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( Before we begin I want to add more into the harem )

Lanolin the Sheep
Bunnie Rabbot

That's it there will be more but I won't say and also I'm making Supernova be it's own separate form and not tied into Chaos to give a quick summary of how it works. Think a form powered by the energy of the wisp. With that let's do this


I was at home waking up in my bed and getting a good stretch.

Y/N: Ahh good morning world.

I then looked at Rusty who's kinda been staying in my room.

Y/N: And morning Rusty, did you rest well?

Rusty: I don't need sleep.

Y/N: I know I'm just being thoughtful.

I got out of bed and after getting ready I went to get breakfast with Rusty making pancakes for me.

Y/N: Thanks Rusty.

Rusty: You are welcome Y/N

Manic soon came in with him making some coffee with him being tired.

Y/N: Hey Manic, what's wrong didn't get enough Z last night?

Manic: Yeah, just got done with stealing again.

Y/N: What did you even steal?

Manic: That's for me to know and you not to find out.

Y/N:... Rusty what he take.

Manic: Wait what?!

Rusty: He stole Sonia makeup so he can go see a boy band.


Y/N:.... You know what I'm not going to question it, besides I be worried about something else.

Manic: What?

Sonia entered the kitchen and she was mad.

Sonia: Manic!!!

Y/N: Her ( eats pancake )

Manic: Oh Fuck this I'm out, Y/N if I don't make it back tell my mom I love her!

Manic ran out the door with Sonia chasing him.

Y/N: Ok, don't let the door hit you on your way out.

Rusty: Why would Manic worry about the door hitting him while Sonia is the actual threat?

Y/N: It's a joke Rusty remember you sense of humor.

Rusty: Oh yes it was a joke initiate.laugh track

Y/N: Eh your getting better at understanding humor.

We soon heard the doorbell ring.

Y/N: Mind getting that?

Rusty: As you wish.

Rusty left and came back with some letters for me.

Y/N: Let's see these are.

I then grabbed the letters and started looking at them.

Y/N: Ok, love letter from Tangle, love letter from Whisper, love letter from Breezie wow the mayor of Station square is even sending love letters.

Rusty: Isn't she a machine made by Eggman?

Y/N: Yeah but it's a long story. Love letter from Mina oh it even comes with a code for her song to listen to might want to check that out, someone making a fanfic of me like that isn't normal, love letter from Lanolin, and my paycheck from Sega. Man ever since everyone heard I have a harem people have been sending me love letters.

Rusty: It has been rather an fascinating experience.

Y/N: You can say that again, like Sage who last time I saw her she was almost as tall as me and now she's much taller and older but not only that but Nicole at one point used my phone as a teleporter to show up here and wanted to cuddle me which I don't mind but it is interesting how Nicole can do that.

Rusty: Indeed, but does it bother you that she does that.

Y/N: It would be if she was annoying but she's really nice and I don't mind her company besides I told she's welcome to visit me just as long she let's me know first.

Soon my phone started to ring.

Y/N: I wonder if that's her? ( Picks up ) Hello this is Y/N speaking.

Amy: Hey Y/N

Y/N: Oh hi Amy, how are you doing?

Amy: Oh nothing I'm doing fine just wanted to see how your doing.

Y/N: I'm good, just had breakfast and I even thought that Nicole was calling.

Amy: Why Nicole?

Y/N: I don't know, I was talking to Rusty about her and how Nicole can visit me if she wants she just has to text or call first and at that same moment you called.

Amy: So it was a coincidence that I call you when your talking about Nicole?

Y/N: Yeah pretty much.

Amy: Ok well if your not doing anything would you like to hangout with me at Twinkle park I have a gift for you

Y/N: Sure sounds like fun be there in a second.

I then hung up and looked at Rusty.

Y/N: Well Rusty I'm off to see Amy mind holding down the fort?

Rusty: As you wish.

I then left with me meeting up with Amy.

Y/N: Hey Amy am I late?

Amy: Nope, you arrived right on time just as I expected.

