The Wedding of Daniel Boyce & Maryse Ouellet.

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After a successful tour on the west coast for the red brand, Maryse and I told Hunter and Steph our good news. So they told us that Maryse' last event for a while would be Summerslam. When we arrived home after the tour ended. Maryse and I spent the rest of the day which was the late afternoon of the day before her appointment with her obstetrician for the ultrasound. Just sitting on the couch and watching romantic comedies like 'Kate & Leopold' among others.
"You know babe. I am really excited for the wedding."
"As am I. But I'm more excited to meet this little one." I said placing my right hand on her stomach.
"What do you hope we have?"
"A little girl that looks just like her mother."
"And you don't think Monroe looks like me?" She asked.
"Of course I do." I said. "I just think that having a little  girl with you that has your looks would be great."
"I know babe. I'm just pulling your leg." She giggled.
"Your a wonder sometimes you know that?" I smiled.
"Not as much as you, you, Daniel Boyce are a very amazing man." She slid her left hand behind my head and pulled me in for a kiss before we continued watching 'Just Like Heaven'.
When the movie was over, we got up and turned off all the lights, locked all the doors and windows, I turned on the security system. Then followed her to our bedroom.
When we changed into our sleep wear and I took off my glasses and put them on the bedside table and got in next to her. She slid closer to me and laid her head on my left shoulder and draped left arm around my waist. "Mmmm. I love you baby."
"I love you, too" I smiled as I kissed the top of her head.
"Just think, in a few weeks. You and I will be married."
"And I'm very excited about it baby." Before I could close my eyes, my phone rang.
'Hey, Daniel. It's Sarah.'
"Hey, what's up?"
'I hate doing this but me and Rowe have to go to his moms funeral. Which means I won't be able to be at your wedding. I'm truly sorry man.'
"It's okay, Sarah. I'll find a replacement." I said. "My best to you and Rowe. Okay talk to you later bye." I looked to Maryse, who was looking at me expectantly. "Sarah's got a family emergency. So she's not going to be able to be the best woman at the wedding. And we only have three weeks, for me to find a replacement. But until our wedding I'll keep looking for a replacement. When our wedding get's closer then I'll start to panic." We fell asleep soon after.

The next day at her appointment with her obstetrician, we were in one of the ultrasound room waiting for the docotor. "Nervous, baby?" She asked.
"Yeah. But I'm pretty sure it's normal for dad's-to-be. To be nervous." I said.
"And you'd be right." The doctor said as he came in. "Hi I'm Doctor Mallard. Now, let's get this show on the road." Maryse rolled up her shirt and exposed a little baby bump. I smiled as did she as Dr. Mallard put a little dollop of the lube for the wand on her stomach and on the wand. Then the ultrasound started. After a few moments of nothing, Dr. Mallard then said, "And there they are." A heartbeat could be heard over the speakers. Then another. "Oh, my. You two are the first twins I've had this year."
Maryse and I were elated by the news. Shocked, but elated. "Twins, baby." She smiled at me.
"Oh, it's going to be fun." I said.
"Now, we can't really see the genders yet as you well, know." Maryse and I both nodded. "So at the next appointment which I think should be somewhere in September. We should be able to know the genders then."
"Okay. Doc." I said.
"And would you like a copy of your baby's first picture?"
"Yes." Maryse said.
"Okay. Be right back." He handed Maryse a towel as he wiped off the wand of the lube and Maryse did the same to her stomach.
Dr. Mallard left momentarily and came back afer a moment or two. "There you are." He handed us a copy of the ultrasound. "Okay. Make sure to make your follow up appointment at the front desk and see you then. Thank you for coming in."
"Thanks, Doc." We did make the follow up on September 9, at 10 a.m. then headed home. 
On the way home from the obstetrician, I asked, "So honey. Who are your bridesmaids and maid of honor?"
"Well, while on the west coast tour, I asked Lexi, Ruby, Bayley and Carmella to be my bridesmaids. But as for my maid of honor. I thought Ember would be a good choice and so I asked and she accepted."
"Excellent." I leaned over and kissed her as we stopped at a stop light.

