Smackdown Live's 'It' Couple On The Verge Of Losing 'It'.

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I was barely arriving at the arena and was about to just grab a cup of Sweet Peach Tea when a tech told me to report to Hunter's office. So I did without another word or moment's hesitation. I practically ran to the office suites. I knocked and heard, 'Come in.'
I peeked my head in after opening the door a bit. "You wanted to see me?" I asked Hunter.
"Yes, Daniel. Come in." I slowly walked in and saw Maryse and Mike on opposite ends of the room. Maryse was sitting to my far right and Mike was to my far left.
"Uhh, what's going on?" I asked.
"Well, Daniel. You are one of the very few left that has a history with these two." Hunter pointed out.
"And as much as I like the coddling or stroking. I suggest you get to the point." I said quickly losing patience.
"Well, Mike and Maryse are, going through a trial separation," Hunter said and I looked at both Maryse and Mike.
"Not to be too indelicate. But what does that have to do with me?" I asked trying not to spark an all-out war between me and the Mizanin's.
"Well, we thought it would be a good idea if Maryse came to Raw. While Mike stayed on Smackdown Live." Hunter danced around my question.
"Hunter. I've known you a long time possibly longer than Mike or Maryse. And you know I'm not one to mess with." He nodded. "So let's not dance around the floor once. What do you need me to do?"
"Maryse will be your manager." He said. I nearly passed out from the shock. I slowly looked at Maryse.
"Uh," I cleared my throat. "Is this a mutual agreement?" I asked Maryse. She looked to Mike. And my gaze followed suit. "It's not a complicated question." I walked up to Hunter's desk. "Is this a mutual agreement between the two of you. For me to look after Maryse or not. Cause if it isn't. I walk out that door and you two can deal with this yourselves." Mike nodded. "Maryse?" She nodded. "Alright. Well, I have a match against Rollins in a few minutes. So. I'll be in my locker room. Come find me when ready." I said to Maryse.
"Thank you, Daniel," Hunter said.
"I'm not doing this for you. I'm doing it because I've seen relationships go in the shitter because of creative differences in this business or an overbearing couple who seem to think they know what's best for not only the business but the talent." I said making Maryse hide a smile. "I'm doing it, for her and for him. Not you or anyone else. I want to see this story have a happy ending. Not a nightmare of an ending." I left the office and Maryse followed suit.
"Okay. Mike. Unfortunately since your a Smackdown Live superstar. You'll have to go to the airport and go to the next event for the brand." Mike nodded once. Then stood and shook Hunter's hand.
"I'm just glad Daniel agreed to help."
"While on the subject, what will you do if Maryse and you don't resolve the issue?"
"I'll probably just try and move on. And if I may say so. If we don't work it out. I just hope Maryse finds someone that makes her happy."

Meanwhile in my locker room...
I was just finishing up putting on the last pieces of my attire. "So, you going to tell me the reason for this trial separation," I asked Maryse.
"Well, we've just hit a snag." She said, "As you know, me and Mike love each other very much. But after he returned from filming a movie or an appearance on one. He spent less time at home with me and Monroe and more time on the road."
"He does have a family...what am I saying?" I asked making her laugh.
"I know. But between the both of us. We make more than enough money to provide for Monroe and ourselves." She said.
"Well it is a little unusual that he doesn't spend too much time at home I'll give you that." I put on my jacket. "Now, if I ask Mike. Will his answer be the same as yours?"
"Probably not. But I'm sure it will be pretty close to the same."
"Okay. I'll take your word for it. I'm just a little surprised that you two are having trouble."
Maryse blushed a bit as she looked down in her lap. "Well, I do appreciate you helping us out this way."
"No problem. Does that mean you'll be needing a place to stay?' I asked.
"How did you guess?"
"I know the standard procedure," I told her. "Trial separations require the parties to live in either different homes or different addresses. And since your my friend as much as he is. And by extension. I'm offering you one of the spare rooms I haven't used at all. There is a bed there. It's just waiting to be occupied. And it's yours. If you want it."
"Give me until the end of your match to decide."
"Fair enough." I smiled. I soon headed to the gorilla as did Maryse with me. Seth noticed me coming to the gorilla with Maryse.
"Hey, Daniel. Umm."
"I think it's best you don't ask too many questions right now."
"Well, I heard that Mike was seen leaving the arena. And..."
"Daniel. It's alright." Maryse rubbed my right arm. Then looked to Seth. "Long story short. Mike and I are taking a little break. Now I don't want to be given special treatment and I don't want Mike to be given special treatment either." She slid into my arms.
"How long do you think this trial separation is going to last?"
"Hopefully it will be cleared up by 'Mania 35."
"Which luckily for us is a month and a half away." I smiled. "I think this should be sorted out by the first Hall of Fame Inductee announcement."
"I agree with Daniel," Seth said making Maryse smile.
"Thank you, boys." Maryse smiled.
"I do think that it will work out." She smiled wider as I rubbed her back. Seth headed out and I waited until my cue. "You know. You don't have to come out with me tonight. You can start coming out with me next week if you wish."
"No. I'll be okay."
"Alright. But if at any time you feel uncomfortable. You can just head back here and go to the locker room." She nodded.
"Thank you." I hugged her tightly before letting her go so we could head to the ring separately.
Then 'Lights Out' by Hollywood Undead hit the speakers and I looked to Maryse. "See you out there." I headed out to the stage and stopped as the crowd looked and screamed and cheered. I held up a finger and then pointed to the curtain. Maryse came out with the swagger she was well known for. I smiled as I extended my arm and bowed my head. She slid her left arm around my right arm and walked down to the ring with me. The announcers were absolutely in chaos as everyone noticed that the French Canadian Beauty was with me instead of on Smackdown Live with the Miz. 'Now remember what I said. Anytime you feel uncomfortable.'
'Head to the locker room.' I entered the ring and she walked to my corner.

