John And Azura The Chatterbox Twins

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Lily and Lord Aphmua kinda just barged into Merida and John's house again and walked up to John."You got him?THIS IS WONDERFUL!Well wait until night for his parents to come.Keep him safe with you but don't show him to anyone.His parents show up outside of town,come to me at night and I'll tell you more.This means so much to me,we've known each other for a very long time-I don't want my friend to end up on a plaque!"Little John said to Lord Aphmua smiling happily.Both of them then exited the house,"Lets find somewhere to sleep for now,I doubt he means tonight."Lord Aphmua said."Yeah I kinda guessed that to."Lily agreed.They found a place to sleep and when they woke they patiently waited for night before they began to look."There nowhere."Lily noted,they had gone around the entire town perimeter.As well as gotten to know some of the citizens better."Lets go talk to John."Lord Aphmua said,and Lily and her went to talk to John."My mommy wont let me outside dad,well you know.Anyway sorry its taking so long to get in contact with Lowell's parents.I thought they would be here last night but....I think something happened.I'm sure they'll arrive tonight-if not you may have to go find them.""Who's Lowell?"Lord Aphmua asked,Lily was pretty sure that it was the wolf pup."The little wolf pup silly!"John answered laughing a little,and Lily smiled a bit finding this funny as well."Oh!So um where do I meet his parents?"Lord Aphmua asked."You can meet his parents around the docks at night.Be careful when you approach them though,there not very happy with the people of this village and tend to attack anyone that isn't me or my mom...."John answered and looked at the floor."Why don't they attack you?"Lord Aphmua then asked,this was becoming a ask and answer game......Lily was getting kinda bored."Heh,heh,heh well its kinda a long story and I don't want to tell it right now.Not with my mom in the house.Anyway,it might be best if you just hung around town today-maybe do something productive."Little John said,and Lord Aphmua suddenly remember the information on the Lord,"Hey arn't you going to give me some information on the missing Lord?""Oh!Thats right I almost forgot!Sorry I got excited that you found Lowell...So,you need to talk to the wolf parents about that they know something about it."John exclaimed."Wait did they take him?"Lord Aphmua asked,just to make sure."What!?NO!Why does everyone here think the werewolves are the bad guys here!? me don't judge them by how they look...I mean sure they get a little aggressive..."John broke off going quiet."What's wrong?"Lord Aphmua asked concerned."My mom is looking over here.You'll just have to trust me.Tell them John sent you and goodbye..thank you so much again."John whispered and gave them a small push towards the door.John stepped back hurriedly,having seen his mom approach,and Lily and Lord Aphmua prepared for the worst from her."I think it's best you leave my house now.You're up to something with my son,and I don't appreciate you going behind my back to involve my boy in something that could possibly cause him to end up like my husband!Who's killer you still haven't found any leads on!GET OUT!"She ranted her voice raising with each word.Lily felt her anger rise and she found herself shouting,"IT'S KINDA HARD TO DO THAT WHEN THE DOCKS BLEW UP,THAT'S HOW VISHER DIED!SOMEONE BLEW UP THE DOCKS AND HE HAPPENED TO BE THERE!WHOEVER DID IT LEFT NO TRACE AND IF HE OR SHE DID IT WAS BLOWN UP ALONG WITH THE DOCKS AND VISHER!"Lily then grabbed Lord Aphmua's wrist and got the heck out of there."Okay I kinda just exploded in there sorry Lord Aphmua."Lily apologized knowing she had kinda lost her head."It's find Lily,she did go a bit far in my opinion,lets got talk to Azura."Lily nodded and they both went to find Azura,eventually doing so."Did you find anything?"Azura asked hope crossing her features."Yes,but I'll have to do some more digging first."Lord Aphmua said.Azura sighed in some relief,progress was being made."That's wonderful tell me everything!"Azura said."I found a footprint."Lord Aphmua said,to which Lily sighed.In her opinion it would probably have been best to tell Azura the truth,even if tensions where high between the two peoples."Interesting,where?I'll go investigate it immediately."Azura said."Ummm......At the Hunter's house yeah."Lord Aphmua said,not having expected to be questioned on where maybe.'Please buy that dear Lady Irene,great I am already praying the way they do or whatever.I really need to find Tigerlily's amulet and find a way to get home.....Or maybe I will just come across it if I just stay at Phoenix Drop......I'll think about this later.'Lily mused."In Omar's house?Omar the hunter...?Well it's his house I don't know why there wouldn't be any footprints.Unless you mean a werewolf footprint,he's been hunting those bastards for the town.I have a feeling they took the Lord but I have no proof,regardless they've taken people from us before,but I thought we had a peace treaty....ugh,never mind.It's politics and I don't do that-I'm a guard, skilled in the art of combat,not negotiations.In any case,I'll go investigate Omar....Now that I think about it he might know something.Thanks."Azura said,defently a mouthful."Have...Have you heard about Garroth?"Lily asked sensing that Lord Aphmua and Azura's conversation ended."No.I have sent a raven to you'll s village to bring back word though.I'll let you'll know if anything bad happens.I-I care for Garroth."Azura said,before she began to study the grass beneath her feet."What's the story there?"Lord Aphmua asks,curious as always."The 'story' between me and Garroth?We lived in the same village way back when we grew up together.Even attended the same swordsman camp in order to become guards.However when we where assigned are villages Lord's we where split up,I had been hoping to stay by his side as a apprentice but my skill far exceeded that of a novice."Azura explained,still speaking in large mouthfuls at a time."Do you know anything about Zenix?"Lord Aphmua then questioned,which confused Lily.Who was Zenix?"Zenix?You must mean Garroth's knight apprentice.Every knight takes on one in there life.I don't know much about him,nor does Garroth.All I know,or all I've heard is that Garroth found him beaten and wounded.He took him in and gave him shelter and from then on he pledged himself to Garroth.That's all I know."Azura again answered,'Can she stop answering with such long responses?'Lily asked herself."All right thanks,I'll keep a lookout for the Lord."Lord Aphmua said,basically ending the conversation."Take care Aphmua,please.......don't get yourself hurt.If might be the future of Bright Port should are Lord........I don't even want to think about it."Azura said and then looked away.Lord Aphmua walked away from that area and Lily followed and they got onto the topic of John."John is pretty mature for his age....that kinda worrys me."Lord Aphmua said."Some kids are just like that,sometimes its a huge relief to parents."Lily stated."Still...."Lord Aphmua went silent and they then did productive stuff.To wait for nightfall.

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