The Return Of Zane High Priest

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Lily felt so much anger in that moment she thought it would consume her.She summoned again the air and backed away,ducking she grabbed Zane and used air to make him easier to carry she darted towards the forest.She could hear some people shouting behind her,but she didn't glance back once.She kept running,she finally stopped when the sun had sunk below the trees.She laid Zane down gently,and took a look at the wound.'I should have stopped earlier to bandage it.'She realized. She saw how pale Zane had become,and she hurriedly dug a bandage and some herbs from her bag.She quickly applied the herbs and then wrapped the bandaged around the wound.She gathered some branches for a fire,and then quickly arranged them in a pile.Then she called upon her fire,and she lit the branches.The flames flickered hungerly and began to devour the branch feast laid before them.She stayed up the entire night,thinking.'Zane can't go back to the village,but I may have to they seem like nice people but......'She glanced up at the sky,watching as the sun rose.As it rose her eyes began to close and soon she was asleep.

Zane awoke to a pain in his shoulder,he slowly sat up and saw the dieing embers of a fire.He turned to his left and saw Lily,leaning back against a tree and her eyes closed.'No one ever will trust me.....'Zane thought to himself and he snapped.'O'kasis,is where I belong and where I always have belonged as high priest.'He looked a Lily a his gaze colder,'To announce my return I might as well do what I have always done.Kill useless pawns,and I think this one has over lived.'Zane smiled evilly,it was good to be home.He stood,ignoring any pain and grabbed Lily's dagger.He brought it down hard,and he sealed his heart.He turned and left the dagger in Lily,she could bleed out for all he cared.She was only a useless pawn anyway.Something in him broke,he had just stabbed Lily.His only friend.The only one who ever trusted him from the beginning.Ever.

Lily felt pain in the darkness of sleep.She couldn't wake up,but she felt it.She felt like she was dieing,slowly and painfully.She was ridged and slowly the color was draining from her,'W-what i-is h-happening?'She questioned herself in her mind.

She ran threw the woods,Garroth at her side and Thorgi running on her other side.'Why would she run off with Zane?Doesn't she know he is dangerous?'She shook her head slightly,knowing the girl needed to be found soon before something happened to her.She the realized Garroth was not beside her.She stopped,and turned.THE GIRL!Garroth was pressing his hands down onto a wound on her chest.She ran over and dug threw the girls pack and found some bandages. She gave them to Garroth who the proceeded to wrap up the wound.

"We need to get her back to Phoenix Drop fast."he said looking at Lord Aphmua. She nodded and Garroth picked up the girl,Lily I think Zane called her.She carried Lily bridal style and ran,Lord Aphmua and Thorgi following.Dashing to Lord Aphmua's house he rushed to the room she had been in previously startling Zoey. She turned and then grabbed some medical stuff and got to work.I just backed out of the room,I felt out of my element here.Threw the helm that covered my face I could tell Lily was very pale.She had probably been bleeding for a while......

Zane did this to her.He knew it.It was his job to protect innocent people,even if they just entered the village.Zane will pay.

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