Elimination Chamber Turns Into A Test Of Resistance.

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The Next morning...
I woke up and saw a new layer of fallen snow on the ground. I heard groaning coming from the guest room Maryse was occupying. I decided to go out and go for a run and let her sleep in.
I ran through the forested area around my home. Even picked up a few mishapen stones while running. One caught my attention. It was more unique than the others because it was crystal clear and was wrapped in a tree branch. I broke the branch and pulled the stone with some difficulty from it. But was unable to get all the wood from around it. I decided to keep it like it was and sand the wood down a bit so it wasn't so rough when I would find time to do so. After I got back from my run. I got breakfast started. Then when I was finished cooking the turkey bacon, six slices of toast and a hardboiled egg for me and I made an extra one for Maryse. I was well aware of her being a vegetarian. So I thought that since she was staying with me that I'd just prepare breakfast as I did normally. And tried to keep to certain standards the vegetarian diet allows. Anyway, before I hit the shower.
I headed upstairs and checked on Maryse. "Maryse," I said as I knocked before opening the door. I saw Maryse sitting in bed with the longest, saddest face I have ever seen. "Hey, what happened?" I asked walking in.
"How come whenever I think things are going to be alright do things always if not dominantly turn to shit?"
"Life is not all sunshine and roses. I learned that early in life. I'm surprised people didn't call me the Angel of Death growing up. You and Mike have hit a rough patch. All marriages do. And I hope that you and Mike patch things up." I said as I sat on the bed. She rocketed into my arms and I held her close. I didn't like feeling helpless to help my friends. I hated that feeling. But I did want to make sure Maryse had a stable environment. "Come with me." She carefully got up with me and we walked to the picture window overlooking the backyard. "See that clear glass greenhouse." I pointed to the small botanical garden in the backyard that was inside a rather old greenhouse. She nodded. "I have yet to have time to decide what to do with it." She leaned into me as she crossed her arms over her chest. "If someone were to either fix it up or make it a thriving garden again. I'd be very appreciative of it." I smiled as I saw a spark in her eyes.
"I'll take care of it for you." She smiled.
"I don't know it's a pretty big job. You would have to clear out all the dead plants. Clean out the pots and other things." I smiled.
"I promise. I'll have that garden green in no time." Maryse smiled.
"Good. I'll hold you to it."
"You knew I needed something to keep my mind busy didn't you?"
"Me, no. Not me. I'm too dumb to see that you were wallowing and writhing in psychological pain." I giggled as she lightly slapped my right arm.
"Well, be that as it may. I'm glad you gave me something to do." She kissed my cheek. "Thank you."
"Come on. Our breakfast is getting cold." We headed down to the dining room and ate our breakfast.