Y/N: I know I am the fastest thing alive after all, so what is it you wanted to give me?

Amy then held out a box to me, I then opened it and found the rainbow gems.

Y/N: How did you get these?

Amy: Well after my trip from Soleanna with Sally and Bunnie I saw those gems and they seemed familiar, like you used them so I decided to surprise you with them, so do you like it if not I can take them back.

Even I remembered what she is talking about these gems have been useful and it is a thoughtfull gift.

Y/N: Amy I love them, and I do remember using them and they where useful besides it is really thoughtful you get me something even though you didn't have too.

I was about to put them on my shoes but all of them started to glow brightly and all of them entered my shoes with my shoes absorbing the gems like the paradox energy.

Amy: What the, did they do that before?

Y/N: Nope this must be new, maybe because of the paradox energy either way at least I have them all the time now. Anyway ready to go to Twinkle Park?

Amy: Actually I was thinking we get some ice cream.

Y/N: Sure I'll even pay it's the least I can do since you got me those gems.

Amy smiled brightly as we went to go get ice cream.


After we got our ice cream I got a Sundae and Amy got strawberry swirl.

Y/N: This is good.

Amy nodded in agreement and took a like of her ice cream she then saw something.

Amy: Hey Y/N look.

She pointed at Eggman with Sage and Belle with the two getting along.

Y/N: Hey Egghead what brings you, Sage and Belle here, no evil schemes right?

Eggman: Nah I'm just here doing some father and daughter bonding time.

Amy: And how is Belle here?

Eggman: Well Sage found her deactivated and asked who she was, I then told her about how she was made and asked if we can keep her so I said yes and well here she is the two kinda act like sisters with Sage being the older sibling.

Y/N: No kidding. Hey Sage Belle how you two doing you two getting along.

Belle: Hi Y/N it's been awhile and yes we are getting along, Sage is the best sister I ever had.

Sage: Indeed I've been taking the necessary steps to ensure a happy relationship between us.

Amy: Ah that's so cute!

Y/N: Agreed, so Sage I've been getting your love letters or love texts? Either way I don't mind if we are together, besides the others don't mind unless your dad disagrees.

Eggman: Well I have seen the text and back then I wouldn't agree but if this what Sage wants then allow it, but don't try any tricks.

Y/N: I won't, you have my word good old doctor.

Eggman: Good, besides I might be an evil doctor but I'm a good father.

Y/N: I know.

Eggman: Well we'll be going, see you around Y/N.

Y/N: You too doc, see you Sage love you and be a good girl for both your dad and big sister Belle.

Belle: I will.

They then left happily with Belle skipping as she held Sage's hand.

???: Hey Y/N

We both got startled with us turning to see Tails.

Y/N: Oh it's just you Tails man you have us a bit of a scare.

Tails: Sorry about that.

Amy: So why are you here in Station Square?

Tails: Oh you know running some errands and I saw you guys and I thought why not tag along.

Y/N: Well we were about to head to Twinkle park.

Tails: Sounds like fun, can I join?

Y/N: Well that's for Amy to decide, well Amy you mind he comes with.

Amy: Well, I guess it couldn't hurt but you might need to pay to get in.

Tails: Ok by me.


As they left for Twinkle park in Tails lab both Tails and Nine where working with something came up.

Nine: Tails you might want to see this.

Tails: What's wrong.

Nine: I just got this transmission from awhile ago, someone traveled to our world and judging from the readings it seemed to happen after we defeated the Chaos Council.

Tails: Can you track where they are now?

Nine: It seems to be in... Station Square.

Tails: Amy is there!

Nine: So is Y/N!

Tails: We've got to hurry, I'll start up the tornado!

They soon got in the tornado and hurried to Station Square.


We soon got out of Twinkle park.

Y/N: I'll admit that was kinda fun.

Amy: Agreed much more fun when your not being chased by a giant robot.

Y/N: True, so Tails I'm guessing you heading back to your workshop?

Tails: Yes but I want to show you something when we get there.

Y/N: Really what is it?

