hoan chinh cau

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IV. Sentence completion:

1. With the open account method of payment, after the goods have been shipped, the importer will send payment either immediately or monthly according to agreement

2. If there is a period of credit, the L/C is based on Documents against Acceptance terms

3. Capital goods are goods which are used to manufacture other goods

4. A business is producing far less than it could produce means it is producing under capacity

5. The lessee owns the equipment when the lease purchase agreement is due (hoặc: is end)

6. Much of the work in credit control depends on information about credit worthiness and credit status of the debtors

7. To obtain the maximum advantage of market, credit must be a good risk/ credit must be given to the customers

8. To pay current cost at the end of the month, it's important to make sure that the company have got enough money to avoid negative Cash flow position

9. Lease purchase differs from leasing in that the former is a kind of renting and buying at the same time while the latter is a kind of renting ...........

10. Capital invested in a company for joining a part of the management is ...venture capital .... (Giáo trình English for Banking 2, Trang 38, dòng 6)

11. The discount rates of an acceptance bill depend partly on the ...status... of accepting house and partly on the current ...interest rates prevailing .... at the time

12. The better known the accepting house the ...finer (/smaller/ lower) .... the discount rates

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