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When they arrived Lily felt awed,she hadn't even know these sorts of creatures existed.It would be surprising to anyone who knew she wasn't from here about the fact that she didn't completely freak out when she found out that there where werewolves.They had a big main cave like thing,and their huts reminded her of Indians.They where made out of hay,and wood.Some even had little lanterns hanging from them,the village itself felt calm and protected.Like Phoenix Drop,like a thriving society.It was still night,and Lord Aphmua was kinda talking to herself about finding information on the Lord of Bright Port and talking about the werewolves.Lord Aphmua and Lily approached the main cave,and Lily let Lord Aphmua do the talking."I apologize for my behavior from before.It's just...anger has always been our peoples weakness.Be it our animal instinct or just something we've inherited from our ancestors,we're weak when it comes to rage."The Alpha said when Lord Aphmua walked up to him." leads us all to rash decisions."Lily thought to herself,then realized she had just spoken aloud."Yes,it does."The Alpha wolf agreed looking at her,he seemed pleased that she understood."We're not dead so we're even."Lord Aphmua joked."Your humor makes me laugh!Hah..ha."The werewolf's laugh seemed a bit strange but then again it was a werewolf,weird was to be expected.Lord Aphmua then laughed as she said,"Huehuehue!"Lily held in a laugh not exactly wanted to bring attention to herself,Lord Aphmua was trying to get information."Aphmua is it ?Your Lily I think?Anyway thank you both for bringing Lowell home,he is one of the two last pure-blooded werewolf cubs.He means a lot to our kind."The Alpha thanked."What does that mean?"Lord Aphmua asked seeming genuinely confused."Pure blood means that he doesn't transform into human.He was born from parents who both shared the same trait.The rest of our tribe was bitten and welcomed home when they where exiled from there villages for being well.....werewolves."The Alpha explained."That's terrible..."Aphmua said,she seemed to be confused on the fact that people drove bitten people out."It's life,I can't say my own people are pure of heart either.We've had are moments in history,but enough of that.We're different now and now only use our arms for those who have wronged us.Also your 'Bright Port' has taken not one but TWO of our kind."The Alpha said ending his little history of werewolves lesson."What?What do you mean!?"Lord Aphmua exclaimed."Our brother Visher.....was brutally burned and his body...his body was buried outside of town.We picked up his sent and dug him up,then gave him a proper burial.He didn't deserve the burial those people gave him."Alpha explained,his ears drooped slightly on this subject.Lord Aphmua's eyes widened in surprise,was everything eventually revolving around Visher?"VISHER!?Visher was a werewolf?"Lily was really confused at this point,she still didn't know who this 'Visher' was."Who is Visher Lord Aphmua?"Lily asked,really wanted to be brought out of the darkness."Visher came to Phoenix Drop before you showed up Lily,and Brendan had worked really hard to build these docks for the village.The next morning the docks had been exploded and Visher had been there at the wrong moment it seemed,and ended up exploding with it."Lord Aphmua explained seeming a bit surprised,"I thought you knew,the way you shouted at Merida.""I just picked up things from your conversations."Lily explained and Lord Aphmua had this OHHHHHHHHHH moment.The Alpha then decided to take this moment of silence between Lord Aphmua and Lily to answer Lord Aphmua's question,"Yes.He married a woman who accepted him for himself and his altered form,John doesn't show any signs of turning into a werewolf nevertheless he smells of are kind.He's always welcomed here despite his appearance,regardless Visher was murdered by his own kind.We aim to avenge him,we came to the village to find the murderer but haven't picked up a thing."Lord Aphmua looked surprised yet again,"You where looking for the murder in Bright Port?""Now we know we made a grave mistake if he was murdered in your village,I should have listen to the Lord of Bright Port."Alpha sighed,probably regretting his past decision."Wait where is the Lord?"Lily asked."The Lord of Bright Port...He is a kind man,of great healing magics...and great stupidity."The Alpha said,really telling them nothing,still.'When are we going to be told his location!?'Lily wondering getting a little frustrated."Great stupidity?"Lord Aphmua repeated confused."...A few days ago we sought to take are vengeance on Bright Port,not only for what they did to Visher but for the unfair treatment we've had to endure all these years.Even though we currently have a peace treaty between our tribe and their village,they used to slaughter our kind for food and clothing - we wished to make them pay.We used dark magics to erect a structure known as the Nether Portal in order to summon demons from the depths of hell,foolishly thinking we could control them.As we did the Lord of Bright Port interrupted our ceremony and tried to explain to us what had happened...we didn't believe him."The Alpha began to explain."Then what..."Lord Aphmua seemed unsure if she really wanted to know what happened next."Then...our one pure female werewolf was taken by a demon from the Nether.The Lord bravely jumped in after her but it was to late,the creature has already destroyed pieces of the portal causing the portal the shut off...we don't have any more obsidian to reconstruct it."The Alpha finished."Leave it to us,we'll fix the portal and save them!"Lord Aphmua declared." both would be so kind as to save them?You know both the Lord and our werewolf pup Kiva....might be dead."Alpha warned."It's what we do."Lily said."Your kindness will not go unrewarded.Inside my safe you'll find a chest full of supplies.Please if you both do this take what you need and bring them both back safe.If you do this I'll make sure to make peace with the village.....for now."The Alpha promised.The Alpha wolf turned away from them and Lily and Lord Aphmua had a quick discussion on the fact that they didn't know where the safe was.It ended when Lily spotted it in a corner of the cave.They walked up to it and Lord Aphmua opened it,she pulled out multiple diamonds some fish,bones,ore,wood,and some potions."Here Lily."Lord Aphmua said handing her two fish,a potion,and seven diamonds.'I could use the diamonds to upgrade Lithem.'Lily thought,"Thanks."They both turned to exit the cave,Lord Aphmua talking to herself about how they would get obsidian when another wolf began to speak to them."Mu husband is the Alpha wolf.His name is Boldolf,he tells-tells me you know Kiki,she is a amazing woman for a human."How does he know Kiki?"Lily asked as Lord Aphmua was occupied with figuring out how they would get obsidian."Long ago when Boldolf was a wolf cub,he was to be slaughtered by hunters.Kiki then-then saved him by releasing him from captivity,but she paid a great price and was hurt by the hunters she freed him from.Boldolf helped save her in return but they didn't escape without wounds.He brought her back he and we helped nurse her back to health."She explained."Wow....what happened next?"Lily asked getting curious."She then-then lived among us and learned our ways,she became one with nature and befriended Boldolf.She was but a child then and her family missed their human cub,we took her back and she then left Boldolf her little rabbit she carried with her.Boldolf returned it as he couldn't be attacked to sentimental items since he was to be Alpha one day."The wolf explained."Should we give him back the doll?"Lily asked."I should-should say no,he is the Alpha male and cannot be seen with it.It is good you have it,maybe you could do something with it later and help someone else.Right now-now you should focus on what you are here to do,you both will save our youngest female yes?I heard,go and prepare.Please."She answered."One more thing,what is your name?"Lily asked."It's Khira,now go prepare."Khira urged.Lord Aphmua looked up,seeming to be done conversing with herself and both girls exited the cave.

Author's note:Dear lordy typing everything they say to each other and adding some just takes forever!(Not really but it feels like it you know?)Anyway I hope you enjoyed this chapter!


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