Chapter 5: A change in pace

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After that bright light I found myself a bit more... Strange.

I looked around and saw that the ground was purple, with a black pathway with the sky yellow. When I touched the pathway it felt like a normal dirt path but the color made it look like a road.

Y/N: Ok definitely not home, this place is kinda strange and a total change what I just dealt with. Well it looks like there is only one way to go, here it goes.

I started running with me seeing more of the scare with me seeing tons of things in the sky.

Y/N: Yep definitely not home.

I soon made it to a hill with me seeing sometype of town in the distance.

Y/N: Looks like there is some form of civilization here. I just hope the people here are more friendly then what I just dealt with.


As Y/N stood there looking outward to the town up ahead two badniks showed up with them being Scratch and Grounder.

Scratch: I'm ready, you ready?

Grounder: I'm ready. Ready for what?

Scratch: Spring the trap!

Grounder: I knew that.

He then pressed a button and some mechanical hands grabbed a hold of Y/N legs with him dangling upside down.


Y/N: Ok if this is meant to be some type of joke cause I ain't laughing.

Soon two robots showed up with them looking something you see from a kids toy box

???: We did it! We did it!

Chicken: Finally I have captured the hedgehog and doctor Robotnik will reward me handsomely.

Wait Robotnik? Does he mean it as in Eggman? Great so there's an Eggman in this world too and from what I'm guessing he probably has it out for this world's Sonic.

Drill: You? It was me who trapped him.

Chicken: It was my plan that captured him.

Drill: I had to build it!

Chicken: Under my supervisor!

Man this feels like something from a cartoon.

Y/N: Hey uh guys one minute of your time.

They then both looked at me as I was left dangling.

Y/N: Listen I'm really busy, I have places to be and people to see so how about you guys let me go we'll pretend we never met and you guys go your way and I'll go my way.

They both then looked at me confused.

Chicken: Hey the Hedgehog looks different?

Drill: How so?

Chicken: Don't you see you idiot, he's shorter than before and he sounds like a kid, also he's wearing a scarf and has some weird shoes and gloves on.

Drill: Yeah you're right, also where that fox friend you're always with?

Y/N: Like I tell you, so I'll say this again. You guys let me go and we'll pretend we never saw each other and we go out separate ways.

Chicken: Or maybe this is some cheap disguise and your fox friend is nearby.

Drill: Yeah just how stupid do you think we are.

Y/N: Dumb enough you confuse me with someone else, ( sighs ) look like I said I got places to be and people to see so, I'll catch you two.

I then fazed right through the hands that grabbed me and landed on the ground safely.

Y/N: On the flip side.

Drill: How did he do that?

Chicken: Doesn't matter grab him!

I then charged up my legs with me boosting off with me sending those two flying as I hurried to the two.

Y/N: I'm guessing those two must know the Sonic and Tails of this world. I wonder how those two are like?


I soon made it to the town with me walking around it.

Y/N: I'll admit this is nice place.

I then passed by someone.

???: Hi Sonic

Y/N: Hey.

I then stopped in my tracks and turned around and saw the person that just said hello was a walking talking hotdog.

Y/N: Either I'm in a different universe where everything is like a Saturday morning cartoon. Or I've finally lost my mind!

I looked at every corner and pretty much everyone was a hotdog even the cars were hotdogs, I then even saw a factory that was producing hotdogs along with a hotdog couple eating hotdogs.

Y/N: What type of town did I just walk into?! Man my head is starting to hurt and seeing everything being a hotdog is making me hungry.

I started to walk around the town with me seeing more of the hotdog people waving at me. I soon I found a cafe with me going inside and taking a seat.

Y/N: Man the time I get really hungry and the first place I had to go to is a place full of sentient hotdog people who eat hotdogs.

Soon a waitress with her being a hotdog too.

Waitress: Oh hey Sonic welcome back where's your fox buddy?

Y/N: It's a long story.

Waitress: Oh dear you look you haven't eaten or slept in days.

Y/N: You have no idea.

Waitress: How about you stay here and rest on the chairs and I'll make you our favorites on the house.

Y/N: Thanks I could use some sleep.

I laid down on the cushion and rested my eyes.


As Y/N rested in his seat the Sonic of this world and Tails arrived into town.

Sonic: See Tails I told you we make it into town.

Tails: I know, can we get some food now I'm starving.

Sonic: Sure thing little buddy let's juice to the cafe from last time we where here.

The two made their way inside with Sonic seeing the place.

Sonic: Man this place must've been remodeled ever since the last time we were here.

Tails: You can say that again Sonic.

They then saw the waitress from last time with food ready.

Sonic: Looks like they were ready for us to show up.

He then went up to the waitress with Tails following behind him.

Sonic: We'll just take those off your hands mam.

