Chapter Thirty Seven

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Semiloore barely ate half of her food when she dropped her spoon. She picked up her phone and clicked on Nathan's message again as tears streamed down her cheeks.
"I'm so sorry Nathaniel" she murmured as clutched to her phone.

Semiloore wore a blank expression as she walked into the bus that morning. She managed to smile at the bus driver as she walked to her seat.

Her skirt was even zipped. She walked past her usual seat and sat down in the always ever empty seat and Tamiloore sat beside her. Semiloore opened the window and let the morning breeze fan her.

She really did love this place but seemed like they would be moving soon. Maybe they could move to a village,villages are always quiet and nobody noses into your business.

"Aren't you going to talk to Nathaniel?" Tamiloore asked.

"I don't know" Semiloore replied.

"Did you see the look on everyone's face?" Tamiloore asked again.

"Do I need to see it? They must think of me as a murderer" Semiloore replied scared to meet the looks on everyone's face even though she knew everyone was looking at her.

"For once Semiloore you are wrong"


"Meet their gazes please"

Semiloore took a sharp intake of breadth,her tears on the verge of falling down. She raised her eyes and was shocked.

Almost every gaze held pity,they were also sorry. It was Jerry who first spoke.

"Will you hear me out?" He asked.

"Is there any reason I should?"

"No. No reason"

"That's good because I won't listen to you"

"Of course listen because you have ears not because you want to hear. I'm sorry, we are sorry. We didn't even realize you had to go through such a thing. I must admit its very scary, we are still your friends no matter what happens. What you did should be written down on the walls of friendship. Don't see yourself as anything else, what you did shows how much you loved her, how much you protected her,not everyone can see that but fortunately we can. Semiloore don't guilt strip yourself any longer,  we apologize for our earlier behavior if anything now, we do really want to share your burden" Jerry said.

Tears had began to flow down her cheeks as she glanced at the students "You.....guys.....don't...... really think of me as a murderer huh?"

"Babe come on" Christian said as he walked up to her and pulled her into a hug. Semiloore just clutched unto him wetting his shirt.

"Ya! I'm a fine boy at school if you wet my shirt how do you want the girls to think of me as sexy huh?"

Everyone burst into laughter and even Semiloore laughed against his shirt.

"I'll told him you'll be fine,i knew you were going to be"

Semiloore eyes trailed after Nathaniel as he walked out of the class. Maria was looking nervously around. Semiloore still hadn't spoken a word to her.

What kind of friend was she? She even dared to call herself her best friend and in a such a small controversy,she had to think if she should stay by her side or not.
I'm a full blown idiot.

Tamiloore walked into the class shaking her head.
"You should talk to him"

"I'm scared Tammy"


"Just very scared. You know what happens when I'm close to people am scared of. I don't have my inhaler and moreover I don't want people finding out am asthmatic" Semiloore replied.

"He should be carrying an inhaler so don't worry"


"He knows"

"What do you mean by he knows?" Semiloore asked shocked.

"I told him"

"You what?"

"I told him to take care of you when you guys were about to go for excursion. I had to tell him that too. So the next day he dragged me along to buy nose masks and inhaler"

Semiloore blanked out as she remember Nath passing nose masks in the bus.

"I.....tho..ght...he.. bought it for everyone" Semiloore stuttered.

"That was to avoid suspicion darling" Tamiloore said with a smile.

Semiloore shot up from her seat as she started to chase after Nath. She saw him turn around a corner and hurried her legs as she turned the corner. She didn't even mind there were students or not. She hugged him from behind bringing his movements to a halt.

Nathaniel was flipping the pages of his textbook. The experiment had some side effects and he didn't know why. Even though he was flipping the pages with all seriousness on his face, his mind was barely in the book.

He had to think hard before he had sent her a message and she didn't even reply. How ironic. He pursed his lips as he felt a pair of hands wrap around his waist halting his movements. Then he heard quiet sobbing.

"I'm so sorry Nathan. I'm so sorry" she said into his back. Luckily no student was on the walkway. Nathaniel stood frozen for a moment.

Semiloore was apologising, shouldn't he be the one to apologize since he was the one who annoyed her in the first place. She kept mumbling that she was sorry. Nathaniel raised her hands to rub hers. 

"Why are you always wetting my shirt? Do you like my shirt that much?" He asked with a smile.

"You could say that" Semiloore replied.

Nathaniel smiled as he removed her hands and turned to her, "Are you okay?" He asked.

Semiloore didn't reply and just hugged him again.
Nathaniel ran his hands up and down her back.

"You'll be fine"

"Your birthday gift?" Nathaniel asked.


"Actually I was having problems thinking about what to get you but telling me all that I had an idea"

"You couldn't have downloaded all that in two days"

"I had Adam download them"

"He didn't ask why so many movies? You aren't a fan of Korean movies"

"I am now" Nathan replied with a grin.


"I tried watching one and I liked it"

"Which is?"

"Bride of the Water god"

"I see"

"That guy got me tripping"

"I thought you were straight"

"I went bent for him" Nathaniel said and they both burst into laughter.



"Try watching Are you human, its interesting too"

"You watched how many of the movies?"

"Maybe three"

"Three? You are never slow at watching movies"

"My mind wasn't at rest. My thoughts kept wandering to you. I couldn't believe I yelled at you. And you actually carry an inhaler around because of me. You bought nose masks for everyone because of me. I didn't know that before today and I'm sorry"

"That's the 100th time you are saying that"

"I could say it a 100 times more"

"Its okay"

"Will you come for my birthday party?"

"Do you want me to?"

"Ya! You must come in the morning"

"Roger that ma'am"

"Huh? Those are my words"

"I can't use them?"

"Because you are different, that's why am allowing it"

Nath laughed gleefully as they walked back to the class.

"I'm so glad you don't have that expression on your face anymore"

Nath just laughed as he sat down.

"I wonder why I feel refreshed watching you two"

"Refreshed? Seriously Joshua?"

Joshua smiled coyly as he rested his back on the chair. "I suddenly feel like having a girlfriend"


"I can't just keep showering all the love I have on myself"

The boys burst into laughter as Joshua flashed his teeth.

"Dont worry we have fine babes"

"Ehn? I don't want to date our classmate"


"It will not be romantic"

"Eh? How can you be so sure?"

"I just know awey. You can't surprise her yunno,stuffs like that"

John shaked his head "I shake my head for you"

"Its you they will shake head for" Joshua said and the boys burst into laughter.

"What's wrong with you?" John asked.

Maria lowered her head "Semiloore,I think she hates me"


"You know what happened yesterday right? Its funny how I had to think before I could even take her side. How can I call myself her best friend?"

John smiled a little "Try talking to her. She'll understand. It was you who organized the birthday wishes for her. You even also organized a birthday party for her if not because her mom wanted to organize for her already. What other kind of best friend does she need Maria? She'll definitely understand"

"You think so?"

"I know so"

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