One Tuesday as the clock on the arrival of Maryse and I's wedding approached zero and while Maryse and Sophia were out looking for caterers and the perfect wedding dress. Someone called me and I didn't think I'd ever hear from her again. When I looked at my phone to see who was calling I froze. Because the name that came across the caller ID was: 'ASHLEY' and if that wasn't obvious enough, I had her theme as her ringtone. But after a bit of panic and worry, I answered. "Hey, Ash."
'Hey, Daniel. I hear your going to marry Maryse in a couple weeks?'
"That's right. I'm a lucky guy."
'You always were lucky with the ladies.'
"Ohh, ho, you got jokes now?" I said partially giggling.
'Well, it's been a long time since we last spoke.'
"And whose fault is that?"
'I know. But you need to understand, D. I didn't think it was fair that we stayed together when I left. The last thing I wanted to do. Was hurt you.'
"I know. I didn't mean to sound mean just now."
'I know. I'll be in Boise for a convention, I'll be driving there but be arriving at the Idaho Falls airport later tonight and I'm sure you still live in Rigby or near it anyway. So I'd like to drop by and see you and hopefully talk to you and Maryse and stay at least one night before I go to the convention?'
"You know where I live. It'll be pretty tense for a bit. But I'm almost certain that if you bring Alexa with you. I'm sure she'd like to see me and Maryse."
'You may be right on that. I'll call  you when I'm close.'
"Okay. I'll be waiting."
'Okay. Thank you for talking to me, Daniel.'
"My pleasure. Just be careful when you come here. I'm not sure how Maryse will feel seeing the woman who broke my heart years ago."
'I will. Thank you.'
"No problem, Ash."  She hung up and I turned to see Maryse and Sophia.
"Who was that baby?" Maryse asked.
"That, was Ashley."
"Ohh, and how's she doing?"
"Fine by the sounds of things. She's scheduled in Boise for a convention and will need a place to crash when her flight comes in later tonight. So, I volunteered a room for her to stay."
"Well, maybe we can all talk and see how she's been. And maybe she can be Sarah's replacement?"
I thought about it and smiled at the prospect of having Ashley Massaro. My ex girlfriend as my best man. "You sure you'll be okay with that?" Maryse approached me and wrapped her arms around my waist.
"Baby? Who are you marrying in two weeks?" She asked making me smile.
"Yeah. And who will be your bride?"
"You." I started to giggle as I wrapped my arms around her waist.
"And who is the mother to your kids?" Sophia was shocked to hear about our best kept secret.
"You, honey." I said as I leaned down enough for our foreheads to touch.
"That's right baby. And I know that you love me. And our coming baby's. Just as much as I love you as will our kids. Monroe loves you. In fact she adores you. I can't wait for our wedding day. But you need to find a replacement for Sarah and I have a feeling that Ashley will be the perfect replacement. So I'm more than okay with her staying with us. She had her chance to have you. And I'm sure she's made peace with that. So there will be no hatred between us. I promise baby."
"Something you want to add, Sophia?" I asked her as she had the most interesting shocked expression on her face.
"Maryse, your pregnant?" She finally asked.
"Yes, mom. I am. With twins."
"Ohh, that's such great news." She hugged Maryse and then me. "And twins. Did you tell anyone else?"
"No. Your the only one who knows aside from the obstetrician."
"When will you be telling your friends? Or Monroe?"
"We plan to tell them at the wedding." I said.
"That's great. Ohh, congratulations you two." Sophia said.
"Thanks, mom." Maryse smiled.
"I suppose, I'll have to call you mom too. eh?" I smiled as she nodded.
"Not officially. At least not until after the wedding." Sophia said.
"Okay." I smiled. "Well, I have an appointment with a tailor so, see you two later." Maryse handed me the keys to the Imperial and kissed both my cheeks and my lips before I left for a tailor shop.

