Maryse Gives Daniel Some Good News.

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It's been close to three weeks since I proposed to Maryse, I woke up one morning to a crying Monroe and I opened my eyes and saw no Maryse. So I picked up Monroe and did the usual, diaper check, which proved to be a good idea and I changed Monroe's diaper, even rocked and bounced her in my arms to get her to calm down. Then when that didn't work. Then I started walking back and forth with her in my arms. And after a few moments. Monroe settled down. I then heard the distinct sound of puking coming from the hotel room bathroom. I gently walked over to the bathroom door and lightly knocked on the door. "Maryse, you okay my love?"
"Yeah. Just not feeling too good this morning." She said.
"Okay. I've been like this since four a.m." She said. "But don't worry honey. I should be fine by the time we head to the arena for Raw tonight."
"Okay, if you say so, my love." I could tell she was holding something back but I didn't want to argue with her. Besides if there's one thing I learned long ago. Is that it's not a good idea to argue with a woman.

Anyway, I played with Monroe and even got her dressed for the day and even switched out everything in her diaper bag and made sure everything in it was fresh from the wipes and bottles to the diapers and snacks. Once I was sure that everything was clean and fresh. Maryse came out of the bathroom and smiled as she saw me holding Monroe. "And hows my little girl this afternoon?" Maryse took Monroe and I smiled as I watched her and Monroe interact. I soon showered and dried off before changing into a pair of nice clothes and headed to Raw. The go home show before Extreme Rules. When we arrived at the arena we were swamped with all the girls of the Raw roster as they swarmed like locusts around Monroe and Maryse.
And right out the gate, "So you two when's the wedding?" Liv asked.
"Ohh, we were thinking about near the end of August. Close to Summerslam." Maryse told them.
"That sounds like fun." Lexi smiled.
"I wholeheartedly agree." I smiled as I hugged Maryse from behind and kissed her neck and cheek.
"Well, you two are such a beautiful couple. And with little Monroe here. You make a cute little family." Alicia smiled.
"Well, thank you." We went to catering after dropping off our arena bags and got ourselves something to eat and drink before the show started. I could tell the entire time I was taking a few sips at a time from my honey sweet tea and from my plate of lightly salted fries that Maryse wasn't feeling too good. She hardly touched her salad and chicken noodle soup. After a while, she handed me Monroe and ran to the bathroom. Ember, Lexi and Ruby noticed and took off after her. I just held Monroe and made faces and blew on her stomach which made her laugh.

Meanwhile while I was entertaining Monroe...
Ember, Lexi and Ruby all entered the ladies restroom and heard Maryse puking in the first stall. "You okay?" Lexi asked looking a little worried of her friend along with Ruby and Ember.
They didn't get a response for a while. Only the sound of Maryse trying to answer but ended up vomiting instead. Finally after about four minutes of silence. Maryse stood up shakily and held her stomach as she exited the stall and the toilet flushed itself.
"You okay?" Ember asked.
"I don't think so. well, I am. But. Not too much." Maryse said honestly. Ember, Lexi and Ruby looked at each other and all three came to the same conclusion.
"Maryse. Are you pregnant?" Ruby asked.
"I'm not sure. But I'll try and find some time before me and Daniel get to Extreme Rules. To take a test and see once and for all. But if I am. I want to surprise him."
"Sounds good to us." Ember smiled. Maryse hugged all three of them and returned to our locker room where Monroe was resting peacefully on the floor of the locker room on a blanket that was hidden in the inside pocket of the diaper bag. I just sat on a bench after getting ready for my promo since I was to go against Dean Ambrose, Finn Balor and Drew Macintyre for my Intercontinental Title at Extreme Rules in an Extreme Rules Fatal Four way match.
Not exactly the first of it's kind but special none the less. Maryse came in and looked at Monroe and then at me. "Hey." She grinned weakly.
"Hey, I'm beginning to worry about you." I told her as she approached me and sat on my lap.
"I'm okay. I just don't feel well. When we go home for a few days after Extreme Rules. I'll go to the doctors or try a few remedies and if it gets pretty bad. I'll just stay in the locker room with Monroe."
"Alright my love. I just don't want anything bad to happen to you."
"I understand baby." She kissed me and we watched Monroe for a moment or two before she got changed for my promo.

