Chapter Thirty Six

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"Huh?" Someone asked.

"What did you say?"


"She got expelled keh?"

"Semiloore and Tamiloore?"

"You heard me stop giving me the trouble of repeating myself"

Everyone turned to Semiloore who was more calm than ever. Maria was the first to speak up.

"Semiloore is that true?"

Semiloore glanced up at Maria "If I say it is will you stop talking to me?" Semiloore asked and Maria swallowed her saliva.

"Ohh, I see you have to think about it. I was expelled"

Everyone had shocked expressions on their faces.

"She's a fake"

"How dare her?!"

"I can't believe this"

"You guys are unbelievable, yesterday she was the classmate you wished for and now you know she got expelled you hate her" Tamiloore's icy tone washed over the class.

"I don't think you have the audacity to talk like that to anyone of us"

"Really?" Tamiloore asked as she turned to Tara.

"You are still as dumb as ever Tara. You never learn"

Tara scoffed "Hey,you aren't celebrities any longer"

"We weren't one before now"

Semiloore stood up "I guess..... "

"We don't want to hear anything from you!" Yemi yelled.

"Okay" Semiloore said and sat down.

"You guys are really....I don't know. Tara how did you know?"

"I ran into one of your former school mates on a group and she told me"

"Everything?" Tamiloore asked in mockery.

"What everything? I asked her if she knew you two and she said Semiloore got expelled and you left too"

"That was all she told you?"


"What's her name?"


"Dara? Do you know her surname?" Tamiloore asked.

"Ogebufi or something like that" Tara replied.

Tamiloore eyes widened "That idiot"

"Bastard" Semiloore breathed but everyone heard her.

"I'll you all the truth now. Dara was one of Semiloore's close friends in school back then. Dara started coming to school late after we started SSS1 third term and since Semiloore and others always wanted to help her,they always all got into trouble. Semiloore tried to find out why from Dara but she didn't tell until one day she finally told her. Her mom had remarried, and her step dad was molesting her. Her mom was a very busy person and wasn't at home half of the time so it wasn't a problem. There was no one she could talk to. Semiloore gave her a number of stuffs to do to stop him but they were barely effective. The day we were supposed to write our first test, Dara didn't come to school. We were all very worried and met a teacher and tried her number a lot of times. It kept ringing but no one picked it after a while it was switched off. Semiloore was restless so she sneaked out of school straight to Dara's house. She met her step dad raping her. She hit him and rushed her to the hospital. It didn't take long for the school to find out that Semiloore was missing. We had no option than to tell the truth. Her step dad has some real connections but still he went to jail but his parents pulled Semiloore into the matter saying she almost killed him. He was in coma for a week. The parents kept insisting that Semiloore be sent to prison too and at that Hicol Lag struck a deal with them to keep the matter hidden and expel Semiloore. I'm sure you all know how hard it is to enter any Hilltop college, you can only enter through JSS1 and once you are expelled from any Hilltop college you can't attend another Hilltop college again. They felt satisfied. And now that bastard had the guts to just tell you a sentence? Semiloore loves all her friends and the only reason she sneaked out that day was because she was worried about her friend, she wanted to protect her but seemed like fate had its own little plan. That's why the hell we are here" Tamiloore bit her lip glancing at Semiloore who was still as calm as ever.

"You can't just judge people by what you've heard. I just understood that while she loved everyone of you, you guys merely.....yunno didn't treat her the same way she treated all of you" Tamiloore turned to Tara who had tears streaming down her cheeks

"Satisfied pretty much huh? Give my message to Dara. Tell her I really do not wish another stepdad for her but I do wish she gets raped for the rest of her life" Tamiloore straightened up as she faced the class "Semiloore already had a lot of memories here,its enough"

Maria turned to Semiloore "Semi......"

"I have class" Semiloore replied as she grabbed her notes and walked out.

Maria fell to her seat "Oh God!"

Rolake walked up to Tara and stood up in front of her. She pursued her lips before slapping her hard.

"You bastard!"

"How dare you!?"

Rolake slapped her again "You stupid moron!"

Jerry quickly walked up to her and pulled her away "That's enough"

"I hope you get disgraced for the rest of your life" Rolake screeched.

"Rolake that's enough"

"That moron" Rolake said stretching out her leg to kick her.

"I said that's enough" Jerry said pulling Rolake to himself "Tara you can leave now?"

"How dare she slap me?"

"You might receive some more if you don't leave now"

Tara wiped her tears "That bitch!" She yelled as she walked out of the class.

Word had spread around quickly but somehow SS2 students contained it and only a few senior students heard of it.

Semiloore sat in front of Tamiloore as they ate.
"Was Nath part?"

"He barely glanced up throughout the whole episode"

"I'm so sorry Semiloore"

"Its fine Tam,sooner or later we'll find out who we are"

"Sooner or later is a long period of time"

Semiloore smiled a little as she walked upstairs to her room. She closed the door and breathed.

Fate, you are so going to pay

Slowly she closed her eyes and slept off.

It was already night time when she woke up. Her mom was in her room watching her sleep.


"How are you?"

"Slight headache"

"Here" she said stretching a cup of water and paracetamol to her. Semiloore threw the tablets in her mouth and drained the cup.

"Thank you"

"Are you okay?"


"Do you want to change school?" Mrs Ajayi asked.

"I don't know. I really like Oxford" Semiloore said.

"I know you do"

"But they probably all hate me now"

"No they won't"

"Mom that's teens for you"

"I know but you forgot I was once a teen too" Mrs Ajayi said.


"I'll have Tamiloore bring your food upstairs,take some rest"

Semiloore grabbed her phone from the table and was a little surprised to see 50 missed calls on her phone. 20 was from Maria, 12 from Peter, 5 from Christian,6 from Joshua, 2 from John and 5 from Jerry. And each had left messages in her inbox.


Pease lick up the call!!

Semiloore I'm sorry


I'm so so sorry please pick up your phone.

Hey,are you okay?

Semiloore, I'm sorry

Be safe

Pick your damn phone!


I'm sorry

On behalf of everyone,am apologizing to you.

Semiloore was about to drop her phone when her eyes caught something.

Are you okay?

Semiloore burst into tears as she kept wiping them. Tamiloore walked into her room "What's wrong?" She asked worried.

Semiloore turned the phone to her and Tamiloore was dazed.

"He texted you?"

Semiloore nodded as Tamiloore dropped her tray of food on the table "Eat first, you took drugs without eating"

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