Chapter 30

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Chad was running through a back alley so focused on looking back at the dozens of infected following him he doesn't seem to notice the sliver trash can a few steps away from him. He suddenly crashed into the trash can, knocking him and the can over making a loud metal to concrete with a slight thud noise as he lets out a gasps and hits the floor. He didn't take any time to recover from the fall as he just pushed himself up turning around to stab one in the head before smashing a creepy crawly with his foot and stomping on it. Once they were down, he turned back around, sprinting forward but eventually he ditches the alley way and rushes into the closest door and slamming the door right behind him.

He backs away from the door, once its shut, and stares at it as the infected began to bang at the door. He brings his hands to his knees and breaths in and out trying to catch his breath. His chest rapidly rising and falling with every quick breath he inhales and exhales. When he finally slows his breathing, he lifts his head up to stare at the door just for a moment before standing up straight. He turns his head around to look to the side of him but soon turning his whole body to look around the building he took cover in.

There were boxes everywhere he looked, stacks and stacks of boxes. To the far right there were multiple boxes open with things he could not identify hanging out. To the left were closed boxes, tapped up and looked as if they were never touched while in the middle stood both open and closed boxes scattered everywhere looking as if someone was in the process of opening up the closed boxes but was interrupted. There was a few racks in the middle as well but there was hardly any light the shone through due to the lack of windows in the room that Chad could not identify the objects sitting on them.

Chad heard a loud bang from behind him causing him to jump and twist his body a little just to look behind him. He figured some of them were probably trying to ram themselves into the door so he ignored it and walked forward in search for a way out. He slowly walked forwards turning his head side to side completely focused on making sure nothing is in the building with him while also trying to find a way out. The closer he got to the racks and all the boxes he saw a bunch of bags filled with varies candies, breads and small home supplies. In the boxes that were on the racks was packaged bottles of varies wines and alcohol substance all with different names, looks and colors.

Chad looked to his left to see the only bit of light and immediately went to it maneuvered around all the boxes, racks and stuff all over the floors. It was a door when he reached it and he went through realizing it was a liquor store. He saw the small 6'10 rectangle door when he heard a loud noise that sounded as if a door was just broken down causing him to turn around before running forward and running out the front door.

He found himself on the side walk looking around the city and to his right see the exact apartment building with the exact same two cars that were parked right in front of it across the street with just a few dead infected. He had realized that he was on the exact same street he was once on and ran in the direction of the cars. As he got closer to the scene, he could see a pile of infected on the side of the car where Adira had fallen and his heart just dropped. His face went from frightened to heartbroken in a matter of seconds as his heart began to beat even harder than usual with every step closer he took to the pile of dead people.

He slowed the pace when he arrived at the foot of the pile, his heart racing from running he did just trying to get away from the infected. Chad began to pull and push the infected off one at a time, even when he was out of breath, he still managed to get all out of the way to see if Adira was under them. When he got to the bottom, Adira was almost disguised as an infected with all the black substance covering her face and clothing. He covered his mouth as he looked down at her black liquid covered body with her eyes closed and her body completely still.

Chad looked around for help but couldn't find any and realized they were all in the building. He paced back and forth for quite a bit, walking quickly contemplating on what he should do. Should he just leave her there lying on the floor like that? Does he put a blade through her head to keep her from becoming one of them? Or should he simply let her be and don't do anything at all?

He stood before her looking down at, what looked like, her unconscious body lying there very still. He gripped his knife even tighter before kneeling down at her side. Letting out a shaky breath, he lifted his knife above his head ready to bring it down into her skull. He closed his eyes and hammered his knife down as quickly as he could when a sound of a clap rung through his ears just for a second.

He remembered to breathe when he opened his eyes to see his wrist being held up in the air and tan fingers wrapped around his wrist. He looked down to see familiar golden rings shining through the black substance looking up at him with emotionless.

He began to shake when he dropped his knife away from Adira's face and body, letting out a dry yet relief laugh and pulling her up by her wrist just to pull her into him. With his body against hers he realized she was shaking so he pulled her even more into him before separating and cupping her face.