Once the time for my promo was close Ember and the Riott Squad came in and smiled and awwed as they saw Monroe crawling all over the floor as she had woken up a few minutes prior to them arriving into Maryse and I's locker room. Ruby gently picked up Monroe and held her as Maryse and I kissed her forehead and told her that we'd be back in a while. Liv kept Monroe entertained as Maryse and I went to the gorilla. "You nervous baby?" Maryse asked.
"About marrying you? Yes. This promo? No." She smiled as I told her the truth. "Compared to this promo that I have done so many times before. I'm more nervous about marrying you than I ever have been about a silly standard promo." I told her.
"Ohh. Baby." She kissed me quickly before we headed out to do the promo and as we have many times before, I let her up the steel steps first and once we were both on the apron, I pulled open the ropes and she slid in first and I followed suit. Once she retrieved a mic from Jojo. We started the promo. "Everyone wants a shot at my future husbands Intercontinental Championship and this Sunday. Three people will have the opportunity to go toe to toe with him for his title. Makes you wonder if their up to the task to take his title from him." Maryse smiled and passed the mic to me.
"As my bride-to-be just said. This Sunday. Three people. The Demon King, The Lunatic Fringe and Drew Macintyre. Have a shot at my Intercontinental Title. And even though their careers are impressive. I have to wonder. Like Maryse said, if anyone of them is up to the task to take this title." I held up the Intercontinental Championship, "Away from me. I really hope they are. But they need to remember one thing. I will fight with every breath, every part of my spirit and will and every fiber of my being to hold onto this title for as long as I can. The only thing I love more than this title. Is this woman right here." I held out my right hand to her and Maryse slid into my side. "She is the most important thing to me. More important than this title. And definitely more important than this place." I smiled as the crowd erupted in raucous cheers and chants. 'Daniel, Daniel, Daniel.' "There's another thing the three need to remember. I have yet to set foot on Smackdown Live for longer than an hour. I have been a Raw superstar my entire career in this company. So in a way. I'm the true Franchise Player. Not that poser has been John Cena. Who at the first sign of trouble either with this company or with his personal life turned tail and ran. But as of this Sunday. It will be a war. Where there is only going to be one victor. And you all know. That it will be me." I smiled as Maryse slid her right hand on my left cheek, turned my head and pulled me in for a nice long kiss before the show cut to commercial.

When we made it to the back and to our locker room. "Thank you, girls." I smiled as we walked in and found Liv holding Monroe. Maryse walked up to her and gently took Monroe from Liv and kissed Monroe's forehead.
"Thank you for watching over my little one girls. Especially you Liv." Maryse smiled as Monroe giggled.
"No problem guys. See you at Extreme Rules." Ember said as she and the Riott Squad left our locker room.
We packed up our arena bags after changing into casual clothes and headed to the hotel.

Once we arrived at the hotel and got to our room. I set up the collapsible crib and Maryse put Monroe in it with a bottle and approached me as I watched little Monroe fall asleep. "Well, there's one person left that needs to go to sleep baby." Maryse smiled and kissed my cheek after hugging my side.
"I know my love. But, if I have to go to bed. So do you." I kissed Maryse with growing heat and passion.
"Baby. Monroe is right there." Maryse smiled.
"Doesn't mean that we can't go and take a shower together."
"Very true baby." She kissed me once more then led the way to the shower. I started the water as she slowly stripped down to nothing. Once the water hit the perfect temperature for us. I quickly shed every piece of clothing that I had on and Maryse slid into the shower and after I tossed my shirt aside. She smiled as she wrapped her right hand behind my head and pulled me into the shower with her.

An hour and forty-five minutes later,
"Oh, god baby. Your going to make me cum so hard." She breathed as I continued to rail into her. Not too long after she said that. She screamed. "Aaaahh, I'm cumming baby!" She came so hard that her pussy clamped down on my dick and I blew a huge load into her. After we came down from our united orgasm, we cleaned ourselves off, I helped her wash her hair and we dried ourselves off, went out into the hotel room and got dressed in some sleepwear and to tell you the truth, I had trouble keeping my eyes off of my French Canadian Beauty of a bride-to-be the entire time we were getting dressed into our sleep attire. "Enjoying the view baby."
"Ohh, ho. You have no idea." I smiled.
"Well, we have a meet and greet tomorrow with The Riott Squad and Seth Rollins tomorrow. Then as far as I know, we can go home and you can prep for your fatal four way at Extreme Rules."
"Very true my love." I stood up straight and approached Maryse and wrapped my arms around her waist as she wrapped her arms around my neck. "And while we are home. Maybe. We can plan our wedding."
"Sounds good." Maryse smiled as she kissed me and hugged me tightly and we soon went to bed. I was about to fall asleep. When Monroe started to cry a bit and I got out of bed and went over to the collapsible crib and picked her up and went through the checklist. Diaper check, walked her around for a few minutes and and it finally dawned on me. Since Maryse had given her a bottle to quiet her down. I grabbed a burping rag from the diaper bag and placed it on my left shoulder and just started burping her. Once I succeeded at burping Monroe. I took the burping rag and just gently placed it on her diaper bag and sat on the sofa and hummed a little of 'Georgia On My Mind' by Ray Charles and she fell fast asleep. Once I waited a few minutes after she fell asleep. I walked back over to the collapsible crib and gently laid Monroe down for the night. Then returned to bed myself. Once I pulled the blanket over me and closed my eyes after taking off my glasses and turning off the lamp on my sides bedside table. Maryse cuddled closer to me. "Monroe needed someone again?" I gently and tiredly nodded.
"Yeah. She needed to be burped and once she fell asleep, I put her back into the crib and made sure she was okay before coming back to bed." I told her.
"Ohh, Your such a sweetheart baby." She kissed my cheek and rested her head on my left shoulder and draped her left arm over my chest and I turned my head towards her and kissed the top of her head.
"I love you, Maryse."
"I love you too, Daniel." And with that we fell asleep.

