Into The Nether

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Lily stumbled and almost fell down until Lord Aphmua steadied her,this place was unlike anything she had ever seen before.She looked down at what she was standing on and discovered that is was a reddish block she didn't know the name of."Where do we even start looking....this place is huge!"Lord Aphmua exclaimed.Lily looked up,and saw that she was right."There is probably some sort of fortress around here."Lily guessed,and they both walked forward."That's probably where we should start."Lord Aphmua said a large fortress literally right in front of them."Lets go then."Lily said,and Lord Aphmua pulled out her pickax and started making a path down to the fortress.Once they reached the level of the fortress they both became cautious and slowly made their way forwards.Lord Aphmua used some of the red block material that she had minded to make a path,to replace a grayish sand like stuff that was hard to walk over.It was clear that she was planning a exit or something that they could use for a quick escape if needed.They made it onto a drawbridge,sounds where echoing all around the Nether making Lily rather jumpy.The Drawbridge seemed to be made of stone,and Lily could see people dressed in red armor at the end of the bridge guarding the entrance."You ready?"Lily asked Lord Aphmua unsheathing Lithem,her blade sparkled slightly now having bits of diamonds in the iron."As ready as I'll ever be."Lord Aphmua replied and they both began to advance swords out and raised.As soon as they got close to the entrance,the two red armored people came at them swords out,they where yellow surprisingly.The one on the left came at Lily and lunged trying to be quick.Lily sidestepped just in time avoiding it,she countered then with a lunge of her own and managed to break some of his armor with a powerful swing.She stumbled backwards and quickly regained her fighting stance,waiting for her enemy to come to her.She allowed herself a quick glance to see how Lord Aphmua was faring,she was doing fine.Dodging attacks and focusing on wearing down his armor.She looked at her enemy and cursed silently.She barley managed to block the guys sword.Lily pushed forward,testing how strong her enemy was and found that she wasn't going to force him backwards any time soon.She darted away from him and he followed,she then preformed a move she had practiced in the weeks of her recovery.She ducked down low and spun,almost falling to the ground having gotten out of practice with the difficult move.She managed to maintain the spin and knock her opponent down then she swiftly stood and killed him.She looked over at Lord Aphmua and saw her enemy on the ground defeated as well.Both girls searched the men and took anything useful,"That's a blaze."Lord Aphmua then warned looking threw the entrance."Seemingly were going to be fighting a lot threw out this mission."Lily commented,and both girls moved forward cautiously."Is it even going to attack?"Lord Aphmua whispered more to herself than to anyone.Right as she said that the Blaze came at them,and Lily swung her sword at it.She felt heat radiation from the strange flying creature,and out of the corner of her eye she could see Lord Aphmua swinging at the 'Blaze' to.It went down easier than the entrance guards surprisingly,and Lily picked up it's remains which was blaze rods."Where do we go now?"Lily asked as she regained her breath from the two fights they had just fought."Lets head that way."Lord Aphmua decided and she lead the way Lily following not to far behind.Lord Aphmua had picked a staircase,and Lily soon had decided that stairs where one of her worst enemy's.The next room they came across contained two zombie pigmen as Lord Aphmua called them,and three red armored guys.They moved in Lily hoping to take them by surprised,but their senses seemed to be sharp and when they got close they spun and came at them.Lily ended up having two of the three on her,so she had to concentrate on not getting torn to shreds by their strange yellow swords.Lily got a lucky hit to one guys neck,and was glad to only have one then to deal with,she quickly eliminated her last enemy as Lord Aphmua finished off the third guy.After they defeated all the red armored people they moved on,up even more stairs.Lord Aphmua and Lily came across a room,in the center was a shadow sort of thing that made a chill run down Lily's spine.Lord Aphmua entered the room first,and Lily followed.The thing didn't attack at first,until Lord Aphmua struck it.She must have felt the same way as Lily felt about it.It spoke in a voice that just made Lily freeze,she felt as if she had heard it before,and this scared her."My rein shall spread into the world.Man shall know no leader greater than I.No hope for the future will come,I will make sure of that!"The shadow being said with a laugh.Lily unfroze and lunged forward and hit it once or twice and it simply dissapired."Strange...."Lord Aphmua commented,seeming slightly shaken.Lily defenently was shaken from that experience.They both turned and saw the little wolf pup,in a cage and  they then ran over to her.Lord Aphmua took out her pickax and broke one of the iron bars,making a hole big enough so that the wolf pup could get out.Kiva looked frightened and asked,"Are you people one of them?.....Wait,you smell like Lowell.."Lord Aphmua soothed the pup,"No were not,were here to save you Kiva."THANK YOU FOR SAVING ME!I just want to go's so scary here."The little she wolf said shaking slightly."Don't worry were going to take you home,are you hurt?"Lily asked/reassured."I'm okay,the monsters where trying to use me as a sacrifice to make that scary shadow stronger but some masked man told them to hold off....He looked different.."Kiva answered,and stopped shaking as if she was now more curious to why the strange masked man had done that than scared."Sacrifice?Masked man?...Wait...THE LORD!Where is he?"Lord Aphmua asked."The Lord!He was taken by the masked man,he was so brave and tried to help me out of here too when he got captured...When the masked man came here and saw he was here he said something about 'not having to go and kidnap him himself',then knocked him out and took the Lord with him...The Masked Man looked so nice at first...but he was scary."Kiva reveled."What...this is just...Lets get you home first."Lord Aphmua decided."Please it's so hot here and I'm thirsty and scared...thank you again."Kiva said and Lily then picked her up in a golden lasso."Lets get out of here."Lily said."Yeah."Lord Aphmua agreed and they headed out of the room.They quickly retraced their steps and ran out onto the bridge,and Lord Aphmua yelped upon seeing a large flying white thing,"GHAST!"This so called 'Ghast' began to shoot fireballs at them,in which Lily dodged and Lord Aphmua shot the things back at it probably by deflecting it with that large demonic broadsword she found.She managed to aim the fireballs back at the ghast,and Lily admitted it was a good example of using the enemy's weapon against them,and soon the ghast was slain by its own fireballs.Lily and Lord Aphmua ran as fast as they could to the portal then,ignoring any other zombie pigmen and just running.When the portal came into view,Lily saw someone and Lord Aphmua seemed to as well.Lily then recognized him from the village guard."Zenix what are you doing here?We thought you dissapired!Wait a minute...what do you have in your hand?"Lord Aphmua asked seeming really surprised,then again Lily was to.Zenix turned and looked at them,before dashing into the portal."Zenix wait!"Lord Aphmua called,and Lily and her ran into the portal after him.

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