Phoenix Drop

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Author's Note:So when I start a new paragraph I will switch people's perspectives in this story,but if a conversation is started up it will stay in the persons perspective paragraph unless it changes perspectives,just thought I should inform you readers of that.

Darkness was all that Lily could see,there was no sound.No light.No nothing.She almost flinched as her eyes opened slowly,she felt dizzy.What she saw didn't help much.Zane had out his sword and people,armed people had them trapped.She wanted to rise up and help him,but she couldn't stop her eyes from closing and darkness claimed her once more.

'I'm home...Has much happened while I was gone?Is Garroth and Ice still alive?'Zane shook his head to clear it,he needed to concentrate on the present.He could worry about this all later,right now he needed to get Lily somewhere safe.To one of the villages that had a kind Lord and kind people.' they not recognize me?'Even if they did they showed no sign of knowing who I am.So they must not,good."Why is the girl knocked out?"Zane looked at the man speaking,it showed some respect.Any might help him get out of here,with Lily."She's my friend and we where attacked.I managed to chase away the person before any more harm could come to her.I have been trying to get her to a village."He told them.The speaker nodded,as if thinking over the possibility."Our apologizes."The man finally said again and they left the guards only job was to make sure people where alright not help.Zane sighed,and sheathed his blade.He grabbed Lily and began to carry her bridal style,he didn't know where he was so he just hopped he was walking towards a village..This was going to be a long walk.

Lily slowly opened her eyes,almost immediately closing them again.From the brief glance at the world she just saw stone.She let out a groan and sat up with some difficulty."She's awake,go get her companion."She hear someone say.Lily looked for the voice's owner and found it to be a elf..."Where am I?"Lily asked hoping for something more descriptive that the name of the place."Phoenix Drop."Was all the elf said before turning back to a table.She saw potions and a small rack of them.Her eyes darted to the door as she heard it open,she saw Zane come threw it and some guard.Or what she assumed one."My name is Garroth."The guard said introduction himself."Z-Zane how did we get here?"She asked nervously,she really didn't want to be to specific and ask something like,What planet are we on?They would think she was insane. Garroth turned to Zane the moment his name was said,"HOW DARE YOU COME HERE!"He shouted angerly. Lily's eyes widened,"W-W-What?"She stuttered.The elf spread her arms almost instinctivly and some sort of barrier was brought into existance,it seperated Zane and Garroth from Lily and the elf.Lily began to panic,she knew almost nothing of her location and Zane was in trouble.She was only 7 she really shouldn't have to deal with this stuff for crying out loud.She glanced down at her self quickly really with no reason, and almost just screamed 'SCREW LIFE.'She was the size of a 12 year old,did this mean she was 12?How had this happened!?She looked back up and saw Zane pinned to a wall by Garroth.She summoned the air begging it to aid here.It came at full force helping her up and to her feet,she then threw herself at the barrier,"LEAVE ZANE ALONE!"She shouted angerly.She didn't care that is sounded like a child.Zane had saved her,maybe now it was time she saved Zane.Garroth looked at her for a moment,he grip loosened.Zane slipped away and ran,at least he had gotten away.The barrier dissapired and Garroth approached her."Zane is a threat to Phoenix Drop,and as head guard  it is my job to protect this village."He informed her.Lily narrowed her eyes,"Zane has saved my life twice,Garroth."Garroth became thoughtful for a moment,Lily could tell."Zane turned Alexis,a baby,into a full grown woman that was a shadow knight."Garroth said trying to reason with the girl.Lily stood,and dashed past him.Up a flight of stairs and just wherever there was a hallway or whatever.She had spotted her stuff by at door.She grabbed it as she ran by and pushed the door open before slamming it shut behind her.She then ran into the woods,away from Phoenix Drop.

Garroth quickly sent Dale after the girl,she probably was hit to hard in the head.Zane saving someone's life?He would bet his life that this was some lie he had brought that poor girl to believe.Garroth spotted Lord Aphmua walking towards her house,and he intercepted her to tell her that the girl ran."Why did she?"She asked."She said Zane saved her,twice."Garroth started."I then told her about what he had done to Alexis.She then ran,I think she took her stuff."Lord Aphmua frowned,as if recalling memory's of what Alexis had turned into.She shook herself before looking back at Garroth."I sent Dale to look for her,and....Zane's back.He's the one that brought her here in the first place."Garroth watched silently as Lord Aphmua went quiet.He felt like telling her everything would be okay,to treat her like a child for a moment.She had taken a lot of stress upon her,she deserved some peace.

Zane watched the two converse,and decided that this was the time to speak,"I'm not who I once was Garroth."He said I softly,he now felt like what he had done had been monstrous.He felt like a monster.He watched as Garroth whipped around and he almost flinched as Lord Aphmua called Brian to her side.She sounded so angry.....but she had a right.Garroth drew his sword,and before Lord Aphmua could even tell Garroth to attack or stand back he had lunged forward.He would not fight back,if this was to be his fate so be it.He looked into Garroth's eyes,he saw the ferocity,and a bit of confusion.Then instead of seeing Garroth's blue eyes he saw blue hair.Lily's blue hair to be exact.

Lily held up her sword and both of them where at a standstill,they where matched in there strength.A look of surprise crossed Garroth face."I don't know what Zane did in the past but he saved me,and I am not delusional or crazy."She spat at him.Her rage was uncontrollable,and she let it rage.She let it flow threw her,she wanted Garroth away from Zane now."Lily..your the only one who has every trusted me and cared."she heard Zane whisper.She was almost certain no one else had heard that.Suddenly Brian was there,and he stuck at Lily.Lily couldn't move her sword away or Garroth's would hit her,'dear lord please no.'"NO!"Zane shouted and darted forward.He didn't have time to draw his sword,he just took the blow.

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