A New Guard

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Lily stayed asleep for two weeks.Fighting for her life.When she finally opened her eyes,she was suprised to find herself back in Phoenix Drop."W-What?"She asked confused."I found you in the forest with a dagger in your chest,you where close to bleeding to death."She heard Garroth say."O-Oh..."She stopped speaking,not wanting to continue stuttering.

Time skip(1 week)~~~~~Brought to you be the magicalness of M&Ms~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Lily punched a practice dummy,hard.She had started training to become stronger,she never wanted to end up like she had again.Zane......she didn't even know where he was.He could be halfway around the world by now maybe.She hadn't gone looking for him because she knew this villages feelings towards him. Garroth stood in a corner of the courtyard watching her punch the dummy.She was pretty good,she kept up her guard and delivered well executed punches.'Maybe she will join the guards.'he thought to himself.Lily took out her sword quickly and ducked low as if imagining the dummy swung at her.She then spun,still ducked down.It would cut up a enemy's legs so they couldn't flee.Smart."You should join the guards."Garroth said,and she spun around quickly looking startled."How long have you been standing there!?"She exclaimed lowering her sword she just realized she had been pointing at him."Not long."She replied."I'll consider it,would I have to ask Lord Aphmua to become a guard?"She asked."Yeah."She turned and walked away.Out of the courtyard,she just wanted to walk threw the village.She decided if she couldn't get home she might as well live here.This was a good place at least.She found herself at Lord Aphmua's house and saw her playing with little Levin."Lord Aphmua I have something to ask you."Lily called to the lord.She walked away from levin after saying something to Zoey,who was also there."What is it Lily?"She asked as she always did.She really cared about her villagers,like a good lord."I want to join the guard here."Lord Aphmua smiled,"You can!I think you will do a excellent job!""Thanks."I told Lord Aphmua before I headed to my small house that I had been given.Kawaii~Chan had helped me fix up the place and now it looked a lot like Lord Aphmua's place.Except smaller and more blue.I walked inside and examined my armor.It was made out of iron and was tinted dark blue,same with her sword Lithem.She spent the rest of the day cleaning both,so that they shinened.She then turned in for the night.

Author's Note:I know its short but whatever its something.So yeah,and I know in Minecraft diaries we don't know who the third brother is or if he is even alive I just thought,EVIL PERSON OKAY.Idk I am probably crazy bye.

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