Tamina who I thought was going to arrive by Saturday. Met me at the tailor shop along with Seth and Finn, both who arrived earlier in the day. "Hey guys."
"Daniel." Tamina hugged me as did Finn and Seth.
"Ready for the finest suits ever made. At least in this state." Seth and Finn nodded as I looked to Tamina. She nodded as well. "Okay. Let's go." We walked into Men's Wearhouse and were immediately met by a clerk.
"Welcome, gentlemen and lady. How may I help you?" The clerk said.
And before I could say anything. Seth said, "This man is getting married within two weeks and wants the best suit you have. Preferably a custom job."
I looked at Seth and had a 'I'm going to kill you one day' look on my face. "Alright. I'm guessing, you and the other gentleman would like the same?" He asked Seth and Finn. They both nodded. "And Miss. Would you also like a suit?" He asked Tamina.
"Yeah. That would be great." She smiled.
"Okay. Follow me." He led us to the tailor or custom area. And began taking measurements of all of us. After he was finished him and another clerk left us alone to gather some possible suits.
"So, Sarah and Rowe are going to be unable to attend the wedding." I told them.
"Oh, man. She tried to call me when I landed but it was so crazy. So whose going to replace her?" Seth asked.
"That is for me to know and you three to find out." I grinned.

After the tailor shop, we all went our seperate ways and before you ask everyone involved in the wedding, plannning or otherwise got the proper time off.

While I was on my way home, Carmella, Lexi, Ember, Ruby and Bayley arrived just ahead of me. But they came with a surprise. "Hey Maryse." Lexi said as she walked in.
"Hey, girls." Maryse smiled as did her mother.
"Where's Daniel?" Bayley asked.
"Out with his groomsmen." Maryse said. Then Ruby smiled like she was crazy.
"That's a shame. We happpened to come across a girl who looked like she was lost." Ruby smiled.
"And who is this girl?" Maryse asked.
"Me." Said a voice as the door opened and closed. Maryse and everyone looked to the door to see a blonde girl with a bit of black under some of the blonde near her shoulders. Maryse started to tear up and approached the girl and hugged her.
"Ohh, Daniel is going to go into orbit when he gets here."
"I hope so. If it wasn't for Ruby, I wouldn't have been able to come early. And I brought my daughter with me." The girls looked to a eighteen year old next to Ember.
"Good. Daniel's going to enjoy this surprise."
"Well, you better hide her quick if she's going to be a surprise because he's here." Bayley said. The girls scrambled to hide Ashley and her daughter. When she was well hidden, I arrived inside and smiled as I saw, Bayley, Carmella, Ruby, Alexa and Ember.
"Hey, girls."
"Hey, Daniel." They said in unison.
"Wow, stereo. What a concept." I said making them laugh. "Hey, honey." I walked up to Maryse and wrapped my arms around her waist and she wrapped hers around my neck.
"Hey. We have a surprise for you." Maryse smiled.
"Ohh?" I smiled.
"Yeah. It's in your gym." I looked at the girls then back at Maryse.
"It's not a gag baloon is it?"
"No. But you will love it."
