Chapter Nine

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I was panicking the whole drive to her house. What the hell was happening? Someone broke in? Was it that one guy who threatened me and broke my window? Was it my ex? Or was this some kind of sick joke? That scream though, the way her phone cut off, the horrible feeling I got as soon as the phone call ended, it seems too real to be fake. So I drove as fast as I could to her house.

When I arrived, her gate and her front door were wide open, and to make it worse there are two black SUV's parked outside her house.

I parked my car, and unbuckled my seatbelt. I don't know who's here, or what's happening but I know it's something bad. So I practically ran inside.

The whole place was trashed, things that were usually put nicely in place were shattered on the floor or pushed down, even her furniture was all messed up. This isn't right. Then I hastily made my way to her bedroom, listening closely, and I hear the sound of faint muffled voices.

WARNING: Viewer discretion is advised

"Stupid fuckin bitch." I heard a familiar voice practically growl.

I ran in and saw what was happening. My ex chick aka Jackie, was in the doorway recording, some huge, tall, guy was holding down Kat, and that guy who broke my window was on top of her. Kat looked like she had been beaten by several different people, her face was bloody and she had something stuffed in her mouth, her clothes were clearly previously torn off, she only had some ripped black shirt somewhat on her, when I saw this, I snapped. Anger took control of me, and I pushed Jackie to the floor. Shouts, screams and curse words flooded the room as I snatched the camera outta Jackie's hands, hit the guy who was holding down Kat in the head as hard as I could with it, then I pulled that other guy off of Kat, and I started punching him over and over again, blood splattered all over me but I kept punching.

"GET THE FUCK OFF HIM OR I'LL SHOOT!" That big guy shouted, I looked back, he was aiming a black handgun at me, Jackie was nowhere to be seen, Kat was to the left of me, unconscious, and I don't know what to do. Keep punching and get shot, or surrender to some freak rapist? Fuck, I hesitantly got up, I put my hands up as I slowly approached him.

"Your fucking sick what kinda monster-"

"That's it!" He aimed the gun and pulled the trigger.

The sound of gunshots filled the room, my ears rang as I fell to the floor... did he shoot me? I don't feel any pain... there's no wound, I looked around, it was just Kat, that guy I beat up, and I, the shooter had already left along with Jackie.

I grabbed my phone and dialed 911.

I made sure they were on their way, but then I realized...

A/N: CLIFFHANGER! That chapter was pretty crazy. O yea. What did Kimetrius realize? Did anyone get shot? Where did the other two take off? Will they be back? What will happen between Kat and Kimetrius besides a hospital check-in? Find out in the next update! Stay tuned! Feel free to vote, share, comment, tell me what u guys think and whatnot. Y'all are amazing tysm for reading☺️💙

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