Chapter 4: Nightmares End

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I was running through Green Hill until I got to a point I saw that thing floating in the air like it was waiting for me to face him, soon Tails appeared by me.

Ghost Tails: Are you going to fight him?

Y/N: If it's the only way to end this and save you guys of course I'm going to fight him.

Ghost Tails: Ok, but please be safe and make it quick and painless.

Y/N: I will.

He then disappeared with me looking back at that thing. I then felt my hand shake in rage but I held tight.

Y/N: Your not doing this for revenge your doing this to save this world and the people who live in it.

I jumped down and started running at it with him looking down at me, I then summoned the Chaos Emeralds and they started to spin around me as I ran at it.

I flew at it with us being the same level at it with me looking at it and it looking at me.


The two flew at each other with Y/N dodging EYX attack and elbowing it in the stomach sending it flying a bit with Y/N then appearing Infront of EYX with Y/N doing a fury of punches and kicks.

EYX then countered with him attacking Y/N with his claws which didn't hurt Y/N but it did send him flying, and it then tried to follow it up Y/N held his arms up blocking it attacks and Y/N then parried it's attack and at that moment in time Y/N moved out of the way and countered with a powerful kick which sent EYX flying into the air.

Y/N then flew up into the air and did an axe kick which sent EYX plummeting into the ground which caused a massive crator. EYX then flew back at Y/N with Y/N dodging out of the way of EYX attack and following it up with a homing shot which hit EYX with Y/N then following it up with him doing a homing attack into him which he followed up with a spin slash which sent EYX with Y/N then fired a bunch of Cross slashes which damaged EYX a lot.

EYX started to twitch as it's rolled to the back of it's head and turned black with a massive red iris with it's teeth getting sharping and growing to massive size and screaming. It then disappeared with Y/N looking for it. EYX then appeared behind Y/N tried to reach out for him and everything went black

Y/N grabbed a hold EYX arm and elbow chopped it which made a loud cracking noise with the arm being ripped off with EYX only have one arm now. Y/N then did a fury of punches again with him kicking him away, he then grabbed a hold of EYX other arm and started to spin him around until throwing him into a mountain with it breaking apart. Y/N then did a spin dash with him attacking EYX in the head he then appeared above EYX with him summoning after images of himself and did a grandslam which sent him flying into the ground with Y/N following it up with Y/N him slamming into EYX multiple times which made the ground shake.

EYX then teleported again and tried to chomp down on him but Y/N grabbed a hold of EYX mouth as he tried to crush him holding back against the force of EYX mouth. Y/N then forced EYX mouth open and flew out, Y/N then did a spin kick which broke EYX jaw with it dangling. Y/N then flew at EYX and flew into him and then did a cycloop which chained up with Y/N flying into orbit and coming down with enough speed and force crashing into EYX which caused EYX to be bounced into the air and then being impaled with a massive spear.

EYX then stood up with him unable to fight, Y/N then moved back and powered up with him rocketing forward at EYX

As Y/N blasted through EYX with blasting through his eye and with a twitch EYX started to fall to the ground with him exploding with Y/N watching.


After that thing was destroyed I watched all a stream of light what looked like souls coming out as that thing was destroyed and as I looked around all the life and color of Green Hill came back, with the sky becoming blue along with the water no longer being blood, the grass now green, and all the animals were brought back to life with the that thing being reduced to nothing.

I then looked to the ground and saw a bright light and saw everyone brought back to life.

Y/N: It worked, it really worked.

I then flew by them with everyone watching me.

Amy: We are back?

Knuckles: But how?

Cream: Look everyone it's Mr.Sonic

They watched me fly by them and while they looked confused with Ray and Tails happy.

Ray: I knew you could do it!

Y/N: What did you have any doubt in me.

Tails: A little, way a go.

I gave them a thumbs up with me looking at the others.

Y/N: I'm guessing I have some explaining to do.