Over the next week...
Maryse stayed in my home and she was a welcome sight when I got home after a hard tour of the northwest. And yes I left her at my home and she did a lot in the four days I was gone. I found her on the couch resting from working in the greenhouse most of the morning. "Maryse, I'm home," I said.
"Mmmm, welcome home." She smiled. "How did the tour go?"
"Ooohhhh, terrible. Aside from Mike being somewhat lax in his duties as a Smackdown Live Superstar recently. I mean I only saw him twice. I usually see him more than that." I sat next to her as she sat up.
"Ohh, well, as you said. He and I are going through a rough patch right now." Maryse smiled.
"I'm slowly beginning to think that he's somewhat hating me for taking  you in."
"Oh, I don't think Mike would be so spiteful." I looked at her as I slowly turned my face toward her. "Of course there was that one time." She blushed.
"Yeah, let's not talk about that again shall we?"
"Daniel. Come with me. I have something to show you."
I followed her to the greenhouse.
"Now cover your eyes I don't want you to peek." She said, so I closed my eyes and she held up my arms so they covered my eyes. "All the way silly." Once we stopped. I heard the greenhouse door close. "Okay. Look." I pulled my hands away and opened my eyes. I was amazed at what I saw.
"Oh, my, god." I smiled.
"What do you think?" She asked.
"I know that these plants couldn't have grown in a short time but you did a really good job." I smiled.
"So you're saying you like?"
"I like it. I love it." I turned to see Maryse holding a white rose in her hand. She smiled as she approached me.
"You are an angel, Daniel. You may be a devil on the outside. But on the inside. You are a real angel." She bent the rose a bit near the head and snapped the stem a bit so she could put it through the button hole on my jacket as a makeshift boutonniere.
"Keep it down will ya I have a reputation to protect." I smiled as she giggled.
"And I'm thankful for having friends like you. But if I may. I'd like to go with you to the Elimination Chamber."
"Of course." I smiled. "Ohh, before I forget." I pulled out a package wrapped nicely with a bow. "Here."
"What's this?" She asked.
"Well, since I have missed your birthday for oh, six years. I wanted to make it up to you." I smiled.
"Oh, you didn't have to do that." She unwrapped the package and when something red appeared from the wrapping. "Ohh, Daniel." It was a red leather jacket, custom job by a local leatherman. With a very special addition.
"I had one of my old friends from high school make it for  you." She looked and noticed the stone I found on my run embedded in the jacket on the left side near the shoulder on the front.
"It's beautiful." She grinned. It even had her name emblazoned over and under the stone. I gently took it from her and held it open. She grinned as she took off her work jacket and turned around and I helped her put the jacket on her. "How do I look?" She asked getting a smile and a giggle out of me.
"Absolutely stunning," I said.
"Well, thank you. Daniel." She turned and zipped up the jacket. "This makes up for all the birthdays you missed and then some." She started to tear up. I smiled as she giggled and modeled the jacket. I loved seeing her happy and smiling. Truth be told whenever Mike wasn't home courtesy of a movie appearance or filming. She would always. Almost always call me to come and stay since Mike trusted me enough to be in the same house as Maryse. I think it was due to the fact that he knew I wouldn't try anything since I knew one of two things. One. Maryse was already taken, and two, it would be a cold day in hell when a girl of Maryse's caliber even looked in my direction.
"Well, it looks good on you regardless." I smiled. "Well, let's head back inside. And I'm assuming the power to the greenhouse is back online." She nodded. "Okay." I walked over to the temp control and put it right in the middle so it wasn't too hot and not too cold so that way the flowers and plants that Maryse got to replace the dead ones didn't freeze. "There. Come on. Let's head inside. It looks like blizzards coming." Maryse grabbed her other jacket and slid into my side as we headed inside.
"I'll get dinner started. Why don't you go to the living room and get some rest? I'll come and get you when it's done."
"You sure?" I asked her.
"Yes." She nodded.
"Okay. I know better than to argue with a French Canadian Beauty." I grinned as did she.

Later that night, a blizzard did hit and covered the roads and my running path with fresh snow.
Saturday morning before we were to head to the airport to catch a flight in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. I got up very early, by then the path was clear for me to run through. But before I  went for my usual run. I made Maryse a special breakfast and put it on a tray and took it to the guest room and put it on a tall table near the foot of the bed. I had a rolled up newspaper, a perfect yellow rose I put in the freezer the night before since I couldn't sleep and went for a midnight run and came across it on my second pass through the trail. I even left a note on top of the platter that had her breakfast on it. I then headed out to do my run.