"Hmm." I approached the gym door and opened it and was definitely surprised. "Ashley!!!" She jumped in my arms as I smiled and hugged her tight.
"Nice to see you again after so many years."
"NIce to be seen." I said still smiling.
"Hey, Uncle Daniel." The eighteen year old said.
"No way. Is that?" I asked Ashley. She nodded.
"It's Alexa." Ashley smiled. Alexa smiled as she approached and hugged me.
"Ohh, the last time I saw you, you were barely turning eight." I said as she giggled.
"Nine." Alexa said as she giggled.
"Well, You certainly have grown." I said smiling at the beauty Alexa has grown into. "By the way Ashley, my best man kind of had something come up. So I was hoping, or we," I said referring to both me and Maryse. "Were hoping that you would like to take her place?"
Ashley smiled and looked to Maryse who was also smiling. "I'd love to."
"Okay, great. Umm. Let's rejoin the group so we don't look like a bunch of weirdos." Ashley and Alexa both laughed as they followed me back to the group. "Well, the gangs all here and back together." I smiled.
"Glad you were able to catch an earlier flight." Maryse smiled. After we all talked a bit. I went into the kitchen and got dinner started, as Lexi, Adri, Pam, Leah, Sophia, Ashley, Alexa and Dori chatted a bit more.
I watched from the kitchen as Maryse had fun talking to the girls. I was in absolute awe as she talked with them. Especially, Ashley. Then Alexa came upto me. "Can I help?"
"Uhh, yeah. If you can grab the colby jack and start grating some. Then probably slice a couple pieces. That would be great."
"Okay." Alexa did as told and when she sliced a couple pieces. She asked, "What are these two pieces for?"
"One, for you and one for me." I smiled. She did as well and took the biggest piece. I took the second piece. We ate the pieces and she began to grate the cheese. "So, how's everything been for you and your mom?"
"Oh, it has it's moments. She misses you during the holidays."
"Ha. I'm sure. We used to dress up as Buffy and Spike for Halloween. And you would be little Faith or Darla as I recall." She smiled as I remembered her halloween costume.
"You remember all that?"
"Yeah. You were so adorable as Darla."
"Well, I never saw my mom as happy as she was with you. But your getting married in a couple weeks. So, I'm not going to dig up old wounds."
"Yeah, Maryse is a godsend. As is Monroe."
"Maryse's daughter?"
"Yeah. She'll be here I think, three days before the wedding."
I noticed when we were close to finishing preparing dinner. That Alexa all of a sudden fell silent.
"Okay, Alexa. What's up?"
"What do you mean?"
"Alex, you did the same thing when you were nine. Fell silent when something was wrong. Now, out with it."
"Mom's most recent boyfriend, was uh, abusive."
"Is she still with him?"
"No, but she's been thinking about taking him back. I hope she doesn't." She told me.
"I'm guessing he's possessive?" She nodded. "Ohh, Ashley. My friend. You and your mother meet me in the basement after dinner. That's not a suggestion."
"Okay. I'll tell her. But it is good to see you so happy again."
"Thank you, Alexa darling." I kissed her cheek like I had when she was nine. Four little ones one her left cheek.
"I miss your hawk kisses." She smiled as did I.