The next morning, I woke up and found no Maryse and Monroe was smiling and playing in her collapsible crib and I asked Monroe, "Hey, little one." I got up and approached the crib. "You haven't by any chance seen your mommy at all or know where she is?" Then I heard a loud retching and vomiting noise coming from the bathroom. "Nevermind." Monroe giggled as I looked briefly to the bathroom and back to her. "I'll be right back little one." I bent down and kissed the top of Monroe's head. Then walked over to the bathroom door and lightly knocked. "My love. You alright?"
"Ohh, most decidedly not." She groaned.
"This is the second morning in a row darling." I said through the door. "Now what's really going on?"
"I'm just not feeling well baby." She said.
"Alright. By the way we're due at the convention center in about an hour."
"I know. I should be fine before then." She said trying to sound happy and excited. Once I was changed into some nice casual clothes for the meet and greet a knock came to the door.
"Coming." I said. I opened the door and saw Lexi and Mickie and Alicia at the door. "I'm guessing your here to watch Monroe while me and Maryse are at the meet and greet?" They all nodded. "Alright. Please come in." I stepped aside and noticed Lexi go right to the bathroom where I hadn't heard anything from Maryse for a few moments. She knocked and Maryse opened the door and saw that it was Lexi and smiled. Mickie and Alicia held and played with Monroe. I just stood watch over the scene involving Monroe and smiled at her as she giggled and clapped every time Alicia or Mickie did something funny or fun with Monroe. Then Maryse came out of the bathroom and smiled as she had her makeup done and her hair in a blow out style hairdo.
"Ready baby?" She asked me.
"Yep. Are you?" I asked grinning. She nodded. "Okay." Lexi came out of the bathroom and smiled at Maryse as we left for the meet and greet leaving Monroe in the care of the Bliss Girls.

We soon arrived at the meet and greet where Ember, The Riott Squad and Seth Rollins were all ready to go out and meet the fans. As were me and Maryse.

It went well. It was a packed house. Fans lining up around three city blocks waiting to meet us. A fan came up and asked Maryse and I if we were planning on starting a family after we were married. I answered honestly, "Well, if we happen to have children soon after we're married, I'm not going to raise a fuss over it. I've been in this business a long time and I can tell you from what I've learned, if things happen you didn't expect. Don't try to change them. Embrace them and do your best to just roll with it. Cause life isn't always going to go as planed. So you have to learn to adapt and overcome things. And if Maryse and I have children in the next few months. I will not raise a fuss or bluster about what I can't change. I'd be very happy to start a family with Maryse. And if we start our family sooner than expected. Hey I'll be a happy guy either way. Maryse is the love of my life. And she and Monroe and our future children will be all I'll need to be happy."
Maryse looked over at me and smiled. After the meet and greet we just smiled and waved goodbye to the fans that came and headed back to the hotel and the hotel room.