I was able to clear my head and returned to the house. I found Maryse in the living room and she looked up at me and smiled. "Morning Daniel." She stood up and walked up to me. "Thank you for breakfast. And this." She held up the note. "You're so good at writing such beautiful things with not so many words. But I really loved the yellow rose." She smiled wider. 'My dearest friend Maryse, Having you in my home has been a real pleasure. I've loved watching you smile whenever I see you look at the paintings on my house walls. Or listen to my vast collection of rhythm and blues and classical music. But most of all. I've become accustomed to the company. Your, company.' She looked at me as she read the letter aloud. 'I may not know what is causing this rift between you and Mike. But I've been doing everything possible and I like to think I'm succeeding in keeping you happy and occupied as you stay here. And even though I hope you do patch things up with Mike. I hope you'll think of my home as your second home. Your safe harbor in any wild storm that will come your way.' She folded it back up and held up the yellow rose to her nose and sniffed it. "You're a sweetheart, Daniel. Through and through." She grinned.
"Hmm. Well, I better get a shower in before we leave." I smiled as I gently caressed her right cheek with my left hand. "Some guys have all the luck," I said.
"Your day will come, Daniel." She smiled as I did the same. We soon got packed up and headed to the airport to catch a flight to Pittsburgh. While on the plane. She asked, "Daniel?"
"Hmm." I hummed in reply.
"Did you mean everything in the note?"
"Yeah. I did." She smiled a bit. And of course, this being the mountain northwest we had to change flights in Salt Lake City. Then finally had a direct shot to The Steel City.

When we landed in Pittsburgh, which was Saturday Afternoon, we headed to the hotel and found a reservation for both of us. I was to go against Jinder in a regular match nothing was on the line. Or even remotely resembling on the line. Mike was to be in an elimination chamber match for the WWE title. Maryse was planning on being in my corner during my fight against Jinder.
Anyway, when we reached our hotel room. We went directly to bed. Considering the jet lag was encroaching on us fast. I collapsed on the sofa as Maryse took the bed.
Close to five or six in the evening. I was jolted awake by a knock at the door. "Coming," I said slowly moving to my feet. I answered the door to see Mike holding Monroe.
"Hey, Daniel." He smiled.
"Mike." I looked at Monroe. "Hey, Monroe." She giggled as I gently tickled her chin.
"Maryse in."
"Yeah. But she's aslee..." I was interrupted by a gust of wind and suddenly saw Maryse in front of me. "Nevermind she's up." I smiled as I left the door frame as Maryse held Monroe. "Mike I'm only giving you advanced warning. You cause trouble, drama or a fight with Maryse. You are out of here."
"Understood." He said. I laid back on the sofa and practically slipped back to sleep.

When I woke up an hour or two later. I found Maryse laying on top of me And instead of risk waking her. Just ran my hand through her hair. I then noticed Monroe in her arms. I smiled at the little picture in front of me. 'Don't worry you two. You'll be back with Mike in not time.' I whispered. I smiled as I went back to sleep.

Early the next morning, I woke up to find Maryse in the kitchenette of the hotel room and Monroe giggling in my lap. I gently sat up and started tickling Monroe making her giggle a little more. "Morning, Mr. Sleepy." Maryse joked.
"Morning. When, did you get up?"
"At six this morning. Because this little handful started crying." Maryse took Monroe and held her. "I made some breakfast for you. It's in the kitchen." She smiled as she played with Monroe. I stood up and went to get some breakfast and while I ate, I read a rolled up paper plus a copy of farm and ranch times. I knew who was responsible for the ranch times. Which if you must know displays the fill level of all the reservoirs and dams in Idaho. I finished breakfast and just as I had washed, rinsed, dried and put away the dishes. Maryse and Monroe were all bundled up and dressed to head to the arena for Elimination Chamber. I was feeling like I was in an old school family show. And for a brief moment. I forgot that Maryse was Mike's and not mine. I looked at the picture in front of me. Maryse holding Monroe and both cuddling on the sofa. That picture alone made it hard to snap out of my daydream. But I did and shook my head ferociously to remember I was only looking after Maryse until she patches things up with Mike and apparently Monroe for today. I showered and dressed in some clean dry clothes and once I was ready. We headed outside and got a taxi to the arena.