"You survived." He announced just staring at her, "How the hell?" He breathed.

She didn't answer.

She just stared at him for a moment before smiling a toothy smile. The action just made him chuckle more in relief as his head fell onto her shoulder. It was weird to him how she could smile like that when she was almost killed and in the hands of Death for just a moment. He just took it as she was pretty happy to see him and to be alive.

But what he didn't know was that she was just happy- not only to see him- but her plan worked. She was hoping to worry about the ones closest to her and in her range to kill them so she could use them for a shield. She was hoping they would get tired of trying to get to something that they couldn't get too. Just like a short person might give up when something is just too high for them and they don't even want to be bother with it anymore because they are so pissed off the thing they want is just out of their reach.

She only knew what short people felt like because she was short. Matt and Steve always had to take down food for her if what she wanted was on the top shelf. She couldn't climb on the counter in fear she might fall and break her head open with the corner of the kitchen counter, which is something she never wanted to experience.

Chad looked at Adira, who was staring down at her shoe shaking her leg up and down. When he looked down at what she was staring at he saw an infected trying to bit through her shoe. His neck was snapped and he was missing a leg, hand and arm as he just laid there on his stomach trying to get through her shoe.

"Where's the knife?" Chad asked stabbing the infected in its head, curious on why she didn't just stab it.

"Under one of these bodies." She answered pointing to the bodies that covered her right side and where her head used to be. "Thank you." Adira said after they lifted three bodies and Chad handed it back to her.

The couple heard hissing, growling and screeching causing them to look in the direction Chad had come from.

"Come on." Chad said seeing dozen of infected coming out from the liquor store and the alley way that was next to it.

Chad pulls Adira up immediately and dragged her to the doors of the apartment building, trying to pull it open but it wouldn't budge. Chad let out a frustrated groan as he slams on the door handles while Adira cleaned the black substance off of her face. He takes hold of Adira's hand, looks both ways and realizes the left side is clear but when he takes a few steps onto the street a dozen more come through the street next street.

It was his guess they had turned back or they were completely new infected that decided to join in on the party. Adira had run right into Chad's back when he stopped causing her to look ahead to see the same group of infected coming towards them. They both turned their heads back and forth from the undead that was in front of them and the ones behind them.

"What do we do?" Chad asked more to himself than to Adira.

Adira quickly grabbed Chad's hand and pulled him to the other building across the street from the apartment building as quickly as she could. She shook the doors but they never opened they just rattled making a bunch of noise causing her to groan.

"Why are these locked?" Adira questioned no one in particular.

Soon as she asked that question infected slammed its face into the door with along with a dozen others. The sudden burst caused Adira to jump a little, which lead to her falling on her butt due to her tripping over a body of the dead that was right behind her.

Chad grabbed Adira by her arm, pulling her to her feet as he started taking a step back into the street. Both of them held their knives in their hand as they continued to grip it like their life depended on it.

"Looks like we have to fight our way through." Chad told her letting out a deep shaky sigh.

Adira was facing the in the direction the liquor store was in while Chad was facing the other way. Both had their backs pressed against each others as they watched the crowd rapidly closing the space between them.

As soon as one came got to close for Adira's liking, she took a step and swung her knife, slashing the infected head off before taking a step back. Chad did the same motion and they continued it until the infected were too close to get just one. The more the infected surround they the more they picked up speed and the more they had use the only space they had.

- .... . / --. .. .-. .-.. / .- -... --- ...- . .-.-.-

She watched from above while they watched from a far as the couple moved in sync together, fighting in perfect harmony together. She admired the way they looked out for each other, not once was their backs turned on the infected at the same time. The girl above watches in awe as she sees how well they work together without having to mutter a word to each other. One ducked while the other swipes across the top taking out an infected getting close from above while the other yanks one down and kills it. They flipped over each other, turned with each other; every move they made, they never seemed to make a mistake. None of them accidentally stepped on each other or let an infected get to close. They never went out of rhythm. At that moment, the girl above had began to silently weep.

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