When dinner was ready, I called everyone to the dining room, "Dinners ready, get it while it's cold!" Everyone laughed and came into the dining room while Alexa and I came in with wall to wall pasta dishes. Extra cheesy mac and cheese, ten layer lasagna, gnocchi, and chefs salad and buttered bread slices.
Once all the dishes were set on the table, and two pitchers of water and two of flavored instant juices. I sat next to Maryse and on the right were Ashley, Alexa, Leah, and Adri. On the left was Sophia, Lexi, Dori, and Pam.
"Attention." I said. Everyone quieted down and looked to me as I stood up. "Thank you all for coming. It's just amazing to see all our friends and family joining us this evening and helping us with preparations for the wedding. But, I want to really say welcome back into the 'family' Ashley Masarro and her lovely daughter Alexa." I smiled as did Maryse in the direction of Ashley and Alexa. "Now. Dig in you guys." I sat down and kissed Maryse.

After dinner as promised, Ashley and Alexa met me in the gym.
"Okay, Ash. Alexa tells me that your recent boyfriend was abusive and possessive." Ashley hung her head. "I'm not mad Ash, you've known me too long to know that has been true, always." She  nodded. "Why didn't you come to me? You and I may have had a history romantically. But I would've helped."
"I know."
"Ohhh, I want you to call me, everyday. Even when there's nothing to report. Alexa. Remind  her if you have to. Or call me if she doesn't." Alexa nodded.
"Alexa," Ashley started. Alexa looked to her mother. "Can you give me and your uncle a couple minutes?"
"Sure." Alexa said. She walked back upstairs and I hung from the Salmon Ladder.
"So, what is it Ash?"
"I want you to promise me. That whatever happens to me. I want you to watch over Alexa."
"What are you not telling me, Ash? I can tell that there's something your not telling me." I said walking over to Ashley.
"Just promise me, Boyce." I brought her in for a nice tight hug.
"I promise. I just don't want you to do anything rash." Maryse called down to the gym.
"Baby, everything okay?"
"Yeah. Would you come down please?" She did. I pulled away from Ashley. Maryse noticed Ashley crying.
"What's wrong?" She asked approaching me and Ashley.
"I made Daniel promise. That if anything were to happen to me. That he'd watch over Alexa." Maryse hugged Ashley.
"We'd be more than happy to watch over her. Even if she is eighteen." Maryse smiled as Ashley calmed down.
"Yeah. But Ashley, you never called me Boyce before. This must be important to you?"
"I want her to have a family in case anything happens."
"Okay. Well, mission accomplished." I smiled. "So, shall we adjourn to the living room?" I asked and both Maryse and Ashley nodded.

When it came time for bed, Ashley and Alexa shared a room, Sophia had her own. Dori and Adri shared one, Leah and Lexi did as well, Pam had the honor of sleeping in the gym where a cot was  in the closet.

Ashley left for the convention with Alexa the following day. As the two weeks went by.  Everyone went back when they needed to but came back to help me and Maryse prep for the wedding. Ashley took to being my Best Woman quite exceptionally. Maryse was right about her being the perfect replacement for Sarah Logan.

Finally the day was upon us. The day me and Maryse had been waiting for a solid month. August 2, Ashley and the boys decided to take me out to a couple of bars. And we got hammered. Well Tamina, Seth, Finn and Ashley did. I remained sober enough to drive us all  home afterwards. Maryse and her bridesmaids and maids of honor just played games and drank wine from Maryse's personal stock from the wine cellar which could only be reached through the gym, through the door near the bench press, however as per common sense and pregnancy precautions,  Maryse didn't drink anything but soda or water. After her party she and her bridal party went to bed shortly before me and my groom party arrived home. I stayed downstairs so Maryse and I could keep to the no seeing the bride before the wedding tradition.
But the next day. August 3, our big day. I was rushed into the study, and got dressed into my custom suit as Ashley, Tamina were already dressed in their custom dresses and Seth and Finn were also dressed in their custom suits too. Once I was ready.  Ashley smiled and said, "I've never regretted much in my life but now i regret one thing. Not snagging you when I had the chance. You look pretty handsome Daniel."
"Thank you,  Ash." I smiled.

Meanwhile in the bride's quarters...
Maryse was enjoying the feeling of being pampered by her bridesmaids and maid of honor.
Bayley, Leah, Lexi all dressed in their beautiful blue and red dresses. Adri had on a beautiful dress that matched the others but with one difference. She also had a wrap around shawl that she wrapped around her arms. And she and the others helped Maryse with her dress and veil. Sophia came into the room with Monroe. "Knock, kno...oh my. You look so beautiful sweetheart." Her mother smiled as did Monroe.
"Thank you, mother." Maryse said as she slowly started to break down and cry. "Oh, my. I'm gonna cry and ruin my makeup. "
Lexi was on top of it and got her makeup kit and with Leah's help fixed Maryse's makeup. And in time as Mickie came in.
"Daniel's on his way. And I think you guys should be too." She smiled at Maryse and hugged her. "Nervous?" Maryse nodded. "Don't worry, Maryse. You'll be fine. Your a lucky woman and he's a lucky man. And you're beginning a new life together and you are perfect for each other. Mike may have forgotten who should have been the most important person in his life which I'm sure he didn't. Although he may have had a few bouts of instant amnesia. But Daniel loves you and I know that you love him just as much. And as you said many times. Monroe adores him. So there's no need to be nervous about today. This is your day. Just the two of you are the stars of today." Mickie left Maryse alone after that and once we arrived at the old red brick church on main street in Menan, ID. I followed my groomsmen and best woman as we took our positions at the altar. Then Maryse's bridesmaids and maid of honor. Then as Sophia took her seat in the front row. The wedding march started playing and down came monroe as a flower girl looking all cute and adorable in her small white dress. Once she finished her duty. She sat in Sophia's lap and then in her beautiful white wedding dress came Maryse down the aisle. Escorted by her father Joseph who I've met a few times in the past. I walked down to her and met her at the steps of the altar and gently took her from her dad and walked with her to the altar and the preacher started the ceremony.

