When Werewolves Attack

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Night came and so Lily and Lord Aphmua made there way to the docks,and they spotted some wolves."You think those are Lowell's parents?"Lord Aphmua asked."That's our best bet so lets go."Lily answered.She felt like she should draw her sword just in case as they approached but she felt that it could be taken as a threat so she just prepared to grab it if needed.Lord Aphmua started talking almost immediately,"Hi I-I have your pup here.He's perfectly fine,here."She said and then brought out the golden lasso and brought him out."Now I have some questions I need to ask you."The largest wolf stared at her for a moment before snarling,"DIE HUMANS!"Lily drew her sword and got in front of Lord Aphmua,she was a guard after all.It's what she was suppose to do right?Anyway the wolves attacked,and Lily tried to keep them away from Lord Aphmua while not attacking them much.They needed information still.The largest wolf lashed out at Lily,and she wasn't able to doge.She was thrown to the ground and the Alpha Lily guessed lunged at Lord Aphmua.Then he stopped,sniffing."Wait.....that sent..........."The wolf said almost unsure."WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU ATTACKED US!?"Lord Aphmua shouted,confused."Stand down human.That sent.....are you......do you......do you have a doll on you by any chance?"The wolf then asked.Lily stood and walked over to Lord Aphmua's side,not sheathing her sword.Lord Aphmua brought out a bunny doll.'That's a strange thing to be caring around....'Lily thought wondering where she got it,then she remembered her own rabbit,Carrott that was in her bag this very moment....."Kiki?You don't look like Kiki,who are you and why do you have my friends doll?"The wolf demanded."Kiki's our friend."Lord Aphmua explained."I see.......Kiki gave this to you.When I was a pup.....she saved my life and gave me this doll.I gave it back to her when....Human thank you for returning our pup,it's not often we find people as nice as you two and Kiki."The wolf said quietly,and if recalling a memory."Yeah.."Lord Aphmua says then mutters to herself,"He seems to be the Alpha wolf,should I call him that?..."Lord Aphmua then ended a sort of awkward silence that had begun,"Alpha,do you know anything about the Lord of Bright Port's dissapirence?""The Lord of Bright Port?We know where he is,but we did not take him.If you both promise not to slaughter our home then we can help you."The Alpha responded."I promise."Lord Aphmua said,and Lily lowered her blade and repeated her Lord's words,"I Promise.""Good follow us then.We'll explain everything to you both at the place we call home."The Alpha wolf promised."So this stupidly cute bunny doll saved us."Lord Aphmua noted,the wolves seemed uninterested in any more conversation for the moment since they seemed to be ignoring her words."Thank you both for saving me,I'm so happy to be free!"Lowell exclaimed happily looking from Lily to Lord Aphmua."Lets go then."Lily said to Lord Aphmua and they both followed the wolves.

Author's Note:Today I was told something I think is pretty cool,so I am just gonna share it with you'll awesome readers.So one of my best friends(not saying her name because privacy!)grandma's has Wattpad,and she apparently found this story and told my friend she really liked it.Then my friend told me!It may not seem very cool but to me it's amazing!Anyway onto something I need to explain about the story,and how it's going along the Minecraft Diaries story line.I am going to skip over the parts that have already happened and connect the time in some way if that makes sense.What has already happened though is that Lord Aphmua got Levin,and Zane came and turned Alexis(a little baby for you people who don't know) into a fully grown woman Shadow Knight.So yeah,besides that the things shall be happening alone the story line.

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