The New 'It' Couple's Last WWE Event For Awhile, And Their Tropical Honeymoon.

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The next morning, I was woken up by Maryse kissing my cheek. I smiled,stretched, opened my eyes to see a smiling Maryse. "Morning." I smiled.
"Morning, honey." She smiled as I gently slid my left hand behind her head and pulled her in for a nice, long, passionate kiss and once we pulled away from each other, Maryse was grinning from ear to ear.
"So, what is the plan for today?" I asked a smiling Maryse.
"Well, we have to see Ashley and Alexa off along with my mother and family and Mike is leaving Monroe with us for the week and he'll be taking her after Summerslam so we can go directly on our honeymoon the next day." She told me. So when we felt good enough, we got out of bed, went to the bathroom, took a shower together and even though the house was still full of people. Maryse and I had a long steamy round in the shower That lasted close to three hours. We missed breakfast but we didn't really care. After washing off the sweat from our impromptu round in the shower, we dried off, got dressed in clean casuals and headed downstairs where Ashley, Alexa, Lexi, Dori, Adri, Leah, Bayley, Mike, The Ouellet Family, and Monroe were waiting for us to see them off. With the exception of Monroe who as Maryse told me, would be spending the week with us and would be with Mike while we were on our honeymoon.
Ashley and Alexa both approached us and kissed my cheek and hugged me and Maryse. "Now don't you forget Ash. You call me everyday, even if you have nothing to report. And Alexa will remind you or report to me herself." I told Ashley as she started to tear up.
"You always loved reminding me to do something. Which is why I wanted you to promise me that you'd look after Alexa if anything happens to me." She kissed me and Maryse and Alexa grinned. Ashley pulled away from me and smiled at Maryse. "You take care of him Maryse."
"I will. And you take care of yourself." Maryse hugged Ashley one last time then she and Alexa caught a ride to the airport in a taxi and all the bridesmaids and maid of honor said their goodbye's and left as well, Maryse's family came up and said their goodbye's and congratulations and left. Especially Jean and Sophia were happy to see their daughter and grand daughter so happy. But also because of the fact that Maryse was expecting twins. I smiled as Jean and Sophia waved goodbye. Mike then walked up with Monroe and handed her off to me and said his goodbye's and congrats to us before leaving. Pretty soon, all the people that were left in the house were me, Maryse and Monroe.