We found Monroe playing peekaboo with Mickie and Alicia as Lexi held her. I smiled as did Maryse as they played a few more rounds of peekaboo and patty cake. Mickie finally noticed us smiling like fools at our friends playing with Maryse' daughter and my future stepdaughter. "Hey, guys." Lexi turned and smiled.
"Hey. Having fun I see." I said.
"Kinda hard not to with this little sweetie." Lexi smiled. Maryse and I approached the Bliss girls and Lexi passed Monroe to Maryse. "But we had fun."
"I can see that." I giggled. "Well, thank you for watching the little one for us. We'll keep you updated on the wedding plans."
"Before you go." Maryse started. "I was wondering if you girls would like to be bridesmaids for me."
"We'd love to Maryse." Alicia smiled.
"How about you Hellion of Hells Playground. Any idea's as to who the groomsmen or best man will be?" Lexi asked.
"Sad to say no. But I'll let you know as it happens."
"Fair enough. Come on girls."
"Oh by the way ladies." They stopped and turned to me. "Thank you once again for watching Monroe for us."
"No problem Daniel." They left us alone and Maryse approached me with Monroe reaching out for me. So I gently took her in my arms and she fell asleep in a hurry.
"And this time. I didn't have to sing." I joked as Maryse smiled and kissed my cheek.
"Come on. Let's sit and relax and let her sleep." Maryse said. I nodded and we sat on the sofa of the room and cradled little Monroe so that way we could just watch and make sure she stays asleep.
"Maryse. Do you ever think that. Maybe we should start our family as soon as possible?"
"Well, it crossed my mind. But nothing really leapt out at me." She said.
"Hmm. Well, that question that the one fan asked kind of took me off guard but. I do want to have kids. And if by some strange happenstance that you become pregnant. I won't be mad. I'll actually be quite happy."
"Well, if you ask me baby. You and I will make wonderful parents."
"I agree. So any names for the kids we will one day have?"
"Well, I've always been partial to Marie for a girl. Winston for a boy or even Pierce."
"Hmm. Those sound like great names my love. I was always partial to, Lisa or Katerina for a girl. I agree with Pierce for a name along with Winston. But I always found Sean or Roger to be more suitable names for boys."
"I can see that." She grinned. "We'll discuss this in more detail later."
"Agreed." After we watched Monroe sleep for a little while longer. Exhaustion over took us and we put her in the crib and headed to bed and rather quickly fell asleep.

The next morning, once again I woke up to see no Maryse. So I got up got dressed and went out to the living room and found her holding Monroe. "Morning baby." She smiled.
"Morning my love." I walked over to her and sat next to her and kissed her cheek.
"Sorry I wasn't in the bed when you woke up. This little one woke me up. So I changed her, fed her and burped her and she went right back to sleep."
"It's okay." I smiled. "Well, once she wakes up which will hopefully be soon. We have a long flight home ahead of us."
"Very true. But I'm sure as long as your there to hum or sing her to sleep that she'll be just fine on the plane."Maryse smiled.
"Well, when your right your right." I grinned as I kissed her before going and getting our stuff packed up for the plane ride home. And Maryse was right. We made our flight. Whenever Monroe woke up I'd play with her as Maryse caught up on some sleep. I would even sing to Monroe which would in turn cause her to fall asleep.

When we finally landed in Idaho Falls Airport. We took a taxi home. Paid and tipped the driver and headed inside with the luggage and diaper bags as Maryse entertained Monroe. It was close to five in the afternoon when I got everything from the driveway inside the house. Maryse then took Monroe to her room and laid her in the crib and turned on the baby monitor and kissed Monroe on the forehead. "Sleep tight my little baby girl. Me and your soon to be stepdad have a lot of planning to do this evening." She left Monroe alone to sleep. 'Speaking of planning.' She said to herself. She snuck into the bed room grabbed a pregnancy test that Lexi had given her only the morning before and went into the hall bathroom. I got dinner started when I brought in my last duffel and just put it in the closet. Lazy I know but I thought I'd save myself the trip and just take it up when Maryse and I went to bed later in the evening.

Maryse waited for a whole thirty minutes after taking the pregnancy test and when enough time passed. She looked at it and she was crying at the results. 'Oh my. This will really make Daniel happy.' She whispered ans she got up and washed her hands and hid the pregnancy test in the one place not even I would look for anything. Her spare box of tampons.
She was all smiles as she heard Monroe starting to cry and went to her room and took care of her as I was downstairs finishing getting dinner ready.

When dinner was ready I yelled up the stairs, "Maryse, dinners ready."
"Okay I'll be down in a minute baby." I started setting the table and as promised Maryse came down holding Monroe.
"Ohh, did Monroe wake up. I'm sorry." I approached Maryse who I noticed was smiling like crazy. "Ohh, come here angel." Maryse slid to my side and smiled as I bounced Monroe a bit in my arms. "So why are you smiling like you just won the lottery?"
"Ohh, You'll find out after Extreme Rules." She grinned wider. I just let it go and we all ate dinner. I made some chopped spaghetti for Monroe special. That way she wouldn't feel left out.
"So babe. When the little one goes to sleep we'll plan the more difficult details of our wedding."
"Sounds good to me." I smiled as we both ate the spaghetti and meatballs, with a side of a chefs salad for Maryse and myself.