Waitress looked confused on how Sonic was here standing Infront of her and sleeping on one of the cushions.

Tails: Something wrong?

Waitress: Wait in all of Mobius, how are you here and over there?

Sonic: Say what now?

Tails: Sonic look.

Tails pointed at Y/N as he slept on.

Tails: There's another Sonic here.

Sonic: No way must be one of Robotnik's robots in disguise, hold on Tails I'll deal with this.


As I rested I started having nightmares of that nightmare of a world I got back from with me reliving the horrors I saw. I was about to relive seeing Ray's death with someone knocking me on the head.

Y/N: Ow! Hey what's the big idea hitting someone while they are trying to get some sleep.

???: Says the imposter trying to rip off my way past cool look.

I then saw what must be this world's Sonic and Tails

Y/N: Oh I see what the problem is, take a seat I'll explain everything.

They sat down in front of me with this version of Sonic tapping his finger impatiently.

Sonic: Well, we're waiting.

Y/N: Ok, you see I'm not a robot or an imposter of you, I'm another version of you named Y/N and I'm from a different world.

Sonic: Oh really, how we supposed to believe that.

Tails: Yeah you could just be in disguise.

Y/N: Seriously? I have quite a few differences from you, like I have more quills them you with you having more of a mohawk, my shoes are bigger along with my gloves being white and black also with them having peices of metal on them along with that I have a scarf while you don't quite a bit of a difference and more importantly I'm way younger then you.

Sonic: Ok let's just say you are another version of me say something only I would know?

Y/N: Your best friend Tails real name is Miles Power with you giving him that nickname because he has two Tails.

The two both sat there with them both in disbelief.

Sonic: Yep you are another version of me from another world.

Y/N: Exactly.

Waitress: Here's your food.

Tails: Thank you I'm starving.

Y/N: That makes two of us.

We then started eating like a bunch of pigs.

Sonic: Man that really hit the spot.

Y/N: You said it.

Tails: Hey do you have your own Tails where your from?

Y/N: Do I have a Tails? I just don't have one Tails I have four Tails.

Tails: Really?

Y/N: Yep, first there's obviously my Tails, then there's Sails who's a pirate who has a third robot arm, there's Mangy who acts like a real fox and finally Nine who has well Nine tails with him having his two normal tails and seven mechanical tails.

Sonic: A pirate Tails? Man that sounds way past cool.

I just gruned and facepalmed myself.

Y/N: Really, way past cool I can't believe I used to say that.

Sonic: What's with way past cool?

Y/N: Trust me way past cool gets old fast.

Tails: Is there anything unique about me?

Y/N: Well your much younger then most Tails I've met and your fur is brown while most I've met are yellow but the color really suits you.

Tails: Thanks so, what other worlds have you been to?

When he said that I couldn't imagine telling him what I saw.

Y/N: Maybe when you're older.

Sonic: How come.

I thought about it and maybe it's ok to tell this Sonic.

Y/N: I'll tell you but Tails stay outside I don't want you to hear this.

Tails: ( Pouts ) Alright.

He then went outside with me and this Sonic alone.

Y/N: Listen the place I went to was extremely horrible.

Sonic: Why did Robotnik took over?

Y/N: No and I'll be honest if Robotnik took over, it would've been better then what I saw.

Sonic: Seriously that bad.

Y/N: Like the version of Tails I saw had his face melted off.

Sonic: Dang I don't even words to describe it.

Y/N: That's only the beginning.

I then started to tell him everything I saw there.

Sonic: Again Dang, you were right telling Tails to wait outside while we talked he probably have nightmares if he heard what you told me.

Y/N: Agreed.

Tails: Sonic help!

Sonic/Y/N: Tails!

We both ran outside and saw that Amy from before having Tails tied up.

Y/N: You?

Sonic: Friend of yours?

Y/N: You can say that.

Sonic: You put my little buddy down right now if you know what's good for you, don't you know who I, I mean who we are?

Mad Amy: Of course I do that's why I'm doing this.

She then ran off into the shadows with Tails calling for us.

Sonic: That no for good fox kidnapper, just wait until I catch up to her.

He was about to run after her but I stopped him.

Sonic: What are you doing my best buddy just got kidnapped.

Y/N: I know but listen you have no idea what you're up against. Look I know we just met but if you want to see your Tails again we are going to have to worked together or you'll never see him again.

He then stood there and took a breath.

Sonic: Your right I don't know what I'm up against, normally I just deal with Robotnik or his robots but this is different, if we have to work together to save my little buddy then I'll do it.

He then shock my hand in agreement.

Y/N: Thanks now come on we don't time to lose.

Sonic: Right behind you!

We both ran out of the town with me leaving a trail of blue light behind while he left a trail of dust behind him as we both chased after Mad Amy.

And that was it I hope you enjoyed I'll see you later

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