Over the next week, it was revealed that my opponent for Summerslam would be AJ Styles. So I did a few recorded promos and sound bites for podcasts among other things. But the night before Summerslam when Maryse, Monroe and I arrived in Toronto, Canada. We headed straight to the hotel and just decompressed from the flight and just had a family night, just sitting on the hotel room couch and watched family films for most of the night. Close to midnight, I looked over to Monroe and Maryse and saw Maryse still awake and smiling as she leaned into me and she held a sleeping Monroe. "She's so cute." I said.
"And me?"Maryse asked.
"And your stunning." I said as I leaned down and kissed Maryse's forehead.
"Ooohh, honey." Maryse kissed me and I smiled.
"Well, I'll get the collapsible crib ready and we can get ready for bed ourselves." Maryse smiled as she stood up with me and I got the collapsible crib ready and once it was. I started singing 'From Here To The Moon And Back' by Dolly Parton and Kris Kristofferson from Joyful Noise. Maryse joined in singing the song and I was impressed by her singing voice. Monroe smiled as she slept, hearing her mom and stepdad sing to her and our harmony was perfect. Once we finished singing. We looked into the crib and smiled. Maryse leaned down and kissed Monroe's cheek.
"Love you sweetheart. Me and your stepdad both love you." She then stood up and kissed me before heading into the bedroom. I looked to my stepdaughter and grinned as I leaned down and kissed her forehead.
"Sweet dreams little one. I'm so happy to have you as my stepdaughter. And I'm sure you can't wait to meet your future siblings. Goodnight my little Monroe. See you in the morning."I soon turned off the main light and left on a lamp for Monroe. Once I closed the door but kept it open just a bit and the moment I turned towards the bed my jaw dropped. Maryse was wearing a staggeringly hott red lingerie two piece outfit. "Okay. Either you have something in mind. Or this is some sort of sneak preview of what you'll be wearing every night on our honeymoon?" I approached the bed. "Not that I'm complaining my love." She slid to her hands and knee's on the bed, and crawled over to me and reared up and wrapped her arms around my neck. "But which is it?"
"A little of both. But more closer to the second." She grinned. "I just wanted to take it out for a test run and see what your reaction would be."
"Well. You look so hott and luscious in that babe. I can't wait for our honeymoon."
She smiled devilishly, "Who said we had to wait?" She asked.
"Let's see. There's a one year and a couple months old in the other room. You remember, your daughter?"
"Our. Daughter. And as long as we're quiet she shouldn't wake up." I smiled as she had a point. "Now. Come here honey. And give your wife what she wants."
"Your command is my wish my French Canadian angel." We started making out and it quickly escalated into a very passionate round of us making love and amazingly enough we were bearably quiet and when it was all over. Maryse and I were smiling like two kids that got away with a lot of candy from the corner store.
"As always, honey. You take me to my limits and I discover a new level of pleasure and ecstasy. But what impresses me more is we made love and you still made me reach new heights of pleasure as if we were just having wild passionate sex. But you've always amazed and impressed me. Always. And I don't see any end of that. And when our twins arrive. They will love and adore you just like Monroe does. And like I do." She smiled as she turned in my arms as we were laying on our sides and looked into my eyes. "And contrary to other people's opinion especially yours. I believe. Scratch that. I know you will be an outstanding father. Your already an outstanding stepfather to little Monroe. So, using that as a measuring stick. I know. Without a doubt. That you'll be an amazing, outstanding father to our twins." She smiled and kissed me. "I'll always be by your side. Always support you in everything you do. And I know you will do the same for me."
"Your right about that darling. I will do the same for you. Because us being married aside. We've been friends for years. And even though I should've brushed that aside when we were married. But I just can't. You and Mike came all the way out to my home in Rigby to check on me when I was injured. That doesn't even scratch the surface of how much I owe you. For sticking your neck out for me. I love you and I am happier than a meadow lark to be married to you. I'll always be your husband first, your friend second. I swear, my love. I'll be there for you. Monroe. Our twins. Our family."
She smiled as she kissed me once more. "I love you, Daniel Boyce-Ouellet."
"And I love you, Maryse Boyce-Ouellet." We cuddled up with each other and fell fast asleep.

Monroe woke up once in the night and I took care of her. Thereby letting Maryse sleep. I enjoyed some time with Monroe. But exhaustion set in and both me and Monroe fell asleep on the couch. Monroe Sucking her thumb and laying on my chest. Me out cold, my head laid back and I was holding Monroe enough to hold her in place.

Maryse woke up to no husband next to her. She noticed the bedroom door was open a couple more inches than it was before she fell asleep in my arms the night before. She got out of bed, put a robe on and walked out to see me asleep with a sleeping Monroe on my chest.
She smiled at the scene in front of her and went to the bedroom got her phone and snapped a picture of the me asleep, holding a sleeping Monroe. And posted it on her Instagram. With the caption,


Woke up to this in the hotel room parlor. Made me smile to see Monroe sleeping soundly on her stepdads chest. And this only proves what I know to be true. That Hellionwwe will be an outstanding father. Love you my Hellion.

The response from friends was overwhelming.
That's just so cute. I just can't.

That's adorable. I agree with you Maryse. He will make an outstanding father to your impending twins as he already is a great stepdad to Monroe. Your a lucky woman to be married to that man.

After she put her phone away. Monroe woke up and Maryse picked her up, walked to the balcony and let me sleep a bit longer. She smiled as Monroe looked at me and smiled. "Are you happy that Daniel is your stepfather?" She asked her daughter.
Monroe became more excited as unbeknownst to Maryse I had woken up, stood up from the couch and approached her and wrapped my arms around her from behind. Surprising her. Once I kissed her neck she giggled and smiled. "Well, hello there."
"Hello." I smiled as Monroe giggled and clapped excitedly. "And morning to you too, little one."
"How long have you been awake?" Maryse asked.
"Not long. About three minutes maybe." I kissed Maryse on her right cheek.
"Well. I took a picture of little Monroe and you asleep on the couch. It was so cute. I just couldn't help myself and I posted it to Instagram." I pulled my phone and looked at the picture. Even I couldn't believe how adorable Monroe and I looked sleeping soundly on the couch.
"Of course you're impeccable eye for taking the perfect picture. Comes out and I would love to add this to a photo album when we get home."
"We'll get one when we get home from our honeymoon." Maryse smiled.
"Alright." I grinned. I kissed her cheek and let go of Maryse and leaned over and kissed Monroe's forehead. "Well, I'm going to get a shower in and after I get done then you should get a shower in darling."
"Sounds good babe." Maryse smiled.