Twenty-eight minutes into the match...
It was apparent from all the camera angles that Seth and I were getting very close to exhausted. Because in the twenty-eight minutes the match had been going on. We threw our best moves at each other. And each time, we went for a pin on each other. We kicked out of the attempt. Maryse was at ringside slamming her palms against the canvas. Shouting instructions or suggestions. I was the first to pull myself to my feet after falling over after barely a few steps. I looked to Maryse as Seth slowly got up. She smiled and I nodded. I lashed my left arm out and I heard it pop. I grinned as the crowd knew what was coming. I ran at Seth as he got up an took Seth's head off with a very powerful Lariat. The crowd screamed 'LIGHTS OUT!' I quickly covered Seth for the win. I smiled as I raised my arms in victory and Maryse came into the ring and I pushed myself to my feet. I smiled as she lightly gripped my left arm and raised it in the air. Not long after we headed to the back and to my locker room. "Well, the match is over. And just to make sure you have some extra time. I'm going to take a shower, changed and pack to head to the hotel."
She grinned as I snagged a change of clothes and a towel and my travel shower kit then headed to the shower area of the locker room.
Lexi, Mercedes, Mickie, and Trish came into the locker room and found Maryse sitting and relaxing. "Hey Maryse," Trish said.
"Hey, girls." Maryse smiled as she saw some of her friends on the Raw brand coming into the locker room.
"What are you doing here?" Mickie asked.
"Is Mike here?" Lexi added.
"I'm here because I'm going through something private and no Mike is not here," Maryse answered succinctly. "What brings you to Daniel's locker room?"
"Well, we just thought we'd invite him out for drinks since Seth, Finn and a few of the other guys are coming."
I was finishing up the quick shower and listened to the conversation as I dried my hair with the towel then concentrated on the rest of my body. "Well, I think he would but. I'm sorry girls. I'm afraid he's busy tonight."
"That's okay. We'll catch him next time." Mercedes smiled.
"Yeah. Good seeing you again Maryse." Trish hugged her and they all left Maryse in the room as I walked into the room with a pair of jeans on and a barely pulled down shirt and once I readjusted my glasses that I left in my bag in their case I pulled my shirt the rest of the way down.
"Well, I think that I will take you up on your offer." She smiled.
"Good." I smiled and she stood up and slid into my arms. "This is gonna be a thing with you isn't it?" I asked referring to the hugs.
"Yeah. Why?"
"I'm from a what you would call a hug hating family," I told her. "But I think I can get used to it. Besides. Yours aren't bear hugs like some of Bayley's." She giggled as I pulled away. "Now. We can either go to Smackdown Live tomorrow night. Or just go straight to my home outside of Rigby. The choice is up to you. I have three days off. To rest and prep for the coming weeks."
"Well, as much as I'd like to go to Smackdown Live. I think I'll just go home with you." She smiled.
"You sure?" I asked. "I don't want you to regret anything."
"I'm sure."
"Alright then. Let's move it out." I picked up my arena bag as she picked up her purse that was hiding in the corner of one of the lockers and Maryse and I went to the hotel and got the rest of my stuff then we headed to the airport and caught a flight to Idaho Falls, via Salt Lake City.