When we got to the arena. Mike came and got Monroe since my match against Jinder Mahal was one of the first matches on the card after the kick-off show. Maryse didn't mind so much even though I could tell that it killed her to not be with her daughter. As I changed for my match and Maryse as well. A knock came to the door and Maryse answered it and in came her mother. Sophia Ouellet. "Hey, momma." Maryse smiled. "I'm guessing you're responsible for bringing Monroe to Pittsburgh?" She asked her mom.
"Oui, I was worried about you when I heard you and Mike were going through a trial separation."
"Everything okay in here?" I asked coming into the main room wearing my ring attire.
"Everythings fine. Daniel Boyce. My mother Sophia Ouellet." Maryse introduced.
"So you're the one my daughter is staying with?"
"Yeah. That, a problem?" I asked Sophia.
"No. It's just that I didn't expect the friend she was staying with was so. Rotund." I was calm on the outside but I nearly was losing my patience on the inside.
"Daniel. Remain calm." Maryse reminded me.
"What's going on?" Sophia said.
"Daniel's known as the Hellion from Hell's Playground. And he is not too keen on people talking about his weight. Much less making fun of him because of it." Maryse explained.
"I didn't mean no offense by it." Sophia openly lied as I read it in her eyes. "I'm grateful for you to be looking after Maryse. She's an angel."
"Yes, she is." I pulled a water bottle from the little fridge near the showers and quickly opened it and down the entire thing in less than a minute. I looked to Maryse and her mother and I did notice that Maryse was blushing. It was rather hard to see unless you knew what you were looking for. I gently smiled and Sophia looked to her daughter who quickly hid her face behind her jacket collar. Sophia then said her goodbye's to Maryse and went to go see how Monroe was doing with Mike as she was the babysitter for Monroe for the night and apparently until Mike and Maryse patched things up.
"You have to forgive my mother. She sometimes forgets that she's a guest in someone else's room or home."
"Yeah. I know. I also can tell that she lied to my face about not meaning any offense by calling me rotund." I told her.
"I was afraid of that," Maryse said looking down for a moment.
"Hey, I'm not holding you responsible. She's responsible for her own words and actions. And if she doesn't like the fact that you and Mike are having problems or that you're staying with me. Then that's her problem."
Maryse smiled as she looked up at me. "Thank you. For being understanding and patient." She smiled.
"No problem. Now. We need to head to the gorilla I think." I smiled. She led the way to the gorilla and we saw Jinder already in the ring and I waited for my cue. I was nervous as all hell because this would be the first time I made an entrance at a Pay Per View with Maryse by my side. When my music hit I let Maryse go out first and she did a marvelous job of introducing me, not with words but she twirled once and pointed to the curtain and I came out to a very loud pop.

Thirty-seven minutes in...
I was nearly at the end of my rope as Jinder had kicked out of three separate Lights Out. So I walked to the corner nearest Maryse and just stomped my left foot against the bottom turnbuckle and once Jinder got up to his knees. I spun on my heels all the way to him and delivered a jaw-shattering roundhouse kick that knocked him the fuck out. I pinned him for a three count victory. I rolled out of the ring in a hurry as Maryse met me at the ramp. She held my right hand in the air as I held my ribs with my left hand. She helped me to the back and to the trainer's room. Once I was checked out and bandaged I headed with Maryse to catering where I got the dirtiest of all looks from Sophia. If first impressions were important. Then this lady never got the memo.

I sat next to Maryse and Monroe ran up to her from Sophia. Then out of the blue during the WWE Title Elimination Chamber match which we were watching. Monroe reached out to me which I found confusing. But I picked her up and held her as Maryse smiled and Sophia scowled.
"Worried about your dad little one." She shook her head. "What's up?" She supported herself on her small fists and Maryse smiled.
"She's worried about you," Maryse said.
"Why me? I'm just a family friend."
"Doesn't mean that you aren't part of this family." Maryse smiled.
"True." I looked at Monroe. "That true little one?" She nodded. "Ohhh, ho, ho, ho." I hugged her and she settled onto my left shoulder. Maryse rubbed Monroe's back as we continued watching Mike's match. He was eliminated before the final two competitors finished until there was only one winner. AJ Styles.

