Chapter three

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"Roar!" A young adult Charizard was flying around a camp filled with Charmander, Charmeleon, and Charizard.

He was gazing at them with pride.

Nearby a young Charmander kit was running through a crispy forest. The Charizard had set it on fire to burn a family of Tepig to death. The young Charmander had been there. He had seen the replacement for the wise elder burn the family, claiming about how weak they were compared to his group.

The Charmander shivered. No one should ever have to go through such an evil process.

He followed the older evolution while in disgust that he was even related to the bloodthirsty monster.

Why him? Why did he have to be related to such a brutal Pokémon?

They were nothing alike!

Of course worse of all is that he's his brother, and he gets special treatment.

Just when you thought shinies had such special treatment....Pokémon should see how special my parents make him. Just because he's the oldest.

Man, I wish I wasn't such a wimp. The Charmander thought as he ran home to tell his family, no it wasn't him being a tattletale, what his brother had done.

He really wished his parents would stop playing favorites, and maybe think that what his brother had done was horrible. Yet, they just praised him for his wickedness.

"Blake!" The Charmander cried out, racing to meet the brother he despised so much.

The dedicated Charizard looked down at the Charmander, sighing in frustration as the little lizard hopped over bushes and roots.

He flapped his wings as he landed in front of him, knocking the poor little Charmander over.

"What do you want, pipsqueak? Can't you see I'm gloating over my victory over those worthless starters?" the Charizard growled in hatred.

He glanced into the little Charmander's eyes for a second.

He smirked at the younger starter.

"Ah, I see. You think today's the day our family will finally listen to your annoying voice. Rest assured they won't. You're a wimp. They don't like you. Not as much as they like me. Give it up. Those pieces of shit had it coming to them, being all piggy and porky. Yum," Blake teased, rubbing his stomach.

The Charmander stood up on his tiptoes.

"You think not wanting you to kill Pokemon is being a wimp? Honestly I just think you're scared of all the other fire types because you're afraid!" He shouted back at his brother.

The other fire type starters are not so bad. He had been secretly meeting up with one.

In fact, water types and grass types aren't so bad either. He had been meeting up with a Scorbunny, a Grookey, a Sobble, and a Pikachu.

If any of his fellow Charmander, Charmeleon, or Charizard found out, especially his mom, he would be in big trouble.

Blake seemed surprised at the Charmander's guts.

"I am not afraid of them, Charmandon. It should be them who should be afraid of me!" The angry Charizard roared, swiping at a tree nearby to mark it.

It was to show Charmandon who's boss without actually harming the little guy.

Charmandon was actually pretty sure that it was to better prove how great of a Pokemon Blake was to his family because he never actually psychically hurt the little Charmander.

Even if he did I'm sure he would find a way out of it, Charmandon thought with dismay.

Blake's eyes turned from rage to affection.

"But that isn't important. Let's get back to our family now, shall we?" Blake grunts as he roughly presses his paw on Charmadon's head, rubbing it.

Charmandon hated it when his older brother did that.

He presses his paws against his brother's scaly paw, shoving it. His brother just chuckled.

"You wouldn't want mom to know, do you?"

The tone in his brother's voice changed. It sounded dark.

I wouldn't want mom to know what? What does he know?! The small lizard was having a panic attack. What did he know?! I--Wait is he messing with me? Does he truly know there's something I'm hiding, but is trying to find out what it is exactly?

Luckily, Charmadon was smarter than his brother. His brother might have brute strength, but he couldn't possibly know anything about where the little lizard was going when most everyone was busy stuffing their faces with cake.

Charmadon took a breath. "What doesn't mom want to know? That you're just flying around like an idiot when there's work to be done?" Charmadon asked, making Blake freeze.

"Ugh. Whatever. Let's just get back okay? I'm supposed to keep an eye on you." Blake growled.

"You couldn't even do that job right." Charmadon pointed out with a smirk.

" SHUT UP!!" Blake roared, scaring off a few Pidgey and Rattata.

"Annoying brat," Blake huffed, folding his arms in annoyance.

Charmadon's smirk widened into a grin of mischief.

"Oh, poor you. Resulting to killing Tepig because you have nothing more important to do." Charmadon teased.

Blake blew out a puff of smoke. "Not my fault they're delicious," He said with a shrug.

"They're innocent-"

"They're annoying!! They think they can just replace the original fire type starters, but they can't!! Ugh!! You don't understand." Growled the agitated dragon.


"Who cares! They're just big, fat, and they'll never be a real Pokemon like us. Though I guess you were never really a real Charmander, fire type pet!!" Blake roared at him.

The loud and obnoxious roar caused the Charmander to flinch with fear and panic.

If no one was going to save the other fire types from his brother's greed and anger, who would?

The Charizard aggressively grabbed his brother's paw, his claws digging into him like a Scratch attack would.

Charmadon pulled on his arm, holding it with his other paw.

"Let go of me! You're hurting me!"

Blake scoffed. "You're weak. I'm barely even touching you, crybaby. Just deal with it like the rest of your Charmander buddies...oh wait you don't have any." His brother teased with such hatred that Charmadon wondered how he ever ended up a fire type.

"I have friends! Shut up, Blake! Just because you're popular with everyone else doesn't mean you have to be mean." Charmadon protested.

Blake chuckled.

"You're right, but it makes me feel powerful, and I will always be more powerful than you or any other stupid fire type...or any 'mon who gets in my way." The Charizard snorted, his smoke going into Charmadon's face.