After taking a shower and watching over Monroe so Maryse could get a shower in. We packed our arena bags and headed to the arena.
We made our way to our locker room upon arriving at the arena. I then hung out with my beautiful wife and stepdaughter and as my match drew near I started getting ready for it. Even pulled the Intercontinental Championship out of the bottom of my arena bag. Once I was ready. I approached my girls. Maryse was dressed in her ring attire which was a sexier, sleeker more streamlined version of my attire. And I have been aware of her having the attire made but the one thing I wasn't ready for was how unbelievably sexy and ravishing she looked in her new attire. Mike came into our locker room so he could watch over Monroe. Once we headed to the gorilla and waited for our cue. AJ Styles walked up with his guys. Gallows and Anderson.
"Congratulations on your wedding. But your honeymoon is going to be a snooze fest. And when you lose that Championship to me. You'll never get a shot at it ever again."
I smiled at him. "Whether I win it back or not. Or win any championship. I already have my Championship right here." I wrapped an arm around Maryse. "She is the most important thing in my life. Not a paycheck or a thing of leather and gold. My wife. And soon to be born twins are all I need. Not to mention my adorable stepdaughter Monroe. My new family. Is all that I will ever need. Because I value family. While you Mr. Styles. Value money and fame. That will always be the difference between you and me."
I passed him and headed to the ring with Maryse on my arm and the IC Championship around my waist. I kissed Maryse in the ring and she grabbed the IC Championship from around my waist and held onto it as she slid out of the ring and I waited for AJ to make his entrance.

I did lose the Intercontinental Championship. But instead of handing it to AJ. I colcocked him and his cronies viciously with it and buried it into AJ's gums. 'Never start believing that your better than everyone else. Remember that Styles. Because I may not get another shot at the Intercontinental Championship again. But I do know that I'll sleep better knowing I put my family first and knowing there's always somebody better than you out there to cause you great pain. And on another note Styles. You better hope I don't come after any Championship. Because the one I'll go after first is the Intercontinental Championship.'
I left the ring and went to the back with my wife and got checked out by the trainer and we headed to our locker room. Said our temporary goodbye's to Mike and Monroe and headed to the hotel and packed to go straight to Bora Bora and begin our two week honeymoon.

While on the plane, Maryse and I sat in our first class seats and looked at the itinerary for our honeymoon. "So, we'll go on a romantic tour of the islands, go to dinner at the island pearl resort and from there. You know what?" She looked at me as I crumpled up the itinerary. "We'll just wing it."
"Good." She kissed me. "Because aside from the romantic tour. Which sounds amazing by the way, I want to spend time on the beach and in the bungalow with my husband." She kissed me and smiled as she leaned into my shoulder and fell asleep.
"Can't wait. Sleep well darling." I kissed her forehead making her smile while she slept. I stayed awake for a few more minutes and soon fell asleep myself.

Maryse and I enjoyed our tropical honeymoon. I even went for morning swims since I was away from my usual running trail. Maryse would even join me on most mornings, we'd hide under the bungalow and just make out for what seemed like hours, and go into the bungalow for some hott passionate fun. But we did go on a romantic tour of the islands and spent most of our time on the beach near our bungalow. Maryse as always looked very beautiful in the bikini's she brought with her. She had pretty much every color except pink or yellow. And she looked so gorgeous in every one of them. She even went skinny dipping once or twice. I loved looking at my wife's body. Even two and a half months pregnant, she was still the goddess I remember and love. "Come on in Daniel. The water's nice and cool." She grinned as she swam up to me.
"Nah, I'm fine right here." I smiled. She grinned and gripped my left wrist and pulled me into the water with her. When I surfaced I looked around and saw my wife laughing to my right. "I'm so glad that I kept my glasses on the bedside table. Or you would be in so much more trouble. Not that your in trouble anyway."
"Ohh, and what is my husband going to do to me as a punishment?" She smiled as she swam up to me.
"Well, considering we're on our honeymoon, and we're floating to under our bungalow. I'd say, anything I want." We made love in the water under our bungalow and just went to dinner at the pearl island resort.
Our last few days we just laid in bed and relaxed. Went for a swim or two, even sat on the beach near the bungalow and got tan. On the last night I arranged for a nice candle light dinner on a private beach which the staff put together. And it was amazing. Complete with a fireworks display which was complete with a few fireworks spelling out our names.
That night was the hottest, most passionate round we ever had. Before we fell asleep, we just camped out on the edge near the water and held each other tight. "Mmmm. This was an amazing honeymoon baby." She grinned. "The real fun was when you and I went for our morning swims. But you want to know my favorite part?" I motioned for her to continue. "Was that I spent every moment of our honeymoon with my husband."
"Ahh, well I too, enjoyed our honeymoon here in tropical Bora Bora. I loved the same things you did. Although when you pulled me into the water to go skinny dipping with you was, quite the experience." She giggled. "But as long as I'm alive. I'll never leave your side. Even when we're old and gray"
"Ohh, my Hellian actually loves me." I laughed at that.
"I'll always love you." I kissed her lips and neck and she grinned as she turned around in my arms as we laid down on the hardwood, with her back to me. "Goodnight my love."
"Goodnight my Hellian." She smiled as she leaned into me.