Ray: You see this isn't our Sonic this is a Sonic from another world and he is called Y/N but Sonic is also his nickname.

Amy: Then what happened to our Sonic?

I was silent as I held my head down with them getting the point I was trying to tell them.

Cream: Wait what's that?

She pointed to the sky with me looking up and saw another ghost and at a closer look we saw who it was.

Tails: Sonic?

He then got closer with him looking sad.

Ghost Sonic: Guys, I'm sorry for what happened you know I would never hurt you.

Y/N: Hey it wasn't your fault you were being controlled by whatever that was.

Tails: He's right, I went through the same thing too after I turned into a monster so it's not your fault.

Mighty: We know you never try to hurt us on purpose so you have nothing to worry about.

Amy: We already have forgiven you Sonic.

Sonic then smiled while crying.

Ghost Sonic: Thanks guys, but what I do now I'm a ghost I can't really do anything.

I then turned back to normal and landed by the others and looked at Eggman.

Y/N: Can you build him a body he can use?

Eggman: I think so, besides after what you did I owe you something.


I was with the others as we waited for Sonic and Eggman.

Amy: So in your world do you have an Amy?

Y/N: Yep me and her are even a couple. In fact I date four Amys

Amy then just squealed with so loud it could shatter glass.

Amy: If that means that if four Amys can be with her Sonic then there's a chance for me.

Y/N: Maybe I'm not sure this whole multiverse stuff is still new to me.

Mighty: You also said you thought you were the only Sonic?

Y/N: Yeah that's because when people from other worlds showed up they didn't have a Sonic.

Tails: That does sound strange.

Eggman: It's done.

Eggman came out with Sonic coming out in his new body

Y/N: How you feel?

Sonic: ( Robotic voice ) I feel like I'm wearing a suit of armor that I can't take off.

Eggman: Luckily with the remains that were left behind they still had his power within so I used them to recreate his powers.

Y/N: At least your still the fastest thing alive in your world.

Sonic: I guess so, I'm just glad things can go back to normal.

Y/N: Me too, I better get going I need to get back with my friends and family.

Sonic: Sounds good, and hey little guy thanks for everything.

Y/N: No problem it's that's what is Sonic's do.

Sonic: Got that right, see you later Y/N

Y/N: You too Sonic, take care.

I then ran off running through Green hill with it full of life.

Y/N: Now this is more like it, beautiful blue skies, clear shiny water, fresh gress, and all the animals living peacefully. Anyway better get going if I remember I just had to keep running and then boom I'll traveled through out the multiverse again, just hope it takes me home.

I kept running until a bright flash of blue light filled my vision.

And that is it I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you later

Nine POV

After some waiting I came out with the others waiting.

Nine: Sorry for the wait.

Amy: What is it you wanted to show us?

Nine: This

I then showed them my project.

Nine: Behold the Shatter Ripper this ship will allow anyone to travel throughout the Multiverse, but that's not all I have to show them.

I showed them a screen which showed a multi universal map with an explosion happening.

Nine: That is an explosion of Paradox energy and it didn't happen not too long ago, and we all know who is foaming with Paradox energy.

Sally: Y/N which means.

Amy: He's alright!

Rebel: Can you find him.

Nine: That's the problem with it being a massive explosion it's hard to track it.

Shadow: So we are just shooting in the dark.

Amy: Then we better get going to find him

Charmy: This is going to be so much fun!

Nine: Sorry only I can go, it's still a prototype and it only has two seats and enough room for three so I have to go alone.

Aleena: It's ok we understand, just bring him home safely.

Sonia: And don't let that crazy Tails and Amy pull a hair from his head.

Nine: I will.

I got in and set the Shatter Ripper for take off and as I flew I reached the maximum speed required and soon I found myself inside of the multiverse with tons of universes in every corner. I then pulled a photo of me and him.

Nine: Hold on Y/N I'm coming.

I then blasted off to the first universe I could find.

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