After dinner we put Mornoe to bed and that was relatively easy since I now had access to my guitar and played it while singing 'The Way You Look Tonight' by Frank Sinatra. Monroe giggled for a bit and smiled before falling asleep. Once Maryse and I tucked her in and kissed her forehead. We headed downstairs and started planning the wedding.

"We should have your family on the left side and have them sit at the honored table next to you." I smiled.
"How about if my family is to sit on my side. How about our friends sit next to you?" Maryse suggested.
"I like that darling." I smiled. After we figured out the music to be played and if we wanted a dj or an actual band, who was going to do the catering and made a list of venues for the wedding reception which we ended up deciding just to hold it at home. Then once we decided on a dress shop and suit and tux shop. We headed to bed and fell fast asleep.

Early the next morning,
I woke up and found Maryse still asleep and I walked to Monroe's room and checked on her. She was still asleep. I smiled as she moved a bit and I smiled. 'Oooh, you little angel. After this Sunday, you'll be back with your dad. But in a month or two. You'll be back here with me and your mom.' I leaned down and kissed her cheek. She gently smiled in her sleep. 'I love you little one.'

I then headed out to do a quick run before I headed to my gym to prepare myself for my Extreme Rules Fatal Four Way Match.

Maryse woke up to the sound of Monroe crying and she got up, looked at my side of the bed and knew I was either out for my morning run or just in my gym working out. "It's okay Monroe darling." She said walking into Mornoe's room and immediately picked her up and took her to the family room. After Monroe settled down and was fed and burped. Maryse heard a clanging sound coming from the basement door and surmised that I was in the gym working out on the salmon ladder with weighted ankle braces. "I guess your stepdaddy's getting himself in fighting shape for his big match this Sunday." Monroe smiled and giggled. 'Can you keep a secret.' Monroe smiled. 'You will have a stepbrother or sister real soon.' Maryse smiled as Monroe clapped.

After Monroe was put down for her nap, I was already done with my weighted salmon ladder climbs, my regiment of one hundred and twenty pound barbell, seventy pound dumbell, and sixty pound kettle bell lifts usually not in that order. And found Maryse in the kitchen cooking turkey burgers for us. "Hey baby." She smiled as I slid my left arm around her waist from behind.
"Hey." I kissed her neck. "Sorry for not being in bed when you woke up."
"It's okay. I know you were getting yourself ready for Extreme Rules."
"Mmmm, those burgers smell good."
"And you smell like a gym bag." She giggled as I held her close to me.
"Well, I was hoping to get a kiss from my fiancée before I get a shower in." She turned her head and smiled.
"Okay." She kissed me and smiled wider as she turned her attention back to the stove.
"Cool. Be back in a flash." I smiled. I ran to the master bedroom and quickly got a shower in and once I dried off and got changed into some clean clothes. I returned to the kitchen and the burgers were already done and on a couple plates.
"Here you go baby." She handed me a plate and I added my favorite condiments, as did she. Once we sat down and started eating. We discussed places to go for our honeymoon. The winner was Italy. And to be honest I was really excited for that. However, since I haven't chosen a best man or groomsmen yet. So after we ate, cleaned the dishes and put them away and sat down in the family room. We planned out what was supposed to be done for the day.
"Well, the only thing to do is go and choose your bouqet, our rings and my groomsmen and best man."
"Well, tomorrow we'll have to get that done. But today, I want to spend the day with my fiancé and my little girl." She said.
"You sad that she'll be going back with her dad for a couple months?"
"I slightly am. But I know that was one of the things agreed upon in the divorce but I'm happy that we settled things amicably. And I'm really happy to be marrying you next month." She smiled.
"Okay, what's up?" I asked her.
"What do you mean?"
"You were close to a walking bilboard of saddness, the last time Monroe left with her dad."
"Oh, you'll find out after your match at Extreme Rules." She kissed me and I smiled.
"I'll hold you to that." I said.
"I'm counting on it baby." She leaned into me and I wrapped my left arm around her shoulders pulling her in closer to me.

