Chapter 1: Bloody Nightmares

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After a bright light I tripped on the ground and fell onto the ground.

Y/N: Oh man talk about a sonic boom of a headache, what ever happened. ( Gasp ) Oh no.

I looked around and saw I was in green Hill but it was all wrong

Y/N: What happened here? The sky is so dark, and the water is so bloody.

I saw what looked like dead animals with most of them being mauled to death or ripped into pieces.

Y/N: What could have done this?

I then looked up and saw something extremely horrifying.

Y/N: No no no no.

I walked up to walked like a steak in the ground with Tails head on it with it being extremely bloody.

Y/N: Tails, what happened here?


I looked in the direction of where the screaming was coming from, I then shock my head.

Y/N: You know what it doesn't matter right now someone needs help. I might not be sure what's going but if I can at least save one person maybe I might get some answers to what's going on.

I then hurried to where the screaming was coming from, I then looked down to where I was running and saw Ray running with a horrified expression in his face. I then saw what was chasing him and I couldn't believe what it was

Y/N: Wait is that. Me? But why am I chasing Ray and why do I look like a monster.

I then saw it was getting closer to Ray with every passing second.

Y/N: You know what, like I said it doesn't matter he needs my help and I don't care if that thing looks like me someone has to save him.

I then jumped down and started to land where Ray and this monster were.

Y/N: Hey up here Freakazoid!

It then looked up at me with me stomping on its eye and jumping off it and fell onto the ground with me landing behind Ray with him looking at me.

Ray: S-Sonic.

Y/N: You ok Ray?

Ray: I, I think so. Look out!

I looked over to it and saw it got up and screamed at me with its eye now red and black.

Y/N: "What do I do? Normally I would fight this thing but I'm not even sure what it is and if it can be killed and seeing that Ray is in danger it's more important to get him to safety then fighting this thing."

I then passed by Ray and grabbed his arm.

Y/N: Come on Ray we need to go now!

I started running fast but not so fast that I would rip Ray's arm off.

Ray: He's gaining on us!

I looked back and saw it was slowly getting closer.

Y/N: Oh no he isn't! Hang on tight and don't let go!

He got a tight grip on me as I boosted away getting tons of distance away from him. As I kept running I saw things starting to get more distorted with that thing still chasing us, I then saw what looked like a portal ring which gave me an idea.

Y/N: Ray I need you to do me a favor. See that ring, I want you to reach for it ok?

Ray just nodded in response. I then slowed down and slowly moved to the side for Ray to reach it with that creature getting closer.

Y/N: Hurry, and grab it!

Ray reached for it and grabbed it.

Ray: Got it!

He then handed it to me with me boosting off again to gain more distance, I then tossed it which led to the chao garden.

We then made it through with the both of us falling onto the ground and when we looked back that thing was about to make it through but luckily the portal ring shrunk down to its normal size with the both us catching our breath.

Y/N: Man that was close.

I got up and looked around and saw the Chao garden.

Y/N: At least this place is still ok.

I looked over at Ray and saw he was still terrified, and when I approached him he just backed away sacredly.

Y/N: Hey Ray it's ok I'm not going to hurt, you know me I'm Y/N, or you also know me as Sonic the Hedgehog the fastest thing alive.

Ray: B-But how are you here, and there?!

I was confused what he said with him saying that creature was me, like sure it looked like me but it couldn't be me right.

Y/N: Hey listen I don't know what's going on or what that thing was but I think I can fix it but can't do that if I don't know what's going on, so just breath and tell me everything.

He then took some deep breaths and looked at me.

Ray: Your not really that guy right?

Y/N: I'm not even sure what that thing is or why it looks at me or what's wrong with this crazy place.

Ray: Ok it started like this, that thing was you but he wasn't always like this he was like you expect he wasn't a kid or had the black and white gloves, the scarf or those things on your gloves and shoes.

Y/N: Can you speed it up a bit.

Ray: Yeah right, well one day he left for a run like usual but when he came back he was that thing and started killing people, first Tails, then Knuckles, Eggman, Amy, Cream, Sally, And then Mighty I was about to be next until you saved me.

After he said that I had a good understanding what was going on but one thing that was on my mind was one thing.

Ray: Is something bothering you?

Y/N: Well you see, I'm clearly not your Sonic or Y/N or how you call him I'm from another world and we'll some people from other worlds that looked like people I knew told me that they didn't have a version of me but this one does not only that he's sometype of monster, it just isn't making any sense.

Ray: Listen I don't know what's going on either but I just want this to go back to normal and have my best friend back.

I looked at Ray and saw he was about to break down but I went over to him and smiled.

Y/N: Don't worry I'm going to fix this and I'm not leaving this place until I do.

Ray: Wait Really, your going to fix this?

Y/N: Of course it is what I do but if I'm going to do this I'm going to need your help on?

He then looked at me and nodded.

Ray: Ok then I'll do what I can to help.

Y/N: That's the spirit, first things first I don't know how long this place will be safe so we're going to give this place some form of security and way to keep in contact with each other.

I started to think with me getting an idea.

Y/N: Tails Miles electric, not only it's a translator but it's also able to communicate with others from long distances even through other worlds.

Ray: Your going back, what if he finds you he'll kill you!?

Y/N: ( Smirks ) Then I just got to run faster then him, but listen if that thing does show up hide and try to get out without getting spotted got it.

Ray: Ok.

Y/N: Cool.

I went over to the portal ring and picked it up and tossed it which lead back to Green Hill.

Y/N: Don't worry Ray I'll be back before you can read a fortune card reading, see ya.

I went through and grabbed the ring when it was returned to it's normal size.

Y/N: Ok then let's do this.

I then charged up and ran to where Tails work shop was in Green Hill.

And that is it I hoped you enjoyed and I'll see you later.

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