When it came time for the vows, "The bride and groom have written their own vows and I'd like them to read them. Starting with Daniel."
I smiled as I started, "Maryse," She looked at me. "For years. You and I have been friends and been there for each other and always had someone to listen to the other's problems. Now years later. I don't think either one of us would have guessed that we would be getting married. But be that as it may. I have grown quite attached to you and your little girl who from the moment you and her moved in. I've treated like she was my very own." Maryse smiled and chuckled as she looked up at me after looking to Monroe. "I've waited for the day I'd be married for a long time. And even though I wasn't able to accomplish too much in my life or my career. I wouldn't trade this moment or this day for any reason. I'm as proud as a meadow lark right now because I'm marrying the woman of my dreams and truth be told. I've always had a crush on you Maryse. The bottom line is, I love you and I can't wait to start this newest chapter in our lives."
Then it was Maryse's turn, "Daniel. I've known you for a long time. Sometimes I think too long." I laughed at that as did everyone else in attendance. "But when things seemed to go wrong or became too unbearable. I could always count on you to come for a visit or just be a phone call away. And knowing that no matter what time it was. Day or night. You always picked up the phone and talked to me. When Mike was filming the Marine 4," She started to tear up. "You put your life on hold and came to me and Mike's place and stayed with me throughout the filming. When we returned to the WWE and you followed not too long after by you. But by then me and Mike were already having problems. When you were brought in as a mediator or as a neutral party. And you my dear Daniel, have more than anyone, tried to help in anyway possible, you even tried to make a biweekly meeting between me and Mike. Even though you tried to open pathways of communication between me and Mike, it ultimately fell apart and we ended up getting a divorce. And once again, you came to the rescue by standing beside me and being there for me and Monroe during the divorce. It was during that trying time that you showed me the kind of man you are. Sweet, kind, caring and loving. Now. We are getting married in your hometown. In the presence of our friends and family. And I feel that we will go all the way to the end. And I know that whatever we face or comes our way. We'll face it together. And like you, I love you and can't wait to start this new chapter of our lives."

Once the rings were exchanged and the I do's were said. The preacher said, "If there is anyone who feel that these two should not be wed, speak now or forever hold your peace." Nobody said anything or stood up in objection of me and Maryse being married. "Okay, then by the power vested in me. I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may..." I was way ahead of him on this as I lifted the veil and kissed Maryse with enough heat and passion that it made her smile and giggle into the kiss. We pulled away from each other and I laced my right arm with her left as the preacher announced, "Ladies and gentlemen. It is my greatest pleasure to introduce to you for the first time ever. Daniel and Maryse Boyce-Ouellet." Maryse looked at me and smiled.
"What? She leaned up and kissed me.
"You surprise me. And even though I should be mad or question why you added my last name to yours. I just can't do anything but be happy that you would do such a thing for me."
I smiled and said, "I thought you'd like it." I kissed her once more and we made our way out of the chapel and the church into a new black Dodge Charger SRT Hellcat. The look on Maryse's face was priceless. She smiled as I opened the door for her and she got in the car. Then I walked to the driver side and got in myself.
"When?" Maryse asked.
"I ordered it to go along with the Imperial a couple weeks ago. Not to mention we need another car to drive around in as a family." I started the car. And we headed to our home. "We'll still have the Imperial. And look at it this way." I looked to her. "This car isn't actually mine. I got it for you." She smiled. "I'll always have my Imperial and you'll have the Hellcat." She smiled and scooted closer to me and leaned into me as we arrived at our home.