The next few days became very eventful as Monroe got to go ring shopping with us and she even helped Maryse pick out the flowers for the bouqet, Maryse and I found a wedding shop that sold suits/tuxes and a shop that sells dresses for all occassions. Now as for my best man, I wracked my brain every morning while on my run as to who would be a great best man. A few things I tried to think of was who is still in the company that knows me best. And that was a very short list indeed. Shane McMahon, Mike Mizanin and that was it aside from Michael Cole and it would be a cold day in hell before I ask Cole. And no offense to Mike but I just felt that if I asked him to be my best man. I had a 50/50 chance of him trying to get Maryse back or that he would try and embarass me. So I decided to do something outlandish. And I didn't want to ask Shane because he was already busy getting ready or Summerslam after Extreme Rules. So I decided to call up Sarah Logan.
"Hey, Sarah. This is Daniel."
'Hey, what's up?'
"I know that this will sound weird. But I was wondering if you would like to be my best woman."
'That is pretty weird. But. I'd be glad to.'
"Okay. Thank you, Sarah."
'No problem.'
"Well, at Extreme Rules, maybe we should try and plan the I'm not too sure you would call it a boys night out or the bachelor party but. We'll talk at Extreme Rules."
'Sounds good. Say hi to Maryse for me.'
"Will do." She hung up and I finished my run and once I was back at the house.
"Hey, honey." Maryse smiled.
"Hey." I smiled as I saw Maryse playing with Monroe. "How are my favorite girls?" I smiled as I took off my jacket and stocking cap.
"We're doing just fine. Did you come to a decision on your best man?"
"Yeah. Sarah Logan."
"That's strange. But I'm very sure you had your reasons."
"Yeah. She's more of a man than most of the talent left on the roster." I said making Maryse laugh.
"Your stepdad is crazy isn't he sweetie." She smiled as she said it to Monroe. Monroe just giggled and clapped.
"Hey, you'll be marrying this crazy man." I said feigning indignation.
"I know honey. So any idea's as to who your groomsmen will be?"
"Hah. Let's see. Well, There's..." I was drawing a blank. "Wow. Actually, there's Finn, Seth, AJ?"
"All good candidates babe." Maryse smiled.
"Good point. I'm not sure how they would respond to having to take their lead from Sarah."
"Okay. How about this?" Maryse got up and slid into my right side. "Ask Finn and Seth and to even things out. Ask Tamina?"
"That could work." I smiled as I kissed Maryse and tickled Monroe making her laugh and smile.
"You know your the only person aside from me that has given Monroe a constant smile when she's not asleep?"
"No. But I'm glad to be part of that list." I smiled.
"I'm sure you are. But before I kiss you again. You need to get a shower babe. And we have a flight to catch this afternoon. And. You still need to pack for the seven to ten days we'll be on the road for the west coast tour."
"Oooh, good point." I grimaced. "Okay, I'll bullet shower and pack and we should be good."
"That shower better last longer than your usual seven minutes."
"Still with the barbs." I looked at her with a sly smile. "But alright. How long?"
"I'd say by the sweat on you right now. I'd say. Ten minutes."
"Fair enough." I dashed to the master bedroom's bathroom.
"Your future stepdad is insane. But we love him don't we?" Monroe just clapped and girgled.

