Chapter Six

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As Lincoln and Tori were bonding, Dixie and her sisters were having a serious discussion about their new brother (and future love interest). 

"Wow. I never thought that we would get a new step brother." Jasmine said.

"No one did. Which brings a more pressing matter to our attention..." Dixie said.

"Which is?" Dani said.

"That he's so respectable and charming that he'll end up with multiple girlfriends." Dixie said.

"What?" Tammy asked as the others looked at their older sister with a baffled expression on their faces.

"Think about it. Lincoln is eleven and treats girls with the respect that they deserve so...who's to stop others from sinking their claws into him." Dani said. 

"You make it sound like you love him." Jasmine said which caused their older sister to blush. 

"W..What? I don't love Lincoln like that?" Dani tried to deny. The others didn't say anything since they knew that everyone in this room gained a small crush on their newest adoptive brother at first sight. The girls also knew that others would also fall for their brother as well. Leaving them to think one thing:

This is going to be troublesome.

At the same time, the Loud sisters were finally able to see their parents who were ashamed of themselves for allowing things to get this far. 

"Girls!! We're so glad to see you." Lynn Senior said.

"We're glad to see you too." Lori said as she tried not to think about the other consequences coming their way. She could already imagine how the other citizens of Royal Woods would treat them. They'll be outcasts, friendless and would lose their jobs in a matter of days or if lucky weeks. Not to mention they would lose their lovers as well. A fact that caused her chest to hurt just thinking about the heartbreak that would come her way. 

"Girls, we messed up badly." Rita said.

"If it wasn't obvious enough." Luna said before Luan shoved her elbow into her sister. 

"What she means to say that we deserve anything that's coming our way. We should've used our heads and common sense instead of just relying on Lynn's words." Luan said.

"Yeah. Who knows if we will even stay together at the end of all this." Leni said.

"Don't say that honey. Your mother and I can fight this and everything will be straightened out." Lynn Senior said.

"Lynn. You and I both know that the police already know everything. We won't be able to win this without striking a plea deal." Rita said.

"But Rita.." Lynn Senior started to say until his daughter, Lisa, cut him off.

"Mom is right. A plea deal would give them a chance to get less time behind bars or even probation." Lisa said.

"What? That would be like them being quitters." Lynn said.

"Quiet Lynn. This is the best option for us to get out sooner than spending the rest of our lives in prison." Rita said.

"And after that...we can continue our search for Lincoln and Lily." Luna said which made everyone nod except for Lynn who was still thinking about her actions. She was wrong. Plain and simple, but she still couldn't see any sense of reason. She, Lynn Junior, was too stubborn to admit the truth that she messed up. 

Which is something that Lincoln pointed out to her time and time again. He told her that being this way would lead her to serious trouble yet she ignored him. He was a dork, a scrawny dork who didn't yet see the greatness that is (was) Lynn Junior. She had many trophies and awards and she wasn't going to spend her time listening to every warning that her brother tried to tell her.

I'm not wrong. He is bad luck. Right?

Meanwhile, Lincoln was enjoying some time with Toni before noticing that Bruce was standing behind him.

"Sorry to interrupt your moment, but we need to fully adopt Lincoln and Lily to our custody." Bruce said.

"That would take a while to get done later." Lincoln said as Toni sighed and went with her husband as Lincoln carried Lily to the dining room. 

"Linky!!" Lily said.

"Hi Lily. It's nice to have you back in my arms again." Lincoln said as he remembered his sisters and parents forbid him from touching his little sister saying:

You will only effect her with bad luck.

What a bunch of nonsense. He tried multiple times to get them to see reason yet it failed. They were all too stubborn for their own good which Lincoln knew would cause problems. Yet when he told them...they ignored his advice since he was the "talentless loser" and didn't know what he was talking about. 

"Sigh...If only they listened to me." Lincoln said as he sat down and turned the channel to a kids show. As this was going on...a certain redhead was heading over and was going to meet the guy who would knock her off her feet.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter...Bye 👋

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