We got inside as the decorators put the finishing touches on the reception decorations and decor. "Mr and Mrs Boyce. What do you think?" The lead decorator asked.
"It's beautiful Theresa." I grinned.
"I agree. It's beautiful." Maryse smiled. "Thank you."
Theresa grinned as she left us alone to tie up loose ends in terms of the decorations for the reception, while Maryse and I went upstairs and took off our wedding clothes and decided to take a relaxing shower together. And with lukewarm water as well. Which would actually cool us off before guests would start arriving for the reception. I loved seeing my new bride and her barely there baby bump.
She just looked so beautiful standing under the now twin shower head and she noticed me staring and smiled. "You know honey. We do have at least an hour before our guests arrive. So how about you come over here and take your bride." She smiled as did I as I approached her.
"Mmm, you are so beautiful darling." I said kissing her.
"And to be honest honey, I had a hard time keeping my hands off you during the ceremony. You just looked so deliciously handsome in your suit." She kissed me and smiled.
"Me. What about you? You looked like an goddess in your wedding dress. I couldn't keep my eyes off you darling."
"Well. I'm yours now and right now. I want to have some fun with my husband." I smiled as we started making out which quickly evolved into a every steamy, very hot forty-five minute round in the shower. It was very intense and had to be the most savage round we ever had. We soon washed off the fresh layer of sweat off our bodies and dried off got dressed  in nice clothes then headed downstairs to greet our guests.

The reception was absolutely perfect. The customary speeches and toasts were made, Maryse had her father/daughter dance and since my mother was gone. Sophia was more than happy to do the honors and be my mother's replacement for the mother/son dance.  The. Maryse and I cut the cake and if course. We smeared pieces of cake all over our faces and once we cleaned up our faces and hands. Maryse smiled as she sat in a chair and pulled up her deep blue dresses skirt up and I got on one knee and started gently pulling the garter off her thigh then down her leg and slingshot it over the crowd and heard a cheer and everyone stepped aside to expose Rusev was the lucky guy to catch the garter. Then it was time for Maryse to toss the bouquet. And when she did. Adri caught the bouquet.

And finally me and Maryse had our couple's first dance. And the song that played was 'The Very Thought of You' by Steve Tyrell. And people who were watching, would say that we were moving in sync and looked like we had danced together for years. The moment the song ended and I dipped Maryse which made her smile and laugh. When I stood erect while holding Maryse close. I gave her a sweet kiss on the lips and the guests applauded.
Close to the end of the reception, Maryse ad I both got everyone's attention. "Excuse us. Can we have everyone's attention." I said with a mic in my hand. Everyone quieted down and looked to me and my new bride. "Thank you. First off, Maryse and I would like to thank you all for coming and being part of our special day. Second." I handed the mic to a smiling Maryse.
"Daniel and I would like to tell you all. That we are expecting twins." The room was blasted by all the cheers and applause from the guests. Pretty soon we were mobbed by the entire party telling us, 'Congratulations', and the like.
Once the reception was over. Everyone started heading to their hotels. Ashley, Alexa Sophia, Jean, Mike and Monroe stayed at our home as did Leah, Adri, Bayley,  and Lexi . And after doing a securuty sweep of the first floor making sure the doors and windows were locked.
Maryse and I just changed out of the clothes we wore for our reception and got ready for bed.
Once in bed, Maryse asked, "So honey. When do we go on our honeymoon?"
"Well darling, I'm planning on dropping the Intercontinental Championship at Summerslam and spending the remainder of your pregnancy with my new wife.  And I'm not going to be moved from this point darling. But I think that the day after Summerslam. We should go on our honeymoon and I think a week in Bora Bora would be just what the doctor ordered." I grinned as I took off my glasses and put them on the bedside table and Maryse turned off the lights. I looked to Maryse and smiled as I ran my right hand through her blonde hair. I finally stopped and said, "I love you Mrs. Maryse Boyce-Ouellet."
She smiled and replied, "And I love you, Mr. Daniel Boyce-Ouellet." We kissed for a few moments and once we found a comfortable position.  Fell fast asleep.

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