After the shower and I packed for the west coast tour for the red brand. And once I double checked everything. I took my bags down to the foyer and placed them next to the door for me and Maryse's flight.
Needless to say we were a bit put out by the fact the flight being delayed on arrival. But we put on a smile and once we were on our way to Extreme Rules. We just took turns looking after and entertaining Monroe as the other slept. We arrived early the following afternoon. Which meant it was the afternoon before Extreme Rules. We grabbed our bags and luggage from baggage claim and the overhead bin. I took Monroe into the mens room to change her since it was a long landing to get into the airport in the home city for this years Extreme Rules. I tickled her feet and her stomach even after I changed her diaper. Then deposited the nuclear stink bomb in the garbage after burying it under huge amounts of paper towels. Which is pretty easy if you do it one handed. Once I did that I set Monroe on the bathroom sink counter and quickly washed my hands and kept my eyes on Monroe and once I was done I pulled a few paper towels and dried then added them to the pile of paper over the toxic bomb.
Maryse, Monroe and I then checked into the hotel and went straight to our hotel room. And like clock work. Mike came and talked with us and congratulated us on becoming engaged.
"Well, me and my little princess here need to get some father daughter time before tomorrow night. So Maryse you keep this wildman on a leash."
"I'll surely try." She grinned.
"And Daniel. You be careful around this vixen." He smiled.
"Ohh, I already know that." I told him. After we said our final goodbyes at least for a while to Monroe and hugged and kissed her. Mike took her to his room. Along with her diaper bag, collapsible crib, etc. I looked ot Maryse. "You sure your okay this time?"
"Yeah." She slid into my arms. "I really am. Besides. She's not going to be with him forever. Just for a couple months at a time."
"Your an amazing woman, my love."
"Thank you baby. I'm so looking forward to our wedding."
"Your not the only one." Maryse and I went out to a nice restaurant and had an impromptu date. Once we were seated and ordered our food. I enjoyed looking at Maryse who was wearing a stunningly beautiful blood red colored dress which hugged every curve of hers just right.
"Daniel babe. Your making me blush." She smiled.
"I just can't help how intoxicating you look in that dress my love."
"Ooohhh, babe." She leaned over the table and kissed me and sat back into her chair. I reached for her hand and she reached for mine and we held hands and talked about what will happen after the year ends, like will I return to the WWE or pursue other interests, will I continue to work toward a Universal Championship reign, etc.
"If you want my opinion honey. I think pursuing other interests may be something you can do if you don't want to go after the Universal Title." Maryse told me.
"Your right my love." She smiled as our food and drinks arrived not long after I said that. After a delicious dinner date we headed back to the hotel and went straight to the hotel room and Sarah was waiting at the door.
"Wow, someone was treated to a nice night." She smiled as she hugged Maryse.
"I'm guessing your here to discuss some sort of bachelor party with Daniel." Maryse smiled at me.
"Yeah." Sarah replied.
"Come on in." I said unlocking the door and holding the door open for Maryse and Sarah. As Maryse was getting ready for bed. Sarah and I had a very small conversation about what the bachelor party would be. After we decided on an evening of target shooting with no guns mind you. Which would possibly make the others pretty pissed but I wasn't in the give a damn mood since it was going to be my bachelor party. She left the room and Maryse came out wearing a beautiful silk and sheer nightgown.
"Oh baby."
"You like?" She asked.
"Oh hell yeah." I replied.
"Good. Now you just," She leaned down and kissed me. "Sit back, relax and let me show you how much I love you." And she did just that. She took off all my clothes with very little to no help from me and once I was fully naked on the bed she smiled as she took off her panites which I could see through the nightgown and tossed them aside and got on top of me and just rode me to twelve orgasms for her and three for me.

Close to two hours later,
Maryse was laying on top of me with her back to me and my arms wrapped around her waist. "That was amazing honey." She smiled as I kissed her neck.
"Your welcome babe." She and I breathed as we calmed down and came down from the rafters courtesy of our second united orgasm of the night. "You weren't a slouch yourself babe. I could tell that you were ramming into me a few times there. But I'm glad you tried to help me and to be honest. It felt quite good to have you rail into me and try not to let me notice it." She grinned as she sat up and pulled up a blanket and cover both of us in it. "Well, I think it's safe to say that we're both ready for bed. So, goodnight, babe."
"Goodnight, my love."
She turned her head and I kissed her with enough passion and fire that it would have probably caught the bed on fire. But I was exhausted as was she, and she held my arms around her waist with her hands. "I love you baby."
"I love you more darling." We yawned and closed our eyes and we soon fell asleep.

The following late afternoon,
Maryse and me arrived at the arena and dropped our bags off at our locker room for the night. Then headed to catering to chat with the other superstars in attendance for their matches on the kickoff show or during the event. When I saw Finn and Seth come in, I approached them with Maryse. "Hey guys." I started.
"Hey, Daniel. Maryse." Seth smiled as he got a quick hug from Maryse as did Finn. "What's up?"
"Well I was wondering if you guys wouldn't mind being my a couple of my groomsmen.?"
"I'd love to Daniel." Finn smiled.
"Sure." Seth grinned. "So on the wedding subject. Whose the best man?"
"Sarah Logan." I replied and got shocked expressions from Seth mostly.
"That's cool Daniel." Finn grinned. "Who's going to be the next groomsman?"
"I was hoping to ask Tamina." I told them.
"Well, I think I saw her heading to the makeup artist chair. She's got a match for the kickoff show." Seth smiled. "And to be honest. I'm glad your diversifying the roles of best man and groomsmen."
"Glad you think so. Because I'm very proud of my husband to be for doing that." Maryse smiled.
"Alright guys. I've bent your ears enough. I have to save some for when I beat your ass Finn for my IC Title."
"Ohh, ho. That's how it is?" Finn asked as I smiled and nodded once. "Okay then. Best of luck in our match. Just remember that we won't be the only ones in it."
"I remember. See you guys." Maryse and I made our way to the makeup chair and found Tamina. "Hey, T!"
"Danny boy. And Maryse. How are you two doing by the way congrats on the engagement." She replied.
"Thank you, Tamina. Listen I was wondering if you'd like to be a pioneer in a position usually held by a guy?"
"Sure. What is it?"
"Groomsman." I told her.
"Oh, I was kinda wondering if you lost your mind when you picked Sarah to be best man."
"That aside?"
"I'll do it." Tamina smiled as Maryse hugged her and Tamina got up out of the chair and bear hugged me.
"T, can't breathe."
"Sorry." Tamina said letting go.
"It's okay. It just that I have to defend my belt later." I said making her laugh.
"See you later man." Tamina headed to the gorilla and Maryse and I returned to our locker room as the kickoff show was just starting and my match was one of the middle card matches for Extreme Rules.

