
"I'd like that. But let's play it by ear shall we." She smiled as did I.
"By the way." She pulled the IC title off her shoulder and passed it to me.
"Oh, my. I knew I forgot something." I said embarassed.
"It's okay. I think you were just disappointed in yourself too much that it slipped your mind." We sat there on the floor of the shower area of our locker room and I pulled her in tighter to me.
"Thank you, Maryse."
"What for?"
"Just being here, I mean you've thanked me a ton already for giving you a home. Some piece of mind through this trying time of yours. And I think it's only fair that I thank you for being with me not only here but at home. And being a conscience for me as well." A knock came to the door. "Do you think anyone would notice if we disappeared for a month." She lightly and quietly giggled. "I just don't want to deal with anyone right now. I just want to deal with one person. And she's sitting beside me."
"Ohh, thank you Daniel. But I'm sure it's important. So why don't you go deal with whatever or whoever it is and I'll pack up our stuff and get ready to head to the hotel."
"You know. You really know how to rain on a persons parade." I smiled. I got up first and helped Maryse to her feet. I picked up the IC title and carried it with me as I answered the door. Needless to say I wasn't surprised that it was Hunter and Mike.
"May we come in Daniel." I looked behind me and Maryse nodded.
"Sure." I opened the door wider and Maryse slid next to me as she noticed Mike was with him. "So what do I owe the pleasure? Or we owe the pleasure?" I asked Hunter.
"Mike told me that him and Maryse are going to file for divorce. I just wanted to make sure that you had nothing to do with it." I nearly lost my cool as I looked at Mike. Maryse rubbed my left arm and I slightly calmed down.
"Daniel had nothing to do with it. In fact he was the most adament or the only friend who tried his best to help us reconcile our differences. But I guess we just couldn't." Maryse said as she wrapped her arms around my left arm.
"Okay. Well after talking it over with the board and Stephanie. Daniel, you will not be required to defend the IC title at Wrestlemania. But you will have to defend it at Backlash."
"And why am I getting such special consideration?" I asked him.
"Maryse is going to need all the support she can get as her and Mike go through these proceedings." Hunter explained.
"So your giving us both time off plus Mike the needed time off to deal with his and Maryse' divorce?"
"Yep." I looked at Maryse then at Hunter and Mike confused.
"What's the catch?"
"No catch just promise to defend the title at Backlash." Hunter said.
"Okay." I said. "One more thing. Why is Mike here?"
"I'm here because I told Hunter and he wanted me to come along with him to ask you that if you had anything to do with it. Which I knew beforehand that you didn't. So I'm a witness of him asking."
"Okay." I smiled.
"Well, I'm sure that you and Maryse need some rest so we'll let you go. Keep us updated on the proceedings. All three of you." Hunter told us
"Oh, uh, Hunter." Hunter turned to face me and Maryse as Mike had gone ahead of him. "We better not see this used in a storyline. Because if it is. You." I approached him. "Will be skinned." I said sporting a very cold serious face. After Hunter left the room.
"Now. Let's get ready to go to the hotel." Maryse smiled.
"Right behind you." I changed into some casual clothes as did she and once our arena bags were packed we headed out to the rental car and went directly to the hotel.

Once I walked ahead of Maryse into the hotel room I noticed a couple of champagne flutes on the coffee table and an ice bucket with a bottle of champagne chilling in it. I looked at Maryse and she was trying very hard to hide a blushing smile.
"Umm, I don't have to ask it but I will. What's with the glasses and champagne?"
"I just called ahead while walking to the locker room looking for you and asked them to have this waiting so we could celebrate your win." She smiled.
"Well, I can't fault you there." I grinned. Once we put our bags in the closet we sat down on the sofa and I opened the botte and poured her and I a flute of champagne. Once I put the bottle back in the ice bucket.
"To my good friend, Daniel for his recent win of the Intercontinental Championship and may this reign be longer and better than the last few."
We clinked our flutes and took a drink. "And to my best friend, Maryse. I'm hoping that your life continues to be a happy one."
"Ohh, that's sweet." She grinned. We clinked our flutes and finished the round.
"I think we should stop there. Because I don't want another incident like two years ago."
"Yeah. But." She stood up and grabbed the bottle and poured another in both our flutes except this was a quarter of the first. "I want to make a toast to both of us."
"Okay." I raised my flute.
"To a quick and amicable divorce and to a new beginning with you." I grinned as she kissed my cheek.
"I'll drink to that." We slammed this small round and put the flutes down. "The only worry I have is how are you and Mike going to explain this to Little Monroe?"
"Well, all we can do is tell her and hope she understands someday."
"So, you going to sleep on the sofa again?"
"I was planning on it."
"I was hoping that you'd sleep with me. Just cuddling and holding me nothing more."
"Sounds doable." I smiled. Not long after, we were changed into sleepwear and were in bed together. I took off my glasses and put them on a bedside table on my side. And Maryse slid into me and I turned off the overhead lights by flicking a switch above our heads. "Goodnight Maryse."
"Goodnight Daniel."

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