Chapter Five

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I don't own the pictures used...they belong to their creators. Also I fixed the description and the info page.

When the sisters finally arrived at the police station, they were sitting in the waiting room. This was their worst nightmare come true : First, they lost Lincoln and Lily then watched their parents get arrested. And to add into everything news of what they did was already spreading throughout the town. 

"Lori, I'm scared for our future." Leni said.

"I'm scared too. It's funny that we all thought that this was a brilliant idea and now..." Lori started to say until Lynn spoke up.

"Come on...Everything will go back to normal when Mom and Dad explain everything." Lynn said and then the girls heard:


Causing the girls to look at Lynn Junior with angered expressions on their faces.

"So everything will go back to normal now?" Lori said sarcastically. Lynn opened her mouth to reply when the door slammed open and a man walked out towards them.

"Are you the Loud children?" The chief said.

"Y..Yes." Leni said.

"I'm going to brutally honest here and say that your parents are in serious trouble. Not only did they throw your brother out, but they had the gall to say that it was for their family's protection and safety." The chief said.

"But he ruined everything..." Lynn started to say until the chief said.

"In what way? Your brother was only eleven years old and your parents should have more common sense than to kick your brother out for such a ridiculous reason. Besides what made you think that doing this was a good idea?" The chief said.

"Well, he ruined my softball game and..." Lynn said.

"Are you serious? In sports, winning isn't everything. What matters is having fun and showing good sportsmanship to every time. Your brother was just there to support you and instead of thanking instead blame him for your loss." The chief said which made Lynn look down at the ground in shame. Meanwhile the chief also told the Louds that they could be separated due to the fact that none of them were over the age of eighteen yet. At the same time, Lincoln was enjoying breakfast when Toni said something that caused him to spit out the glass of milk that he was drinking.

"So.. You're having family problems?" She asked.

"Y..Yeah. To be honest, I do love them, but at the same time I wanted them to at least treat me like one of their own. Don't get me wrong...We did share good moments, but that doesn't excuse the fact that they treated me more like a second class citizen instead of their brother." Lincoln said.

"That's understandable. I mean....Your parents don't seem to have a tough bone in their body. Parents are supposed to guide and help their children grow, but instead of doing that they let their daughters take charge to everything escalating to the point of breaking the law." Toni said.

"What? They broke the law?" Lincoln said.

"Yes. You see...It's illegal for anyone to kick out a minor under the age of eighteen so yes...they broke the law, but they also broke several other laws well before this moment." Toni said.

"Wouldn't surprise me. But, I'm more worried about what my sisters might do once they learn the full consequences of their actions especially Lisa." Lincoln said.

"I'm sure that your sisters will be fine. However my husband and I really have to work on your self confidence and make sure that no one can take advantage of your sweet nature again." Toni said.

"Thanks. That's better than they ever taught me. I know that I was supposed to look after my sisters, but that doesn't mean that I should drop whatever I'm doing to help them out. Plus they sometimes try to control my life which includes my love life." Lincoln said.

"Why? You should be able to love who you want not who they pick." Toni said.

"That's what I was saying. I don't want to be in a relationship with my friend...I want to be with someone or people who will love me without being pushed into it." Lincoln said.

"You're a smart boy. It's too bad that your parents and sisters don't see that." Toni said.

"Yeah. But...I have a new family who will help me grow that part...if it's not too much trouble." Lincoln said. As the two continued to talk...they had no idea that Bruce was listening in and smiling. They were bonding with each other and hopefully with time and patience...

Lincoln may someday call them both Mom and Dad.

Hope you like the chapter...Bye 👋 

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