Charmadon put his paws up to protect his face. He coughed from the fumes.

Together, the two entered the camp of the Charmander tribe.

Charmander of all shapes and sizes were playing tag together. A couple of them were even shinies.

As the two brothers walked through the camp, a purple Charizard approached them with a smile.

"Blake!" She addressed, ignoring the Charmander by his side.

She embraced Blake with a hug.

Jealousy sparked within Charmadon.

Where's my hug mom? Why does he get a hug and I don't? You're not going to hug your other son? The one who knows right from wrong-

Charmadon broke out of his thoughts.

Charmadon knew that the only real fire type in this bunch who knew right from wrong was the shiny Charizard elder.

All the others didn't know right from wrong.

They would all fight each other over the most ridiculous things. Even his mother fought with the others over things such as who got what rock. It was just a Arceus-damned rock.

His mother then glanced down at Charmadon.

"Hello to you too, failure." She growled at him.

"What?!" He whined.

"Sorry," she swiftly whispered into his ears.

That was the thing with his mom. She acted really evil when her son was around Charmadon, but some odd reason she seemed to apologize for it right after in a whisper.

I don't get it. Is she sorry, or is she being forced to apologize just because I'm son?

The purple dragon put her wing around  her son, bringing the Charizard's wings to her stomach.

"Welcome back, son." She purred.

Blake proudly bared his fangs at his mother with a cocky attitude.

"Thanks, mom. I killed a family of Tepig earlier. Aren't you proud of me?" Blake pressed.

"Of course I'm proud of you. You're the strongest son I've ever had! We should go back and eat those Tepig. They won't be fresh for long." The purple dragon informed him.

Charmadon made a disgusted face.

Why does no one ever treat me well? He wondered as his head went down, his paws slumping to the ground as well.

He walks to his den with disappointment.

He sat down, feeling the tears come out.

Why me? There can't possibly be a group more evil than this one. Those Tepigs were innocent, those Litwick were innocent, and those Litten we are trying to destroy are innocent as well. Stupid Blake! I wish I could do something about this! Charmadon thought in distress.

His tears stained his face with marks that most Charizard would not approve of. Crying is something Charizard, Charmander, and Charmeleon do not do.

A head poked out from within the shadows of the doorway.

"Son?" A manly voice questioned. A yellowish Charmeleon has poked his head into the ten year old's den.

"Yeah?" Charmadon sniffled, trying time quickly wipe his tears away.

He paused when he noticed it was his dad, not his mom or anyone else.

The shiny Charmeleon raced over to his son's side, and begun to help him wipe his own tears.

Charmadon sniffled a couple more times.

"Don't cry son," the Charmeleon softly told him, bringing him in for a hug.

Charmadon sniffled once more, pulling his father closely.

His father was the only Pokémon in the tribe of starters, probably excluding the shiny Charizard elder, who actually liked him for who he was.

Anyone else would have punched him or made fun of him for crying.

It's not my fault. A Charmander my age should never have to see what I am seeing. Charmadon pondered, sniffling a couple more times before being able to stop.

His dad patted him on the back. "You're okay son. What did he do this time?"

Charmadon told him the whole story. He especially shared what his brother did to the family of Tepig.

You could say Charmadon was a Tattletale, but his father had to know of his brother's wrongdoings. Of course, there was nothing the older pokemon could do about the fully evolved starter.

He would end up boasting about how he evolved before his father, and being superior. Of course Blake would also say how he was just jealous of evolving.

It was tough for anyone to stand up to that bully.

Charmadon was lucky he was his brother. He has a greater chance of being spared for telling on him than the one day a pretty pink Charmander told on him.

Even though she was innocent, she was treated like a criminal. Like scum.

Charmadon shivered as he continued to hug his father.

"I'm glad you're here," Charmadon whispered. "I'm sorry. If there is something I could do, I would, but-"

Charmadon pressed a paw to his dad's face. "Don't apologize." He whispered, his paws still wrapped around his father with such a loving embrace.

Unfortunately, the moment didn't last long.

Charmadon realized something was wrong.

"I-I can hear something. It sounds like..." Charmadon began, hearing loud roads of pain coming from the shiny elder's den.

"The elder!!" The Charmeleon roared as the two separated, moving out of Charmadon's den as fast as they could.

Loud roars.

That's all Charmadon could hear. someone attacking him? Did an outsider get in?!

Charmadon didn't have much time to ponder over the situation, though.

He and his father reached the den.

By the time they approached it, the sounds stop.

Is-is He okay? Charmadon wondered as his father put his paw out. "I'll go in. You stay here."

At least someone had the decency to protect me from blood. He thought with an admiration for his father.

A gasp from inside could be heard.

"Dad?! Is he-is he okay?" Charmadon asked.

His Dad stumbled out, looking stunned.

"H-he's-" the Charmeleon began before the rest of the town huddled besides them with fear and shock.
Authors note: Welp. Looks like it's a cliffhanger. I feel evil.

Anyways I introduced a new character called Charmadon to let you know what's going on within the clan/tribe of Charmander, Charmeleon, and Charizard. Hope you like him.

Anyways yes Charmadon is important to the plot. Also I just wanted to add something like this to make it nice.

I think all in all this will be twenty chapters or so if I hadn't said that before.

Anyways, what do you think happened to the elder? Is he dead? Or alive?

Next chapter will go back to our love 'mons.

And here's Charmadon's mother

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