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Seven Years ago:

Glynda Goodwitch looked around the abandoned down with a grimace on her face. This was a result of Grimm and the entire town was killed. Lots of innocent souls were killed by those heartless monsters who still roam this land...all lead by her. 

She was cut off from these thoughts when she heard something in one of the alleyways. So she raised her weapon and was about to strike when an eleven year old boy stumbled out of it. 

"Are you alright?" She asked.

"A..Are you going to hurt me?" The boy asked. This question made her heart ache, what happened to this boy to make him react like this, but she should ask this question later. For now, she had to calm down this frightened boy.

"No. I'm not going to hurt you." Glynda said. The boy was still scared of her, but she can see that the eased himself down a little. That was a good sign, but she still wanted to do more to help him.

"Where are your parents?" She asked. 

"They are back in their house with my sisters." The boy said while some tears collected behind his eyes. This was strange behavior for a boy this young. It was, she shouldn't jump to conclusions.

"Do you want to go back to them?" Glynda asked.

"No." The boy said which only made her fears grow. She would ask him more, but he was probably hungry and needed medical attention. So she quickly scooped up the boy and walked to the nearest bullhead. Unaware that this moment would change her life in more ways than she ever imagined.

Meanwhile, a family of nine stood in a police building with multiple glares on them. It has been days since their son went missing and the police were no closer to finding him. It didn't help that multiple witnesses saw them drag their son/brother out of the house and locked the door behind them. 

"Who's bright idea was it to lock Lincoln out of the house in front of our neighbors?" Lori whispered so the police wouldn't hear her. Who knew that one mistake would cause major consequences on their entire family? Everyone of them were nervous since they never thought that anyone would snitch on them. They especially didn't think that they would be accused of killing their own flesh and blood since he disappeared without a trace. 

"Who cares? Right now, we should focus on finding Lincoln before things get worse." Luan whispered back. The girls nodded and tried to find their brother only for seven years to pass without a single lead.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter...Bye 👋

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