When my match finally arrived, I was in the gorilla and Dean, Finn and Macintyre were already out in the ring. "Just remember babe. I'll be watching from our locker room. And I know that you'll win the match and retain your Intercontinental Championship." Maryse smiled.
"I hope you know. Win or lose. Title or no title. I'll always come back to you. Your the love of my life. And soon to be my wife." Maryse giggled a bit as she smiled.
"I'll always know that babe." She pulled me down a bit and kissed me. "Just be careful."
"Aren't I always?"
"The juries still out on that."
"Ouch. Burned by my bride to be." My music hit and I kissed Maryse one more time before I went out to the stage and broke through a brick wall with my fist as 'Lights Out' hit it's first crescendo. With the title around my waist I walked to the ring and entered it as my opponents cleared the ring.

Forty minutes into the match...
Finn and I were battling it out on the floor as Macintyre and Ambrose were duking it out in the ring. We all were extremely tired. But were very good at hiding it, at least for now. Finn tried to do a sling blade on me but I ducked which made him miss his mark and land int he crowd. Ambrose got a Claymore kick from Macintyre and before Macintyre could go for a cover I did a springboard 450 splash on both him and Ambrose. Finn found his way to the top rope from the a rather tiring trip from the crowd to there and he took the opprotunity to try and do a coup de gras only to miss me and hit Ambrose and Macintyre. He slowly got up and I was barely able to keep myself vertical as is. Once he was erect. I lashed my left arm and delivered a viscious discus clothesline and once we were both down and Drew and Dean were outside the ring, I draped an arm over his chest and a three count pinfall later. I retained albeit with immense trial and difficulty. I slowly rolled out of the ring and the ref caught up with me near the bottom of the ramp and handed me my championship. After the customary hand raisings and posing for the camera's. I made my way to the back and was greeted at the gorilla by Maryse.
"I'm so proud of you."
"Yeah. I'm proud of me too. I didn't die." Maryse giggled a bit. "I don't know about you but. I just want to go to the hotel and spend the rest of the night with my fiancee."
"Okay, babe. Come on." She smiled as she helped me to our locker room and instead of chainging into casual street clothes, I found a pair of sweats and an old Skyfall T-shirt that I rarely wore. Once I was ready and packed Maryse and I went to back to the hotel and ate room service for dinner.

After we finished eating and we sat cuddling on the rooms sofa, Maryse broke the barely five minute silence. "Baby. Remember when you aked what was really going on when you asked if I was going to be okay when Mike took Monroe?" I nodded. "Well, the reason I said that." She was slightly hesitant but smiling at the same time. "Daniel. My darling. I'm pregnant." She smiled wider as my reaction went from blank to happy and slowly grew to excited.
"You mean?" I smiled as she tearfully nodded. "We're going to have?"
"A baby." She finished nearly laughing/crying.
"Ohh, Maryse that is the best news I've heard all day." I smiled as did she as I hugged her tightly against me.
"So glad you think so. Well, we'll have our first appointment with the obstetrician for our first ultrasound will be a couple days after the west coast tour is over." She told me.
"Okay. We will need to tell Hunter, and Stephanie." I said.
"I know. And I have a question for you. When should we tell our friends?"
"We can do it tomorrow night after my promo about me retaining my title against some major competition."
"Sounds good to me baby." She kissed my cheek and lips. "Well, let's get to sleep babe."
"Okay." I yawned. "Goodnight, my love." I then slid my right hand to her stomach. "And goodnight to you too."
"Oohhhh, I'm in love with a clown." Maryse smiled. "But I love to smile and laugh Goodnight, babe. Sweet dreams."
"Sweet dreams." Maryse reached up from the bed and turned off the overhead lights and I took off my glasses and put them on the night stand. Then wrapped my arms around Maryse who cuddled against me with her back to me and we fell asleep.

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