It took close to ten to twelve hours to fly from Raleigh, North Carolina to Idaho Falls, Idaho. We caught up on some sleep on the flight and layover in Salt Lake. Then boarded another plane bound for I.F. Once there I called for a taxi to take us to my home. Maryse looked out the window as my hometown still had snow on the ground. "Enjoying the view?" I asked as Maryse turned to me and nodded. "So am I. I'm enjoying seeing you smile at the sight of snow still on the ground and it looks like by the cloud cover we're getting. It may snow again soon."
When we got to my home I gathered my things, paid the driver plus a tip. Then walked Maryse to the front door of my rather spacious home.
"Lady and gentleman. Boy and girl. Welcome to my home." I pushed open the double doors to reveal a nicely decorated home. The kitchen, dining room, parlor, and foyer were all picturesque in design and look. "Right this way." I led Maryse upstairs to her room. "This will be your room or quarters if you like to call them that. Bathroom is connected through there." I pointed to a door adjacent to the room entrance. "The closet is right here." I walked in a few steps and opened the closet that had women's clothing. "Sorry, no vanity mirror. But I doubt a beauty like you needs one." I grinned.
"Ohh, thank you. By the way who were these clothes for?"
"Well, with my reputation being that I get along better with girls or women in this case instead of boys or men. I thought that it may be a good idea to prepare for any and all contingencies." I walked to the closet and pulled the second, fourth and sixth drawers. "Clothes that may fit you are in these three drawers. I'll leave you to settle in and get changed." I started to leave. "Oh, I almost forgot." I turned and handed Maryse a spare set of keys. "In case you need to get in when I'm not here."
"No, I can't take these. This is your home."
"Maryse." I pushed my glasses up the ridge of my nose. "When I was gone for a year. You and Mike visited me when you were passing through. And I have waited for the opportunity to pay you back for that. Now I can. And as far as I'm concerned. Until you and Mike figure it out or work it out. This." I spread my arms out and turned slowly while looking up at the ceiling. "Is not just my home. But yours as well, for as long and as often as you need it." I smiled.
"Thank you, Daniel." She slid into my arms and I held her tightly as she started to lightly sob into my shoulder.
"Shhh, shhh, shhh, shhh. As long as you need a place to crash. The doors to this place will always be open to you." I rubbed her back and she grinned as she slowly started to calm down. "Now if you'll excuse me. I'm supposed to leave you to change and get dinner started. Or is it late lunch. Ehh, I'll figure it out." I said making her laugh as I left her to change clothes.

Once she came down for late lunch she was wearing a tight blood red shirt with black jeans and a nice spiked shouldered vest.
"I may need to be careful around you." I smiled.
"You look as though you can kick my ass at any time." She giggled. We had dinner and spent the rest of the evening reading or listening to audio books.
"Hey, Daniel?"
"Would you have room for Monroe?"
"Hmm." I checked the layout on my tablet and found a room that would do well as a guest nursery. I got up for a quick second and found the room in the layout. Maryse followed me the entire way to the room. "I think I do," I said turning on the light to an empty room save for a dresser and a radio and a long lamp in the corner. "Will this do for Monroe's room?" I asked her.
"It will do nicely." She smiled.
"Good." I grinned. "Well, it's getting late. Either that or the jet lag is catching up with me."
"I'd go with the jet lag." Maryse smiled.
"Well, your welcome to go on a solo tour of the house. Familiarize yourself with the layout. And feel free to stay up as long as you need." She slid into my embrace once more.
"Thank you, again Daniel. I think this will help me and Mike work through things."
"I certainly hope so. You two are the truest definition of an 'It' Couple. You always if not dominantly back each others play. You always make each other happy. I do think that you may have these problems worked out with Mike even before 'Mania."
"Well, in any case. I'm glad you took on this as many may have called it. Difficult assignment of watching over me as I try to work things out with Mike."
"It's no trouble at all. In fact. It's a pleasure to be of service to friends." I smiled. "Well, enough jibber, jabbering. I need to get some sleep before the sandman finds me standing here." I joked as Maryse giggled and smiled and before I headed to the master bedroom to go to sleep. She wrapped her arms around my neck and gently pulled me down and kissed both my cheeks. "Goodnight. Lady Maryse." I smiled.
"Goodnight. Master Daniel." I grinned and headed to the master bedroom and went directly to bed after taking off my glasses and putting them on the bedside table. It didn't take long for me to fall asleep.

Maryse spent the next forty minutes walking around the house memorizing where everything led and where everything was. But jet lag soon caught up with her too and she headed to her room and just took the vest off before crashing on the bed. She pulled her phone from the bedside table charger plate and checked the home screen and saw a picture of her, Mike and Monroe. After a moment she replaced her phone back on the plate and just turned off the table lamp and laid back and fell asleep.

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