Before Tails could answer Nine came out of nowhere and kicked him in the face sending him flying and hitting a wall.

Amy: Tails! What's wrong Nine I thought you and Tails are friends?

???: That isn't me.

Soon Tails jumped down standing by Nine with both me and Amy confused.

Amy: Wait Tails? How are you here and over there unless.

Y/N: That's another Tails from another world. Who are you?

He then got up and looked at us but his face was hidden

Tails: Don't you get it.

He started then started to change with his bones popping and changing into someone else.

Tails?: I AM Y/N BEST FRIEND!!! Aren't I'm right Amy?

Soon someone else came out and I didn't know what I was looking at, they looked at Amy but she looked like some Frankenstein monster

Y/N: What the, Amy. What did he do to you?

Amy?: Isn't it obvious silly willy, he's helped me and now I'm your dream girl!

Nine: You look like a monster.

Amy?: Shut up you imposter Tails!

Nine: My name is Nine not Tails, Nine.

Y/N: What do you want?

Tails?: It's obvious Y/N we are here to take you home and get you away from these fakes!

Y/N: Funny, cause I'm already home and these fakes are my friends and girlfriend and I'm not going to let you hurt them.

Tails?: We don't care about them, we only want you Y/N and your coming with us even if we have to drag you home!

Y/N: Oh really. You want me you'll have to catch me.

I moved my head over to Tails.

Y/N: ( Whispers ) I'll distract them you guys go get help.

Tails nodded and ran off with both and Amy and Nine and looked at both this crazy Tails and Amy with me running back inside Twinkle Park and having the two chasing me.


As Tails, Amy and Nine ran to go get help Nine stopped and looked over Twinkle park.

Amy: Nine what's wrong?

He then took flight and headed to Twinkle park.

Nine: I'm going back for him I'm not losing my best friend!

Back with Y/N was running through the park really fast with Crazy Tails and Crazy Amy chasing him. As he kept running someone started shooting at the Tails and Amy with Nine using an arm cannon like Tails but it was more metallic like.

Y/N: Nine, I told you to run!

Nine: You expect me to stay behind and leave you behind with these things? No way!

Crazy Tails: Stay out of this you fake!

He then tossed his hammer at Nine but Nine actived a force field from his belt which protected him from Crazy Tails hammer.

Nine: I've studied some of your friends and enemy's and pulled some tricks from thiers like Metal Sonica black shield.

Nine then started firing his arm cannon again with him fighting more shots at the two but they where able to dodge them. Crazy Amy them knocked down a pillar which cause a building to fall apart and making a major dust cloud with Mine unable to see the two and Y/N.

Y/N kept running with the two getting closer with Y/N having to focus on dodging debris that fell onto the ground, as he kept running he started to glow and then suddenly he disappeared into fin air.

Crazy Amy: Where he go?

As the dust cleared Nine landed Infront of them with Tails and Amy coming back with them getting team dark.

Rouge: When you said there was a crazy version of you and a Frankenstein version of Amy you I thought you were joking, now I see your serious.

Omega: Targets seem to be hostile proceeding to extermination.

Amy: What? There are still people here Omega.

Shadow: Hold your fire we need these two to give us answers about what just happened.

Nine held his cannon at them with fury in his eyes with a charge shot ready.

Nine: Where is Y/N? What did you two do to him?

Crazy Tails started laughing.

Rouge: What's so funny cause I ain't laughing freakazoid.

Crazy Tails: It's obvious Y/N must've traveled to another universe while he was running.

Shadow: What are you talking about Fox?

Crazy Tails: Oh nothing we'll see you soon.

He started laughing again with Nine firing but the two disappeared in bright flash of pink light.

Nine: Damn it.

They soon got out with them wondering about what Crazy Tails said.

Rouge: What did he mean by "traveled to another universe"?

Tails: I don't know, it doesn't sound good though.

Nine: Actually I might know what he was talking about, follow me to my lab I'll explain everything and get whoever you can to my place.

They nodded and left to get everyone

And that is it I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you next time

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