The next morning while checking out of the resort, I couldn't keep my hands off my wife and she was enjoying it. On the plane we joined the mile high club, which I never thought I'd hear myself say. Even in my head. But with Maryse, I found myself wanting to do things I never would have done before. And joining the mile high club is definitely one of those things. When the plane landed we headed directly to our home after gathering up our bags of course. Once we got home, we went on a run together, cooked dinner for each other. Planned out the next few months starting with the next day's appointment with the obstetrician to see how our twins were coming along.
After dinner, and planning the next few months. We just sat on the back porch and just gazed at the stars and moon. "Looking forward to the appointment tomorrow honey?" I asked her.
"Yes, I am. I just can't wait to find out what we're having." She smiled.
"Well, either way, Maryse darling. Whether we're having one of each of two boys, or two girls. I'll be happy."
"And why is that baby?"
"Because they will be our kids."
"Well, I'm excited to see who they will take after the most."
"If their like their mother. They'll take after you."
"And if their anything like their father, they will most definitely take after you." She slid from her spot next to me and into my lap and arms. "Why is it that I feel more safe with you than I did with Mike whenever he'd go to a filming or something?"
"Not really sure. When I married you, I felt complete somehow. Like my life would be more than okay from now on. And I personally believe that to be true."
"Well, we're together now. And there's nobody or nothing that will seperate us." She kissed me. "I found the man of my dreams." She kissed me again. "And I'm not going to let him go so easily."
"And to say I found the woman of my dreams would be a vast understatement. Maryse, you have been there for me with advice on how to get a date after my breakup." I giggled as did she. "Although looking back on some of the advice. I think you were subconsciously staking claim to me."
"What makes you say that?"
"You told me to saturate my jacket with cologne or musk." We both laughed.
"Ohh, I'm sorry honey." She held me tight.
"I'm not complaining darling. I just found it interesting now that we're married all that advice you gave me was your way of staking claim to me." I kissed her cheek and she grinned.
"You know. You might be right." She smiled. "When Ashley left the company and left you alone. I hated her for leaving such a loving, polite and kind man like you while she just concentrated on her career. I just wanted to comfort you. In fact, I thought that one moment that must not be named or mentioned was what gave me little Monroe." I smiled at the thought although briefly. "But then I rembered I was already a few weeks pregnant with little Monroe."
"It would have been interesting though, me being Monroe's real dad. But I'm actually relieved that she's Mike's. My current relationship with my stepdaughter not withstanding."
"She adores you."
"I know. And I'm proud of that fact."
"It's because of your interactions with Monroe that has me convinced that you will be a spectacularly amazing father to our kids." I kissed her cheek as we looked back to the moonlit sky.
"I love you, Maryse."
"And I love you, Daniel." We soon retired to the bedroom and got ready for bed. Once we were in bed, Maryse and I held each other in the spoon position and she guided my right hand to her stomach and held it in place with her right hand. "Oh, they kicked."
"I felt it babe." I smiled as I kissed the back of her neck. "And this is only a guess but I think their going to be quite the hand full."
"Maybe." She smiled as she turned her head and kissed my left cheek. "Goodnight honey."
"Goodnight my love." We soon fell fast asleep.

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