Chapter four

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Pyxis growled. She slammed a paw down on the ground.

As much as she wanted Amadeus to feel better she didn't want to leave the cave. Who knows what that damned shiny would do to the poor thing.

He had been abused, and she was expected to stay out of a cave when they could be doing the same to him that all those bitch Pokémon did?!

Pyxis exhaled deeply.

She took a chance to glanced back at her sister.

Her sister was kicking rocks around with a paw.

She glanced, locking eyes with Pyxis.

"So..." Vulpecula began as they padded through the undergrowth of the forest surrounding them.

Vulpecula squeezes through the prickly thorns,  wincing as she speaks.

"You made a new friend, huh?"

Pyxis glances forward, eyes locked on a couple of berry bushes ahead.

They might eat meat, but they could defiantly use those berries in order to heal wounds.

Her nose lifted in the air, jaw opening, sniffing the scent of prey and berries around her. She was totally avoiding the question.

It was so obvious she had made a new friend. Why did her sister have to point it out? Seems kind of she's planning something.

Her sister was a really competitive Litten. The only thing she wouldn't win at is rare color. That would be handed to a very weirdly purple Litten that lives nearby.

That Litten wasn't a part of their family.

There were tons of Litten groups out there. Hers was probably the nicest there was.

Pyxis was prodded with a paw.

She averted her eyes from the berries.

"Hmm?" She asked her sister, claws unsheathed. She dug her claws in the ground, moving the dirt around.

Vulpecula tipped her head at Pyxis with an undying curiosity.

Her face contorted with amusement as she gave her sister a look she knew too well.

Oh Arceus. She's got a plan in mind. What is it this time? Pyxis pondered, trying to hide both the concern for her sister's life and the slight weirded look she had.

"Why are you asking? We're you not there with me to see it for yourself?" Pyxis asked.

"I was!" Vulpecula snorted, rolling her eyes. "I was just thinking...he's a guy isn't he? I mean he looks like a girl-"

Anger sparked within Pyxis.

Amadeus might be a guy, but what he needs right now is a friend! Not a ship!

Pyxis shot an Ember out of her mouth at her sister.

"You talk about him like he's anything but a Pokémon!" She growled.

"Oh crap." Her sister remarked.

The other female Litten sprang up, avoiding the Ember attack with a look of surprise.

"I didn't mean it like that. You don't usually talk to others, Pyxis. What makes this Popplio different?"

Is she trying to change the subject?

Pyxis lashed her tail to the left.

She bared her fangs, ready to defend her new friend.

"Shut up." She growled, ready to say something else before her sister lifted a paw to her mouth.

"I know. I'm just saying that Popplio and you got to be friends really quickly. There's just something odd about that." Vulpecula meowed.

What the heck is she talking about? Sometimes friends become friends right away. There's nothing wrong with that is there?

"What d'ya mean?" She wondered was she lifted a paw.

She was prepared to go over to the bush and collect the berries located there.

She paused midstep.

"Nothing. Nothing! Forget I said anything. Let's just stay out of the elder's way." Vulpecula snarled as she kicked a rock across a tiny pool of water nearby.

Ugh. Sisters are weird, Pyxis thought as she bounced over to the bush, unfrozen from her statue position.

She wrapped her paw around the Oran Berry she was going to gather.

She plucked the berry, placing it between her paws. No Pokémon was going to take these berries. Not on her watch!

She gritted her teeth. Tons of Pokémon loves to surprise other Pokémon and take what wasn't theirs. It wasn't cool, Pyxis knew but she supposed some Pokémon didn't know what sharing was like.

She pressed the tip of her paw to another berry, Vulpecula watching as she picked the Pecha Berry.

It's fine. It's totally fine. There's no need to worry about him. The elder will take great care of him! She thought as she ripped a Rawst Berry off the bush, almost tearing it in half when she pulled it.

She huffed as she tossed it to the ground.

Vulpecula is just talking nonsense.

She picked another Oran Berry, placing it on a-

Wait a minute....the other berries were now gone.

"Vulpecula! Have you seen the berries I just picked?" She snapped, pointing to her paws.

"Nope. Might want to ask that bulky Charizard over there though. He's eating a ton of berries and scorching a lot of bushes." Vulpecula remarked, pointing with a claw.

"HEY! UGLY!" Pyxis snarled, back arching.

The Charizard turned to them, tail lashing, eyes blazing with hatred.

The Charizard clumsily lumbered over towards the two teenagers, smoke filling the air as he snorted.

"What?!" He growled, mouth full, eyes blazing with fury at the insult.

The berries that Pyxis had obviously picked were in his mouth. He was eating them!!

How dare he!

Pyxis knew this was the Charizard as soon as she gazed him in the eyes.

"Our berries!" She wailed. "You're eating them!"

The Charizard chuckled, rolling the disgusting goo in his mouth. "They were delicious too!"

The two Litten glared at him.

"What?" He asked, acting all innocent and obvious to what he did.

"You stole those berries!" Pyxis yowled, eyes turning red at the sight.

The Charizard laughed.

"So? There's tons more berries over there. And plus it's not like I would care about your kind. You stupid cats are next." He growled, spitting fire in Vulpecula's face.

"Ahhhh!!" Vulpecula cried pressing her paws to her face, shielding her eyes with a paw.

Amadeus laid still.

The shiny Incineroar was checking him over.

Probably one of the weirdest things that's ever happened to him. So uncomfortable.

He sighed as he laid his head down in the floor.

The shiny Incineroar rolled him on his back, checking his stomach and tutu for any wounds. There was really nothing. Just the usual bruise. Other than that he was fine.

