Meh Lava

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Lord Aphmua and Lily wander around the wolf village,looking for the broken portal and keeping a lookout for random lava.Water wouldn't be to hard to find as there was a river not to far from the village.Lily almost died for 'cuteness overload' when she saw a newly born wolf pup.Finally Lily and Lord Aphmua came upon another cave like place,and found a elder wolf.The portal was broken yes but the area around it had seemingly fading beauty."This shine used to be scared,where many flowers would bloom.Now this place is filled with sorrow,the flowers don't bloom for us.We attempted to taint the land with our rage........our weakness.When you are ready human place the obsidian in the missing spots and light the insides with fire.We don't know what awaits you in the Nether,but be prepared."The elder said looking towards the portal.They left the elder then to go get lava and water to make obsidian,luckily they didn't have to go mining for diamonds for a pick.Lord Aphmua stole lava from the Alpha's cave,even though there was a wolf that told her not to,it was for a good reason.Lily got the water and then the two girls came together and formed the obsidian and Lord Aphmua began to mine it."So Lily,you seemed to fly out of your bed when Garroth had pinned Zane against a wall can you explain to me how you did that?"Lord Aphmua asked.Lily was unprepared,she had thought no one had noticed her almost full out flying,or floating because she was using the wind to help her."Um....That's hard to explain."Lily finally said."How so?"Lord Aphmua cautiously pressed."Well.."Lily went silent,she was trying to decide to tell her or to make up some excuse.Would a magics user be able to control the wind?She probably shouldn't reveal that she could use fire even if she did tell Lord Aphmua.Lily took a breath and began her long explanation,"I'm not from here,meaning this planet I think I don't even know its name but anyway I come from a place called Elemental.It's normally referred to as Earth but that's beside the point.There are prophecy there and first there are just calling prophecys,to gather the people.Then they must journey to the Cave Of The Elements.There the actual prophecy is told,mine was....."Lily went silent,she had spent so many nights just lying awake pondering over the meaning of those words..."What is yours?If you don't mind me asking."Lord Aphmua asked."I would rather not tell it....Anyway people that are involved in a prophecy normally have powers,there are Elementals who represent them if they aren't represented and someone has there power the element becomes unstable from my understanding.I can control air and fire,also when my sister and I are connected we can summon lightning like my mother Lightningpool could...."Lily sighed finishing and then she just cried.She didn't try and stop the tears that came,she missed Lightningpool,Tiger,Float,Zane,Willow,Light,and the elementals.Even Rain.She put her head in her hands,and then she felt a hand on her shoulder.She knew it was Lord Aphmua,and she left her comfort her.Soon her tears subsided and she whispered,"Thanks Lord Aphmua.""Think nothing of it,now are you prepared for the Nether?We got all the obsidian we need."She asked.Lily stood and unsheathed Lithem,"Let me reinforce Lithem with some of those diamonds you gave me first."Lily answered.Lord Aphmua nodded.Lily went and sat beside the river near the village and began to work while Aphmua went to tell them that she was done getting obsidian.Lily soon finished reinforcing her sword and went to meet Lord Aphmua.The portal was fixed and Lily stepped closer to the portal and summoned fire,and quickly lit the portal before extinguishing it.The portal flared to life and they both jumped in.

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