Even though he lost the match. Mike came and got Monroe from us at catering. "Thanks for watching over our little one Daniel, Maryse honey." He said. I could tell that there was something bothering Maryse but I didn't want to bring it up in front of Mike or Monroe. And I damn sure didn't want to bring it up with her mom. So when Maryse and I were in the locker room she sat and started crying.
"Hey, hey." I rushed over to her and held her. "It'll be okay. Not that I can guarantee that."
"I just miss my little girl so much." She cried.
"I know. I know." I rubbed her back and she slowly started to calm down. "Now, aside from that. What's really bothering you?"
"I just don't know what to do?" She said. "I'm trying to think of something to do so that we can work it out. But everything I propose is shot down by either my conscience or Mike."
"Hmm, well I can arrange if you wish that every weekend, he can spend a day or two in Idaho Falls and you can work things out with him. With me outside the door of course, because I am supposed to be looking after you." I smiled.
"That you are. Well, I guess I can suggest it."
"No harm in that." She smiled as she pulled away.
"I'll go and ask Mike what he thinks."
"Okay. I'll be right here changing and packing to head back to the hotel."
"Alright." She darted out of the room and I showered, changed and packed to head to the hotel room. I even packed carefully her things and she ran into the room all smiles. "He likes the idea."
"Good." I smiled.
"Ahh, you packed my things too."
"I hope that's okay?"
"Yes. It actually saves me time." we headed to the hotel and when she got ready for bed I, unfortunately, saw her changing into her sleepwear and for a moment or two almost wanted to touch her and make her feel good. But my senses came back thank god and I was able to resist.
'I hope they patch things up. Because it's getting to be a killer to be near Maryse and not want to touch her and make her relax by any means.' I whispered as I took off my glasses and put them on the coffee table next to my cell phone and just closed my eyes on the sofa. I swear. This trial separation of theirs was becoming a test of resistance for me.

I instituted the resolution conference the following weekend in Idaho Falls in the Holiday in Express. That was an interesting meeting to sit out in the hallway for. They talked and argued and for a long while I thought they'd argue until the cows come home. But they finally stopped bickering and Maryse walked out of the room. "I'm ready to go home now." Maryse breathed.
"Alright. Head out to the car and I'll be there in a moment." I handed her the keys and she walked out to the car. I looked at Mike. "Umm, Mike. Don't take this the wrong way. But, are you trying to kill me?"
"What do you mean?" He asked.
I walked in and closed the door. "I mean. That ever since you've been separated and I have tried to do everything to help you guys patch things up. This little summit as it were. Is the last gasp of hope. And the funny thing is, or horrifying in my view. I think I'm falling for Maryse and I don't want to be a future cause of your break up."
"Well, I'm glad you're being honest and I'm happy that you're keeping her busy and happy." He said.
"Well, she has done amazing things with that broken down greenhouse behind my home. But that's beside the point. Not to put you under any pressure. But," I wrung my hands through my short dark brown hair. "You need to patch things up quick. I'm not sure if I can fight back my feelings for Maryse any longer than possibly another week or two if I'm extremely lucky. Until April."
"Well, I'll try." He said shocked.
"Good." I reached for the doorknob.
"Just answer me one question," Mike said.
"Okay?" I turned a few inches towards him.
"Are you really falling for Maryse?"
I sighed and I slowly tried to find the courage to say it but I just ended up nodding. "Yeah."
"Well, if we don't work out. I'd be happy that she found someone like you. To be happy with."
I looked at him bewildered. "No, 'I'll gut you-you asshole', or 'You better not touch my wife?"
"Daniel. You've been a friend of ours for close to ten years. Maybe even eleven years. And if she found happiness with you. I'd be alright with it." I approached him and felt his forehead with the back of my fingers.
"You suffering a fever?" I asked him. Making him laugh. He shook his head. "A severe blow to the head?" Same answer. "Then, how can  you be okay if your wife finds happiness with another guy you know if you don't work it out?"
"I just am for some reason. Sometimes bro, things don't work out as you planned. I may give you shit from time to time."
"Oh, good. No worries then." He hugged me and I smiled and hugged him in return.
"You are taking good care of her. Keep it up."
"And  you better patch things up or I'll be doing more than taking good care of her." He let go of me and I left for the car.

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