The shiny Incineroar picked up his nub ears to look for any hidden wounds.

Amadeus flushes. She won't find anything there, he ponders as his eyes look around the room.

He didn't wish to make it more awkward than it already was. If he looked the old lady in the eyes it might have been more than enough to make it embarrassing for him.

The white tiger put a paw underneath his chin, lifting it up. She swiveled his head around, checking every ounce of skin on his body.

"You're fine." She said, sounding sort of surprised. She put his head back down on the ground.

Amadeus lifted his head, pulling his flippers back up in order to ensure he would be able to get up later on.

"But I would eat more if I were you. Man!" The Incineroar shouted, slamming her paw on the ground. "I hate it when other Pokémon set rules upon others that are unfair. I get that Pokémon think everyone has to be the same, but they've set upon ridiculous rules that are based on hate more than logic."

Amadeus appreciated her anger. It was...good to finally have a couple Pokémon on his side for once instead of zero.

He sighed. I suppose that's the joys of being me. No justice for the popping Popplio, but more justice for the starter that's a ghost type.

His ears dropped somehow despite being nub ears. They couldn't really drop down any further than they already were.

"Well, I suppose you can le-"

The shiny was interrupted by Pyxis' mother—or at least who Amadeus assumed was her mother—who was stomping her way in.

Anger and fear were in her eyes.

What is going on? Amadeus wondered with a tilt of his head.

The shiny Torracat was succeeded by the Incineroar.

The Incineroar had his paws on his knees, panting profusely.

"What happened?" Amadeus wondered.

"Why is your husband all sweaty?" The shiny Incineroar wondered as the male Incineroar wiped the sweat from his brow.

"Our daughters!" The Incineroar panted, his chest heaving excruciatingly.

Pyxis and....her sister? What was her name? Vulpix? Vulpecula? Are trouble?

Amadeus' stomach dropped.

If that was the case then they needed to go right now!

Amadeus scrambled to his feet.

I can fight!

He stuck his round pink nose at the two adults, showing off his eagerness to help.

The shiny Torracat shook her head as if to answer his question. Or maybe she was just shaking her head in disbelief at what happened.

"What about them?" The elder asked, dread was shrouding her vision.

"They've been kidnapped! IF I GET MY BLOODY PAWS ON THAT STUPID BITCHY CHARIZARD I AM GOING TO TEAR HIM APART!" Incineroar exclaimed, screaming loudly now.

He sure did look like a mess.

For a male fire type he sure was sentimental. Tears started to pour down his face as the Incineroar collapsed on the ground with a thump, making all the Pokémon in it move due to his strength.

Shiny Torracat put a paw on her husband's shoulder, patting the emotional fire type.

She started to stroke him on the back, purring, "We will get them back my dear. We are a powerful family. I'm sure we can get them back."

The Incineroar was curled into a ball, sniffling. "Y-yeah? But...that Charizard is super strong! Him and his whole group of varmints!" He responded.

Amadeus was frozen. Shock on his face.

Surely they haven't been gone for too long?

He hobbled over to the two upset tigers.

"What are you going to do about the disappearance?" Amadeus wondered, confused as to how a Charizard could have been involved in this.

He hadn't been here long, so he wouldn't know why they were so upset over a Charizard.

Surely even a Charizard of all pokemon can be defeated if we all work together, right? Amadeus thought.

"I don't know!!!!" Incineroar wailed. "Don't punch the-" Shiny Incineroar began, sending something. Unfortunately for her Incineroar went punching the wall of the den before hearing the rest of that remark.

"Wall." The shiny finished with a groan.

"It takes forever to fix the walls." The shiny remarked with a groan.

She sighed as she pulled her paw down her face, pulling her eyelids with her before she pulled her paw away from her face.

"We'll fix it." The shiny Torracat meowed, glancing over to the wall.

It was crumbling now.

Incineroar retracted his fist from the wall.

"Well, I suppose all we can do is fight." Sighed a tired Torracat.

"That damned Charizard! All he ever wants to do is fight! We could be friends now if it wasn't for him." Shiny Torracat continued, rubbing an eye with a paw.

"Then why don't you try to be their friend?" Amadeus wondered in confusion.

The shiny Torracat chuckled.

"I wish it were that easy, but that Charizard doesn't listen to reason. He's power hungry and wants to wipe us all out." Torracat said dully.

Amadeus didn't understand. He didn't understand at all.

A Pokémon who only doesn't wants to be rational? It makes no sense.

He could get the power hungry and wiping a certain Pokémon out parts, but why would a Pokémon not want to listen to reason? It just made no sense.

"Now, we have no time spare. Elder you will stay here in case they return. Amadeus will come with us as we gather a patrol of Litten, Torracat, and Incineroar to get our girls back!" Shiny Torracat meowed.

Amadeus leaped to his feet.

"I'm ready!" He said with a huge grin.

He may have just got here, but he was more than ready to help his new family.

"Alright then. Let's go gather ourselves a patrol! Let's go!" Incineroar exclaimed loudly, accidentally punching his wife in the face.

Incineroar sheepishly shrugged and ran out of the den.

Amadeus followed, not wanting to miss out.

If there's one thing I know it's that the way they portrayed this Charizard is as a cunning brute. And I won't let him kill innocent lives today!

Authors note: I'll try not to keep you as long as I've been before.

Anyways thanks for reading this.

Sorry if it might be a little sucky. I've been getting super depressed about some of my stories, and yeah.

Anyways I hope you enjoyed and I wonder what will happen in the next chapter of this story....

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